Curriculum Map

Curriculum Map


Revised June 2009

Course Title: 8th grade Grade Level: 8

|Week |

|1 |Review all concepts learned in|All previous grade |All previous grade |Pre- Test |7th grade 2006 TAKS |

| |previous grades. |level TEKS |level TEKS. | |test. |

|Aug. |1. Order of Operations. | | |Skills Banks pg. 828 | |

|24-28 |2. Evaluate expressions with |1 & 6 |8.2B, 8.14A, 8.15A | | |

| |exponents | | |Lesson 4-1 WS & TAKS | |

|2 |1. Evaluate & translate |1, 2, & 6 |8.1A, 8.2A, 8.2B, |Lessons 1.1 & 1.2 WS & |HOLT Math 2007 |

| |algebraic expressions | |8.14A, 8.15A, 8.4A |TAKS |Textbook & Materials,|

|Aug. |2. Add, subtract, multiply, & | | | |Step Up to TAKS, |

|31- |divide integers. | | |Lessons 1.3 – 1.6 WS & |Teacher Made TAKS |

|Sept. | | | |TAKS |Materials |

|4 | | | | | |

|3 |Solve equations |1,2, & 6 |8.2C, 8.14B, 8.15A, |Lessons 1.7 & 1.8 WS & |HOLT Math 2007 |

| | | |8.2A, 8.2B, 8.5A, |TAKS |Textbook & Materials,|

|Sept. | | |8.14A | |Step Up to TAKS, |

|8-11 | | | |Test Ch. 1 |Teacher Made TAKS |

| | | | | |Materials |

|4 |1. Write rational numbers in|1 & 6 |8.1A, 8.2B, 8.15A, |Lessons 2.1 & 2.2 WS & |HOLT Math 2007 |

| |equivalent forms | |8.14A, 8.4A |TAKS |Textbook & Materials,|

|Sept. |2. Compare & order rational | | | |Step Up to TAKS, |

|14-18 |numbers, 3. Add & subtract | | | |Teacher Made TAKS |

| |decimals & rational numbers | | |Lessons 2.3 |Materials |

|5 |1. Add & subtract fractions |1 & 6 |8.2B, 8.14A, 8.15A |Lesson 2.6 WS & TAKS |HOLT Math 2007 |

| |w/unlike denominators. | | | |Textbook & Materials,|

|Sept. | | | |CBA I |Step Up to TAKS, |

|21-25 |2. CBA I | | | |Teacher Made TAKS |

| | | | | |Materials |

|2nd Six Weeks |

|6 |1. Multiply fractions, mixed |2 & 3 |8.1 B,8.2A, |Lessons 2.4, & 2.5 WS & |HOLT Math 2007 |

| |numbers, and decimals | |8.2B,8.14A, 8.15A, |TAKS |Textbook & Materials,|

|Sep. 28- Oct. 2 |2. Divide fractions and | |8.2C, 8.14B, 8.5A | |Step Up to TAKS, |

| |decimals | | |Lessons 2.7 & 2.8 WS & |Teacher Made TAKS |

| |3.Solve equations w/ rational| | |TAKS |Materials |

| |numbers & two step equations | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|7 |1. Write solutions of |2 & 3 |8.2B, 8.4A, 8.14A, |TAKS 3.1 – 3.3 WS & TAKS|HOLT Math 2007 |

| |equations in two variables as | |8.15A, 8.7D, 8.15B, | |Textbook & |

|Oct. 5-9 |ordered pairs 2. Graph | |8.16B, 8.3A | |Materials, Step Up |

| |points and lines on the | | |Lesson 3.5 WS & TAKS |to TAKS, Teacher |

| |coordinate plane | | | |Made TAKS Materials|

| |3. Interpret information given| | | | |

| |in a graph or table | | | | |

| |4. Generate different | | | | |

| |representations of the same | | | | |

| |data. | | | | |

| |5. Proportional and | | | | |

| |non-proportional linear | | | | |

| |relationships. | | | | |

|8 |1. Identify and evaluate |1 & 6 |8.2B, 8.4A, 8.5B, |Lesson 3.6 WS & TAKS |HOLT Math 2007 |

| |arithmetic sequences | |8.16A, | |Textbook & |

|Oct. 13-16 |2. Express large and small | |8.14A, 8.15A |Lessons 4.1 & 4.4 WS & |Materials, Step Up |

| |numbers written in scientific | | |TAKS |to TAKS, Teacher |

| |notation and compare two | | | |Made TAKS Materials|

| |numbers written in scientific | | | | |

| |notation | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|9 |1. Find and estimate square |3 & 4 |8.1C, 8.2C, 8.14B, |Lessons 4.5 & 4.6 WS & |HOLT Math 2007 |

| |roots to a given number of | |8.14C, |TAKS |Textbook & |

|Oct. 19-23 |decimal places and solve | |8.14A, 8.15A | |Materials, Step Up |

| |problems using square roots | | | |to TAKS, Teacher |

| |2. Determine if a number is | | | |Made TAKS Materials|

| |rational or irrational. | | |Lesson 4.7 WS & TAKS | |

| | | | | | |

| |CBA II | | |CBA II | |

|10 |1. Use pictures or models to | |8.1C, 8.2B, 8.9A, |Lesson 4.8 WS & | |

|Oct. 26-30 |demonstrate the Pythagorean |1, 2, 3, & 4 |8.7C, 8.14A, 8.15A |Supplementary TAKS |HOLT Math 2007 |

| |Theorem with perfect squares | | |Materials |Textbook & |

| |2. Use the Pythagorean Theorem| | | |Materials, Step Up |

| |to solve real-life problems. | | | |to TAKS, Teacher |

| | | | | |Made TAKS Materials|

|3rd Six Weeks |

|11 |1. Find equivalent ratios to |1, 2, 3, & 4 |8.1B, 8.2D, 8.3B, |Lesson 5.1 & 5.2 WS & |HOLT Math 2007 |

| |create proportions | |8.9B, 8.5A, 8.14B, |TAKS |Textbook & |

|Nov. 2-6 |2. Work with ratios and rates | |8.7B | |Materials, Step Up |

| |3. Use one or more conversion | | | |to TAKS, Teacher |

| |factors to solve rate problems| | | |Made TAKS Materials|

| |4. Solve proportions | | |Lesson 5.3 & 5.4 WS & | |

| |5. Determine whether figures | | |TAKS | |

| |are similar, to use scale | | | | |

| |factors, and to find missing | | | | |

| |dimensions in similar figures | | |Lesson 5.5 WS & TAKS | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|12 |1. Find measures indirectly by|1 & 2, 3 |8.1B, 8.3B, 8.9B, |Lesson 5.7 & 5.8 WS & |HOLT Math 2007 |

| |applying the properties of | |8.14B, 8.14C, 8.2D, |TAKS |Textbook & |

|Nov. 9-13 |similar figures | |8.7B | |Materials, Step Up |

| |2. Make comparisons between | | | |to TAKS, Teacher |

| |and find dimensions of scale | | | |Made TAKS Materials|

| |drawings, models, and actual | | | | |

| |objects. | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |CBA III | | | | |

| |1. Relate decimals, fractions,|1 & 2, 6 |8.1A, 8.3B, 8.1B, |Lesson 6.1 & 6.2 WS & |HOLT Math 2007 |

|13 |and percents | |8.2A, 8.2B, 8.2C, |TAKS |Textbook & |

| |2. Estimate with percents | |8.5A, 8.14A, 8.14B, | |Materials, Step Up |

|Nov. 16-20 |3. Find percents | |8.15A, 8.16B | |to TAKS, Teacher |

| |4. Find a number when a | | | |Made TAKS Materials|

| |percent is known | | |Lesson 6.3 & 6.4 WS & | |

| |5. Find percent increase or | | |TAKS | |

| |decrease (percent of change) | | | | |

| |6. Find commission and sales | | |Lessons 6.5 & 6.6 WS & | |

| |tax. | | |TAKS | |

| |7. Compute simple interest | | | | |

| | | | |Lesson 6.7 WS & TAKS | |

| | | | | | |

| |

|Thanksgiving Break |

|14 |1. Identify and create |1, 3 & 6 |8.6B, 8.14A, 8.15A, |Lesson 5.6 WS & TAKS |HOLT Math 2007 |

| |dilations of plane figures | |8.7D, 8.2D, 8.6A | |Textbook & |

|Nov. 30-Dec. 4 |2. Find unknown angles in | | |Lessons 7.1 & 7.3 WS & |Materials, Step Up |

| |triangles | | |TAKS |to TAKS, Teacher |

| |3. Classify and find angles in| | | |Made TAKS Materials|

| |polygons | | |Lessons 7.4 & 7.5 WS & | |

| |4. Identify polygons in the | | |TAKS | |

| |coordinate plane | | | | |

| |5. Use properties of congruent| | |Lessons 7.6 & 7.7 WS & | |

| |figures to solve problems | | |TAKS | |

| |6. Transform plane figures | | | | |

| |using translations, rotations,| | | | |

| |and reflections | | | | |

| |7. Classify and name figures | | | | |

|15 |Continuation of week 14 |3 |8.7D |Lessons 8.1 & 8.2 WS and|HOLT Math 2007 |

| |1. Find the area of triangles | | |TAKS |Textbook & |

|Dec. 7-11 |and trapezoids | | | |Materials, Step Up |

| |2. Find the perimeter and area| | |Instructional Activity |to TAKS, Teacher |

| |of rectangles and | | | |Made TAKS Materials|

| |parallelograms | | | | |

|16 |Semester Reviews and Tests |1, 2, 3, 6 |8.1 ABCD |Semester reviews and |HOLT Math 2007 |

| | | |8.2 ABCD |tests |Textbook & |

|Dec. 14-18 | | |8.3 AB | |Materials, Step Up |

| |End of semester 1 | |8.4 A | |to TAKS, Teacher |

| | | |8.5 AB | |Made TAKS Materials|

| | | |8.6 AB | | |

| | | |8.7 ABCD | | |

| | | |8.9 A | | |

| |


|4th Six Weeks |

|17 |1. Find the area and |4 |8.7D, 8.7A, 8.7B, |Lessons 8.3, 8.4, 8.7, |HOLT Math 2007 |

| |circumference of circles | |8.8A, 8.8B, 8.8C, |8.8, 8.9 WS and TAKS |Textbook & |

|Jan. 5-8 |2. Draw and identify parts of | |8.10A | |Materials, Step Up |

| |three dimensional figures | | | |to TAKS, Teacher |

| |3. Find the surface area of | | | |Made TAKS Materials|

| |prisms and cylinders | | | | |

| |4. Find the surface area of | | | | |

| |pyramids and cones | | | | |

| |5. Find the volume and surface| | | | |

| |area of spheres | | | | |

|18 |1. Find the volume of prisms |3, 4, & 5 |8.7B, 8.7D, 8.7B, |Lessons 8.1, 8.5, 8.6, |HOLT Math 2007 |

| |and cylinders | |8.7C, 8.8B, 8.8C, |8.10 WS and TAKS |Textbook & |

|Jan 11-15 |2. Find the volume of pyramids| |8.10A, 8.10B | |Materials, Step Up |

| |and cones | | |8-1 Lab pg. 393 |to TAKS, Teacher |

| |3. Find scale models of | | | |Made TAKS Materials|

| |three-dimensional figures. | | | | |

| |4. Dimensional Change | | | | |

|19 |1. Recognize biased samples |2, 5, & 6 |8.4 A, 8.12A, 8.12C,|Lessons 9.1 to 9.4 WS |HOLT Math 2007 |

| |and identify sampling methods | |8.13A, 8.15A |and TAKS |Textbook & |

|Jan. 19-22 |2. Organize data in tables and| | | |Materials, Step Up |

| |stem-and-leaf plots | | | |to TAKS, Teacher |

| |3. Find appropriate measures | | | |Made TAKS Materials|

| |of central tendency | | | | |

| |4. Find measures of | | | | |

| |variability (box and whisker | | | | |

| |plot) | | | | |

|20 |CBA IV |2, 5, & 6 |8.4A, 8.5A, 8.12B, |Lessons 9.5 to 9.7 WS |HOLT Math 2007 |

| | | |8.12C, 8.13B, 8.14B,|and TAKS |Textbook & |

|Jan. 25-29 |1. Display data in bar graphs,| |8.15B, 8.16A | |Materials, Step Up |

| |histograms, and line graphs | | |CBA IV Test |to TAKS, Teacher |

| |2. Recognize misleading graphs| | | |Made TAKS Materials|

| |and statistics | | | | |

| |3. Create and interpret | | | | |

| |scatterplots | | | | |

| |4. Select the best | | | | |

| |representation for a set of | | | | |

| |data. | | | | |

|21 |1. Find the probability of an |1, 2, 5, & 6 |8.1B, 8.2A, 8.2B, |Lesson 10.1, 10.2, & |HOLT Math 2007 |

|Feb. 1-5 |event by using the definition | |8.2C, 8.5A, 8.11A, |10.4, 10.5, 10.6 WS & |Textbook & |

| |of probability | |8.11B, 8.11C, 8.14A,|TAKS |Materials, Step Up |

| |2. Estimate probability using | |8.14B, 8.14C | |to TAKS, Teacher |

| |experimental methods | | | |Made TAKS Materials|

| |3. Estimate probability using | | | | |

| |theoretical methods | | | | |

| |4. Find the probability of | | | | |

| |independent and dependent | | | | |

| |events | | | | |

| |5. Use probability to make | | | | |

| |decisions and predictions | | | | |

|22 |1.Problem Solving strategies |6 |8.14ABCD, 8.15AB, |Problem Solving Handbook|HOLT Math 2007 |

| |and multi step problems | |8.16AB |pg. 810-819, Step Up to |Textbook & |

|Feb. 8-12 | | | |TAKS Obj. 6 |Materials, Step Up |

| |Math Benchmark Test (?) | | | |to TAKS, Teacher |

| | | | | |Made TAKS Materials|

|23 |Math Benchmark Test (?) |ALL OBJ 1 |ALL OBJ 1 |Review Binder OBJ 1 |HOLT Math 2007 |

| | | | | |Textbook & |

|Feb. |TAKS Review Obj. 1 | | | |Materials, Step Up |

|15-19 | | | | |to TAKS, Teacher |

| | | | | |Made TAKS Materials|

|5th Six Weeks |

|24 |TAKS Review Obj. 2 | ALL OBJ 2 | ALL OBJ 2 |Review Binder OBJ 2 |HOLT Math 2007 |

| | | | | |Textbook & |

|Feb. 22-26 | | | | |Materials, Step Up |

| | | | | |to TAKS, Teacher |

| | | | | |Made TAKS Materials|

|25 |TAKS Review |ALL OBJ 3 |ALL OBJ 3 |Review Binder OBJ 3 |HOLT Math 2007 |

| | | | | |Textbook & |

|March 1-5 |TAKS Reading Test on | | | |Materials, Step Up |

| |Wednesday, March 3 | | | |to TAKS, Teacher |

| | | | | |Made TAKS Materials|

| |Benchmark Sci & SS | | | | |

|26 |TAKS Review Obj. 4 |ALL OBJ 4 |ALL OBJ 4 |Review Binder OBJ 4 |HOLT Math 2007 |

| | | | | |Textbook & |

|March 8-12 | | | | |Materials, Step Up |

| | | | | |to TAKS, Teacher |

| | | | | |Made TAKS Materials|

| |


|27 |TAKS Review Obj. 5 & 6 |ALL OBJ 5&6 |ALL OBJ 5&6 |Review Binder OBJ 5 & 6 |HOLT Math 2007 |

| | | | | |Textbook & |

|March 22-26 | | | | |Materials, Step Up |

| | | | | |to TAKS, Teacher |

| | | | | |Made TAKS Materials|

|28 |TAKS Review |ALL |ALL |Review Binder |HOLT Math 2007 |

| | | | | |Textbook & |

|March 29- April 1 | | | | |Materials, Step Up |

| | | | | |to TAKS, Teacher |

| | | | | |Made TAKS Materials|

|29 |TAKS 8th grade Math test |1 & 6 |8.2A,8.4A |Lessons 11.1 & 11.2 WS |HOLT Math 2007 |

| |April 6, 2010 | |8.15A | |Textbook & |

|April 5-9 |1. Combine like terms in an | | | |Materials, Step Up |

| |expression. | | | |to TAKS, Teacher |

| |2. Solve multi-step equations | | | |Made TAKS Materials|

|30 |1. Solve equations with |1, 2 & 6 |8.2A, 8.2B, 8.14A, |Lesson 11.3 WS |HOLT Math 2007 |

| |variables on both sides of the| |8.14B | |Textbook & |

|April 12-16 |equal sign | |8.15A | |Materials, Step Up |

| | | | | |to TAKS, Teacher |

| | | | | |Made TAKS Materials|

|6th Six Weeks |

|31 |1. Solve and graph |1, 2 & 6 |8.2A, 8.2B, 8.14A, |Lesson 11.4 WS |HOLT Math 2007 |

| |inequalities by using | |8.14B | |Textbook & |

|April 19-23 |multiplication and division | |8.15A | |Materials, Step Up |

| |2. Solve two-step inequalities| | | |to TAKS, Teacher |

| |and graph the solutions of an | | |Lesson 11.5 WS |Made TAKS Materials|

| |inequality on a number line | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |Chp 11 Test | |

|32 |1. Identify and graph linear |1, 2 & 6 |8.3A, 8.4A |Lesson 12.1 WS |HOLT Math 2007 |

| |equations | |8.14A, 8.15A | |Textbook & |

|April 26-30 |2. Find the slope of a line | | | |Materials, Step Up |

| |and use the slope to | | |Lesson 12.2 WS |to TAKS, Teacher |

| |understand and draw graphs. | | | |Made TAKS Materials|

| | | | | | |

| |Science and SS TAKS Test | | | | |

|33 |1. Use slopes and intercepts |1, 2 & 6 |8.2B, 8.3A, 8.4A, |Lesson 12.3 WS |HOLT Math 2007 |

| |to graph linear equations | |8.14A 8.15A | |Textbook & |

|May 3-7 |2. Find the equation of a line| | | |Materials, Step Up |

| |given one point and the slope.| | |Lesson 12.4 WS |to TAKS, Teacher |

| | | | | |Made TAKS Materials|

|34 |1. Graph inequalities on the |1, 2, 5, 6 |8.2B, 8.3A, 8.4A, |Lesson 12.6 WS |HOLT Math 2007 |

| |coordinate plane | |8.5A 8.14A 8.15A | |Textbook & |

|May 10-14 |2. Recognize relationships in | | | |Materials, Step Up |

| |data and find the equation of | | | |to TAKS, Teacher |

| |a line of best fit. | | |Lesson 12.7 WS |Made TAKS Materials|

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |Chp 12 Test | |

|35 |Retake 8th grade TAKS Math May|1, 2, 5, 6 |8.2B, 8.3A, 8.4A, |Practice Test |HOLT Math 2007 |

| |18, 2010 | |8.5A 8.14A 8.15A | |Textbook & |

|May 17-21 | | | | |Materials, Step Up |

| |Review everything for semester| | | |to TAKS, Teacher |

| |exams | | | |Made TAKS Materials|

|36 |Semester Exams | | |2nd Semester Test | |

| | | | | | |

|May 24-28 |Prepare 8th grade Math | | | | |

| |students for TAKS retake June | | | | |

| |29, 2010 | | | | |


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