8th Grade Algebra Syllabus


8th Grade Algebra

|Instructor |Ms. Ashley Simmons |E-mail |Simmonsa@ |

|Classroom Phone | |Mobile |803.429.7819 |

| | | |Available: M-T, 5 – 9 p.m. |

| | | |Please only call on weekends in cases of extreme emergency |

|Room # |206 |Website | |

** good idea: cut on line above and put my contact info in a central location as an easy reference ( **

Dear PCA Parents/Guardians,

Hello! My name is Ms. Simmons and I will be your scholar’s 8th grade math teacher this year. Below, you will find a parent-friendly version of the 8th grade math syllabus. Please take a moment during an evening after school this week to look over the syllabus with your scholar. Please return the bottom portion of the last page signed and filled out by Friday, August 6th. It will count as your scholar’s first homework grade. Please continue to check your e-mail for important and upcoming dates concerning your scholar’s Algebra course. If you have any questions or comments, regardless of the time of year, please never hesitate to contact me. Together, we can help lead your scholar to success!

Yours in Education,

Ms. Ashley Simmons, M. Ed

I. School Supplies (Color for Math- Yellow):

a. Math Binder (provided by PCA) – All of the work for the current unit is kept here (specific tabs titles listed below)

b. Interactive Folder (1) (provided by PCA) – After a unit is completed, folder is cleared out, and information placed in a folder, which is kept in the classroom

c. Data Folder (1) (provided by PCA) – All tests, assessments, and trackers are kept in this folder.

Divider Tabs:

|Order of Dividers in |What your scholar should label each |Description of what kind of papers will go into this section |

|Binder: |divider as: | |

|Divider 1 |Math Velocity |Similar to a warm-up or bell ringer, your scholar will answer relevant questions at the |

| | |beginning of each class period in this section. |

|Divider 2 |Procedures/Vocabulary |All math procedures & steps should be placed here. |

| | |Students will have a personalized & individualized “WordWall” that should also be placed |

| | |here. |

|Divider 3 |Homework |Any worksheets or assignments assigned to do at home. |

|Divider 4 |Classwork |All independent practice & assignments should be placed in this section. |

|Divider 5 |Projects/ Assessments |Approx. one project per unit will be assigned. After the project is showcased & graded it|

| | |should be placed here. |

*Scholars will take all assessments (quizzes & unit tests) online; therefore scores will be recorded in their individual Data Books.

II. Subject/Course Goals:

|Unit Title |Unit Description |Unit Length |

|Mathematical Processes |Scholars will use mathematical language, symbols, and proofs to demonstrate|All Year |

| |mathematical reasoning of solutions or answers. Scholars will also discover| |

| |how algebraic formulas and concepts can be used in real-life situations. | |

|Numbers & Operations |Scholars will hone the skills critical to success in Algebra by developing |4 weeks |

| |understanding of properties & relationships between numbers. Scholars will |August 9th- September 3rd |

| |also apply their knowledge of computation & problem solving throughout the | |

| |academic year in order to develop algebraic thinking and logic. | |

|Algebra Concepts |Scholars will be exposed to inequalities & equalities as well as multiple |6 weeks |

| |formulas used to solve mathematical problems. Scholars will be introduced |September 6th- October 23rd |

| |to how these formulas are incorporated into the practical use of Algebra. | |

|Algebra Extension |This unit is an extension of Algebra Concepts in order to allow students |5 weeks |

| |the opportunity to combine their knowledge of algebraic terms to solve |October 25th- December 10th |

| |quadratic equations, functions, and several expressions to properly | |

| |represent equations in various ways. | |

|Geometry & Measurement |Scholars will use algebraic reasoning to solve problems involving geometric|4 weeks |

| |formulas and contextual problems. In addition, scholars will develop an |January 3rd – January 28th |

| |understanding of how to convert different units of measurement and apply | |

| |appropriate units | |

|Data Analysis, Probability & |In this unit Scholars will explore multiple representations of data & use |4 weeks |

|Statistics |critical thinking skills to accurately interpret graphs, charts, and tables|January 31st – March 1st |

| |to draw conclusions. In addition, scholars will learn how probability and | |

| |statistics influences data and real-life situations. | |


| | |March 1st – March 30th |

|Mathical Moment |Students will create their own investigation and explore a topic within |2 weeks |

| |mathematics that is interesting and exciting to them. Students will also |May 4th – May 13th |

| |create activities for their peers to complete and enjoy. Scholars must use | |

| |mathematical language, symbols, and representations as a part of their | |

| |project. | |

*Dates of units are subject to change

III. ****Classroom Rules, Rewards, & Consequences****

The number one reason that your scholar is at Power Center Academy is to learn and gain knowledge that will help him or her in future endeavors. Therefore, it is my duty as your scholars’ teacher to ensure they L.E.A.R.N. I have 5 simple guidelines in my classrooms, and they just so happen to spell this ever-important concept:

Listen to Instructions (First Time Given)

Enter the classroom prepared

Aim high – We want to be proficient and advanced!

Respect the learning environment (Yourself, Your Peers, & Ms. Simmons)

Notify Ms. Simmons of any issue (Using the PCA High Five)

|Class-wide Reward System: Achievement Award |

|Achievement |

|Each week I will write the word “ACHIEVEMENT” on the board for each of my five periods. Anytime a substantial portion of the class is not making the right |

|choice, by being off-task, talkative, etc. I will erase a letter from the word ACHIEVEMENT. Scholars will have the opportunity to earn letters back by |

|making good choices. The class with the most letters in the word ACHIEVEMENT at the end of the week will receive a bonus on their paychecks |

|Individual Reward System |

|Shout-Out Board: |

|Scholars who give awesome answers to questions in class will have their name placed on the “Shout Out” board. |

|Tick-Tocking Ticket Raffles!!! |

|If scholars remain actively engaged in class, they will receive a raffle ticket for each time they are “caught.” On the 2nd & 4th Friday, the class will |

|have a raffle, in which 2 names will be drawn to win a variety of prizes, such as school supplies, magazines, movie tickets, even the occasional piece of |

|candy! Active Engagement Consist of all the following: Following Classroom Routines & Procedures, staying on task, adding “meaningful” discussion, |

|encouraging peers, & multiple attempts to master a skill. |

|Positive Phone Call Home: |

|Scholars deserve to be celebrated for their great accomplishments & I love to brag on scholars!!!! |

|“No Homework” Passes |

|Must be used within the 8-week marking period received |

|Individual Consequence System |

|If any scholar violates one of these guidelines, he or she interrupts learning, which is why these rules are so important. The consequences for violations |

|are listed below: |

|Violation #1: Verbal Warning |

|Violation #2: Behavior Reflection Essay* (3 paragraphs, 1 page) and Phone Call Home |

|Violation #3: After-School Detention |

|Violation #4: Saturday Detention |

*If a scholar receives a behavior reflection essay, he or she must complete the essay for homework and turn it in signed by a parent or guardian the following school day. If a scholar does not turn in the essay, he or she will receive an automatic after-school detention. If a scholar fails to show up for an after-school detention, he or she will receive an automatic Saturday detention.

* In addition, if a scholar violates any of the expectations/guidelines listed his or her weekly behavior grade will be adjusted accordingly.

*****If a behavior involves cursing, derogatory terms, sexual innuendos or terms, physical altercations, or yelling/harsh tones at another scholar or Ms. Simmons, the scholar will receive an automatic Saturday detention and phone call home.

IV. ****Extended Learning****

I am a HUGE advocate that learning should take place inside AND outside of the classroom. Therefore, students will be given multiple opportunities throughout the school year for extending their learning of the course content outside of the classroom. These rare opportunities will offer students extra credit towards participation, class work, or quizzes. Such opportunities include but are not limited to: Problems of the Week, Finding real-world examples, and incorporating the Arts (songs, drawings, poems, dance moves, raps, etc that incorporates mathematical processes).

*Since these activities are in addition to the curriculum, extra credit assignments cannot be made-up or extended unless permission has been granted in advance from Ms. Simmons.

V. Grading and Homework Policies: will be used to enter grades and track our scholars’ progress. Both grades and behavior logs will be entered into the system. Emails will also be sent with information regarding assignments, behavior issues, or general class-wide/school-wide announcements.


|Class work & Notebook Checks |On average, there will be 2-3 class work assignments collected and graded each week. |25% |

|Weekly Quizzes/ Unit Tests |Your scholar will be assessed on content comprehension each week in the form of a quiz, with a cumulative|40% |

| |test at the end of each unit. Weekly assessments for Math will be every Friday. Students can expect their| |

| |grades to be available the following Monday. | |

|Homework |Your scholar will have homework Monday thru Thursday each week on a very consistent basis. Most of the |10% |

| |assignments will be computer-based activities. Please let me know if there is an issue with internet | |

| |access at home so that I can work with your scholar on a individual basis. This homework will be | |

| |collected & graded daily. | |

|Projects |A project will be assigned approximately once per unit. Students will be provided a rubric for each |20% |

| |project. | |

|Participation/ Effort |Everyday participation and behavior is so important to me that it factors into a grade in my class. |5% |

| |Participation comes in a variety of forms such as turning in assignments and staying on task, and does | |

| |not always have to be verbal. | |


As a part of taking 100% responsibility for your academics and behavior, I will not provide extra copies of assignments for scholars who have lost them. If the assignment can be uploaded to my Quia website, it will, and scholars can access another copy on their own time.


Scholars are able to make up work if they are absent from my class. I will provide make up work upon the scholar’s return; all make up work will be kept in an easily identified folder in the back of the classroom depending on the day the scholar was absent. Make up work MUST be turned in 5 days upon return to school. This is a school-wide policy, and therefore no exceptions can be made.

VII. Communication:

Maintaining an open line of communication with parents is key to a successful partnership. Please e-mail me if you have any questions or would like to set an appointment.

***After you have read over the entire syllabus, please sign and date below. Cut off the bottom section of this page and have your scholar return it to me by Friday, August 6, 2010.


Scholar(s) name(s): ___________________________________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Name (Print Please) _________________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature _____________________________________ Date _________________

Best way to contact you (Please circle one): Phone or E-mail

Phone number and/or E-mail address _________________________________________________________________

Best time(s) to contact you ___________________________________________________________________________

One unique thing about your scholar: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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