October 20, 2007 ALL THE WAY FIRST SGT!

October 20, 2007


The All Americans

Congratulations New BSC Life Members:

Louis Belsha


Edward C. Malner


Douglas Rasmussen


Michael D. Nelson


Jack Pallan


Robert Phillips


Rest In Peace

Donald Kopp


Gerald Van Goppel


Mark A. Nagan


America's Most

Democracy he so well de-

Honored Guard Now fended and

On Heaven's Gates

The Good Fight to which

1st Sgt. Mark A. he was eter-

Nagan, 94, died nally vigilant.

Sunday October 14


at Cherry Meadows, p r o b a b l y


could have

Mark was one of the avoided the

82nd Airborne Divi- draft since in

sion's most noted Glider Riders 1941 he was Former 82nd CO Lt. Gen. Bill Caldwell, friend and admirer

and heroes, fighting at Nor- 29, married of 1st Sgt. Mark A. Nagan, presents flag to Dennis Nagan

mandy, Market Garden and The Bulge with the storied 325 GIR.

with a baby. "I thought it

and Mark's family. Gen. Caldwell was accompanied by an 82nd 16- Paratrooper Honor Guard. (Laney photo)

He was buried Oct. 17, sur- was my duty

rounded by family, friends, BSC, VFW vets and an 82nd 16Paratrooper Honor Guard led by Lt. Gen Bill Caldwell.

After winning the war, Mark became 1st Sgt. of the 82nd Airborne Division's Berlin Honor Guard. The 82nd Honor Guard required a six-foot height and Mark was 5'8" but got the job anyway. "I guess I could bark pretty good," he said.

Mark promptly whipped the 82nd's combat-hardened vets into the military's most prestigious Honor Guard. When Gen George Patton reviewed Mark's Guard he said, "Of all my years in the Army and of all the Honor Guards I've ever seen, the 82nd Berlin Honor Guard is the best!"

And so Mark A. Nagan added the "America's Guard of Honor" line to the All Americans, the greatest combat division in WWII.

Mark came home to manage the local hardware store in Kaukauna, helping everyone who came in as those wonderful old hardware stores did; to raise his family; to serve St. Mary's parish

to fight for my country," he said. He was first assigned to the

101st Airborne and then moved to an anti-tank unit in the 82nd's 325 GIR before Normandy.

On February 1st, 1944, Mark is pictured in "The Stars and Stripes" supervising the loading of a 37mm anti-tank gun in a WACO Glider. We know the 325 was one heck of a combat outfit that took incredible casualties but, Mark, "... would never talk about the combat," says his son Dennis.

"He was very proud of the 82nd and thrilled to be at the 82nd's 2005 Milwaukee Convention. Gen. Caldwell was then commanding the 82nd and he and CSM Wolf Amacker came looking for my Dad. They and everybody else sat there for hours listening to my Dad and when Gen. Caldwell introduced Dad he got a standing Airborne ovation. And later on, Gen. Caldwell noted my Dad in his speech before the 82nd's Birthday Run;

`1st Sgt. Nagan formed that color guard instilling the discipline, the standards and the expectations that this world has

"The 82nd Airborne's Convention brought tears to my eyes. It really made everything my Dad and the 82nd Airborne did hit home for me," Dennis says.

In his last days, moving tributes from today's 82nd's leaders dropped softly and movingly upon Mark's family. From the 82nd's Command Sgt. Major, Wolf Amacker:

"Dennis , I'm very sorry to hear about your father. One of my proudest moments as a Paratrooper was speaking with him at the convention a few years back. He and 1SG Funk (Another Hero from WWII) have become my personal inspiration from a Division with unparalleled history.

"I can't think of a more fitting epitaph for this wonderful Paratrooper than `All The Way 1st Sgt.'

"The one good thing is that from now on, 1SG Nagan's skies will be clear, his canopies will be full, his breezes gentle, and his landings will all be soft.

All my prayers, CSM Wolf Amacker"

and his community; to scratch about each and every Paratrooper

league bowl. He stood for the here,' Caldwell said.

(cont. pg 6)



OCTOBER 20, 2007

Badger State Chapter 82nd Airborne Division Association

Officers Steve Helms, Chairman

920-832-9090 Mike Haller, Vice-Chair

608-356-3235 Bert Schmitz, Secretary

920-582-4876 Reuben Clark, Treasurer

608-222-4833 Bob Lucksted, Sgt. at Arms


Trustees Doc Stolp- thru 2007

715-325-2355 Gordy Starck? thru 2008

414-425-3908 Frank Morris? thru 2009


Under the Canopy

Chairman's Notes:

Stand up

Hello my fellow BSC members, wives, girlfriends, families. The BSC had another good turnout at the American Legion in Wausau. We had 19 members and 16 guests. "Good show BSC!" Les Schwarm and Syd Cohen gave a very enjoyable tour of the hangar where they are rebuilding a CG-41 WWII era Glider. Good job Les and Syd!. Wausau was a happy time for me because Les Schwarm came back to the BSC, Herb Huebschen, Big Ed, Doug Rasmussen, Doc and Diane were all there. All members of the BSC are special. I was happy to see these folks again.

Hook Up!

Next meeting is Nov. 10 at King. I will not be able to attend but our ViceChairman Mike Haller will be in charge and I'm sure will do a standup job.

Stand in the door and go!

Green light--we all know what that means: Go! and it is that time for me. BSC folks this is the hardest part of my comments. November is the election meeting and we have one Trustee position open. I will finish my term through 31 Dec. 2007 but will not run, will not accept or serve another term. My views of the direction of BSC and some past and present officers of the BSC are not--it seems--even close, so in my mind it would be better for me and the well-being of the chapter, that I step down as Chairman. I'm very sure a good

man out in BSC Land will step up and lead in a proud Airbrone manner. I thank some members for tons of help this past year:

Tom Gaukel "Past Chairman" when I had questions Tom had answers.

Reuben Clark, "Treasurer" anything I asked Reuben had an answer or found the answer for me.

Bert Schmitz "Secretary" Bert has been there from the start for me. Bert has had progressive ideals and only looks out for the good of the chapter!

John Givens "Past Vice-Chairman" John has probably spent more time not in office helping me, than he had to while Vice-Chairman. Thank you John, you know, and I only hope the membership understands the work you put into BSC 82nd Abn. Assoc.

Doc Stolp "Trustee" once again when I had a what or why, Doc was and is one of my go-to guys. Doc, is Doc, is Doc, is Doc. I truly hope every member of BSC understands the time and work Doc has put into our chapter and the offices he has held over the years. From all of us I sure thank you Doc. I'm sure I've missed someone who has been there for me and I do apologize for it. I have been proud to be your BSC Chairman for this past year. I know the chapter will always go Above and Beyond. Thank you all.

Steve Helms, Chairman

BSC Airborne All The Way!

Badger Airborne News

Tom Laney, Editor E6304 866th Ave. Colfax, WI 54730

715-962-4365 tlaney@

These are the Hyper Cool BSC Challenge Coins designed by John and Marsha Given's son Jeff and now available for prestige and fundraising. Every Badger Glider Rider and Paratrooper should have lots of these! Prices to be discussed and set at the 11/10 meeting . All proceeds will benefit the BSC.

OCTOBER 20, 2007



Badger State Chapter

who was picked "Airborne Man of the

Whalen is a candidate for trustee.

82nd Airborne Division Assoc.


Concerns: Reuben Clark reported that Don


Old Business ? Bylaws: John Givens made Kopp of Cottage Grove is terminally ill. Ray

HELD ON SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER a motion that since the secretary was unwill- Conklin of Madison had extensive back sur-

10, 2007

ing to sign the Bylaws, that the Vice-

gery and is recuperating.


Chairman, Mike Haller, be authorized to Raffle John Givens and Marcy Helms con-


sign. Mr. Schmitz stated that since the mem- ducted the Raffle. Proceeds were $72.00.

bership now has a copy per the newsletter, Doc Stolp presented four items for the group

Chairman Steve Helms called the meeting to he will sign the original. Mr. Givens there- to be thinking about: 1) Consider purchasing

order at 3:00 p.m. Steve dedicated this meet- fore withdrew his motion.

a tile for the Korean War Memorial near

ing to Jerry Diemel and Gordy Starck; Reu- Museum Project - Tom Laney reported that Plover identifying the BSC as contributor; 2)

ben Clark added the names of Ray Conklin he and Tom Gaukel are in the process of consider purchasing two hedges for land-

and Don Kopp. Reuben Clark led the group locating items for the museum project. If scaping at the Stevens Point Memorial; 3)

in the Pledge of Allegiance and Steve Helms you know of any available, please contact since all Airborne are not jumpers, consider

gave the opening prayer. There were 20

either Tom L. or Tom G.

a donation to the building of the glider in

members and 16 guests in attendance

"Wish List" for the Veteran's Home at Wausau; 4) continue working on 3 flag poles

Minutes of Last Meeting held on June 30, King - Steve Helms inquired about the

for the Monument at Stevens Point.

2007 in Baraboo, WI. Steve Helms had two "Wish List" for King. Reuben did not have it D.C. Everest Senior High School is con-

corrections: (1) "Steve Helms informed the with him, so it was tabled until the next

ducting interviews for their 3rd World War II

membership that there are pins and conven- meeting.

project. Any World War II veteran wishing

tion booklets left from the 2005 Conven- Challenge Coin: Steve Helms and John

to be interviewed should contact Paul Aleck-

tion..." (not 2007). (2) A motion was ap- Givens have worked on this project. John's son, 715/359-4484 Ext. 4353. pal.

proved for the purchase and design of the son, Jeff, did the artwork. Steve circulated eckson@dce.Ki2.wi.us

Challenge Coin. With these two corrections, the finished coin. The cost will be $10.00 for Camp America: Doug Rasmussen talked

the minutes were approved as printed.

non-members, plus $2.00 shipping; Mem- about Camp America that is sponsored by

Treasurer's Report ? Doug Rasmussen bers ? 1-5 coins would be $8.00 each plus the American Legion in Phillips, WI.

asked how long the "deal" on Life Member- shipping; 6+ would be $7.00 each plus post- Next Meeting: Will be held in King, WI on

ship is in effect. That is until the end of

age. Motion by Bob Lucksted, seconded by Saturday, November 10, 2007 in Marden

2007. The question was also asked if the Frank Morris that $850. be allotted for the Hall.

$50.00 per year to the Education Fund had purchase of 200 coins. Motion carried.

Wisconsin Flag: Tom Hacker donated a

been paid for this year. It has not but Reuben New Member: Steve introduced Bob Phil- Wisconsin Flag for the Chapter to send to

will be paying it shortly. There are currently lips and his wife, Kathy. Bob is a new

Sgt. Frawley in Afghanistan.

123 Life Members and 37 Regular Members member from Tomah. Steve also welcomed Adjournment: - At 5:03 p.m. motion by

for a total of 160.

back Les Schwarm and his wife. Les just Doug Rasmussen, seconded by Bill Tobin

Secretary's Comments ? Bert Schmitz re- transferred back to the Badger State Chapter that the meeting be adjourned. Motion car-

ported that the 2008 National Convention from the Southern Chapter. He introduced ried.

will be held in St. Louis on August 12-18. and welcomed Tom Hacker and his wife,

Bert has been collecting books, which he has Randy as guests from the Southern Chapter. Bert Schmitz, Secretary

sent to Walter Reed Hospital and to the Burn New Business:

Recorded by Liz Clark

Center in San Antonio. He presented figures Care Packages: Bert Schmitz reported that

on the Memorial Marker (Medallion) pro- the major needs of deployed Airborne are

ject. Reuben Clark reminded Bert that since pretty well met. Of primary need are items the Chapter has disassociated with the pro- of interest for those Airborne recovering

Attention BSC Members!

ject, it is no longer an item of business.

from injury. Bert has shipped 156 lbs. of

Vice-Chairman's Comments ? Mike Hal- books to San Antonio Burn Center and Waller gave a very moving testimonial on why ter Reed Hospital, at a cost of $79.83 for he chooses to be a member of this organiza- shipping. Marcy Helms (whose husband,

Please be on the lookout for Troopers' names in your local


Eric, is now serving in the Middle East)

newspapers who are being as-

Chairman's Comments ? Steve reported talked about the items that would be good to that Manny De Jesus had requested informa- send. Tom Laney mentioned that Sgt. Jeff tion on the two oldest members in the Chap- Frawley has requested a Wisconsin State

signed to the 82nd or another Airborne unit going to Kuwait,

ter (which he did nationwide). Steve submit- flag for his 82nd Unit in Afghanistan. It was Iraq or Afghanistan. Please for-

ted the names of Mark Nagan (94) and Herb agreed to do this. John Givens questioned

ward the article to the newslet-

Huebschen (88). Manny wanted to compile a how much money should be spent each year

list of the 25 oldest members of the 82nd

on Care Packages. $1500. has been budgeted

ter editor so he can send a copy

Airborne Association. On that list, Mark overall and about $84 has been spent so far of our newsletter to him or her.

Nagan is number 7 and Herb Huebschen is this year. No decision was reached. number 25. Herb was in attendance and was Election of Officers: Election of Officers applauded. Steve reported that the Badger will take place at the November meeting.

Hopefully we can recruit new BSC members and also have a

State Chapter was represented by 8 members Doc Stolp announced that he will not be

Wisconsinite to send an Air-

at the Convention. Steve had four posters running again as Trustee. Anyone interested for Chapter members to sign and three will in becoming an officer, sergeant-at-arms or eventually be used for the Raffle and one is trustee should notify one of the trustees

borne Package to.


for the Chairman. A congratulation card was (they are the Nominating Committee). The

signed by all present for Manny De Jesus, trustees present were notified that Rick

John Givens

OCTOBER 20, 2007



The Road to King



Jump Here!

Please Join Us for the Veterans Day Meeting of the 82nd Airborne Badger State Chapter at the King Veterans Home Saturday Nov. 10

BSC Agenda:

XI. Members Comments

the right and above King near the Fox-

I. Call to Order at 2PM

XII. Adjourn

fire Golf Club. It is just off Hwy 54 and

II. Pledge and Prayer

a short distance West of Hwy 10.

III. Approve 9/15/07 minutes

Getting to King Vets Home:

Getting to King, go SW on QQ.

IV. Treas. Report

Look for the "A" in the lower left cor-

V. Sec. Report

ner of the map above, just below the Grand Seasons Best Western

VI. Vice Chair Report

jumper. From the hotels, take Country $69.00 +tax

VII. Chair Report

Road QQ SW to Marden and turn right. 110 Grand Seasons Dr.

VIII. Project Updates

It is the center driveway. The meeting is (NW corner of Intersection of Hwy 54

IX. Old Business

in the Marden Center. The Veterans & Hwy 10)

A. By-laws

Cemetery is across the street.


B. King "Wish List"

Reserve as 82nd Airborne by Nov. 2.

C. Newsletter Guidelines


Look for the "C" on the right side of the


Comfort Suites

map above.

X. New Business

$64.00 +tax

Getting to King, go SW on QQ. Turn

A. Nomination/Election of Officers 199 Foxfire Dr.

right on Marden.

B. Swear in new officers


C. Determine "Challenge Coin" Reserve as 82nd Airborne by Nov. 2. Dinner: See box on next page.


Look for the "B" on the map above just

OCTOBER 20, 2007



Open up! Tell us about your Airborne selves

John Givens would like to start a new BSC Biography Project and requests that all interested members submit a brief history of themselves to him.

"We have the book that was done by Doc many years ago but I'm thinking of doing this so we will have info on everyone, at least all who submit their history to us," John says. "I hope people will look at the outline here and get some idea of how to put it together. The outline does not have to be followed to the `T' but it will help give a direction for the biographies."

John's looking for two typed pages and he's willing to do the typing if you want to write it by hand. He really would not like to have to type six or eight pages on everyone.

The stories will then go into plastic covers and be alphabetized in 3-ring binders.

John is looking for advice on this project so talk to him at the BSC meeting Nov. 10.


Airborne Dinner

6PM Saturday Nov. 10

King's Table

(About a block NW of Vets Home)

$14.50 per person (Includes tax and tip)

Make dinner reservations by Nov. 3, 2007 by sending your

check to:

Reuben Clark, Treasurer BSC 82nd Airborne Assoc.

5318 Greenbriar Lane Madison, WI 53714-3404

History of Badger State Chapter Members

A full page version of this proposed outline will be available at the 11/10 BSC meeting. Use this and get started now:

Include Date, Full name, Address, Phone. Birthday and place of birth Dad's Name Mom's Name Brothers and Sisters Brief history of grade school thru high school, college, trade school, etc. What was it like growing up? Graduation dates, Work history Service dates, drafted or enlisted Military ID#, MOS Basic training base, AIT base, Jump School (Bragg or Benning?) If at Bragg, how did your platoon treat you? Other schools--Pathfinder, Jungle, Ranger, etc.--How tough were they? Unit assignments, Field Operations Number and place of jumps/glider rides Combat landings and battles-- Try to get this out. Jump/Glider Stories--Talk about all the close calls and crash landings. Airborne Friendship Stories--Talk about all the nice things Troopers do for each other, Discharge date & rank. Life after service--Church/Community/ Civic involvement. Family Married? Date and spouse's full name and how you met. Children and grandkids names and birthdays and what they do. Anything else.

Send to: John Givens, 3423 Robinsdale Ave., LaCrosse, WI 54601

Airborne Museum

The BSC's Museum Project needs Airborne Items and Memorabilia.

We are in the process of insuring that this project is ongoing.

All items donated/loaned will be secured. We assure all donors that your items will be safe and returned to you upon request. This exhibit will travel

to Veterans' sites, Churches and schools to remind people of the Airborne Heart, Legacy and (somewhat

reckless) Spirit.

Contact Tom Gaukel, Tom Laney, Museum Committee Troopers to contribute items or help with the display

or, just to bug us with questions.


Go All The Way! Dress Airborne right! Look Airborne right! Feel Airborne right!

We have AIRBORNE Challenge Coins, jackets, flags, patches, pillows, pillow covers, T's, aprons,

posters, books, CD's etc.

We can get just about everything you need except lower taxes.

Airborne Goods on sale wherever we meet!



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