Nota Stampa finale - Rimini Fiera

Final Press Release






96,491 trade visitors (4.1% more than 2009)

Foreign visitors totalled 16,954 (a 5.2% rise on 2009)


From all over the world for the great international events:

the Gelato World Cup,

the pastry/confectionery Championships and SIGEP Bread Cup,

Rimini, 28th January 2010 - Reporting great client satisfaction, Rimini Fiera archives the 31st SIGEP International Exhibition of artisan Gelato, Confectionery and Bakery production, inaugurated on Saturday 23rd January, with the participation of regional councillor for Manufacturing Activities Duccio Campagnoli, and world leader for the artisan confectionery trade.

The chairman of Rimini Provincial Government, Stefano Vitali, Rimini’s mayor Alberto Ravaioli and Rimini Fiera Chairman Lorenzo Cagnoni also took part in the inauguration.

During the five-day expo, 720 exhibiting companies occupied 90,000 m2. On show, the entire artisan confectionery chain, in all its productive, creative and commercial aspects: machinery, ingredients, décor & fittings, accessories, decorations, services, publishing and communication. The expo area also hosted the debut of the SIGIFT Favour, Comfit, Decoration and Gift Show.

The 2010 results have two fundamental aspects: SIGEP once again confirmed its world leadership and is the only undisputed marketplace for contacts and business contracts for the artisan gelato and confectionery sectors.


SIGEP 2010 was visited by 96,491 trade members (4.1% more than 2009), of whom 16,954 were from abroad (5.2% up on 2009): this was a strong response from the national artisan confectionery system, solid and orientated towards innovation, so much so that it attracts a constantly growing foreign demand to the expo. SIGEP 2010 promoted this dynamism, confirming its role as an annual reference point that none of the key players in the market’s development can afford to miss. There was also excellent media feedback: of the 455 journalists accredited, 143 were from abroad, and the major television networks transmitted coverage of the expo. There was a great deal of attention on behalf of both generalist and specialized press.


Rimini Fiera chairman Lorenzo Cagnoni comments, “SIGEP 2010 ends with extremely positive results, which confirm the Expo as an international business event for artisan confectionery. It is an overall success, which rewards those who believe in innovation and those who consider the international development of such a dynamic sector with a constructive spirit. SIGEP is both an expo and a show, the events met with enthusiastic success and reinforced a cohesion that will guide us towards new commitment for further improvement in 2011.”

Business Unit and SIGEP manager Patrizia Cecchi continues, “There was great expectation for this edition of SIGEP. We wanted to measure the results of a further outstanding re-launch of the investments promoted by Rimini Fiera to support companies’ meetings with new international markets. We also worked perseveringly to cement a project that strengthened increasingly close unity between all the representatives of the entire product chain: Italian and foreign companies, artisans, sales networks, press, institutions and consumers. There was great satisfaction and pride for the results: business and contracts for the companies and the strengthening of the Italian artisan gelato and confectionery system as an emblem of the success of Italian-made products worldwide. SIGEP results in positive energy, shared commitment and investments that stimulate everyone to improve and innovate. This is also the result of the pro-active collaboration of all the associations and people that share this vision and our thanks go to all of them. Together, we have strengthened SIGEP, a great heritage for us all - unique and inimitable.”


Inaugurated by no less than four Miss Italy, SIGEP 2010 featured a series of extraordinary events that attracted a great deal of interest on behalf of the expo’s visitors. France won the 4th edition of the Gelato World Cup (organized by Rimini Fiera along with CoGel Fipe), which had contestants from nine countries from all over the world. The pasty/confectionery sector featured an unusual twinning of Poland and Naples under the banner of the babà cake, and the national championships to select the Italian team for the World Cup in Lyon next year. For bakery, there was an extraordinarily successful SIGEP Bread Cup, with ten nations competing: victory went to Hungary, who came in ahead of Germany and Australia, under the watchful eyes of the vice president of the UIB (International Union of Bakers and Baker-Confectioners), Boldiszar Ilonka.


Beyond the Italian market, heading for internationality: there are many projects looking in that direction. Some advance news: the gelato world will have as its climax the new edition of the international contest “The Gelato is Served", SIGEP Bread Cup has obtained the sponsorship of the UIB and in 2011 official representatives of forty foreign countries will take part, and for the pastry/confectionery trade an original new international contest is in the works. Companies will have at their disposal the new online “SIGEP International Matching” platform, to draw up agendas of meetings with international buyers.

But there were plenty of other surprises…


The French national anthem was the soundtrack of the 4th Gelato World Cup. The French team, made up of captain Jean Claude David and gelato makers Luc Debove, Hervè Dartois and Thierry Ramas, beat Switzerland at the end of four days of intense work and great concentration. Third equal were Argentina and Morocco, the Cup’s real revelation. There were also teams competing from Australia, Brazil, Germany, Morocco, Spain and the USA. The panel of judges was made up of Chairman Sergio Colalucci and representatives of the competing nations. The Gelato World Cup was organized by Rimini Fiera and Cogel-Fipe Confcommercio.

Two extraordinary masters of gelato making such as Luca Caziezel and Carlo Pozzi, ambassadors of Italian gelato worldwide, were the testimonials of a new initiative created at SIGEP: Heading for Excellence. Ten master gelato makers, professional expression of the same number of Italian regional areas, presented and offered tasting sessions of recipes and local flavours of old, re-interpreted with new matches and solutions. The initiative’s success was seen by workshops being taken by assault by ice cream makers, ‘thirsting’ for new knowledge and techniques to add to their professional expertise. Heading for Excellence involved trade associations Co.gel FIPE/Comitato Gelatieri, Maestros of Italian Gelato Making, SIGA/ Italian Association of Gelato Makers, G.A. Comitato Nazionale per la Difesa e la Diffusione del Gelato Artigianale di Produzione Propria (National Committee for the Defence and Diffusion of Artisan Gelato made in-house).

Professional training is another key feature of SIGEP and the Idea Workshop was the place where knowledge and skills to be passed on to the new generations of gelato makers were concentrated. This year, the leitmotif of the topics covered regarded the combination with music and the idea, launched by the Maestros of Italian gelato making association chaired by Candida Pelizzoli, met with great success. The teams that showed their skills in the various competitions offered original hints that will be found in gelato parlours in coming months, reinventing the flavours of chocolate, hazelnut, banana & raspberry. To the fore the team led by Gubbio master Paolo Bettelli with Farida Haggiagi (Libyan, but now living in Rome), Mariangela Azzaro and Max Tormen, born in Belluno, but working in Cologne. There was also a great performance by the trio formed by Enrico Poggi from Bardolino Lago di Garda (Verona), Ethiopian Roberto Iacona and Antonio Tavella from Vibo Valentia. Lastly, prizes also went to the team led by Claudia Urbinati, with Silvana Chenal from Val D’Aosta and Farida Haggiagi. The men were Andrea Foschi (who is from Bergamo but lives and works in Spain) and Antonio Tavella.

Fantasy and professionalism characterized the traditional contests promoted at SIGEP by the Associazione Italiana Gelatieri. There were 221 participants in the Pistachio-flavoured gelato contest and the contest entitled “A Thousand ideas for a new flavour”. The former was won by the Giovanni Lasagna Gelato parlour (Palma de Majorca – Spain), second place went to Antonio Cosentino’s Marron Glacè Gelato parlour (Catanzaro Lido), and Simpachi Gelato parlour (Tokyo – Japan) came third. In the contest “A Thousand ideas for a new flavour”, victory went to the Barone Bros. Gelato parlour (Maida – Catanzaro) with the flavour “Terroncello”, second prize to the Santo Musumeci Gelato parlour (Randazzo – Catania) with the flavour “Fragolissimevolmente” and third to the Lotte Ice Gelato Parlour (Tokyo – Japan) with the flavour “Dama d’Oriente”.

SIGEP also hosted the unusual fascinating participation of a red pied Friuli cow, which was milked by its breeder to provide the milk necessary for making an extraordinary fiordilatte gelato, available after just twenty minutes for the eagerly awaiting visitors

SIGEP 2010 also hosted numerous product preview presentations. These included Affresco, a model gelato parlour designed by IFI SpA with designer Beppe Riboli for a new concept under the banner of Italian-made products and the exploitation of gelato.

On the publication front, there was the presentation of the book Millenovecentodieci-Duemiladieci. 100 anni di gelato artigianale italiano (1910-2010 100 years of Italian artisan gelato) by journalist Luciana Polliotti, published by Editrade. For the occasion, Editrade presented the 2010 pastry/confectionery annual, prepared in collaboration with “dessert stylist” Roberto Rinaldini.

Once more a key player, on the last day of SIGEP, the initiative organized by BuonLavoro CNA and Rimini Provincial Government entitled Don’t freeze our smile. The project involved young schoolchildren and Rimini gelato parlours, and aimed at making people more aware of the phenomenon of bullying. Along with the gelato parlours, the “Friendship” flavour was prepared and will be featured in the next advertising campaign.


The opening pastry event was Delicious & Famous. Four Miss Italy (Denny Mendez, Gloria Bellicchi, Daniela Ferolla and Claudia Andreatti) wore jewels, clothes and accessories made by great master pastry chefs/confectioners. Eight pastry chefs took part in the event, organized by Rimini Fiera, in collaboration with the Associazione Maestri Pasticceri Italiani (Association of Italian Pastry Chefs), CAST Alimenti and Club Arti & Mestieri: Israel’s Judith Zer-Aviv and Italians Antonio Guerra, Domenico Spadafora, Antonio Le Rose, Francesco Elmi, Fabrizio Galla, Gino Fabbri and Sandro Ferretti.

There was moment of intense emotion at SIGEP in the traditional event SIGEP Giovani Stage 2010, at which the young training school students arrive with their works and assist the great master pastry cooks/confectioners, gaining valuable experience and knowledge. This year, their historical guide was missing - Luciano Pennati, animator of the contest and an emblematic personality of the international pastry/confectionery trade, who passed away a few months ago. The “poet”, as he was affectionately called by friends and colleagues, “combined his extraordinary culture and professionalism with great humanity and irony, gifts that made him a real driving force”, as was remembered by Livia Chiriotti, editor of the magazine Pasticceria Internazionale, organizer of the contest, along with SIGEP. Numerous personalities came to remember Pennati along with his son Marco: they included Federico Anzellotti – Chairman of Conpait, Annamaria Lovatti - chairperson of the Accademia Conveit, Rossano Boscolo of Boscolo Étoile Academy, Iginio Massari, founding chairman of the Accademia Maestri Pasticceri, Vittorio Santoro, manager of CAST Alimenti and Giorgia Maioli, project manager of SIGEP, who consigned Marco Pennati with a plaque in memory of the Maestro, after which the SIGEP Giovani Stage was named.

The Italian Pastry Championships, organized by Conpait – Confederazione Pasticceri d’Italia was won, in the Junior category, by 19-year old Andrea Borgognoni from Rimini with a dessert named after Federico Fellini and the film “La dolce vita”. In second place, Antonio Daloisio from Barletta, and third Marcello Boccia from Naples.

In the Senior category, a contest that was also valid for finding the members of the Italian team that will compete next year at the Word Pastry Cup, victory went to 26-year old Emanuele Forcone from Vasto.

Emanuele also won the selection for working sugar. Domenico Longo from Treviso won a special mention for working ice, whereas Davide Comaschi from Milan beat all-comers for working chocolate. These three pastry chefs/confectioners will therefore represent Italy at the 2011 World Pastry Cup.

The twinning of Polish and Neapolitan pastry cooks was one of the most entertaining moments at SIGEP 2010. In Naples they have a saying .... “a real father is he who raises his son”. So, on the subject of the babà cake, Neapolitan pastry cooks have no doubts as to its paternity. But, according to tradition, the very tasty product has originated in far-off Poland, thanks to no less than a king - Stanislao Leszczinski, who ruled from 1704 to 1735.

The event was organized by Rimini Fiera, in collaboration with the Accademia Maestri Pasticceri Italia, CAST Alimenti and Club Arti & Mestieri. Fighting it out in this entertaining duel, on one hand the master pastry chefs Gennaro Volpe, Pasquale Marigliano and Salvatore Gabbiano, supported by the valuable aid of the Association of Neapolitan Pastry Chefs, and on the other Srozak Grzegorz, Wegrzyn Michal and Maciej Pieta.

The pastry/confectionery events ended looking ahead, to Saint Valentine’s Day, with a contest that awarded a prize for the best idea for a cake for sweethearts. With its entry, entitled C’è posta per te, the Salvatore Mancuso pastry shop in Salerno enchanted the panel of judges of the Saint Valentine’s Cake contest, organized by Club Arti & Mestieri, Cast Alimenti and Accademia Maestri Pasticceri Italiani. Second prize went to Andrea Tedeschi from Bazzano (Bologna), with his “Peccato”. Third was Salvatore Ruta, from Ferrara, with his octagonal milk chocolate and raspberry cake


At SIGEP Bread Cup this year, the bread spoke Hungarian. In fact, it was the Magyar team that won the 2010 edition of a competition that has become a key point of the expo. The theme this year was Artisan bread, a certainty for the future, a topic that left ample freedom of expression to the bakers who came to Rimini. The contestants, from ten countries, competed making totally new bread and cakes, in the suggestive setting of a medieval village. Hungary won in no less than three categories: innovative bread, baked dessert and the coveted artistic bread, with the realization of a world globe, accompanied by the stages in a baker’s life and a large cross on top of the world. The team’s members were Roland Tukacs, Miklós Jankó, Norbert Hàrsi and Zoltàn Takò.

The Australia team on the other hand won the “showcase/window”’ contest, with ‘The sunflower”. The Israeli team won the prize for traditional bread, on the theme “past, present and future”. The winning team received its prize from the vice president of the International Union of Bakers and Bakers-Confectioners, Boldiszar Ilonka. SIGEP Bread Cup was organized by Rimini Fiera and Club Arti & Mestieri.


SIGEP also hosted some interesting instructive exhibitions. In the Espresso & Hot Drinks area there was a collection of espresso coffee machines which told the story of a hundred years of Italy, seen from a coffee bar counter, by the Enrico Maltoni Collection; in the area dedicated to chocolate, a photographic gallery of the Dominican Republic, where cacao is the “fruit of the gods”; lastly, the videos of the designs drawn up at – Milan Polytechnic Consortium for the creation of innovative points of sale for gelato parlours, bakery shops and pizza parlours. Rimini Fiera with its expos dedicated to the hospitality trade is the Consortium’s exclusive academic partner. POLI.Design also presented a new contest, Le 5 stagioni Award, intended for pizza parlour designers

In the area dedicated to chocolate, the exciting challenge of the fifth edition of the ICAM Linea Professionale Contest met with great success. Twelve of the best master chocolatiers showed their skill with individual portions of Chocolate Dessert. The work and results of the master chocolatiers was assessed by a prestigious panel of judges chaired by Maestro Accademico Pier Paolo Magni. Victory went to Ernst Friedrich Knam of Milan, second place to Francesco Manfredi from Teggiano (Salerno) and third was Gaetano Mignano of Monte Procida (Naples). A Special Award for the best presentation went to Mario Primo Mosconi of Villa di Tirano (Sondrio).

Also for the chocolate world, the finals of the SIGEP Chococlub Sensorial Trophy organized by Rimini Fiera and Chococlub with partners Confartigianato Imprese and Caffarel. Ten Italian confectioners, selected at event previously held in Omegna (VB), Melzo (Milan) and San Marino, fought it out, accepting the challenge of making coffee-flavoured chocolates. Eleonora Vivenzi (Pasticceria Chocoelite from Nave, Brescia) won, second place went to Giorgio Grilli (Chocolat '68 from Bollate - Milan) and third to Stefano Collomb (Chocolat Collomb from La Thuile – Aosta).

Chocolate pralines were also the key players in the initiative “A name for a Prize-winning praline”, organized by Rossi & Partners in collaboration with Chococlub. Silvio Bessone, winner of the 2009 SIGEP Chococlub Sensorial Trophy and First European Chocolatier, created a unique praline called Amelie exclusively for SIGEP 2010.

A strong point for public venues that refer to SIGEP is coffee, at the core of the first Professional seminar on qualitative and creative investment of coffee beyond bars - Patisseries and restaurants, organized by the magazine Pasticceria Internazionale and Rimini Fiera in collaboration with Chococlub and . Gastronomy experts and trade professionals discussed how coffee as a product can be exploited with optimum preparation and presentation, and how today, in some cases, venues do not pay sufficient attention to espresso.

Communication and advertising obviously have important roles in the activity of companies taking part in SIGEP. The fourth edition of the Comunicando award for publicity launched by the magazine puntoIT-gelato&barpasticceria was dedicated precisely to this topic. The title of Comunicando Unique Publicity Campaign 2009 was won by Torronalba with “Fatto di cioccolato”. The panel of judges - made up of Stefania Bastianelli (advertising expert), Livia Chiriotti (editor of Pasticceria Internazionale), Luciana Polliotti (trade journalist) and Manuela Rossi (editor of puntoIT) - examined over 240 new campaigns by the sector’s companies and published by magazines specialized in gelato and pastry/confectionery during 2009.

The awards included the Best Graphic Design (F.A.R. for the “Cogliete tutte le novità” campaign), the Best Creativity (“Con Decor Ice anche le favole diventano realtà” by Bigatton) and Best Copy (“La scienza del morbido” by Gel-matic). Lastly, the title of Best Visuals went to Esssecaffè for “The passion”.

The Comunicando award chosen by readers in 2009 was also assigned, for the publicity campaign receiving the most votes from the readers of puntoIT, which went to Cresco for “Prova il gelato che frizza - Choco Frizzy”. Lastly, The consignment of the award for The Top Five SIGEP 2010 Stands to Agrimontana, Alcas, Carpigiani, Comprital and Costagroup.

In the context of the SIGIFT Favour, Comfit, Decoration and Gift Show, two exceptional guests brought a touch of colour to the expo. John Preston and Peggy Butland, world champions of ”Balloon arts” in 2004 in Italy and winners of the famous contests in Los Angeles and London, came to fame on the occasion of the 80th birthday of Queen Elizabeth II for having decorated the facade of Buckingham Palace.

Project manager Giorgia Maioli concludes, “Trade members - both visitors and exhibitors - at SIGEP had the possibility of gaining very useful knowledge for their work. The events, above and beyond their spectacular nature, had precisely the function of encouraging knowledge and exchange between professionalism and culture, useful for improving day-to-day work in companies and a decisive contribution for everybody’s growth. We are acknowledged this value and this is really gratifying for SIGEP.”

All the press releases regarding SIGEP 2010 are available in the press area of the Web site


Rimini Fiera SpA communication & media relations service

+39 0541 744510

manager: Elisabetta Vitali; press office coordinator: Marco Forcellini; press staff: Nicoletta Evangelisti Mancini and Alessandro Caprio; media consultant: Cesare Trevisani “Nuova Comunicazione Associati”


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