School Readiness - Timetable to Learn the Letter Sounds

School Readiness (Phonics part) - sound groupings to Learn the Letter Sounds | |

|Teaching (the 42 |Group |Group |Group |

|Sounds of English) |1 |2 |3 |

|Letter |Multi-sensory practice |Air writing |Air writing, including |Air writing, including |

|Formation |Pencil holding | |Joined-up digraphs |joined-p digraphs |

| |Correct formation | | |and joined c.v.c |

| | | | |words |

|Blending |Hearing the word after | |Practicing |Practicing blending techniques |Practicing blending regular words with |

| |the sounds have been | |sounds: |On simple c.v.c words |Consonant blends |

| |spoken a) by teacher, | |first loud, | | |

| |b) on their own | |then soft | | |

| |Sounds Books | | | | |

| |Letter games/ activities | | | | |

| |Word Boxes | | | | |

| | | | | |Beginning word boxes for capable children |

| | | | | |- takes 6 – 8 weeks |

| | | |Introducing characters from reading scheme |

|Identifying |Encoding regular words |Dictation of sounds, then of c.v.c words |Whole class identifying and counting the |

|Sounds in |Writing simple sentences | |sounds in words with consonant blends |

|Words |Dictation | | |

| | |Identifying the sounds |Whole class calling out sounds | |

| | |in words. Is there an |in given word, e.g. dog, then | |

| | |‘s’ in nest? Where is |holding up a finger for each | |

| | |it? – beginning, middle |sound and counting | |

| | |or end? | | |

|Tricky |Reading tricky words | |Learning | |Learning |Dictation of simple sentences using regular |

|Words |Learning spelling of | |to write | |to spell |words and tricky words already taught |

| |tricky words | |first | |tricky | |

| | | |name | |words – | |

| | | | | |one per | |

| | | | | |week | |

c.v.c - consonant vowel consonent

digraph – combination of two letters that together have their own one sound, e.g. ou, ai, th, sh (eg ship).

Blend - combination of two letters that together have two sounds, e.g. st as in stop

Skill (i) - Learning the Letter Sounds

The course has five basic skills that the children must learn;

i) Learning the letter (and digraph) sounds – This section

ii) Learning the letter formation (using NSW school curriculum letter font)

iii) Blending – for reading

iv) Identifying the sounds in words –for writing

v) Tricky words – irregular words

Over the three years that a child would normally be in the Pre-school Room (Dolphin Room), the children will experience learning one ‘letter sound’ (and later on a digraph sound) at a time. When the children have mastered a ‘Group’ (5 or 6 sounds) of the ‘letter sounds’, by drawing them, and doing the other exercises associated with learning the letter sound, they move onto combining these sounds to form words. This concept is quite difficult for some children and comes easily for others, but by using sounds all children eventually catch onto how sounding a word works. We do it slowly and combine it with play, painting, singing, story telling and watching the DVDs based on the course. We aim to encourage the children to master the fine motor skills of writing and coloring within lines. That way, they learn to write the letters with a high degree of skill. Jillys allows three years to accomplish learning to read, spell and write. This commences at age three and continues till they go to school.

Initially only one way of writing a sound is taught. Afterwards the main alternatives are covered, eg ai, ay and a-e are the same sound but ai is used in rain, ay is used in day and a-e is used in came.

The class use;

a. Multi-sensory resources, e.g. sounds, picture, story about the sound, color the letter in, painting and watching the DVD cartoons associated with the course.

b. Learn the body ‘Action,’ to help remember the sound associated with the letter and digraph.

The children are provided with ‘Sound Sheets.’ On these sheets are;

|(a) |Picture of the Story |A picture of the ‘story’ related to the action of the letter sound. |

| |Line | |

|(b) |Action |Ask the children to make a shape representing the letter, e.g. an S in the air for ssssss. The shape will be|

| | |reinforced by the air shape, e.g. a snake slithering. At the same time the children make an sssss sound. |

| | |Tell the children this is the sound of an [hold the flash card of the S up] {DON’T SAY S]. Make sure you are|

| | |forming the letter correctly. |

|(c) |Sample letters (and |These are for the children to copy and practice forming the letter |

| |digraphs) | |

|(d) |Sample words |To practice the word, practice the action and color in |

When a child knows the Letter Sound, the Action, and can draw the letter and colored the sound Sheet in, they will paste the sound sheet into their Sound Book (A4 size exercise book)

Each Lesson will follow the same pattern as below, to teach the letter (and digraph) sound;

|(a) |Finger Phonics Big Book|Put the Finger Phonics Big Book on a painting stand and open to the page for today’s letter sound. |

|(b) |Story |Use the Finger Phonics big Book “Story Guide’ to assist in telling a ‘story’ related to the action of the |

| | |letter sound, e.g. about a snake and its sssssss sound. |

|(c) |Action |At the bottom LHS of the page in the Finger Phonics Big Book, is the ‘Action’ to teach the children to perform.|

| | |This is to reinforce the sound shape in the air. E.g. the S shape of a snake slithering. Make sure you are |

| | |facing away from the children so the shape to them is correct. |

|(d) |Air Writing |Teacher draws the letter on the board. Make sure the children know where the letter starts. |

| | |The whole class, including the Teacher forms the ‘Letter Sound’ several times in the air. Remember most |

| | |letters start in an ANTI-Clockwise direction. |

| | |The children first watch the teacher do the letter and then imitate, ASYING the SOUND. Do this at least 10 |

| | |times. |

|(e) |Letter Sound Flash |At the beginning of the lesson, show the flash cards of the letters previously learnt by the children. The |

| |cards |children are to make its sound and its action in the air. |

|(f) |Wall Frieze |Ask the children to find the correct ‘Wall Frieze’ related to the ‘Letter Sound’ |

|(g) |Letter hunt |Ask the children to hunt for the ‘Letter Sound’ in the classroom and other books |

|(h) |Sound Sheet |After the above, give the children the ‘Sound Sheet’ for the ‘Letter Sound.’ Now ask the children to; |

| | |Copy the ‘Letter Sound’ onto the bottom RHS of the ‘Sound Sheet’. There are a few stencils, then there iis |

| | |blank space for the children |

| | |Call children individually up and ask them to trace the letter in the Finger Phonics Big Book |

| | |When writing letter, they are close together, but DO NOT BUMP into each other. |

| | |There is a finger space between words. |

|(i) |Sound Book (A4 exercise|Once the letter sound is mastered and all the Sound Sheet is colored in, it is then glued into the child’s own |

| |book) |‘Sound Book’, which is used to reward the child and for revision of known words. This book can be taken home |

| | |by the child for practice with their parents and brought back the next day. Visual rewards by both the parents|

| | |and staff can be given for remembering |

Note: ○ Capitals will not be taught until later.

○ We always talk about letters by the sound, not by their name.

○ Jillys teaches the ‘letter sounds’ in a particular order. The first group of letter sounds (Letter sound group 1 – 6) are the most commonly used by children. Once a Letter Sound group is learnt, simple words can then be made using these letter sounds.

○ Revision: Each lesson should contain a revision of the letter sounds already taught. A good way of doing this is to hold the ‘Flash Cards’ up, one at a time in quick succession, for all the children to do the actions and say the sounds.

Letter Sound Groups

1. s, a, t, I, p

2. n, ck, e, h, r

3. m, d, g, o, u

4. l, f, b, ai, j

5. oa, ie, ee, or, z, w

6. ng, v, y, x, little oo, long oo

7. cg, sh, voiced th, unvoiced th, ou

8. oi, ue, er, ar

Lesson 1 -- ‘s’ letter sound

2 -- Holding the pencil properly. Children are taught to hold the pencil by the tripod grip. The hand moves across the paper using their “Froggy Legs’, the last two fingers.

3 -- ‘a’ letter sound

4 -- ‘t’ letter sound

5 -- ‘i letter sound

6 -- ‘p’ letter sound

7 The children will today listen to the Jolly Phonics Video 1, (first part), then;

(a) Do revision of the sounds s, a, t, i and p

(b) Get rewards for working hard

(c) Put small words together, form the letter sounds of lessons 1 - 6, e.g. pit, pat, sit, tip, etc.

(d) Show, explain to the children how the sounds make words and how to find the sounds in a spoken word.

(e) Practice the sounds, loudly and softly.

(f) Get the children to identify the sounds in words. e.g. Is there an ‘s’ in nest? Where is it? – Beginning, middle or end.

(g) Children begin to learn writing their 1st name.

8 -- ‘n’ letter sound

9 -- ‘c/k’ letter sound

10 -- ‘e’ letter sound

11 -- ‘h’ letter sound

12 -- ‘r’ letter sound

13 (a) Do revision of the sounds s, a, t, i and p

(b) Do revision of the sounds n, c/k, e, h and r

(c) Get rewards for working hard

(d) Put small words together, form the letter sounds of lessons 1 - 6, e.g. pit, pat, sit, tip, etc.


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