2010 2011 BPS Science 8 with Frameworks and Essential Questions


BPS Science Grade 8 Big Ideas with Frameworks and Essential Questions

The Nature of Matter

Essential Question by Framework

Begin with a review of the scientific method and discuss the science fair to be held later in the year.

Chapter 1, Section 1: Models of the Atom Discovery of subatomic particles Structure of the nuclear atom

Chapter 1, Section 2: The Simplest Matter The elements and the periodic table

Atomic mass and atomic number

Identify what makes an isotope Compare metals, metalloids, and non-metals Chapter 1, Section 3: Compounds and Mixtures

Characteristics of a compound

Compare types of mixtures Chapter 2, Section 1: Matter

Matter is made of particles in motion Relate the three states of matter to the arrangement of particles Chapter 2, Section 2: Changes of State Compare thermal energy and temperature Relate changes in thermal energy to change of state Graph energy and temperature changes


Grade( 2, 5, 8) - Type(L, E, P, T) - Number Essential Question

8P6 8P6: What makes an atom different from a molecule?

8P7:What information about elements can you get from the Periodic 8P7 Table?


8P7:What information about elements can you get from the Periodic Table?

8P8 8P8: How are mixtures different from pure substances?

8P6 8P15

8P6: What makes an atom different from a molecule? 8P15: How does heat affect particle motion?

8P14: What happens when heat energy is added to a system? 8P14, 15 8P15: How does heat affect particle motion?

Include supplemental activities for Physical Science Standards 1, 2, and 3 on weight, mass, density, volume, significant digits - Coordinate with Math Teacher


BPS Science Grade 8 Big Ideas with Frameworks and Essential Questions

Chapter 2, Section 3: Behavior of Fluids Explain why some things float and others sink

8P2 8P2: How does density relate to volume, mass, and buoyancy?

Describe the transference of pressure through a fluid

Chapter 3, Section 1: Physical and Chemical Properties

Identify physical and chemical properties of matter

Chapter 3, Section 2: Physical and Chemical Changes Compare physical and chemical changes Identify examples of physical and chemical change

Chapter 4, Section 1: Introduction to the Periodic Table Interpret an element key Explain the organization of the periodic table

Chapter 4, Section 2: Representative Elements

Recognize properties of representative elements

Identify uses of the representative elements Chapter 4, Section 3: Transition elements

Identify properties of some transition elements Distinguish lanthanides from actinides


8P10: What are the differences between physical and chemical changes?

8P7:What information about elements can you get from the Periodic 8P7 Table?


BPS Science Grade 8 Big Ideas with Frameworks and Essential Questions


OMIT Chapter 1 OMIT Chapter 2 Chapter 3, Section 1: What is a solution? Make connections to CityLab as appropriate

Distinguish between substances and mixtures Describe two types of mixtures Explain how solutions form Describe how solids, liquids, and gases form solutions Chapter 3, Section 2: Solubility Explain why water is a solvent Describe the relation between structure of a compound the solvents it dissolves in Identify factors affecting solubility

Describe concentration of a solution Chapter 3, Section 3: Acidic and Basic Solutions

Properties of acids and bases

Uses of acids and bases Explain how pH is used Explain how acids and bases react with each other


Essential Question

8P8 8P8: How are mixtures different from pure substances?


8P10: What are the differences between physical and chemical changes?

8P7:What information about elements can you get from the Periodic 8P7 Table?

8P7:What information about elements can you get from the Periodic Table? 8P7


BPS Science Grade 8 Big Ideas with Frameworks and Essential Questions

Motion, Forces and Energy


Essential Question

Chapter 1, Section 1: What is Motion? Coordinate with Math Teacher

Define distance, speed and velocity

8P11 8P11: How can you describe motion?

Graph motion

8P12 8P12: What does a graph of motion look like?

Chapter 1, Section 2: Acceleration

Define acceleration Predict effect of acceleration on motion

8P11 8P11: How can you describe motion?

Chapter 1, Section 3: Momentum

The difference between mass and inertia

8P1 8P1: How is weight different from mass?

Define momentum

Predict motion based on law of conservation of momentum

8P11 8P11: How can you describe motion?

Chapter 2, Section 1: Newton's First Law

Identify and distinguish between balanced and net


Demonstrate Newton's First law

Explain friction

8T6.4: What forces act on a moving object?

Chapter 2, Section 2: Newton's Second Law Explain Newton's Second Law


Explain the importance of direction of force

Chapter 2, Section 3: Newton's Third Law

Identify the relation between the forces objects exert

on each other

OMIT Chapter 3

Chapter 4, Section 1: Work and Power

Recognize and calculate work

Explain the relation between work and power

Chapter 4, Section 2: Using Machines - Coordinate with Tech Ed Teacher

Explain how machines make work easier

8T2.4 8T2.4: What is the purpose of tools and machines?

Calculate mechanical advantage and efficiency

Explain how friction reduces efficiency

8T6.4 8T6.4: What forces act on a moving object?

Chapter 4, Section 3: Simple machines

Distinguish among types of simple machines Find the mechanical advantage of simple machines

5T1.3 5T1.3: What are simple and complex machines?


BPS Science Grade 8 Big Ideas with Frameworks and Essential Questions

Chapter 5, Section 1: What is Energy? Explain what energy is Distinguish between kinetic and potential energy Identify forms of energy

Chapter 5, Section 2: Energy Transformations Apply laws of conservation of energy Identify changes in forms of energy How electric power plants produce energy

Chapter 5, Section 3: Sources of Energy Explain renewable, non-renewable, and alternative energy sources Advantages and disadvantages of energy sources

Chapter 6, Section 1: Temperature and Thermal Energy How temperature relates to kinetic energy Three scales for measuring temperature Define thermal energy

Chapter 6, Section 2: Heat Difference between thermal energy and heat Three ways heat is transferred Insulators and conductors

Chapter 6, Section 3: Engines and Refrigerators What an engine does Internal combustion engines Refrigerators and air conditioners

5P4 8P13 5P4

5P4: What are forms of energy? 8P13: What's the relation between potential and kinetic energy? 5P4: What are forms of energy?

8P13 8P13: What's the relation between potential and kinetic energy?


8P14: What happens when heat energy is added to a system?

8E3 8E3: How is heat transferred?

8P16 8P16: How does heat move?


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