
ROOM # 13 WEEKLY PLANNING FORMWEEK OF: 8/10/20 – 8/14/20TEACHER’S NAME: Ms. AllieACTIVITIESDay of the WeekDAILY FOCUS Focuses on the unit’s student outcomes (lessons).Follow up Activity ON DAILY FOCUSSkill Building ActivitySmall Group Centers (Math, Literacy, Cutting, Handwriting and Library).Play focusPlanting seeds for play activities (Learning Centers).MondayDate: 8/10What are some ways we can prepare ourselves to start a new school year?Introduce the concept that there are many things we can do to prepare for a new school year.Introduce the vocabulary words new school year and teacher.View photographs of teachers in a classroom below. INCLUDEPICTURE "C:\\var\\folders\\zg\\tq1070x16cz3bx5ps17xk33r0000gq\\T\\com.microsoft.Word\\WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles\\original.jpg" \* MERGEFORMAT INCLUDEPICTURE "C:\\var\\folders\\zg\\tq1070x16cz3bx5ps17xk33r0000gq\\T\\com.microsoft.Word\\WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles\\file-20180102-26160-pto2rw.jpg?ixlib=rb-1.1.0&q=45&auto=format&w=926&fit=clip" \* MERGEFORMAT INCLUDEPICTURE "C:\\var\\folders\\zg\\tq1070x16cz3bx5ps17xk33r0000gq\\T\\com.microsoft.Word\\WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles\\URKIWMPTBETBLK5FXBW4757V3E.jpg" \* MERGEFORMAT Watch what a teacher can do in a classroom by clicking the link below.How do Teachers Change LivesQuestions – What is a teacher? Why do we have a new teacher every school year?Answers –A teacher teaches you how to learnA teacher teaches you how to count, write and draw.A teacher teaches you how to listen, share and be kind.A teacher always believes in you.We have new teachers every year because every teacher is different and can teach you how to learn in different ways.*Visit your student epic! account and click, “Assignments.” Please read, “Bear’s School Day.”Create an “All About Me” poster for your new teachers.Materials:Paper, markers, crayons and colored pencils.Your child’s poster should include:A drawing of themselves.Their name.How old they are.Who is in their family?What their favorite food is.What their favorite animal is?.What their favorite color is.What they want to be when they grow up.Talk to your child while they create. Ask them what they are making. Refer to the “Question” and “Answers” provided in the Daily Focus in order to create open discussions.*Remember, the finish product does not have to be perfect. It is the process that counts. Have fun!MATH- Practice counting and 1:1 correspondence with the number 9.Use household items such as pennies, Cheerios, beans, or pasta. Place these 9 items into a cup.Have your child take out one item at a time from the cup and count until they reach 9 and there are no more items in the cup.Have your child pick up one item at a time and place it back in the cup until they reach 9 and all items are back in the cup.LITERACY- Practice beginning letter sounds with the letter /D d/.Have your child find words in a book that begin with the letter /D d/.Practice the beginning letter sound of each word found.HANDWRITING- Practice holding a writing utensil, forming letters and writing words that begin with the letter /D d/.Have your child find 5 words in a book that begin with the letter /D d/ and practice writing them on a piece of paper.Your child may use markers, crayons, pens, pencils etc.CUTTING- Practice cutting horizontal and vertical lines.Using a piece of paper, draw a set of horizontal and vertical lines.Have your child use scissors to cut along those lines.If they wish, allow your child to make their own horizontal and vertical lines to cut.LIBRARY/MEDIA- READ A BOOK FOR 20 MINUTES A DAY - VISIT A RECOMMENDED INTERACTIVE WEBSITE.Building – Invite your child to build a fish using Legos. Review with your child what they’ve learned about fish while they build.Fish live in cold or warm water.There are so many kinds of fish.Fish breathe through gills.They have fins, a tail and scales.People can eat fish or have fish as pets.Refer to the video below for instructions on how to build a fish with Legos.How to Build a Fish with LegosDramatic Play – Create a garden. Gather seeds, fruit, vegetables, flowers, trees etc. as well as tools such as gardening gloves, planting pots, trowels, hand hoes, watering cans, etc. Invite your child to create labels for the garden. Your child can pretend to plant and harvest in the garden.Art – Bring painting materials outside and invite your child to paint what they see. If desired, pick a specific area of the space that includes the highest concentration of plants or ask them to pay special attention to the plants around them. Use the word landscape (and encourage your child to use this word as well) as they paint and reflect on their painting.TuesdayDate: 8/11What are some ways we can prepare ourselves to start a new school year?Introduce the concept that there are many things we can do to prepare for a new school year.Review the vocabulary words new school year and teacher.Introduce the vocabulary word friend.View photographs of friends below. INCLUDEPICTURE "C:\\var\\folders\\zg\\tq1070x16cz3bx5ps17xk33r0000gq\\T\\com.microsoft.Word\\WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles\\Preschool Friends.jpg?itok=1Qgy9Ebv" \* MERGEFORMAT INCLUDEPICTURE "C:\\var\\folders\\zg\\tq1070x16cz3bx5ps17xk33r0000gq\\T\\com.microsoft.Word\\WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles\\cc875f76b6d1bd93bcc01494731076d3a3-kids-toys-lede.rsquare.w1200.jpg" \* MERGEFORMAT INCLUDEPICTURE "C:\\var\\folders\\zg\\tq1070x16cz3bx5ps17xk33r0000gq\\T\\com.microsoft.Word\\WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles\\IMG_9333.jpg" \* MERGEFORMAT INCLUDEPICTURE "C:\\var\\folders\\zg\\tq1070x16cz3bx5ps17xk33r0000gq\\T\\com.microsoft.Word\\WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles\\5eb0a65c7b247700094a133c-eight.jpg" \* MERGEFORMAT Listen to a song about a friend by clicking the link below.What is a Friend?Questions – What is a friend? Why do we make new friends every school year?Answers –A friend is someone we care about.A friend is kind and respectful.A friend listens and shares.A friend can give you a hug when you are feeling sad.We make new friends every school year because we have different children in our class.*Visit your student epic! account and click, “Assignments.” Please read, “Michael Makes Friends at School.”Make a card for a new friend.Materials:Paper, markers, crayons and colored pencils.?Your child’s card should include:A drawing of themselves.Their name.One reason why they are a good friend. *Characteristics of a good friend include sharing, listening, being kind, taking turns, helping, etc.Talk to your child while they create. Ask them what they are making. Refer to the “Question” and “Answers” provided in the Daily Focus in order to create open discussions.*Remember, the finish product does not have to be perfect. It is the process that counts. Have fun!MATH- ShapesMaterials:Water balloons, 3 different colorsPermanent markerSidewalk chalk, same three colors as balloonsSpace to playDirections:Fill 12 water balloons total, 4 each of three different colors.Draw a circle on 4 of the yellow balloons.Draw a triangle on 4 of the pink balloons.Draw a square on 4 of the blue balloons. INCLUDEPICTURE "" \* MERGEFORMATINET Outside, draw a circle, square, and triangle on the driveway or sidewalk.Use the same colors as the balloons: yellow, pink, and blue. INCLUDEPICTURE "" \* MERGEFORMATINET Ask your child to hand you the correct colors of chalk.Begin to break the water balloons into the correct shape. For example, the yellow balloons need to be dropped into the yellow circle because they are a) yellow and b) have a circle on them.As your child grabs the balloons, have them announce the color and the shape.If the balloons do not break, your child can always stomp on them. INCLUDEPICTURE "" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "" \* MERGEFORMATINET LITERACY & CUTTING- Practice beginning letter sounds with the letter /D d/ while practicing cutting skills.Using a magazine or circular, have your child find items that begin with the letter /D d/.Have your child cut out these items to create a collage.If possible, have your child glue these items onto paper.Practice the beginning letter sounds of each item in their collage.HANDWRITING-Practice holding a writing utensil and coloring within the lines.Using a piece of paper, draw simple shapes, such as a circle, square, triangle, and/or rectangle.Have your child choose a writing utensil, and practice coloring inside that shape.If they wish, allow your child to create their own shapes to color. LIBRARY/MEDIA- READ A BOOK FOR 20 MINUTES A DAY - VISIT A RECOMMENDED INTERACTIVE WEBSITE.Science – Provide your child with a piece of colored construction paper. Determine a sunny space where your child can keep their paper for a few days. Supply an assortment of cut paper in various lines such as straight, curvy and zigzag; invite your child to place the lines on the paper. Encourage your child to consider how they could combine the lines to make various letters or numbers. Let the paper sit for a few days. Later, revisit the paper, remove the shapes from the paper and examine the paper together. What does your child notice? How did that happen?Math – Invite your child to dissect their favorite summertime fruits (watermelon, oranges, apples, etc.) and count the seeds. Review number concepts involving questions such as, “how many seeds are there in all?” “Are there more seeds in one fruit than the other?” “Which fruit has less seeds?”Water Play – Freeze various small toys in ice cubes. Place the cubes outside on a table. Ask your child how to get the toys out of the ice. Encourage your child to test their hypotheses.WednesdayDate: 8/12What are some ways we can prepare ourselves to start a new school year?Introduce the concept that there are many things we can do to prepare for a new school year.Review the vocabulary words new school year, teacher and friend.Introduce the vocabulary words books and toys.View photographs of a child reading a book and a child playing with a toy. INCLUDEPICTURE "C:\\var\\folders\\zg\\tq1070x16cz3bx5ps17xk33r0000gq\\T\\com.microsoft.Word\\WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles\\25f083eb-0ed8-4710-b497-c8e61fdd52b7-750x457.jpg" \* MERGEFORMAT INCLUDEPICTURE "C:\\var\\folders\\zg\\tq1070x16cz3bx5ps17xk33r0000gq\\T\\com.microsoft.Word\\WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles\\little-blonde-girl-with-two-ponytales-reading-book-home-kitchen-wearing-medical-pritective-face-mask-protect-herself-from-virus_114561-793.jpg" \* MERGEFORMAT INCLUDEPICTURE "C:\\var\\folders\\zg\\tq1070x16cz3bx5ps17xk33r0000gq\\T\\com.microsoft.Word\\WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles\\Magna-Tiles-Media.jpg" \* MERGEFORMAT INCLUDEPICTURE "C:\\var\\folders\\zg\\tq1070x16cz3bx5ps17xk33r0000gq\\T\\com.microsoft.Word\\WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles\\ChildrenMask2.jpg" \* MERGEFORMAT Watch friends pretend play with their power wheels by clicking the link below.Mili and Stacy Pretend PlayQuestions – What is a book? What is a toy? Why do we read new books every school year? Why do we play with new toys every school year?Answers –Books and toys allow you to use your imagination and explore the world around you.We read new books and play with new toys because as we grow, we get smarter and what we once liked changes.*Visit your student epic! account and click, “Assignments.” Please read, “Colorful Toys.”Share your favorite new book or toy with your friends on Zoom.Practice this, “Show and Tell” presentation with your child before our Afternoon session.Have your child practice answering these questions below:What is the name of your favorite book or toy?Why is this book or toy special?Did someone special give you this book or toy?Talk to your child while they create. Ask them what they are making. Refer to the “Question” and “Answers” provided in the Daily Focus in order to create open discussions.*Remember, the finish product does not have to be perfect. It is the process that counts. Have fun!MATH- Practice counting and 1:1 correspondence with the number 9.Use household items such as pennies, Cheerios, beans, or pasta. Place those 9 items into a cup.Have your child take out one item at a time from the cup and count until they reach 9 and there are no more items in the cup.Have your child pick up one item at a time and place it back in the cup until they reach 9 and all items are back in the cup.LITERACY- Practice beginning letter sounds with the letter /C c/.Have your child find words in a book that begin with the letter /C c/.Practice the beginning letter sound of each word found.HANDWRITING- Practice holding a writing utensil, forming letters and writing words that begin with the letter /C c/.Have your child find 5 words in a book that begin with the letter /C c/ and practice writing them on a piece of paper.Your child may use markers, crayons, pens, pencils etc.CUTTING- Practice cutting diagonal and curved lines.Using a piece of paper, draw a set of diagonal and curved lines.Have your child use scissors to cut along those lines.If they wish, allow your child to make their own diagonal and curved lines to cut.LIBRARY/MEDIA- READ A BOOK FOR 20 MINUTES A DAY - VISIT A RECOMMENDED INTERACTIVE WEBSITE.Cooking – Invite your child to fill the hollow of a celery stick with peanut butter, cream cheese or other spread and top with raisins to create ants on a log. Discuss where ants puter/Technology – For the children who will be attending kindergarten at a different location: pull up pictures of the school your child will be attending. Talk with your child about the images and discuss the ways the new school looks the same and different from the building where they attend pre-K.Outdoor Play – Take a sensory walk together. Ask your child to pay attention to what they hear, see, feel and smell. Additionally, encourage them to discuss how they can use their senses to stay safe when walking outside. How do our eyes help keep us safe? For example, looking for cars before crossing the street or identifying unsafe items to touch such as garbage or sharp items. How about our ears? Can our sense of smell help keep us safe? How?ThursdayDate: 8/13What are some ways we can prepare ourselves to start a new school year?Introduce the concept that there are many things we can do to prepare for a new school year.Review the vocabulary words new school year, teacher, friend, books and toys.Introduce the vocabulary word healthy habits.View photographs of children practicing healthy habits below. INCLUDEPICTURE "C:\\var\\folders\\zg\\tq1070x16cz3bx5ps17xk33r0000gq\\T\\com.microsoft.Word\\WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles\\Children-to-brush-teeth-blog-PDO2.png?fit=760,399&ssl=1" \* MERGEFORMAT INCLUDEPICTURE "C:\\var\\folders\\zg\\tq1070x16cz3bx5ps17xk33r0000gq\\T\\com.microsoft.Word\\WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles\\african-ethnicity-child-blowing-her-nose-johannesburg-south-africa-video-id676151608?s=640x640" \* MERGEFORMAT INCLUDEPICTURE "C:\\var\\folders\\zg\\tq1070x16cz3bx5ps17xk33r0000gq\\T\\com.microsoft.Word\\WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles\\209309545-H.jpg" \* MERGEFORMAT Listen to the healthy habits song by clicking the link below.Healthy Habits SongQuestions – What are healthy habits? Why do we practice healthy habits in school?Answers –Healthy habits help us grow happy and healthy.Its important we eat healthy food, manage our emotions, exercise, brush our teeth, drink water and get a good night’s sleep.*Visit your student epic! account and click, “Assignments.” Please read, “Germs Are Not for Sharing.”Practice washing your hands with soap and water.Please follow these steps below:Turn on the faucet.Dispense antibacterial soap into the palm of your hand.Run your hands under the water until they are wet.Remove your hands from under the water and rub them together until the soap begins to lather.Rub the front and back of your hands and in between your fingers.While completing steps 4 and 5, sing the Happy Birthday song TWICE.After you have song the Happy Birthday song twice, rinse your hands under the water.Once all the soap has been removed from your hands take a paper towel and dry your hands.Use that same paper towel to turn the faucet off.Throw your paper towel in the garbage.Talk to your child while they create. Ask them what they are making. Refer to the “Question” and “Answers” provided in the Daily Focus in order to create open discussions.*Remember, the finish product does not have to be perfect. It is the process that counts. Have fun!MATH- Numbers and CountingUsing a deck of playing cards, sort out all the cards 2-10 and take out the rest.Tape all the hearts on the wall. INCLUDEPICTURE "C:\\var\\folders\\zg\\tq1070x16cz3bx5ps17xk33r0000gq\\T\\com.microsoft.Word\\WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles\\IMG_6913.jpg" \* MERGEFORMAT Place tape on the rest of the suits and lay them all out for your child to grab. INCLUDEPICTURE "C:\\var\\folders\\zg\\tq1070x16cz3bx5ps17xk33r0000gq\\T\\com.microsoft.Word\\WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles\\IMG_6904.jpg" \* MERGEFORMAT Sort them by suit and put them in order by number.Have your child match all the 2s at one time, then all the 3s and so on. That way it really reinforces number recognition.This activity is about looking at the number on the card and matching it to the one on the wall.For an extra challenge, you can mix up the number cards for your child to grab.If your child does not know what number is on a card, have them count the number of objects (suits) on the card.Feel free to count with your child. INCLUDEPICTURE "C:\\var\\folders\\zg\\tq1070x16cz3bx5ps17xk33r0000gq\\T\\com.microsoft.Word\\WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles\\IMG_6993.jpg" \* MERGEFORMAT LITERACY & CUTTING- Practice beginning letter sounds with the letter /C c/ while practicing cutting skills.Using a magazine or circular, have your child find items that begin with the letter /C c/.Have your child cut out these items to create a collage.If possible, have your child glue these items onto paper.Practice the beginning letter sounds of each item in their collage.HANDWRITING-Practice holding a writing utensil and coloring within the lines.Using a piece of paper, draw simple shapes, such as a circle, square, triangle, and/or rectangle.Have your child choose a writing utensil, and practice coloring inside that shape.If they wish, allow your child to create their own shapes to color. LIBRARY/MEDIA- READ A BOOK FOR 20 MINUTES A DAY - VISIT A RECOMMENDED INTERACTIVE WEBSITE.Writing – Take a trip to the beach and have your child practice writing beach themed words in the sand (beach, sand, ocean, crab, shell, seagull etc.).Music and Movement – Invite your child to pretend to be a bumble bee. Ask them to buzz like a bee as they walk, run and/or dance. As they buzz and move around a space ask your child to put their hands on their face. Point out the soft, vibrating feeling they may feel throughout their face. Invite your child to buzz into a “hive.” Explain to your child that bees live in a hive. Practice buzzing loudly, softly and calmly and breathing in deeply between buzzes to calm their body and relax.Library – Listen to, “Summer Days and Nights” by Wong Herbert Yee by clicking the link below.Summer Days and NightsFridayDate: 8/14What are some ways we can prepare ourselves to start a new school year?Introduce the concept that there are many things we can do to prepare for a new school year.Review the vocabulary words new school year, teacher, friend, toy and healthy habits.Introduce the vocabulary word face mask.View photographs of children wearing face masks below. INCLUDEPICTURE "C:\\var\\folders\\zg\\tq1070x16cz3bx5ps17xk33r0000gq\\T\\com.microsoft.Word\\WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles\\kids-masks_0.jpg?itok=Ofswkr7Z" \* MERGEFORMAT INCLUDEPICTURE "C:\\var\\folders\\zg\\tq1070x16cz3bx5ps17xk33r0000gq\\T\\com.microsoft.Word\\WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles\\Kids-wearing-masks-at-Elmwood-School-Naperville5.jpg" \* MERGEFORMAT INCLUDEPICTURE "C:\\var\\folders\\zg\\tq1070x16cz3bx5ps17xk33r0000gq\\T\\com.microsoft.Word\\WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles\\GettyImages-masks-for-kids_759.jpg" \* MERGEFORMAT Listen to a song about why people wear masks by clicking the link below.Why Do People Wear Masks by Jack HartmannQuestions – What is a face mask? Why do we wear a face mask in school?Answers –A mask is a face covering that helps protect others from germs.We wear a face mask in school because we respect our friends and we don’t want anyone to catch germs and get sick.*Please read, “Wearing a Mask” by clicking the link below.Wearing a MaskPractice wearing a mask around your home and outside.Introducing masks in a fun, creative way can help ease your child’s fears. Imaginative ideas can allow them to embrace their inner superhero and be excited to do their part in protecting others.Tips for getting your child to wear face masks:Model it! Make it familiar by wearing a mask too.While wearing masks, look in the mirror and talk about it with them.If you're making masks for your family, let your child pick their colors.Play! Put a mask on their favorite stuffed animal.Decorate the mask by coloring it or using stickers.Look at pictures of other kids wearing masks.Draw masks onto pictures of their favorite characters: superheroes, cartoon characters, athletes, toys, etc.Use positive reinforcement when they wear a mask. Use praise or small rewards.Be patient. Your child us always looking for ways to be independent and may not want to leave their mask on.Directions on how to make a Non-sewn Mask:Materials:Bandana, old t-shirt, or square cotton cloth (cut approximately 20”x20”)Rubber bands (or hair ties)Scissors (if you are cutting your own cloth)Tutorial: INCLUDEPICTURE "C:\\var\\folders\\zg\\tq1070x16cz3bx5ps17xk33r0000gq\\T\\com.microsoft.Word\\WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles\\facemask-instructions-bandanna-01.png" \* MERGEFORMAT INCLUDEPICTURE "C:\\var\\folders\\zg\\tq1070x16cz3bx5ps17xk33r0000gq\\T\\com.microsoft.Word\\WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles\\facemask-instructions-bandanna-02.png" \* MERGEFORMAT INCLUDEPICTURE "C:\\var\\folders\\zg\\tq1070x16cz3bx5ps17xk33r0000gq\\T\\com.microsoft.Word\\WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles\\facemask-instructions-bandanna-03.png" \* MERGEFORMAT INCLUDEPICTURE "C:\\var\\folders\\zg\\tq1070x16cz3bx5ps17xk33r0000gq\\T\\com.microsoft.Word\\WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles\\facemask-instructions-bandanna-04.png" \* MERGEFORMAT INCLUDEPICTURE "C:\\var\\folders\\zg\\tq1070x16cz3bx5ps17xk33r0000gq\\T\\com.microsoft.Word\\WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles\\facemask-instructions-bandanna-05.png" \* MERGEFORMAT INCLUDEPICTURE "C:\\var\\folders\\zg\\tq1070x16cz3bx5ps17xk33r0000gq\\T\\com.microsoft.Word\\WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles\\facemask-instructions-bandanna-06.png" \* MERGEFORMAT Make sure your mask:fits snugly but comfortably against the side of the facecompletely covers the nose and mouthis secured with ties or ear loopsincludes multiple layers of fabricallows for breathing without restrictioncan be laundered and machine dried without damage or change to shapeTalk to your child while they create. Ask them what they are making. Refer to the “Question” and “Answers” provided in the Daily Focus in order to create open discussions.*Remember, the finish product does not have to be perfect. It is the process that counts. Have fun!MATH- Practice counting and 1:1 correspondence with the number 9.Use household items such as pennies, Cheerios, beans, or pasta. Place those 9 items into a cup.Have your child take out one item at a time from the cup and count until they reach 9 and there are no more items in the cup.Have your child pick up one item at a time and place it back in the cup until they reach 9 and all items are back in the cup.LITERACY- Practice beginning letter sounds with the letters /D d/ and /C c/.Have your child find words in a book that begin with the letters /D d/ and /C c/.Practice the beginning letter sound of each word found.HANDWRITING- Practice holding a writing utensil, forming letters and writing words that begin with the letters /D d/ and /C c/.Have your child find 3 words in a book that begin with the letter /D d/ and 3 words in a book that begin with the letter /C c/ and practice writing them on a piece of paper.Your child may use markers, crayons, pens, pencils etc.CUTTING- Practice cutting zigzag lines.Using a piece of paper, draw a set of zigzag lines.Have your child use scissors to cut along those lines.If they wish, allow your child to make their own zigzag lines to cut.LIBRARY/MEDIA- READ A BOOK FOR 20 MINUTES A DAY - VISIT A RECOMMENDED INTERACTIVE WEBSITE.Science – Place a thermometer outside a window in a place where your child is able to see the thermometer. Invite them to observe and record/chart and discuss the changes they notice.Math – Have your child create patterns using summer items (popsicle sticks, shells, flowers). Or, have your child draw patterns in the sand or dirt using a stick or their hands. See how long your child can carry out their pattern (along the length of the sandbox, or across the grass).Library – Please read, “A Picnic with Kit” by clicking the link below.A Picnic with KitSocial/Emotional – Week 15English: : Foundation for the Common Core (PKFCC) Focus Standards for August:PK.CLL.2: With prompting and support, retell detail(s) in a text.PK.CLL.2: Demonstrates he/she is building background knowledge.PK.SED.2: Regulates his/her responses to needs, feelings and events.PK.CKW.5: Observes and describes characteristics of living things. If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at abenitez@ and I will be happy to help you. Have fun! ................

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