Suggested Learning Targets for Common Core State Standards

Buncombe County Schools

Learning Targets for ELA Common Core Standards


Grade 8 Reading Literature

|Grade Specific |Learning Targets |Activities/Strategies |Resources |Formative Assessment Suggestions |

|Standard |(I can statements) |(What strategies/activities could we use to |(What text could we use to teach this |(What are ways to formatively check for |

| | |teach this learning target?) |learning target?) |understanding while teaching this |

| | | | |learning target?) |

|RL-1 |I can select the best piece of evidence to support an analysis of |Good Reader Project: |“Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening” |Conferences |

| |the text. |SSR reading journals | | |

| |I can make a conclusion (inference) from text. |Poetry Padaeia |Novels |think write share with annotations |

| | |Find tone words and circle | |circled words |

| | |Prior to answering questions, identify kind | |Common assessments (short story multiple|

| | |of question: predicting, inference, | |choice) Student must highlight where the|

| | |clarifying, pondering...etc. | |answer was found. |

| | |Ask explicit questions in reading | | |

| | |conferences and classroom discussions. Model| | |

| | |answers during read-alouds. | | |

| | |Sort textual evidence to determine those | | |

| | |most strongly supporting an idea | | |

|RL-2 |I can determine centeral idea +/or theme. |State theme from each section. Support with|Cracker the Crab and the Sideways Afternoon|Circle Map to develop overall theme |

| |I can analyze the development of the plot to determine a theme. |textual evidence |Text ability/Computer |Cartoons |

| |I can determine how key events, characters’ actions and |Title theme cover |Any novel |Gallery Walk |

| |interactions, and setting develop over the course of the text to |Kids write own. | |21st Century check (ie send) |

| |contribute to the theme. |State as theme. | |Sticky note checks in conferences. |

| |I can compose an objective summary. |“Tweet” summary | | |

| | |Sticky notes | | |

|RL-3 |I can analyze how a particular line of dialogue in a story or |Telephone Writing Game |Good Reader Novels |Discussion |

| |drama propels the action, reveals the develpment of a character, |Give kids ideas to write (ie. mood | |Journal on changes |

| |and provokes a decision. |thoughts). Write a story and then cut it and| |Good Reader Journals |

| |I can analyze how a particular incident in a story or drama |have next kid finish it. Compare the | | |

| |propels the action, reveals aspects of the character, and provokes|changes. | | |

| |a decision. |Deep Impact Quotes | | |

| | |Annotate turning points within a text | | |

|RL-4 |I can interpret a word or phrase’s meaning technically, |Irony |Seinfeld: The Marine Biologist |Discussions |

| |connotatively and figuratively. |Simile |Questions |Journals: Identify ironic moments |

| |I can analyze why authors choose specific words or phrases to |83 Question Project (Literal me vs. |Anne Frank Play |Write your own episode (include |

| |evoke a particular meaning or tone. |Non-literal me). Student writes one word |Word Build |situational and verbal irony). |

| |I can analyze and determine relevance of the use of illusion or |answer about self and then represents word |Why do we write the haiku this way? Why do|Project |

| |allegory in text. |with a picture. |we use this word when the author is |Frayer Map |

| | |Anne Frank project |perturbed. |Poetry |

| | |Root Build Day 2 | | |

| | |(orthopedist bones vs. straight) | | |

| | |Good Readers notice mood | | |

| | |Poetry Unit | | |

| | |Change the mood word in a poem to see how it| | |

| | |changes the meaning | | |

|RL-5 |I can define structure (as it relates to the organization of ideas|Double Bubble |Stop the Sun vs. Lady or the Tiger vs. |Analyze the plot structure and discuss |

| |within a text). | |Raymond’s Run. |falling action (plot sequence). |

| |I can analyze an author’s choice of structure to develop meaning | |Why was this written this way? |Journals |

| |and style. | |What effect did it have? | |

| |I can compare and contrast texts, which differ in structure, to | |Tears of a Tiger for unique text structure | |

| |determine how meaning and styles contribute to the development of | |Monster by Walter Dean Myer for unique text| |

| |a text. | |structure of screenplay and journal entries| |

| | | | | |

|RL-6 |I can assess how a point of view (character, reader, author, etc.)|Flow Map of the Dynamic Character |The Bet |Flow Map with quotes for the small boxes|

| |can shape content and style. |Compare an author’s characters and |Killing Mr. Griffin |Double Bubble |

| |I can determine how a purpose for reading or writing can shape |development. |Text from the same author | |

| |content and style. |Examine one story from a variety of | | |

| |I can analyze how differing points of view and/or purposes can |viewpoints | | |

| |create various effects. | | | |

|RL-7 |I can recognize that authors use different literary techniques |Read and watch. |“The Raven” and the Simpsons Version |How was humor added to a poem of the |

| |depending on the media format. | | |macabre. |

| |I can evaluate how content, presented in varying formats, differs | | | |

| |based on the format. | | | |

| |I can compare/contrast how choices of differing media formats | | | |

| |affects the content of the text. | | | |

|RL-8 |(Not applicable to literature) | | | |

|RL-9 |I can identify themes, patterns of events, or characters from |Can you live with the decisions you make |Killing Mr. Griffin | |

| |myths, traditional stories, or religious works that are found in |today? |The myth of Pandora | |

| |modern works |Questioning traditions |“The Lottery” | |

| |I can analyze and describe how authors of modern works of fiction | |The Christmas Carol | |

| |draw on traditional themes, events, or characters and make them | | | |

| |new. | | | |

| |I can compare and contrast traditional themes, events, or | | | |

| |characters to modern interpretations of the same themes, events, | | | |

| |or characters. | | | |

|RL-10 |I can proficiently read and comprehend complex text independently.|Find Vocabulary words |Good Readers |Journals |

| |I can determine when I am not comprehending and can apply |5 finger test (0-5 is goal every page) |Novels | |

| |strategies to increase understanding. |Good Readers | | |


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