Art enhances Self Expression

Art increases creativity and innovative thoughts

Art utilizes critical thinking skills and heightens problem solving abilities

Art explores history and a variety of culture


Art Production

Art Criticism


Art History

High emphasis on reading and writing strategies

Integration of core subjects



This course is designed to challenge my art students. In this course, students are expected to have basic knowledge of art techniques and media. This course will help enhance artistic knowledge and abilities that were learned in Beginning Art. Studio experiences include techniques such as drawing, painting, printmaking, fine crafts, and mixed media.


1. Students will be able to understand the importance of art and how it relates to society.

2. Students will be able to compare and contrast different types and styles of artworks.

3. Students will be able to apply elements of art and principles of design.

4. Students will be able to produce meaningful compositions.


A: 93-100 Art Projects (50%)

B: 85-92 Journal/Sketchbook (20%)

C: 77-84 Class Participation/Studio Time (20%)

D: 70-76 Written Assignments/Quiz (10%)

F: below 69


Many of the art projects take about two to four weeks to complete. Students are encouraged to put 100% effort into their work! Art projects are graded based on the student’s creativity, following directions, effort, and craftsmanship.


Each student will be required to make an art folder and sketchbook as intorductory assignments and will be used throughout the school year. Students are required to leave art folders and sketchbooks in class, unless otherwise assigned. Journal work will consist of written reflections about art projects and procedures, art vocabulary, art criticism, and art history; and will be stored in their art folder. Sketchbooks will be used for preliminary sketches and daily warm-up activities. Both the Journal and Sketchbook will be graded two times per quarter.


Students are expected to bring all required materials to each class. Students are required to bring their pencil and student planner to art class everyday. Students must abide by the school policies and rules in the student handbook. In the art room students are expected to stay seated at all times, raise their hands in order to be recognized, show respect for their classmates, work quietly (whispering voices), and be responsible and respectful of the art room and supplies.

When students enter the art room, they must enter quietly, go directly to their assigned seat, and work on the daily warm-up sketch or journal activity. After the warm-up, students must wait patiently for art supplies and materials to be distributed by art assistants. All students are expected to respectfully and responsibly act as art assistants on a rotational basis throughout the school year. Students are to wait for teacher directions before they begin to work. All students are expected to be helpful members of the art classroom, and participate in clean-up each day before being dimissed from art class.


All art projects should be completed during studio time at school. Students will have plenty of time to complete their artwork in the classroom if they utilize their studio time wisely. If a student is absent from school, they must make the artwork within two weeks. It is school policy that everyday work is late the grade drops one letter grade. Missing work will result in an F.

Dear Parent/ Guardian,

Please fill out and sign the following forms with your child, and have your child return to Ms. Longinotti’s class by August ____, 2012 -- this is their first Quiz grade!

I look forward to having a wonderful, successful school year! If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me!

Thank you!

Ms. Longinotti

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Student Information/ Artwork Release Form

Student Name ____________________________________________________

Age ____________ Grade ____________

Parent/ Guardian Name(s) ____________________________________________________

Mailing Address ____________________________________________________


Email Address ____________ Phone ____________ ___________________________

I give permission for WS/FCS to use my child’s artwork, or image of the artwork, in school system displays or publications, including but not limited to: gallery displays, school newspapers, video productions and/or webpages sponsored by the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools or my child’s school.

Parent or Guardian signature: ___________________________________


(print name)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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