Capital Punishment - Weebly

TaskObjectivesSkillsInstructional MaterialsLearning Task: In cases of heinous crimes, explain whether or not capital punishment is a fair sentence for those convicted of these crimes?Writing Prompt: After reading chapter 4 of the Business Law text, various articles on capital punishment, correlating case studies, and watching video clips, write a persuasive essay that addresses the question and support your position with evidence from the text(s). L2 Be sure to acknowledge competing views. L3 Give examples from past or current events or issues to illustrate and clarify your position. Explain whether or not the death penalty violates the 8th Amendment. Discuss and debate the death penalty as a fair or unfair form of punishment for those convicted of murder and other heinous crimes.Identify key information related to cases involving the death penalty and facts regarding the death penalty in the U.S. and in history.Describe arguments for and against the death penalty with support and rebuttals for each argument.Evaluate actual death penalty cases that will help support your position on capital punishment or provide counter arguments of your position.Describe arguments for and against the death penalty with support and rebuttals for each argument.Write a thesis statement and provide supporting details to back up your position on capital punishment.Review and edit writing pieces to make it more effective.Write a final persuasive essay with supporting details to back up your position on capital punishment.Task AnalysisNote Taking and Active ReadingTechnology UsageBridgingWriting a Thesis StatementWriting a Persuasive EssayEditing and RevisionRetweet Opinion Question ActivityYouTube Clips Activity-Pro-Death Penalty-Anti-Death PenaltyCapital Punishment QR Code Scavenger Hunt Content on Post-It NoteThe Eighth Amendment ReadingThe Death Penalty in the U.S.Anticipation/Reaction GuideGregg v. Georgia and Furman v. Georgia Cases ActivityJigsaw ActivityDeath Penalty Arguments and RebuttalsPeer Review and Self-Evaluation Writing RubricDeath Penalty Case StudiesHow to Write a Persuasive Essay WebsiteDelivery of Instructional MaterialsDay 1Day 2Day 3ObjectivesExplain whether or not the death penalty violates the 8th Amendment. Discuss and debate the death penalty as a fair or unfair form of punishment for those convicted of murder and other heinous crimes. ObjectivesIdentify key information related to cases involving the death penalty and facts regarding the death penalty in the U.S. and in history.Describe arguments for and against the death penalty with support and rebuttals for each argument.ObjectivesEvaluate actual death penalty cases that will help support your position on capital punishment or provide counter arguments of your position.Describe arguments for and against the death penalty with support and rebuttals for each argument.Write a thesis statement and provide supporting details to back up your position on capital punishment.Accessing Prior KnowledgeRetweet Opinion Question ActivityStudents will look over 4 different Capital Punishment bumper stickers. Students will then anonymously poll which bumper sticker they would most likely retweet if they were to choose one of them. Students can then view results of class poll. (skill-technology usage)Accessing Prior KnowledgeQuick WriteStudents will jot down some information they gathered yesterday that will help them support their position on capital punishment for the task they must complete. (Skill-bridging)Accessing Prior KnowledgeCase Research ActivityStudents will pair up and find information on a case they have heard about that dealt with capital punishment. Students will share out to the rest of the class. New InformationAnatomy of a Question Activity (Guided Practice)Students will break down the Task to understand all aspects of what is expected of the student by the end of this instruction. Students will then write their own goals/objectives that will help them accomplish the task. (Skill- task analysis)YouTube Clips (Guided Practice)Stuents will write down 5 interesting facts or statements that they got from the clips for both the pro and anti-death penalty video clips. (Skill-note taking) Content on Post-It Note (Independent Practice)Students will read and take notes on the Eighth Amendment reading provided by the teacher. The students will have 6 Post-It notes with different symbols in the top right hand corner that they draw. Each symbol represents a different piece of information the student must gather from the reading. (Skill-Note taking)New InformationThe Death Penalty in the U.S. Anticipation/Reaction GuideStudents will answer questions pertaining to the reading before they actually read the piece, filling out the Anticipation portion. Once students read the article, they will fill out the other portion of the handout and answer what they actually found out in the article. Student will fill out reflection questions and share their findings with a partner. (Skill-Note taking)Gregg v. Georgia and Furman v. Georgia CasesStudents will fill out the 5Ws + H Chart and the History Frame related to the two cases they read about in class.(Skill-Note taking)Capital Punishment QR Code Scavenger Hunt Students will find facts related to number of Arkansas inmates on death row, how many states exercise the death penalty, what other countries besides the U.S. exercise the death penalty, and other pertinent facts concerning capital punishment. Students will use QR codes to access the websites using their mobile devices. This activity is to give them access to facts concerning the death penalty and help them navigate the site to see what is available. Students will then be able to come back to these sites to use information to back up their position or identify a counterargument. (Skill-Note taking, Technology Usage)New InformationArgument and Rebuttal Jigsaw ActivityStudents will be broken into 8 groups with different arguments for and against the death penalty. There will be 2 groups for each of the 4 articles. Once they work in the small groups they will join the other group with the same article and compare. Students will then create graphic organizer on Post-It Poster paper to share out with the rest of the class. (Skill-Note taking)Capital Punishment Case Studies ActivityStudents will read and fill out the provided outline concerning the 4 actual death penalty cases. Students will need to complete the first 2 case studies and then meet with 2 different classmates to discuss their findings. They will repeat this process for the last 2 case studies. Each student should have conferenced with 4 different classmates by the end of the activity. (Skill- Note taking)How to Write a Persuasive Essay WebsiteStudents will visit the website provided about the necessary steps to write a persuasive essay. Students will create the outline of the necessary parts in outline form and then begin writing their thesis statement. (Skill-bridging, writing thesis statement, writing persuasive essay) Students will come to class tomorrow with their rough drafts completed. EvaluationStudents will answer reflection questions on the class Edmodo page under the Day 1 Capital Punishment Assignment Que related to content discussed today and their goals set for this task. (Skill-Bridging, Technology Usage)EvaluationStudents will get into groups of 3 and share out to the other members the information they gathered from the three activities of the day and discuss their findings. EvaluationStudents will show the outline of their persuasive essay and the key topics they will use in their paper to support their position on the task. This will show the students are applying the information they have gained from the different activities to their task.Day 4ObjectivesReview and edit writing pieces to make it more effective.Write a final persuasive essay with supporting details to back up your position on capital punishment.Accessing Prior KnowledgeSelf –Evaluation of EssayStudents will receive the Capital Punishment grading rubric that will be used to evaluate their essay. The students will go through and self-evaluate their rough drafts using the rubric provided. (Skill- Editing)New InformationPeer ReviewOnce students have completed their self-evaluation, the student will then exchange essays with a partner and peer edit their paper. The student will need to have at least 2 people peer review their work and they need to have reviewed 2 as well. Writing Final EssayStudents will take their self-evaluation and their peer reviews and create their final persuasive essay to turn in for evaluation. EvaluationReflectionStudents will write a reflection on the class Edmodo page under Task Evaluation Assignment Que. In the reflection the students need to discuss what content they learned, skills they learned and can use in other courses, how they thought they did on the task, and what they would change in this task or unit. EvaluationInstructor can informally evaluate the progress of the instruction each day to ensure that delivery method is appropriate and students are gaining the necessary skills and content to be successful in the completion of the task.Students will be graded on their task using a grading rubric. Teacher will tailor grading based on students’ abilities and levels. These levels have been determined based on the student’s ability level before the task was started. Once the grading is complete, teacher will assess how the class did in accomplishing the task. Instructor will also look at student feedback from Task Evaluation Reflection assignment. This could provide instructor with valuable information needed to alter instruction to better suit the needs of the students. Instructor must also evaluate the effectiveness of the materials and the delivery methods. Instructor should make the necessary adjustments to the instruction before administering this again. ................

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