8th Grade Literature 2005 – 06

8th Grade GRC - ELA 2020 – 21 Mr. Wilbanks Room 125

Dear Parents,

Hi! I am Mr. Wilbanks, your student’s GT English/literature teacher. I have taught here at Thompson Middle for twenty-three years, teaching both seventh and eighth grade English and literature and GRC exclusively the last nine years. There are several goals and expectations I have for your child, besides the obvious targets: improving reading, critical thinking, and writing proficiency. For example, I expect your student to analyze passages rather than just summarize them. Furthermore, (almost) every week you will be getting an email from me telling you what assignments should be done, whether they are an assigned reading, written composition, or grammar skills work.

Students will need the following supplies:

• One three-ring binder (please keep it well-stocked with paper) with five tab dividers

• Pens (regular blue or black ink only – pen will be required for compositions), pencils

• Highlighters (colored pencils are not required, but they would be helpful)

• Sticky notes: These will be used to annotate texts from time to time.

• A dictionary that is at least an intermediate level or higher ( or a $1 Walmart special is not going to work)

What about grades and assessments? One of the main assessment tools in this class will be the story test or quiz, and there are usually a number of quizzes/tests each quarter. There are also many other methods that need to be and will be used in a gifted classroom. Usually at the beginning of each story, I will have a list of vocabulary words that your child will need to define (Again, it is imperative that this be done immediately!). The test/quiz for stories will usually include questions about the story and the vocabulary words; sometimes the vocabulary will be tested separately. Tests can also consist of short answers and/or longer written responses. Grammar tests can easily be crafted in a number of ways.

Other forms of assessments can include class work, which can include work done in groups such as lit circles or other forms of class participation, homework quizzes, and sometimes homework designed specifically for a grade. Homework quizzes are rather simple. On any given day (these days will be random unless we are reading a novel in class) I will go over the previous night’s homework and then with books closed I will call out a few problems (or vocabulary words) for answers. That should be an easy 100% IF the student has done his or her work. Homework quizzes cannot be made up or retaken. Doing so eliminates their validity.

*Differentiation is very important and a must for GRC students. I am going to do my best to see that it occurs and that your child is offered choices with regard to projects and writing assignments.*

(I also need to remind you and your child that movies are never an acceptable substitute for reading. Take Tuck Everlasting, The DaVinci Code, and Wish You Well, for example. Decent movies…sort of…maybe…but NOTHING like their books. Furthermore, outside readings should steer away from novels made into movies: Hunger Games or the Divergent series, etc.)

Except when I have morning duty, I usually will be available for student help any school morning ~ 7:00. I will be glad to meet with your student to help him/her with problems in this class. Sometimes students will be given passes to come complete make up work at this time. Please make sure your student is here on time. Warrior Time is not always the best time to take care of this.

Listed below is a tentative (in 2020, a very tentative) syllabus for what will be taught during this school year:

• 1st Quarter: Selected short story(ies), The Outsiders, grammar lessons including but not limited to the parts of speech and introduction to research procedures, and the writing process

• 2nd Quarter: Selected short works from Edgar Allan Poe, A Christmas Carol, grammar lessons including but not limited to clauses, sentence types, and punctuation such as commas, quotation marks, semicolons, and colons as well as research work on thesis statements, and MLA format

• 3rd Quarter: Poetry, The Diary of Anne Frank, grammar lessons including but not limited to phrases, parallelism, agreement, and pronoun case, and the research paper including the thesis statement and outline

• 4th Quarter: The Pigman and The Call of the Wild, (possibly tall tales), grammar lessons including but not limited to syntax, confusing words, misplaced and dangling modifiers, business letter, essay based on a visual text

Again, this is tentative and is subject to change at my discretion.

If you will visit my website here at school: , you will see a tab for my assignments page, along with others.

Classroom discipline is another matter for concern. I don’t have a quick fuse, but I do run a tight ship. Students are kept very busy with work (but not busy work!). There is no time for interference from disruptive students. My first and most used course of action is to deal with the student. If that is unsuccessful, I will get you involved. If that unsuccessful, or continues to be a repetitive infraction that really getting out of hand, then the situation may require an administrator.

Okay, here is where your child can earn a quick freebie (I am usually not an extra-credit person). Please return the form below that indicates you have read this letter (PLEASE write your email address under your name) by Monday, 13 Aug (two school days after receiving this). Your child can keep this letter in his or her front notebook pocket so he or she can follow along this year.

If you have any concerns, you can email or call me here at school. I will tell you now that it is usually…usually easier to get in touch with me via email. michael.wilbanks@.

Thanks! Let’s have a great and productive school year!

M. Wilbanks

The mission of the Alabaster City Schools is to partner with families and the community to inspire and prepare graduates to be responsible and productive champions of their future.

______________________________________________________________________________ [pic]

My child and I have reviewed this letter and understand the expectations in 8th grade GRC - ELA this year.

Parent/ Guardian Signature: __________________________________________________

Parent email: ______________________________________________________________

Student name (please print): _________________________________________ Pd. ____


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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