The Journey InsideSM: Digital Information Student …

[Pages:3]I ntel? Teach Program The Jour ne y I nside

The Journey I nsideSM: Digit al I nform at ion

St udent Handout : ASCI I Com put er Code

ASCI I Com put e r Code

Com put ers work in binary code. I nform at ion is coded using 0s and 1s. Each 0 or 1 is called a bit. I n the early years of com puter developm ent, different com puter com panies applied t he binary syst em in t heir own way. The code for t he let t ers in t he word " cat " was oft en different in different brands of com puters. Event ually, a set of st andards was developed. Com put er m anufact urers agreed t o use one code called t he ASCI I ( Am erican St andard Code for I nform at ion I nt erchange) . ASCI I is an 8- bit code. That is, it uses eight bit s t o represent a let t er or a punct uat ion m ark. Eight bit s are called a byte. A binary code with eight digits, such as 1101 10112, can be stored in one byt e of com put er m em ory. The word " CAT" in a word processor becom es 0100 00112, 0100 00012, and 0101 01002. The word " cat " is 0110 00112, 0110 00012, and 0111 01002.

Each let t er, num ber, and sym bol is represent ed by an 8- bit ASCI I code. Part of t he ASCI I code is given in t his handout . Not ice t hat t here is even an ASCI I code for a blank space.

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I ntel? Teach Program The Jour ne y I nside

Act iv it ie s

1. Use t he ASCI I code t o writ e your first nam e or nicknam e in binary num bers beginning wit h an uppercase let t er and cont inuing wit h lowercase let t ers. Put t he letters of your nam e in the first colum n.

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I ntel? Teach Program The Jour ne y I nside

2. On a separat e sheet of paper, writ e a short m essage in ASCI I . Exchange m essages with a partner and decode each other's m essage.

3. The ASCI I code for a blank space is t he decim al num ber 32, or t he binary num ber 0010 00002. Why do you think it is im port ant to have a code for a blank space?

4. How m any charact ers of t ext are t here in an average book? To help answer t his quest ion, select several different books of varying lengt hs. For each book, est im at e t he num ber of charact ers of t ext . Rem em ber t o count t he punct uat ion m arks and include t he blank charact er bet ween words and sent ences. Since ASCI I is an 8- bit code and requires 8 binary num bers to represent each letter, blank space, or punct uat ion m ark, how m any binary num bers does it t ake t o represent t he t ext of an average book? ( Hint : Mult iply 8 by t he average num ber of t ext charact ers.)

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