Science Choice Boards -

Science Choice Boards

An overview/review activity for 3rd-5th grade science concepts in a choice board

format By Caitlin Miller

?Caitlin Miller

?Caitlin Miller

Cycles Science Choice Board

Choose ____ activities to complete.

Create a diagram of 2 food chains from the same ecosystem, then create a diagram of a food web using the organisms from both

food chains.

Explain how complete metamorphosis and incomplete metamorphosis are similar and different. Include a diagram of each


Diagram an underwater example of the Carbon

Diagram and

Dioxide-Oxygen Cycle. summarize the water

Give each organism in cycle. Include at least

your diagram a speech 8 processes involved bubble talking about the in the water cycle.


Diagram the life cycle of a ladybug and the life cycle of a dragonfly. Create a Venn diagram comparing the two cycles.

Create a comic strip explaining how

sedimentary rock can turn into more

sedimentary rock.

?Caitlin Miller

Space Science Choice Board

Choose ____ activities to complete.

Create a detailed diagram of the planets in orbit around our Sun

in the correct order.

Compare and contrast rotation and orbit in a

Venn Diagram.

Diagram rotation of Diagram the orbital the Earth and how the movements involving

amount of sunlight the Sun, the moon, and

would be different at 4 Earth. Explain how they

different places on affect moon phases


and seasons.

Create a colored poster convincing people to come visit the sun. Include at least 3 features they would get

to see.

Create a table illustrating, naming and

timing the 8 moon phases.

?Caitlin Miller

Earth and It's Resources Science Choice Board

Choose ____ activities to complete.

Diagram weathering,

Describe how a delta is erosion, and deposition

formed. Include an illustration of each step.

as they would apply to a


Write a poem as an Diagram an outside

ode to soil properties. park and label 5

An ode is written to alternative energy

praise or glorify resources found in your



Create, color, and label symbols to represent each

of these 5 resources: biofuels, hydroelectric, wind,

solar, and geothermal.

Diagram and summarize the formation of fossil fuels in 3 steps.

?Caitlin Miller


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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