Curled Peppergrass Cress Dwarf Siberian Kale

[Pages:2]CIMMARON RED ROMAINE CONTINUED: Planting Cimmaron Red Romaine lettuce is best planted directly in an area of the ground that has rich soil and full sun. Plant seedlings 10-12 inches apart in rows 18-24 inches apart. Cimmaron Red Romaine lettuce can be planted at several intervals throughout the year. Keep soil moist without overwatering. Harvest Baby leaves can be harvested from Cimmaron Red Romaine lettuce after only 30-35 days. For full size leaves the plant should be allowed to continue for 60-70 days.

popular beets available. Normally reaching about 3 inches in diameter, dark red beets were developed directly from blood turnips. Both the

Green Oakleaf looseleaf lettuce

leaves and the root portion of dark red beets can be harvested for use.

Early settlers brought dark red beets to America.

Heirloom l Non-GMO l Germination: 7-14 Days l Harvest: 50-75

Dark red beets contain a large amount of sugar and therefore have a recognizable sweet flavor when used for cooking. Dark red beets also

Green Oakleaf lettuce is a looseleaf type of lettuce that can grow to a height of 12 inches and is quite popular worldwide. It is thought to have

have traditionally been used to add zip and sweetness to salads, soups first been used near the Mediterranean over 4,500 years ago. The dark

and pizza among others. Beet fries are a nutritious alternative to regular french fries.

green area of each leaf is a good source of Vitamin C, beta carotene, iron, folate and calcium. Due to its mild sedative effects, Oakleaf lettuce


has been used medicinally by some through the centuries.

Dark red beet seedlings do not transplant well, therefore seeds should be There are a variety of different uses for Green Oakleaf lettuce in

planted directly into the ground. Before planting, the seeds of dark red cooking. It can be used for making soups, salads, nutritious drinks,

Curled Peppergrass Cress

beets should first be softened by soaking them in water or wrapped in soaking wet paper towels to prepare them for planting. Planting

spring rolls and wraps, on sandwiches and crackers and even for enjoying different dips and sauce. Germination

Dwarf Siberian Kale Heirloom l Non-GMO l Germination: 10-14 Days l Harvest: 10-20

A member of the mustard family, curled peppergrass cress is a versatile plant that can be successfully grown nearly anywhere. Selecting a soil with plenty of moisture and an abundance of sunlight will provide an undeniable advantage. Having its origins in Europe and Asia, curled peppergrass cress is an easy to grow plant with a variety of culinary uses. Curled peppergrass cress has a distinct peppery taste and has long been used in England in tea and for adding zip to tiny sandwiches. It has a multitude of uses as an herb in recipes and is even used in some medicinal remedies. Germination Curled peppergrass cress seeds can be germinated in a moist paper towel for about 10 days where they will begin to grow a root pattern similar to the shape of a spider. These spider-shaped roots are what allows the plant to float in or near water lines naturally. Planting The tender roots of the curled peppergrass cress plant should be transplanted within 10-14 days of the start of the germination process. The soil for transplanting should be kept very moist about 1/4 inch deep and can be a mixture of sand and soil. Plant seedlings about 8 inches apart in rows that are also 8 inches apart. Harvest Curled peppergrass cress can be harvested in as little as 15-20 days from being transplanted into the ground. Adult plants will create numerous sprouts that will accumulate in dense rows of vegetation and will quickly grow back after being cut. This versatile plant can be harvested at any size from micro plants up to 6 inches tall. Curled peppergrass cress can also be harvested several times in one season. Cultivated plants can be used to provide new crops nearly year round.

Classified as a cool season type of vegetable, dark red beets need nutrient-rich soil along with a high level of phosphorus and sunlight for successful growth. The seeds of dark red beets should be planted 1 inch under the soil with each 1 - 2 inches apart. Plant in rows 12-24 inches apart. Soil must be kept moist but not wet during germination. Harvest Can be harvested about 50-70 days after planting. Dark red beets are best pulled when the roots are 1-3 inches in diameter. Beet greens are often harvested early for their delicious taste and nutritious addition to many dishes and recipes. Heirloom l Non-GMO l Germination: 4-7 Days l Harvest: 45-65 The tender young leaves from these fast-growing plants can be eaten raw, or cooked for soup or in stir fries. Very cold hardy, harvest can continue right through snow. Prefers full sun in spring and fall, but can benefit from light shade during hot weather. Prefers well-drained, fertile soil high in organic matter, Prefers plentiful, consistent moist Germination Dwarf Siberian Kale will start to germinate around 4-7 days. Start indoors and transplant in spring 4 to 6 weeks before average last frost, 12 inches apart, rows 18 to 24 inches apart or direct seed about three months before expected fall frost. Planting Plant seeds 1/4 to 1/2 inch deep, 1 inch apart in rows 18 to 24 inches apart. Thin to 12 to 18 inch spacings. Eat or transplant the thinnings. Harvest Harvest the larger leaves from the bottom of the plant first and allow the

Germination of seeds typically takes 7-14 days with Green Oakleaf lettuce. During the germination process, plant seeds in trays or containers about 1/8 inch below the soil with 1 inch of space between each seed. Soil should be kept moist but not overly wet. Planting Green Oakleaf lettuce seedlings should be planted outdoors 1 inch below the soil, 12 inches apart in straight rows that are approximately 18 inches apart. Some prefer to plant Green Oakleaf lettuce in patches. Be sure to select a location where the plants will receive plenty of sun each day. Keep soil watered daily without overwatering. Harvest Green Oakleaf lettuce does not require much care after planting other than keeping the soil moist and protecting the plant from extreme cold or heat. If additional protection from the heat, cold or wind is necessary, hoop supported wind tunnels provide a temporary layer of protection. This protects the lettuce much the same as if it were growing in a greenhouse. Green Oakleaf lettuce can be harvested as microgreens, baby greens, leaves, or the entire plant.

Dark Red Beet

higher leaves to grow bigger. This "selective harvesting" will allow you to harvest from a single plant for many months.

Heirloom l Non-GMO l Germination: 5-15 Days l Harvest: 50-70 Thought to have originated thousands of years ago somewhere in the Mediterranean area of the world, dark red beets are among the most


allow direct seeding. Start transplants inside about 3 to 6 weeks before last frost.


Heirloom l Non-GMO l Germination: 5-7 Days l Harvest: 30-40 This fast-growing cool-season salad green - often ready to harvest as

Begin harvesting as young as 30-45 days for baby spinach. 50-60 days for mature spinach.

early as 4 weeks after seeding - adds a tangy, peppery or mustard-like flavor to salads and mesclun mixes. Arugula will tolerate wide variety of conditions. Evenly moist soil will help slow bolting.

New Zealand Spinach

Growth is low and compact until heat causes plant to bolt. Forms a

rosette of deeply lobed leaves. Plants become erect when heat induces Heirloom l Non-GMO l Germination: 14-21 Days l Harvest: 55-65

bolting. Flowers are edible. Germination

New Zealand Spinach is an easy to grow flowering plant that is a member of the fig-marigold family. Full of nutrients, this plant is a

Seeds germinate quickly even in cold soil. Plant as soon as soil can be worked in spring. Planting

warm-weather plant that is best started soon after the last frost. New Zealand Spinach is not as tough as regular spinach and therefore needs protection from frost as the plant emerges. This plant can withstand

Plant 1/4 inch deep and 1 inch apart in rows, or broadcast alone or mixed with other greens. Gradually thin to 6 inch spacings using thinnings for salads. Make new plantings every 2 to 3 weeks for a

dryer climates, however, the leaves will not be as tender at harvest. New Zealand Spinach is popular in salads or as a bed for a variety of meats and fish. It can also be prepared and combined with other herbs

continuous supply until about a month before your average first frost date. Slow bolting by reducing heat and moisture stress. Provide some shade for warm-season plantings. Fast-growing plants are good for

and cheeses for making things like stuffed chicken or pork. Germination Growing best as a warm-weather plant, New Zealand Spinach should be

intercropping and relay cropping. Often self-seeds. Is self-sterile and requires insects for pollination. Harvest

started indoors before the last frost of the season. Germination typically takes 2-3 weeks. The seeds should be soaked overnight and then well drained before planting the seedlings 1/2 inch deep approximately 2-4

Harvest young leaves for a mild flavor when the leave are around 3 inches tall. Harvesting young leaves encourages for the arugula to continue producing new leaves, but you can wait to harvest leaves until

inches apart in adequate size containers the next day. For improved growth, be sure to thin seedlings over 3 inches tall. Planting

they get larger. To obtain different flavor intensity, cut different size leaves while harvesting.

New Zealand Spinach grows best in warmer temperatures. After the last frost, transplant New Zealand spinach 12-18 inches apart in rows that

are 24 inches apart. Be sure the soil is reasonably good soil that is moist

Bloomsdale Longstanding Spinach but not overly wet at the time of transplant. Position the plant in sunny or partial shade areas for growing.

Heirloom l Non-GMO l Germination: 6-10 Days l Harvest: 50-60 Days

Harvest New Zealand Spinach requires very little attention or maintenance. Trim

This easy-to-grow, nutritious, cool-season crop is among the first greens ready to harvest. But plant it early because it's quick to turn bitter and go to seed (bolt) as the weather warms and the days lengthen. Needs well-drained, fertile soil, high in organic matter and plentiful, consistent moisture.

any malformed or small darkened leaves from the plant before harvest to spark new growth. Keep weeds and other undesired growth out of planting area and use organic mulch for retaining moisture in sunnier areas. The first tasty tender young leaves can be cut and harvested 55-65 days after sowing.

Must be planted early and grown when temperatures are cool. Needs consistent moisture. Will go to seed (bolt) if too dry, or when days lengthen and temperatures warm.

blue curled kale

Germination Nobel Giant Spinach will approximately start to germinate in 6-10 days.

Heirloom l Non-GMO l Germination: 10-21 Days l Harvest: 55-60


Blue Curled Kale is an easy to grow leafy green that is a member of the

As soon as you can work the soil in spring, sow seed 1/2 inch deep, 1 inch apart in rows 12 to 18 inches apart (or broadcast seed across a

mustard family. Packed with vitamins and minerals, this plant prefers cooler whether and is best planted in early spring or late summer for a

wider area). Thin to 2 to 6 inch spacings. Closer spacings can stress

fall harvest. Blue Curled Kale is a popular addition to salads, smoothies,

plants and cause them to go to seed (bolt) sooner. Early planting is critical as dry soil, heat and lengthening days also encourage bolting.

and soups. It is also commonly prepared as a side dish by simply wilting the leaves in a hot pan with butter or bacon. You can also use it as a

Make succession plantings every week or two. Sow again in mid- to late garnish for fish and chicken.

summer for fall harvest. Spinach seedlings are difficult to transplant. For spring crops, start inside only if your garden stays too wet in spring to

Germination Growing best in cool weather, Blue Curled Kale can be sown indoors in

late winter or mid to late summer. Seeds should be planted no deeper than 1/4-1/2 inch in pot sizes that allow for optimal plant growth. Germination can take anywhere from 2-3 weeks. Seedlings can then be transplanted after the last frost date in early spring or about 90 days before the first fall frost if seeds were sown in mid to late summer. Blue Curled Kale is a hardy plant that can also be directly sown in early spring or midsummer for a fall crop. When sowing seeds directly into the garden, spread them evenly and cover with ? inch of soil. Keeping the soil moist is important for optimal germination. Planting Blue Curled Kale should be planted where it will receive full sun. Space seedlings 18-24 inches apart in rows 18-30 inches apart. Before planting. it is a good idea to amend the soil with well-aged manure. For the best leaf growth, ensure that the plants stay well-watered but not water logged. Applying a layer of mulch around the base of the plants will help keep the soil evenly moist and from becoming too dry. Harvest Blue Curled Kale is best harvested immediately after the first fall frost or before the heat of the summer if planted as a spring crop. Choose leaves that are about the size of an adult hand or smaller leaves that are bright green. Avoid harvesting the terminal bud in the middle. This terminal bud is what will continue to produce kale.

Bok Choi Leaf Cabbage

Heirloom l Non-GMO l Germination: 10-14 Days l Harvest: 30-60 Bok Choi is thought to have first been cultivated and used in China thousands of years ago. Due to the unique shape of its leaves, Bok Choi Leaf Cabbage received its name from the Chinese phrase for "soup spoon". These extraordinary smooth texture leaves can be eaten about 30 days from being planted all the way up to full maturity at 60 days. With a flavor similar to a combination of mild cabbage and spinach, Bok Choi Leaf Cabbage is a popular additive in many Asian recipes for soups, salads and stir-fries. Some people enjoy the taste merely steamed, saut?ed or even raw. Germination Bok Choi Leaf Cabbage will typically germinate in 10-14 days. It can tolerate light frost but is best germinated indoors. Preferable to rich moist soil, take special care when germinating outdoors. The seedlings need moderate protection from extreme heat, drought, wind and insects. Care will lessen as the plant matures. Planting Seedlings should be planted 1/4 - 1/2 inch deep. There should be 6-10 inches between plantings. Plantings should be placed in rows 18-30 inches apart. Plants should be kept well watered in moist soil throughout the growing season. If overhead type sprinkler is used then watering should be done early in the day. Harvest Bok Choi Leaf Cabbage is simple to harvest. Baby leaves can be harvested when reaching 4-6 inches long. After 30 days leaves may be cut as desired for a delicious ingredient in salads. Harvest leaves in the morning for a more crisp texture.

Buttercrunch looseleaf lettuce

Heirloom l Non-GMO l Germination: 7-14 Days l Harvest: 60-70 Buttercrunch lettuce is considered loose-leaf lettuce. Buttercrunch types of lettuce were first grown near Kentucky between 1865 and 1870. They became quite popular due to their buttery taste and the smooth texture of the leaves. Buttercrunch lettuce has a variety of culinary uses. It can be grilled, used on sandwiches, layered into spring rolls and wraps, used on top of crackers or for making soup. There are many creative ways to make use of its delicious buttery texture. Some even like to use it in rice and noodle bowls or as an ingredient in home-made sauces. Germination Germination time for Buttercrunch lettuce is approximately 7-14 days. Seeds should be planted 1/4 inch deep in small containers or trays approximately 1 inch apart. Keep the soil well moistened but not overly wet. Germination of the seeds can begin indoors approximately 14 days before the last frost of the season. Planting After germination, Buttercrunch lettuce seedlings should be planted 12 inches apart in rows that are 18 inches apart. Buttercrunch lettuce can be planted where it receives full sun, however, the plant prefers partial shade. The soil should be kept well drained and moist. Buttercrunch lettuce does best when planted early in the season to avoid the intense summer sun. Harvest Buttercrunch lettuce can be harvested as microgreens, baby greens, leaves or the whole plant. Baby Greens. Harvest for the entire plant takes place 60-70 days after planting. Fresh leaves can be picked for use anytime after the first 35 days or so.

Cimmaron Red Romaine

Heirloom l Non-GMO l Germination: 7-15 Days l Harvest: 60-70 Cimmaron Red Romaine lettuce has been around in America since the 1700s and is thought to have actually been discovered in the area of Persia in the 6th century. It can grow as tall as 12 inches. This lettuce became popular due to its great taste, crisp texture and ruggedness. Cimmaron Red Romaine lettuce can even handle frost conditions. This variety of Romaine lettuce can also handle those tough summer conditions better than other types. Can be planted from Spring until Fall. There are a variety of culinary uses for Cimmaron Red Romaine lettuce. It is often used for making salads, sandwiches and lettuce wraps. Sometimes Cimmaron Red Romaine lettuce is grilled next to the meat at barbecues. Germination Cimmaron Red Romaine lettuce is a resilient plant whose seeds can be planted directly in the ground at the start of the growing season if desired. Germination typically takes 7-15 days. seeds can be planted in containers 1/4 inch deep. Soil should be kept moist but not overly wet.


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