“Night” by Elie Wiesel

“Night” by Elie Wiesel Name______________________

Chapter 3-5

Answer the following questions In Complete Sentences. Failure to do so will result in 0 credit

Study Questions

Chapter 3

1. When the men are brought before Dr. Josef Mengele what does he do? What is the purpose of this?

2. What did another prisoner say would happen to Elie’s group?

3. What did Elie witness while he was standing in line? What was his reaction to this?

4. What phrase does Wiesel repeat multiple times to highlight the horror of his first night in the camp? List all the things he says with this phrase.

5. What natural sign marked the beginning of the next day, following their first night in the camp? What does Elie say about the changes in himself?

6. Where were Elie and his father marched to? What was Elie’s impression of this place?

7. What was the final step in the admission process to the camp?

8. How did some of the religious Jews view their troubles? How did Elie feel about this view?

9. When Elie and his father are finally moved from their barracks where are they taken?

10. Imagery is a very effective literary device. What images are used frequently throughout “Night”?

Study Questions

Chapter 4

1. As part of their medical examinations, prisoners were taken to the dentist. What was he looking for?

2. What work detail was Elie and his father assigned to? What potential problems were there in this job?

3. How did Elie avoid having his tooth pulled? What was he so pleased about saving it?

4. What happened to Elie one day at the factory? Who cleaned him up and soothed him? What was unusual about this person?

5. Many years later Wiesel met this woman in Paris. What important question did he ask her, and what was her reply?

6. What else did Idek do the Wiesels? How did Elie respond?

7. All of the Kapos were prisoners, and most were Jewish. Why do you think they were so cruel and greedy? Did this surprise you?

8. Why were the prisoners happy about the air raid even though they might have been killed by the bombs?

9. What other public execution does Wiesel write about? Why was this one particularly cruel?

10. After both executions, Wiesel describes the taste of the soup. Why do you think it “tastes” different to him?

“Night” Found Poems

Chapter 4

A “found” poem made up entirely or phrases or quotations found in another text. Found poems can be constructed from anything from phrases you find in an instruction manual to phrases you find in hymnal.

As you read Chapter 4, take note of any words or phrases you find intriguing, striking, or particularly resonant. You are going to use them to create your own found poem. When you have found some you like, arrange them on separate lines in a way that appeals to you. Remember that new ideas or images can be created when unlike words and phrases are placed next to each other. Line breaks are very effective, so you might want to experiment with breaking your phrases in different places before you decide on the final positioning.

Your poem must be 12 lines long, but there is no restriction as to line length. The poem can be in free verse or – assuming you find enough rhyming words (it is possible) – in rhyme. You may play around with Wiesel’s words as mush as you like, but do NOT deviate from them (i.e. add, change or subtract words).

Below is an example made up of words and phrases from Chapter 3.

The spring sunshine

A beautiful April day

In the sky a few white clouds

In the morning, black coffee

Little gardens here and there

At noon, soup

Right out in the country

On the sunny road

A beautiful April day

My sister’s fair hair

Turned into ashes…

Study Questions

Chapter 5

1. During Yom Kippur what did the prisoners debate?

2. What did the head of the block tell everyone after the selection process was over? Why did he say this?

3. One day some of the prisoners were told not to report to work but to stay in the camp. Who were these prisoners?

4. What did Elie’s father give him, and what did Elie ironically call it?

5. What happened to Elie’s father?

6. Why does Elie think that Akiba Drumer was chosen for the selection? What did Akiba Drumer ask of his fellow prisoners? Why do you think they failed to honor this?

7. When winter came what happened to Elie? What was the doctor’s diagnosis?

8. Two days after Elie’s operation what rumor began circulating around the camp? Though they’d heard similar rumors in the past, why were they particularly hopeful this time?

9. What bad news did the prisoners receive that same day? What choice did Elie and his father make?

10. What became of those who stayed in the hospital?

Personal Response

Answer the following questions in 4-8 sentences.

When he arrives at Auschwitz and then at Buna, Wiesel describes scenes he will never forget.

What scenes, ideas, or feelings from the memoir do you find unforgettable?

What are some ways that Wiesel and the other Jews at the camps try to observe their

religion? How have Wiesel’s feelings about God changed since his captivity began?

In the camps, Wiesel must struggle to stay alive and to remain human. In your opinion,

how well does he succeed with his struggles?

There are several discussions about resistance by the prisoners. Why do you think there

was no large scale effort to resist?

Active Reading

Night chapters 3 through 5

As you read chapters 3 through 5, complete the flow chart below by listing in chronological order the

major events that occur from the arrival of the trains at Birkenau to the evacuation of Buna. Add more

circles if necessary.


Night Study Guide Copyright © by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


Trains arrive at Birkenau

Evacuation of Buna


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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