Personal Wellness GHTH 100

Personal Wellness

GHTH 100

Course Description

GHTH 100, Personal Wellness is a course in which students select to fulfill their General Education Wellness requirement. This course examines all the dimensions of health and wellness. An emphasis is placed on the factors that influence health and wellness, particularly individual behaviors. Students participate in self-assessments that provide information about their health and wellness behaviors and their overall health status. In addition, students will learn strategies that improve lifetime health and wellness. The course includes a physical wellness assignment and completion of the Wellness Passport.

Course Objectives

This course is designed to enable each student to:

Understand the dimensions of wellness, the various factors affecting each dimension, and how dimensions are interrelated.

Understand the relationship between personal behaviors and lifelong health and wellness.

▪ Recognize an individual’s level of health and wellness and understand how these levels impact quality of life.

▪ Identify and implement strategies that improve an individual’s wellness.

▪ Make plausible interpretations about behavior in social contexts.

▪ Identify implications of taking action regarding social/behavioral issues.

▪ Use evidence to develop and evaluate positions regarding social/behavioral sciences

▪ Discriminate between ethical and nonethical practices in social/behavioral sciences.

Identify relevant contributions of sociocultural/psychological variables to theories about human behavior and social interaction.

GHTH 100 Class Schedule

|Section |Location |Professor |E-mail |Telephone |

|001 MWF |ISAT 159 |Dr. Terri Prodoehl | |568-8704 |

|10:10-11:00 | | | | |

|002 TuTH |HHS 2301 |Dr. Connie Peterson | |568-7085 |

|9:30-10:45 | | | | |

|003 TuTH |ISAT 159 |Dr. Debra Sutton | |568-3392 |

|12:30-1:45 | | | | |

|004 TuTh |HHS 2301 |Dr. Todd Sabato | |568-2979 |

|11:00-12:15 | | | | |

|005 MWF |ISAT 159 |Dr. Terri Prodoehl | |568-8704 |

|12:20-1:10 | | | | |

|006 TuTH |HHS 2301 |Dr. Jeanne Wenos | |568-2841 |

|12:30-1:45 | |Dr. David Wenos | |568-3928 |

|007 TuTh |HHS 1302 |Dr. Todd Sabato | |568-2979 |

|2:00-3:15 | | | | |

|008 TuTH |ISAT 159 |Dr. Debra Sutton | |568-3392 |

|3:30-4:45 | | | | |

Required Textbook and Course Manual

The following materials are required for all sections of Personal Wellness – GHTH 100

1. Paul M. Insel and Walton T. Roth, Core Concepts in Health, 10th edition,

McGraw Hill, 2006

2. GHTH 100 Personal Wellness Course Manual, 7th edition, McGraw Hill Custom Publishing, 2006.

Course Content

Your instructor may select course content from any of the following chapters or additional chapters in the GHTH 100 required textbook:

Chapter 1 Taking Charge of Your Health

Chapter 2 Stress: The Constant Challenge

Chapter 3 Psychological Health

Chapter 4 Intimate Relationships and Communications

Chapter 5 Sex and Your Body

Chapter 6 Contraception

Chapter 7 Abortion

Chapter 8 Pregnancy and Childbirth

Chapter 9 The Use and Abuse of Psychoactive Drugs

Chapter 10 The Responsible Use of Alcohol

Chapter 11 Toward a Tobacco-Free Society

Chapter 12 Nutrition Basics

Chapter 13 Exercise for Health and Fitness

Chapter 14 Weight Management

Chapter 15 Cardiovascular Health

Chapter 16 Cancer

Chapter 17 Immunity and Infection

Chapter 18 Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Course Requirements

All Sections of GHTH 100 will be required to complete the following assignments:

1. TestWell – All students are required to complete a pre/post wellness assessment. The TestWell inventory is located in this manual. Your instructor will give you specific instructions and due dates for how they want you to complete these assignments.

2. Individual Physical Wellness Assignment – All GHTH 100 students will complete this assignment. Instructions for this assignment are in this manual.

3. Wellness Passport – See complete instructions for this assignment and your verification pages in this manual. All information about the wellness passport program, including the calendar of approved events may be found at the following location:


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