Issue 772


October 18, 1993

UM-St. Louis Fall Enrollment

Increases Despite Projected Loss

by Jeremy Rutherford

in on-campus, off-campus, out of state,

associate news editor

and fIrst-time freshmen students.

"The one thing that caused us to

Despite a projected loss of stu- increase was theaddition ofthe nursing

dents, UM-St Louis reported an in- program," Allen said. "Itgave us nearly

.crease of485 students compared to last 100 students that previously registered

year's enrollment

in cooperation with UM-Kansas City."

About 11,878 on-campus students

Allen also cited the increase ofout-

are enrolled at UM-St Louis and cam- of-state students as being a major con-

pus officials have set a higher projec- tributor to the rise in enrollment

tion for the next few years.

''This is the fIrst year that UM-St

''We have nearly 12,000 students Louis enrollment for out-of-state stu-

and we are projecting 13,000 students dents has increased," Allen said. "Pri-

in our plan for the next five years," marily, illinois."

Roosevelt Wright, chancellor for Aca-

High school students receiving

demic Affairs, said.

. college credit from UM-St Louis are

The initial projection of a loss of recorded as off-campus students. This

students was based upon a trend. number has also increased to 391 stu-

''Each year we see fewer and fewer dents.

high school gtaduates," Glen Allen,

''We don't set projections for off-

director of registration, said.

campus students," Allen said. "The

UM~St Louis, however, increased

increase in off-campus students is, however, because we have added more high schools to the continuing education program."

Wright said offering students college credit helps the university gain more exposure.

"It is a vehicle for recruitment,"

Wrightsaid."Offeringthis opportunity to select seniors will give them a closer look at the university and they may decide to come here."

However, UM-ColombiaandUMKansas City have both reported declines in total enrollment. UM-Colombia suffered a loss of 1,178 students overall and a difference of 11 fewer first-time freshmen.

Wright said the high cost of area

See Increase, page 4

Speaking From The Heart

.Students Form Columbas Masters Refutes

Day Protest On Campus

Allegation by Student

by Clint Zweifel

on Columbas Day.

by Jeremy Rutherford

news editor

"We looked at how there was so

much emphasis placed on that 500 year

associate news editor

About 50 UM-SL Louis students celebration and we tried to combat that gathered in front of Lucas Hall for an on a local level and that was to protest

During the Student Government Association meeting on

anti-Columbas Day rally. Mon.? Oct it here at UMSL," Zuberi said. "I think Oct 13. Andy Masters, SGA


Nkrumah ZubM, seniorat UM-SL LOuis whospoke atthe~vent; said the

idea of the rally came from last year's

(being taught that Colwilbas discovered America) is an insult to any student at a university of higher learning. .

"The id~of us being taught that

president,refuted the accusation Iihat he had not attempted to involve the Associated Blid Collegians (ABC) in SGA events.

anti-Columbas day rally. He said there Christopher Columbas discovered bas been too much importance placed America is not only afalsehood but itis

It.fasters read excerpts from a letter written by Dave Roither,

SGA vice-president, and sent to

ABC on Aug. 31.

"Although you have declined

to place a representative on the

[Homecoming] committee, I

would like to encourage your

organization to participate in the

festivities. ..

Roither, in the letter, empha-

sized the importance of ABC's

involvement in campus activities.

"We are depending on the support of all organizations on

Photo: Alfie M. Ali A student watches Eri ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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