Date 5/29/15??PROPHECY UPDATE NEWS HEADLINESYesterday's Prophecies - Today's Headlines??HEADLINES IN PARTNERSHIP WITH?TRACKING BIBLE PROPHECY?: Any deal with PA will necessitate long-term Israeli presence in West Bank Netanyahu backs 'general idea' behind Arab Peace InitiativeRivlin: Jews must acknowledge that Arabs are part and parcel of this land Barak: Israel should seriously consider unilateral disengagement from Palestinians Palestinians happy to see Tony Blair goPro-Israel critics claim Hamas front group nearing coveted UN statusUN eyes keeping Israel off list of children's rights violators Annual Home Front exercise to test Israel's war readinessMan arrested in Cyprus suspected of planning terror attack against IsraelisFormer Mossad Chief: Day by Day Hezbollah is Contributing to Israel's SecurityReport: PA soccer chief 'promotes terror' through sportsPro-Palestinian activist storms FIFA Congress waving Palestinian flag Officials scramble to prevent FIFA vote to oust IsraelNetanyahu: Ousting of Israel from FIFA would spell end of world soccer body Netanyahu: Palestinian FIFA bid to suspend Israel stems from opposition to a Jewish State Indicted former FIFA official blamed 'Zionism' for undoing in 2011Putin accuses US of meddling into FIFA affairsTurkish Prime Minister: "We will march to liberate Jerusalem"Sources: US defense aid to Israel to rise over Iran deal fearsObama's nuke deal will leave Iran funding even more terrorIran's Zarif hopes for a nuclear deal within a 'reasonable period of time' Iranian cartoon features Netanyahu leading Islamic StateSource: US training of Syria rebel fighters expands to TurkeyReport: ISIS-linked terrorists in Sinai threaten to strike Eilat port Isis in Palmyra: Civilians rounded up and forced to watch execution of 20 men at amphitheatreOver 470 bodies exhumed from mass grave in Tikrit believed to be the work of ISIS Al-Qaida-affiliated insurgents claim capture of last Syrian town in Idlib province Kurdish fighters on the march against Islamic StateIslamic State: At least 12 Melbourne women attempt to join militant group, become jihadi brides9 dead in bombings at Baghdad hotels White House: US won't be 'responsible' for 'security situation' in IraqLebanon, Saudi Arabia cooperate in case against Hezbollah officials UN: Fight Against Boko Haram Requires Regional Might Spain charges Nigerian Boko Haram chief with crimes against humanity Boko Haram Hacks to Death Dozens, Including Scores of Christians; Continues Forcing Young Girls to Carry Out Suicide Bombings2 people arrested in UK on suspicion of preparing terrorism acts Muhammad cartoon contest planned for Phoenix anti-Islam rallyBaltimore Gets Bloodier As Arrests Drop Post-Freddie GrayBaltimore residents fearful amid rash of homicidesDefeat: Obama Won't Take Executive Amnesty Fight To The Supreme CourtAlleged Nazi war criminal sought by Russia dies in Canada at age 93Russian opposition leader hospitalized after sudden illness that has raised fears of foul playPutin orders all Russian military deaths be classified as state secretsMartial law in Ukraine can be declared within hours - PoroshenkoIran, N. Korea 'collaborate' on nuclear arms: Iranian oppositionNorth Korea deploys new generation of fast warshipsMajor construction at North Korea rocket site, US research institute saysCarter defends US military flights over China's artificial islandsPhilippines could get caught in crossfire between U.S., China Star managers battered by rocky ride in yields, currenciesBullard Warns Delaying Fed Rate Rise Boosts Asset-Bubble Threats Implants to aid payment with a wave of the hand6.9 magnitude quake strikes offshore Alaska 5.2 magnitude earthquake hits near Vallenar, ChileFour mild tremors jolt Nepal month after devastating earthquakePopocateptl volcano in Mexico erupts to 25,000ftReventador volcano in Ecuador erupts to 15,000ftSouthern Japanese island evacuated after volcanic eruptionResidents along Texas rivers urged to leave amid flood threat; death toll in US at 23Floods in Texas and Oklahoma bringing surprise snakes to homesCalifornia's largest lake is slipping away amid an epic droughtIndian heatwave death toll rises above 1,800Tropical Storm Andres, First of the 2015 Eastern Pacific Hurricane Season, Expected to Become a HurricaneObama links hurricane force to climate change26 people treated after Army's accidental anthrax shipmentsPopularity of 'hookup apps' blamed for surge in sexually transmitted infections McCrory vetoes NC religious objection bill on gay marriageObama to Force Faith-Based Grant Recipients to Hire LGBTsTel Aviv kicks off 2015 Pride MonthIG says VA boss pressured subordinates to pay for psychic readingsIsraeli Burning Man festival torches ancient remains Woman accused of witchcraft axed to death in Papua New GuineaIs 'Charlie Charlie' a harmless game? Exorcist says absolutely notPROPHECY UPDATE NEWSLETTERSTAY INFORMED, GET EQUIPPED, BE ENCOURAGEDPre-Millennium - Pre-Tribulation - PrePARED*If you missed an issue or did not receive your daily copy - All Newsletters are archived at:???(Featured Article at Bottom)?IN TODAY'S NEWSLETTER...?The World Is Changing As the Spirit of Antichrist Begins To Rise Around the GlobeBaltimore Has Descended Into a State Of Lawlessness - And More Cities Will Soon FollowBaltimore and prophecy--Lawlessness shall prevail??ISIS Boldly Announces That Southern Israel Will be attacked in Coming DaysThis week on 'The Hal Lindsey Report'The Danger of "Calling On Spirits"Daily Devotion: Your Best for God's GloryFeatured Articled: The Stage Is Being Set: Is Anybody Paying Attention??????????The World Is Changing As the Spirit of Antichrist Begins To Rise Around the Globe - Geoffrey Grider - it seemed as if the headlines were screaming a wakeup call to a slumbering world, is anyone even listening??"This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away." 2 Timothy 3:1-5 (KJV)?I thank God that He allowed me to be born in this place and time, and to be counted as part of the Body of Jesus Christ called the Church. I know from the past 25 years of studying my King James 1611 Authorized Version Holy Bible that we live in the dispensation known as the Age of Grace, the Church Age, and that it is getting ready to give way to the next dispensation at the moment when the Rapture takes place.?But tonight, it feels as if things have started to speed up even more. Tonight, I can see the coming dispensation of the Great Tribulation staring at me through the glass. I can feel the darkness rising and I know you can, too. I thank God that the Church will be removed in the Rapture prior to the Tribulation, but this story tonight is not about us, it's about those who will be left behind. It's about you. Are you ready for what comes next??These Are the Days of Prophecy?Looking at the aggregate headlines of the ever-present Drudge Report was like taking a stroll through the book of Revelation with a detour through Matthew 24. From a spiritual perspective it was quite sobering. Let me share a random sampling of them with you and show you what I mean.?STREET ANARCHY IN BALTIMORE FUELS RASH OF HOMICIDES: In Baltimore, Maryland, Antoinette Perrine has barricaded her front door since her brother was killed three weeks ago on a basketball court near her home in the Harlem Park neighborhood of West Baltimore. She already has iron bars outside her windows and added metal slabs on the inside to deflect the gunfire. "I'm afraid to go outside," said Perrine, 47. "It's so bad, people are afraid to let their kids outside. People wake up with shots through their windows. Police used to sit on every corner, on the top of the block. These days? They're nowhere."?TEXAS TOWNS BRACE FOR MORE FLOODING AS DEATH TOLL CLIMBS: The National Weather Service says hail, tornadoes and thunderstorms are possible across the southern Plains Thursday evening and that flooding remains the greatest threat for areas that have received record rainfall. Blanco County emergency management spokesman Ben Oakley also said for the first time that five people are missing in Blanco County. That's in addition to the 10 people already counted as dead and eight missing in central Texas flooding.?ISIS FORCES CIVILIANS TO WATCH EXECUTIONS IN ANCIENT CITY'S AMPHITHEATRE: ISIS rounded up civilians trapped in Palmyra and forced them to watch 20 people be executed in the historic city's ancient amphitheater, a Syrian monitoring group has claimed. The Unesco World Heritage site was overrun by militants last week, threatening the future of 2,000 year-old monuments and ruins. Thousands of Palmyra's residents fled but many are still living within the city walls, while the UN human rights office in Geneva said it had received reports of Syrian government forces preventing people from leaving until they retreated from the city.?TEENS ACROSS THE COUNTRY ARE CONJURING UP DEMONS ON TWITTER: A game that purports to invoke a Mexican demon - known as "Charlie, Charlie" and considered to be a simplified version of the Ouija board - has gone viral on social media among young people, prompting one exorcist to warn of its dangers. The game, which has gained significant traction online in recent days, involves a pair of pencils or pens, a sheet of paper, and the invocation of a spirit named "Charlie." Scores of short video clips, posted mostly by teens, show players shrieking and running out of view when the pencil apparently moves on its own and points to a "yes" or a "no" after they say a phrase inviting the demon. Spanish exorcist Jose Antonio Fortea told ACI Prensa that the so-called #CharlieCharlieChallenge involves the very real, occult practice of "calling on spirits."?KILLER ROBOTS WILL LEAVE HUMANS UTTERLY DEFENSELESS: Killer robots which are being developed by the US military 'will leave humans utterly defenseless', an academic has warned. Two programs commissioned by the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) are seeking to create drones which can track and kill targets even when out of contact with their handlers. Writing in the journal Nature, Stuart Russell, Professor of Computer Science at the University of California, Berkley, said the research could breach the Geneva Convention and leave humanity in the hands of amoral machines. "Autonomous weapons systems select and engage targets without human intervention; they become lethal when those targets include humans," he said. "Existing AI and robotics components can provide physical platforms, perception, motor control, navigation, mapping, tactical decision-making and long-term planning. They just need to be combined. "In my view, the overriding concern should be the probable endpoint of this technological trajectory. "Despite the limits imposed by physics, one can expect platforms deployed in the millions, the agility and lethality of which will leave humans utterly defenseless. This is not a desirable future."?26 PEOPLE TREATED AFTER US ARMY SHIPPED LIVE ANTHRAX VIA FEDEX:? At least 26 people are being treated for potential exposure to deadly anthrax after an Army bio-defense facility in Utah mistakenly sent live samples to private and military laboratories in as many as nine states, including California, and South Korea, officials said Thursday.?Can you see it, can you feel it? The world as we know it has changed drastically since 2008, and the changes are coming so fast that few people are really processing it. In the Middle East, ISIS is advancing virtually unchecked and so far, unstoppable. They are massing a power base that is nearly too incredible to be believed. Now is the time to stop them before they grow too large to be contained, but no one is doing that. The nations of the world are sitting back and watching it happen. Allowing it to happen. Are they all afraid, are they all helpless? Or is it happening because the unsaved world is preparing for the appearance of the Antichrist??The world has grown darker, more sinister. Like the flickering flame of a candle about to be blown out, the darkness seems to be flooding in all around us. No longer is there an outcry about the red light traffic cameras that monitor and record our movements. No one seems to care that nearly every human being carries around multiple tracking devices in their homes, in their cars, and in their pockets. We have, it seems, accepted the inevitable leash of Big Brother and no longer fight his deep intrusion into our private lives. You can easily picture people willingly lining up around the block to receive their implantable RFID chips, and then bragging about "how cool it is" when they show their friends the latest "technology upgrade".?Christians and the Bible are sneered at, looked down upon as the hindrance to the full acceptance of the New World Order which seems to be founded on the LGBT Movement. Radio, television, the Internet and the movies glorify every manner of filth and perversion. Dark has become light, evil has become good. If you want to become transgender, they give you a reality show. If you want to hold a Bible study they call the police. Can Reeducation Facilities really be that far behind? I think not.?Anyone who has ever flown on an airplane well knows that just before the flight, the plane taxis across the tarmac, slowly gathering speed before rumbling to life as it launches into the air. That's how it feels tonight, like the very ground under my feet is shaking in preparation of cataclysmic events which are soon to try all those who dwell upon the earth. For the born again Christian, we know where we are going, and we know it will be before the Tribulation. But for everyone else, you have no hope at all. None. You will be left behind to face the Antichrist, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, and Trumpet, Bowl, Seal and Vial Judgments that will make Hitler's Holocaust look like a little girl's tea party.?One more time, we invite you to get saved, to become born again as the Bible teaches. But you better hurry, because after the Rapture then chances of you getting saved then after you have rejected the gospel now will hover at right about near zero. Read for yourself the fate of those who reject the Truth now:?"And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness." 2 Thessalonians 2:8-12 (KJV)?Tick, tock....time's almost up. Are you ready for what comes next???Baltimore Has Descended Into a State Of Lawlessness - And More Cities Will Soon Follow - By Michael Snyder - ??Did you really think that Baltimore would return to normal after everything that has happened?? On Thursday, a mother and her 7-year-old son were both shot in the head in a double murder that has shocked the entire nation.? Police believe that the son may have been shot in order to prevent him from identifying the individual that shot his mother.? So is this what America is turning into?? A place where 7-year-old kids are executed in cold blood?? That mother and son were the 37th and 38th murder victims in the city of Baltimore so far this month.? That makes this the deadliest month in Baltimore in 15 years, but because of all the controversy surrounding the death of Freddie Gray, police in Baltimore are afraid to do their jobs at this point.? In some areas of the city, young men boldly smoke weed in public and wave guns around at innocent bystanders without any worry that police will intervene.? Baltimore has descended into a state of lawlessness, and this is just the beginning.? As I discussed just the other day, the same kind of lawlessness will soon sweep all across this country.?Have you ever been afraid to step outside of your own home?? That is what day to day life is like for many residents of Baltimore right now.? In fact, one woman is even barricading her door and setting up metal slabs behind her windows to deflect gunfire. ?Just check out the following excerpt from a recent news report about what is going on in the city...?"I'm afraid to go outside," said Antoinette Perrine, whose brother was shot down three weeks ago on a basketball court near her home in the Harlem Park neighborhood of West Baltimore. Ever since, she has barricaded her door and added metal slabs inside her windows to deflect gunfire.?"It's so bad, people are afraid to let their kids outside," Perrine said. "People wake up with shots through their windows. Police used to sit on every corner, on the top of the block. These days? They're nowhere."?I think that this is an indication of what we can expect from the police when chaos erupts in cities all over America.? In some places there will be troops in the streets to maintain order, but in other areas it will be like the wild west.?Right now, police officers in Baltimore are running scared.? They know that they are targets, and they know that one mistake can land them in prison or on the front page of newspapers all over the nation.? According to Baltimore Police Commissioner Anthony Batts, there have been times when officers have gone into an area only to be immediately surrounded by "30 to 50 people"...?"Our officers tell me that when officers pull up, they have 30 to 50 people surrounding them at any time," Batts said.?Batts provided more details at a City Council meeting Wednesday night, saying officers now fear getting arrested for making mistakes.?"What is happening, there is a lot of levels of confusion in the police organization. There are people who have pain, there are people who are hurt, there are people who are frustrated, there are people who are angry," Batts said. "There are people, and they've said this to me, `If I get out of my car and make a stop for a reasonable suspicion that leads to probable cause but I make a mistake on it, will I be arrested?' They pull up to a scene and another officer has done something that they don't know, it may be illegal, will they be arrested for it? Those are things they are asking."?The criminals have the upper hand in Baltimore now, and they know it.?Just consider the words of the head of the police union.? He says that the police in the city "are under siege"...?"The criminals are taking advantage of the situation in Baltimore since the unrest," said Gene Ryan, president of the Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 3. "Criminals feel empowered now. There is no respect. Police are under siege in every quarter. They are more afraid of going to jail for doing their jobs properly than they are of getting shot on duty."?Wicomico County Sheriff Mike Lewis made even stronger remarks during a recent appearance on Fox News.? He told Sean Hannity that police in Baltimore have been "eviscerated", "disemboweled", and have had their "guts removed"...?Wicomico County, MD Sheriff Mike Lewis (R) declared that police officers are "fearful" of doing their jobs on Wednesday's "Hannity" on the Fox News Channel.?"Sean, the Baltimore City Police Department, the officers particularly on the street, have been eviscerated, they've been disemboweled, their guts removed to have the courage to go out there and do this job. They're very fearful that if they go out there and be proactive, which we all should be doing in law enforcement today, we can't afford to be reactive, especially in urban areas. Those officers are no longer being proactive, and as you see, the violence has surged. ... And I hope this is a shot fired across the bow of mayors and urban leaders across this country. Once you disembowel your law enforcement officers, then you cannot no longer expect them to go out there and protect you, or protect your communities. This is very troubling the worst I've ever seen in 31 years of law enforcement."?Can you imagine what must be going through the heads of Baltimore police officers at this point??One wrong move and you could start a riot.?One wrong move and you could go to prison.?One wrong move and you could be on the front page of every newspaper in the country and be labeled the biggest villain in America.?In early April, I publicly stated that civil unrest was coming to Baltimore, and what we are seeing happen there is eventually going to start happening all over the nation.? Police are going to start pulling back from the most violent areas and will allow chaos to reign in the streets.?It is only human nature.? Police officers are going to be extremely hesitant to risk their lives in communities where they are deeply hated and where they risk ruining their entire lives with a single wrong move.?It is going to take a lot of courage to be a cop in America's inner cities in the years ahead.? Last year, the number of officers "feloniously killed" in the line of duty increased by 89 percent, and things are only going to get worse.?America is changing, and not for the better.? As economic conditions deteriorate, many of our major cities are going to turn into war zones.? If you are expecting the government to step in and fix things when that happens, you will be deeply disappointed.?This nation is filled with anger and hate, and it is getting worse with each passing day.?I truly wish that things had not turned out this way, but they did.? I truly wish that we could just all learn to love one another and live in peace, but it isn't happening.?The hatred and frustration that are boiling just under the surface in this country are about to explode, and when that happens we will all pay a very great price.? ?Baltimore and prophecy--Lawlessness shall prevail - Bill Wilson - ??The City of Baltimore is an example of what happens when politics outweighs the laws. In the wake of Freddie Gray's April 19 death in custody of police officers, the riots that followed, and the subsequent criminal indictments leveled against those officers, Baltimore has turned into a lawless death trap. There have been 38 homicides so far this month and arrests have plummeted, according to CBS. CBS reports, "West Baltimore residents worry they've been abandoned by the officers they once accused of harassing them, leaving some neighborhoods like the Wild West without a lawman around." Baltimore could be the forerunner to the rest of America.?After Gray's death, Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake held a news conference. She said, "I've made it very clear that I work with the police and instructed them to do everything that they could to make sure that the protesters were able to exercise their right to free speech. It's a very delicate balancing act because while we try to make that they were protected from the cars and the other, y'know, things that were going on. We also gave those who wished to destroy, space to do that as well." The mayor, who now regrets saying what she said, gave a green light to "those who wished to destroy," essentially telling the police to stand down while rioters ransacked businesses and private property.?Now the same people that complained about the police being too heavy handed are accusing the police of not doing their jobs. CBS reported: "Before it was over-policing. Now there's no police," said Donnail "Dreads" Lee, 34, who lives in the Gilmor Homes, the public housing complex where Gray, 25, was chased down. "People feel as though they can do things and get away with it. I see people walking with guns almost every single day, because they know the police aren't pulling them up like they used to." Remember that guns are banned in Baltimore, but the criminals have them. I digress. The police commissioner says that when officers respond to a call, they are often surrounded by 30-50 people.?Baltimore Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 3 President Gene Ryan says the police are "under siege." In a statement posted Thursday, he said, "The criminals are taking advantage of the situation in Baltimore since the unrest. (Police) are more afraid of going to jail for doing their jobs properly than they are of getting shot on duty." Jesus said in Matthew 24:12, "And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold." Iniquity is sin, lawlessness against God's laws. We can see how when sin is given its way, people begin to live in fear and their love for their neighbors and others grows cold. It's an example of how this prophecy can play out in the latter days on a larger scale. The leaders we choose, the way we respond, how we educate others about respect and authority, the condition of people's hearts are all factors in this prophecy.?ISIS Boldly Announces That Southern Israel Will be attacked in Coming Days - Geoffrey Grider - terrorists in the Sinai Peninsula linked to the radical Islamic State group reportedly threatened Thursday to strike the port in Israel's southern city of Eilat "in the coming days," according to Egyptian media.?"They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance." Psalm 83:4 (KJV)?According to reports, the Islamist group Sinai Province, formerly known as Ansar Bait al-Maqdis, "threatened to strike the Eilat Port, following coordination with Islamic State's wing in the Gaza Strip."?"ISIS will begin operations against Hamas positions in the Gaza Strip," the Egyptian reports added. Tensions between the Islamist group ruling the coastal Palestinian enclave and ISIS have mounted amid waves of arrests by the former of Salafi-jihadists in Gaza linked to Islamic State.?Abu Othman Al-Mosley, one of the leaders of the northern Sinai group took to the 'Sinai Province' Facebook page, calling for its members to "enlist new members from jihadist factions and the Muslim Brotherhood organization in other provinces of Egypt." In addition, he called for new recruits to immigrate to the Sinai region in order to operate against opposing Egyptian security forces.?In addition, the call urged the ISIS-aligned terrorists in Sinai to "make their way to the Gaza Strip to fight against Hamas's military branch, the Izzadin al-Kassam Brigades, and takeover control of the Strip."?Sinai Province changed its name from Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis after pledging allegiance to Islamic State, the ultra-hardline Sunni group that has seized large parts of Iraq and Syria.?Egypt is facing a Sinai-based insurgency that has killed hundreds of policemen and soldiers since the army toppled Islamist president Mohamed Morsi after mass protests against his rule in ING SOON!Our new video is in production, and this may be the most important video that we have ever produced.The Rapture and the Thief in the Night, is a video that every believer should own.The Rapture and the Thief in the Night is an excellent video for witnessing and evangelizing here and now! More importantly, it is also a video that each one of us will want to make sure that our loved ones, that missed the Rapture, will have and watch and prayerfully accept the Lord's gift of eternal salvation!??????We must all face the facts and realize that all of us have friends and family members that are going to miss the rapture. In our new video, "The Rapture and the Thief in the Night," we give a step by step explanation of what has happened, why it happened, what to expect next, and what they must do and what they must not do!?Prayerfully our friends and family members will watch this DVD before the Rapture and not miss it, but some will certainly be Left Behind! Every believer needs to watch this video and share it with their unsaved friends, and family members. This video explains why the Rapture is the Blessed Hope of every believer and how this event is different from the Second Coming. It also explains what a person is to do if they miss the Rapture, and the events of the Tribulation, the Antichrist and the Mark of the Beast. It is an excellent witnessing tool that will prayerfully keep many from missing the Rapture, at the same time it's also, a valuable guide for those Left Behind. ?"The Rapture and the Thief in the Night" will be released on *7/3/15, Pre-Order your copy today. When you Pre-Order one of our videos, not only are you making sure that you will be one of the first to receive it, you are also helping to fund the video.??Production Costs?Every video cost us about $2000 dollars to produce, you can also donate to our general fund if you feel led to help us offset the production costs, we will be forever grateful!??To Pre-Order your copy of "The Rapture and the Thief in the Night" - please visit our store using the following link:?VISIT STORE?If you feel led to help us offset the production cost of this video, please use the following link to make a tax deductible donation, thanks and God Bless.? ?? ??If you chose to mail in your gift of support or your order, please mail it to:?Prophecy UpdatePO Box 40516Bakersfield, CA 93384?Also, there is still time to enter our drawing for the Bible Commentary sets, see below for more information!?A Chance to Win, and?Support Prophecy Update(Only 3 days left to enter)???Thanks to a very generous supporter, we are offering you a chance to win both the John MacArthur 33 volumes New Testament Commentary, and the Warren Wiersbe 6 volumes Bible Exposition Commentary, for a donation of just $25, for each increment of $25 dollars, your name will go into a drawing. If you donate $100 dollars for example, your name will be entered four times into the drawing. This offer will run from now until the end of May, and the drawing will be held and announced on 6/1/15. ?Amazing set of Bible Commentaries?The John MacArthur 33 volume New Testament Commentary retails for $849, and the Warren Wiersbe 6 volumes Bible Exposition Commentary retails for $149. So that's a total of nearly $1000 dollars, but wait there's more. We will also throw in an Ultimate Set of our DVD's, including our newest DVD, CONVERGENCE. So all together this donation-drawing is worth nearly $1200, and you can enter our donation-drawing as many times as you want. ??The MacArthur NT Commentary Series, 33 Volumes (Hard Cover)???The MacArthur New Testament Commentary comes from the experience, insight, and wisdom of one of the most trusted ministry leaders and Bible teachers of our day. Each volume was written to be as comprehensive and accurate as possible, dealing thoroughly with every key phrase and word in the Bible without being unduly technical. This series helps provide a better, fuller, and richer understanding of God's word while challenging all readers-no matter what their expertise-to grow in a vibrant, spiritual walk. ??The Warren Wiersbe Bible Exposition Commentary, 6 Volumes (Hard Cover)?? ?Countless pastors, teachers, and students have pored over the best-selling Be series---and now these insightful studies are available in one complete set for a spectacular price! From Genesis to Revelation, Wiersbe unpacks the meaning and message of Scripture with a skilled exposition that remains ever-mindful of practical application. ?A Great Addition to any Library??You can add these awesome Bible Commentaries to your personal collection, give them as a gift to someone or your church or even your pastor. Most importantly, you will be helping to support this ministry! We have set up a special section on our donations page to enter this donation-drawing, please use the link below:??? can also mail in your donation-drawing entry to:Prophecy Update, PO Box 40516, Bakersfield, CA 93384 , please mark your entry for Commentary Drawing, thanks!???This week on 'The Hal Lindsey Report' - Hal Lindsey - ??According to the Defense Department and the White House, the capture of Ramadi by the Islamic State is nothing more than a "tactical setback." ?Never mind that ISIS has captured the capital of Iraq's largest province, Anbar Province, just 80 miles west of Iraq's national capital, Baghdad; never mind that ISIS captured the ancient Syrian city of Palmyra, not far from Damascus; never mind that ISIS now controls much, if not most, of the border between Syria and Iraq, these are just "tactical setbacks." ?Well, it seems that if you suffer enough "tactical setbacks," you'll lose the war! Tactically-speaking, of course, but maybe not politically-speaking. ?So, the Obama Administration has an idea for a new strategy to contain ISIS -- as announced by the Defense Department: Change the name we use to refer to ISIS or ISIL. ?Yep. You read me right. We are going to change the name. ?Maybe it will sound more powerful or decisive to say we are altering the nomenclature. We will no longer call the jihadis gobbling up Iraq by the name they prefer to be called: Islamic State. We will no longer call them by the name the Administration has previously used: ISIL or Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. And we will no longer refer to them by the name the rest of the world uses: ISIS, or Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. ?The U.S. Defense Department recently announced that, henceforth, we shall call ISIS (or ISIL or Islamic State) simply, "Daesh." ?Apparently, the President doesn't want Americans to make the mistake of thinking that Islamic State has anything to do with, or represents any portion of, Islam. ?To me, that's not a strategy or a tactic, that's adolescent nonsense. ?But the absurdity doesn't stop merely with this decision. Unbelievably, the new name, "Daesh" is simply an acronym for "al-Dawla al-Islamiya al-Iraq al-Sham." Which is Arabic for, you guessed it, "The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant." ?Tortured word games are one of the bizarre byproducts of political correctness. ?But even more disconcerting than this sophomoric attempt at political sleight-of-hand is the fact that a U.S. Marine Corps General could be so sanguine about the ISIS capture of Ramadi. On May 15, just two days before the fall of Ramadi to ISIS (Daesh) on May 17, Brigadier General Thomas Weidley, who is head of the U.S. operation against ISIS (Daesh) told the press, "We firmly believe Daesh is on the defensive throughout Iraq and Syria, attempting to hold previous gains, while conducting small-scale, localized harassing attacks, occasional complex or high-profile attacks in order to feed their information and propaganda apparatus." ?Anyone remember "Baghdad Bob?" ?Apparently he mentored General Weidley. ?This reminds me of what happened with the Tet Offensive in Viet Nam in 1968. Even though that famous push by the communist forces was a complete battlefield disaster for them, it was a turning point in the war that eventually led to the loss of Viet Nam. That's because it destroyed the confidence of the American people in our national leaders. ?You see, President Johnson, Defense Secretary Robert McNamara, and General William Westmoreland had consistently and loudly downplayed the force strength of the communists in Viet Nam. Then, the communists launched their big offensive at the Tet holiday. They staged large assaults on targets all over the country, including Saigon. Though they were defeated at every turn, the simple fact that they were able to do something they should not have been able to do (according to our national leaders), began to erode the public's confidence in the truthfulness or competence of the Administration. ?As Yogi Berra famously observed, "It's deja vu all over again!" ?Speaking of deja vu, the 2016 presidential campaign is already underway. Recently, Republican candidate, Senator Marco Rubio made a speech in which he outlined some of the foreign policy challenges the next president will face. He included China, Russia, Iran and North Korea, and radical Islam. ?I'll sum up the discussion like this: the next President will have a lot of damage to repair, a host of new, more powerful enemies to confront, a nuclear powder keg to defuse in the Middle East, and a public that no longer believes what its leaders say. ?I can't think of a better time than right now to begin praying for those new leaders in accordance with I Timothy 2:1-2. ?Finally, contrary to what my critics would have you believe, I do not preach doom and gloom. I preach truth and grace. I also preach that the Big News of Christ's soon return will be carried in on an ever-increasing wave of Bad News. That's precisely what the Bible warned would happen. That's one of the signs that we are nearing the end of this Age of Grace. ?But the Bible also tells us that in those final days, there will be an unprecedented preaching of the Gospel throughout the world. And because God's Word will not return void, there will also be an unprecedented influx of new believers into the Kingdom of God. And we are seeing that happen. ?The Gospel going out to every nation is another sure sign that our time on this earth is almost finished. Both the Good News and the Bad News bear unmistakable witness that it is time to get ready to leave this world. Make certain that you, your family, and your friends have accepted the free gift of full pardon from sin that Jesus Christ died to purchase for us. It is your ticket to an eternity of joy with our Savior in heaven. Do it today. ?Don't miss this week's Report on TBN, Daystar, CPM Network, The Word Network, various local stations, ?or .??The Danger of "Calling On Spirits" - Belle Ringer - ????? We, in the 21st Century, think that every new experience or invention under the sun began with us. We are the center of our own naive and narcissistic universe.? For instance, those who are on the fringes of dynamic experimentation with combining humans with computers, think they are the first to ever consider enhancing the human body with unnatural and extraordinary powers.? Need I remind them that such attempts have been made as far back as 3500 B.C., when the Watchers descended to earth to mate with human women and produced "mighty men"; giants endowed with super strength, height, and powers -- it's all there in Genesis, Chapter 6.?????? Every generation must deal with the latest repetition of age-old practices that threaten to infiltrate and destroy the relationship between man and his Creator.? Throughout the ages, man has intuitively known that "something" exists beyond this earthly realm, and has been tempted to communicate with the spirit world.? In our youth, we were introduced to the Ouija Board, a board "game" in which one could supposedly summon spirits from "the other side", who would respond to questions by moving a pointer around the board.? Little did we know how dangerous that so-called "game" really was.????? Today's kids are now engaged in an equally dangerous pastime called "Charlie Charlie".? Never heard of it?? I suggest you educate yourselves, but there are some serious warnings concerning this seemingly innocent activity.? An article on the Patheos website, states, "A game that purports to invoke a Mexican demon - known as "Charlie, Charlie" and considered to be a simplified version of the Ouija board - has gone viral on social media among young people, prompting one exorcist to warn of its dangers.?? The game, which has gained significant traction online in recent days, involves a pair of pencils or pens, a sheet of paper, and the invocation of a spirit named "Charlie."? Scores of short video clips, posted mostly by teens, show players shrieking and running out of view when the pencil apparently moves on its own and points to a "yes" or a "no" after they say a phrase inviting the demon.? ?????? But Spanish exorcist Jose Antonio Fortea told ACI Prensa (the Catholic news agency serving the Church in Latin America) that the so-called #CharlieCharlieChallenge involves the very real, occult practice of "calling on spirits."? In an interview May 27th, Father Fortea warned that "some spirits who are at the root of that practice will harass some of those who play the game." Even though the priest thinks that players "won't be possessed" necessarily, the spirit that has been invoked "will stay around for a while ... resulting in other spirits beginning to enter into even more frequent communication."????? I must tell you that such communication with spirits is not confined to children or teenagers.? My husband and I were contacted by a woman who we have been quite close to, who said she had a message for us from a "Spirit Master" who has appeared to her.? Supposedly he told her that she needed to convey to us some important information that he wished us to know about our future.? We politely and firmly declined her offer.?????? This woman, who professes to be a strong Christian, described channeling spirits "with long white beards" who were her "spirit guides" to a closer connection with God.? When we refused to hear what they had to say, she tried to tell us anyway, and my husband had to tell her we did not want to hear one word of what she, or they, had to say. ????? Folks, this is not just some old history that we read in ancient Scriptural passages.? People are just as interested in invoking spirits and messing around in the spirit world today as they were in the Bible.? And God's warning to us is as relevant as it was in Leviticus 19:31:? "Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them."?????? The problem is that people who entertain contacting such mediums aren't aware that most modern channelers learn the art through the practice of Eastern meditation.? Meditation involves "emptying" or "clearing" one's mind in order to "receive messages from the spirit realm".? But what everyone should realize -- especially Christians -- is that we are to be filled with the Holy Spirit, who will give us unity, light, and wisdom with our Savior and Father in Heaven.? Emptying our minds only presents the opportunity for a spirit imposter to enter our consciousness.? Remember, demon spirits have no problem telling some of the truth to hide their deception; and just because a spirit can tell the truth and acknowledge the authority of Jesus, doesn't mean it is a good spirit.?????? All Christians must keep in mind that any prayers offered to anyone or anything other than God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit constitute prayers and/or worship to demons. It opens the way for evil spirits to have access to that place or person.? Our friend who is consulting with her "Ascended Master" has no idea that this spirit being is not from God.? She is as foolishly deceived as the youth who are following the social media trend of Charlie Charlie. ?????? The Bible speaks of the danger of ignorance, in God's people (My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge; Hosea 4:6) and how risky it is even to bring things God classes as abomination into our homes.? Unfortunately, our generation is so ignorant of God's Word that it has been quite simple for Satan to attack us.? Many unknowingly invite demonic attack by dabbling in such practices as wearing jewelry with occult symbolism and power; agreeing to explore the spirit world through a medium; or by playing seemingly harmless board games.? How easy it has been for Satan to blind an ignorant and foolish generation!?????? The very fact that exorcism has become a popular subject in recent months, points to the rise of occultic practices and demonic activities.? There is a decrease in knowledge and diminished faith among the world's population; and combined with an increased curiosity and participation, by both young and old alike, in the occult through spirit contact, we can expect an extraordinary rise in demonic activity.? It is time we Christians wake up to the very real danger of calling on spirits.? This activity is not just an ancient practice; it is alive and well in the 21st Century, and it is a reality we can no longer ignore.?Isaiah 8:19??? "And when the people [instead of putting their trust in God] shall say to you, Consult for direction mediums and wizards who chirp and mutter, should not a people seek and consult their God? Should they consult the dead on behalf of the living?"??Daily Devotion: Your Best for God's Glory - Greg Laurie - ??The LORD was with Joseph, and he was a successful man; and he was in the house of his master the Egyptian. -Genesis 39:2?When it looked as though life was over for Joseph, in many ways it was just beginning. His brothers had sold him to slave traders, and as it turned out, those slave traders sold him to a very important person named Potiphar, who was the captain of the guard in Egypt. Potiphar was basically the head of the military police and part of the royal body guard. It was sort of like being the head of the Secret Service of that day. Also, as the chief of the executioners, Potiphar was responsible for the execution of all criminals. He was not a man to mess with.?Potiphar became the owner of Joseph and put him to work, and the Bible tells us that the Lord was with Joseph (see Genesis 39:2). God blessed Joseph because of his hard work, faithfulness, honesty, and integrity, and success followed him like a shadow.?It was almost as though Joseph had a Midas touch. He kept his priorities straight, and whatever Joseph did, he did so well that Potiphar eventually put him in charge of everything. Even Potiphar, who was clearly a nonbeliever, recognized that the Lord was with Joseph.?Joseph's life serves as a reminder that Christians should be the hardest workers and do the best work. Colossians 3:23-24 tells us, "And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ." Whatever you do, do it as though you were doing it for Christ Himself-not for the paycheck, not for the boss, and not even for the promotion. ?Here is what I believe: if you will do your best work for God's glory, He will bless you.FROM THE HEART??IF YOU HAVE BEEN BLESSED THROUGH THIS MINISTRY, THEN WE ASK THAT YOU WOULD PLEASE REMEMBER PROPHECY UPDATE IN YOUR GIVING - WE ARE TRULY,?TRULY,?THANKFUL FOR YOUR SUPPORT??Prophecy Update has no corporate sponsors. This ministry is paid for and prayed for by readers and supporters. Without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update, Please pray about becoming a monthly supporter - thanks!??If ever there was a time to invest in God's Kingdom, it's now!What on earth are you doing for Heaven's Sake?"Share in the Blessings and Rewards that will last Forever!""Folks, it's all beginning to unravel. America is in more danger of falling than at any time in its history. But I believe Bible prophecy predicts this very decline. From this point on, we believers have to get serious. We are going to face discouragement, disillusionment and, most certainly, persecution in the time between now and the Rapture. But don't be discouraged or disillusioned. The coming turmoil will provide us unrivaled opportunities to share the good news of the Gospel. So be ready to share your faith and your hope with those who need Christ. We still have time to reap a great harvest of souls for God's kingdom!" - Hal Lindsey1) We need your prayers!- We proclaim the Truth of the Word of God and we are under constant spiritual and sometimes even physical attack.2) We need your encouragement!- We need to hear from you, let us know how the Lord is blessing you through this ministry so that we can share it with others.3) We need your input! - If you have a prophetic article or story or if there is a news related item we missed, let us know. 4) We need your financial support!- To put it quite simply, without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update.I ask that you would prayerfully consider partnering with us to get the Word out and keep the world informed. Remember, your gift, no matter how small, does make a difference! You will be helping to touch lives, around the world, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, thanks to the internet your generosity carries a global impact! - Thanks!Our Prayer for You- "Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God's people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, men will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else." 2 Corinthians 9:10-13Prophecy Update is a 501 (c) (3) tax exempt -?non-profit?organization, and all your donations are tax deductible.??If you have been blessed by Prophecy Update and would like to help support this ministry financially. You can make a secure donation online by going to:DONATE NOW?Or Visit our website: ?prophecyupdate. ?Or write us at:?Prophecy Update P.O. Box 40516 Bakersfield, CA 93384-0516???FEATURED ARTICLE?Featured Articled: The Stage Is Being Set: Is Anybody Paying Attention? - A.V. Rauf - re·hears·alnounthe final rehearsal of a live show, in which everything is done as it would be in a real performance.?A rehearsal is an event that occurs as preparation for a performance. It is undertaken as a form of practicing, to ensure that all details of the subsequent performance are adequately prepared and coordinated. ?Most commonly employed in the performing arts as preparation for a public presentation, rehearsals are nevertheless used in other contexts, as well, to prepare for the performance of any anticipated activity.?Well I want to mention a rehearsal of sorts that just took place in Jerusalem:?On Monday, May 27, 2015, on a mountain ridge overlooking the Old City of Jerusalem and the ancient Temple Mount, Jewish Ancestral priests otherwise known as Kohanim, performed a dry run of the Temple Service for the Shavuot (Pentecost) holiday.????? ??All three of the major components of the holiday service - bringing of the first fruits, preparation of two loaves of bread using the season's new wheat, and a special holiday offering - were conducted to as great a level of detail as is possible at this point in time.This ceremony is a joyous one, as the people are able to celebrate God's abundant provision of food.?I mentioned in a previous post that the Passover service was also re-enacted by the Jews and that red heifer had been found. Here is the link: ? ?However in fulfillment of the Biblical prophecy of Jews returning to the God given land of Israel and the rebuilding of the Holy Jewish Temple, Monday's reenactment is one step forward to the completion when all the nations will gather at the rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem.?However, of paramount importance is the following fact: THE SHAVOUT HOLIDAY HAS NOT BEEN CELEBRATED IN THIS MANNER FOR NEARLY 2,000 YEARS!!!!! ?God is bringing His people back to Israel as He promised He would after returning Israel back to her land after 1,900 years of dispersion. ?Ezekiel 20:34-42-And I will bring you out from the people, and will gather you out of the countries wherein ye are scattered, with a mighty hand, and with a stretched out arm, and with fury poured out. And I will bring you into the wilderness of the people, and there will I plead with you face to face. Like as I pleaded with your fathers in the wilderness of the land of Egypt, so will I plead with you, saith the Lord God. And I will cause you to pass under the rod, and I will bring you into the bond of the covenant:? And I will purge out from among you the rebels, and them that transgress against me: I will bring them forth out of the country where they sojourn, and they shall not enter into the land of Israel: and ye shall know that I am the Lord. As for you, O house of Israel, thus saith the Lord God; Go ye, serve ye everyone his idols, and hereafter also, if ye will not hearken unto me: but pollute ye my holy name no more with your gifts, and with your idols. For in mine holy mountain, in the mountain of the height of Israel, saith the Lord God, there shall all the house of Israel, all of them in the land, serve me: there will I accept them, and there will I require your offerings, and the firstfruits of your oblations, with all your holy things. I will accept you with your sweet savour, when I bring you out from the people, and gather you out of the countries wherein ye have been scattered; and I will be sanctified in you before the heathen. And ye shall know that I am the Lord, when I shall bring you into the land of Israel, into the country for the which I lifted up mine hand to give it to your fathers. ??Micah 4:1-7-But in the LAST DAYS it shall come to pass, that the mountain of the house of the Lord shall be established in the top of the mountains, and it shall be exalted above the hills; and people shall flow unto it. And many nations shall come, and say, Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, and to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for the law shall go forth of Zion, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. And he shall judge among many people, and rebuke strong nations afar off; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks: nation shall not lift up a sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. But they shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig tree; and none shall make them afraid: for the mouth of the Lord of hosts hath spoken it. For all people will walk every one in the name of his god, and we will walk in the name of the Lord our God for ever and ever. In that day, saith the Lord, will I assemble her that halteth, and I will gather her that is driven out, and her that I have afflicted; And I will make her that halted a remnant, and her that was cast far off a strong nation: and the Lord shall reign over them in mount Zion from henceforth, even for ever.Jerusalem1?Ezekiel 36:16-28-Moreover the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, Son of man, when the house of Israel dwelt in their own land, they defiled it by their own way and by their doings: their way was before me as the uncleanness of a removed woman. Wherefore I poured my fury upon them for the blood that they had shed upon the land, and for their idols wherewith they had polluted it: And I scattered them among the heathen, and they were dispersed through the countries: according to their way and according to their doings I judged them.? And when they entered unto the heathen, whither they went, they profaned my holy name, when they said to them, These are the people of the Lord, and are gone forth out of his land. But I had pity for mine holy name, which the house of Israel had profaned among the heathen, whither they went. Therefore say unto the house of Israel, thus saith the Lord God; I do not this for your sakes, O house of Israel, but for mine holy name's sake, which ye have profaned among the heathen, whither ye went. And I will sanctify my great name, which was profaned among the heathen, which ye have profaned in the midst of them; and the heathen shall know that I am the Lord, saith the Lord God, when I shall be sanctified in you before their eyes.? For I will take you from among the heathen, and gather you out of all countries, and will bring you into your own land. Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean: from all your filthiness, and from all your idols, will I cleanse you. A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh. And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them. And ye shall dwell in the land that I gave to your fathers; and ye shall be my people, and I will be your God.?It is a surety that even today God is making it possible for Israel to re-establish the Old Testament Covenant, of which ceremonies like this are critical. Of course, Christians who know their Bible need to warn all Jews that this activity, including the rebuilding of the Temple, are preparations for the man of deceit, Antichrist.?Most Jews will not listen, but the seed needs to be planted in their minds that the first man on the world scene, claiming to be Jesus Christ, will be the false Christ who will turn to deceive them. He will be followed after 7 years by the real Jesus Christ, Who will come to Earth at the Mount of Olives.?It is clear that the Age of Grace is rapidly coming to a close and that the stage is being set for the rebuilding of the temple and the beginning of the tribulation period. The Church Age is near it's end as the stage is being set for Israel to once again take center stage in Bible Prophecy.?Please do not waste any time; if you are not saved, get saved now.??If You Died Today, Would You Go To Heaven?Find out, visit:Prophecy Update - GoodSearch Toolbar Prophecy Update Toolbar is free to download and allows you to raise money for our cause every time you search or shop onlineDID YOU KNOW?You can submit an article, leave a comment or praise report at email:prophecyupdate@bak.Maranatha! (Lord Come Quickly)??"On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand, All other ground is sinking sand."??"Let Us make the short time we have left count for all eternity!"??YBIC-RandyStay Connected?? ?? ?? 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