Steuart W. Weller PTO Minutes

Steuart W. Weller Elementary School

PTO Meeting Minutes

January 10, 2017

Call to Order: 2:50 p.m. on 1/10/2017 at Steuart Weller E.S. Library


| |  |  |

|1 |Julia Burton |Principal |

|2 |Erin Timothy |Vice Principal |

|3 |Kathleen Lockett |2nd Grade Teacher Rep. |

|4 |Beth Kaufman |President |

|5 |Leslie Guzulaitis |Vice President |

|6 |JJ Rauf |Treasurer |

|7 |Kristy Balwinski |OoTM Chairperson |

|8 |Nancy Fuller |Parent Laision |

|9 |Carrie Wright |Volunteer Chair |

|10 |Brenda Stromberg |Membership Co-Chair |

|11 |Jen Reichard |Fundraising Co-Chair |

|12 |Emmanuel Shampoh |Parent |


Principal’s Report

Julia Burton

• A new head custodian will be starting on January 11th. The filling of this position is very well received as a clean working environment makes for happy people in our building.

• 2nd Semester assessments to include Cog Ability, ELL & SGA’s.

• It was noted that stress levels increase during this time of year due to announcements and emails regarding home preparation (testing, inclement weather school delays/cancellations)

• It was also noted that great care and consideration goes into putting testing schedules together while maintaining regular classroom learning.

Teacher’s Report

Kathleen Lockett

• Confirming that a hard copy of the various ASAP courses with their starting dates and ending dates be provided to each teacher as a reference when the program begins in February to help with dismissal.

President’s Report

Beth Kaufman

• Welcome back to Steuart Weller students, staff & families and Happy New Year!

• We are happy to report that your SW PTO wrote 11 checks back o the school to take care of various items on Principal Burton’s wish list. Items & programs include: A turkey trot costume, document shredder, Engine-Uity educational program, Flocabulary educational program, Scripps Spelling Bee, Reflex Program, Growth Mindset Books,, Ipads & Covers. Thank you to your PTO contributions, through dues and fundraising, that makes each purchase happen for our school and ultimately our kids!

Secretary’s Report

Jamie Levy – reported by Beth

• Beth reviewed the meeting minutes from the December 6, 2016 meeting. Brenda Stromberg motioned to approve the minutes. JJ Rauf seconded. No one opposed. The December 6, 2016 Steuart Weller PTO Meeting Minutes were APPROVED as written.

• Bylaws and minutes will be kept on the PTO website and in the library.

• Weekly emails via Peach Jar will be sent out by Beth with reminders of upcoming events.

• The PTO website will also post information.

Treasurer’s Report

JJ Rauf

• Checks have been written back to the school to cover items on Principal Burton’s wish list. (See notes above under PTO President Beth Kaufman). There are still many more items to raise funds for on the list.

• An updated financial list will be available at next month’s meeting.


Fundraising Report

Angel Gonzalez

• Restaurant Nights – January's Spirit Night will be at Atomic Trampoline Fun Center in The Village of Leesburg from 6PM-8PM on Wednesday, January 11th. We will earn 40% profit, and the costs are $12 / 30 minutes, $17 / 60 minutes, $21 / 90 minutes, and $27 /120 minutes. Rita's Italian Ice (in the same shopping center) will also be giving us 20% profit for any sweet treats purchased during this time.

• Our February spirit night will be held at Pot Belly’s on February 8th from 5-8pm.

Karolin Junnila

• Skate Night – Looking into booking another skate night in late Feb. early March.

Sandy Belfort & Jen Reichard

• The next Fundraiser is targeted for March 2017 – Square One Art, where Ms. Galvin will begin working with students in January to create the art for submission.

Eva Liu

• No report at this time

Heather Enright

• Grocery Loyalty Program – Please register your Harris Teeter cards… now on-line when you sign up to be a PTO member! We need to promote our Amazon-Smile partnership more to our SW families. Easy and free to sign up! We currently have 65 Harris Teeter participants with earnings so far of $468.24. It was also noted that there is concern that a SW family that is registered with Harris Teeter with their VIC Card is not showing up on the receipt and therefore SW is not receiving the funds from the purchase. Please check your receipt to make sure that SW is your designated school!

Volunteer Report

Carrie Wright

If you are in charge of an event and need volunteers, please contact Carrie (swesvolunteers@)

• In need of volunteers for the following upcoming events!

o Please volunteer to sign up for the Teacher Appreciation Lucky Lunches on 2/9 & 3/29!

Membership Report

Brenda Stromberg & Carolyn Gierer

• Keep spreading the word for all to sign up via the PTO website. 159 families so far. We would love to see more sign up!

• Discussion as to how to increase membership for next year – Discounted events for “members”, go back to paper forms and checks for sign-up, take out the word “membership” and switch to a donation form, give out car magnets with SW logo to all who sign up, increase membership or donation dues/request to $20 for convenience and to cover costs of car magnet production.

Communications Report

PTO Board

• All flyers must be submitted to Julia by Tuesday 10am for Peach Jar & 10am Friday for ConnectEd

• Julia & Beth must sign off on all flyers before posting.

• Web updates to Beth as needed.

• Facebook blast information to Eva and cc’d to Julia & Beth.

Spirit Wear Report

Stephanie Morgenstern

• No report at this time – Stephanie plans to look into the production of logoed car magnets.

ASAP Report

Rasha Saad – reported by Beth

• Important Dates for ASAP Session 2 in 2017

o January 12 – Catalog for Spring Session goes home

o January 16-20 - Registration On-line

o January 23-Feb. 3 – Rosters compiled

o February 6 – Classes Start – with varying start and ending dates per class


LEAP – Stephanie

• Stephanie will attend the next LEAP meeting on 1/11/17 on the topic of funding priorities for the upcoming school budget.

MSAAC – Angel Gonzalez

• The next meeting is scheduled for January 18th on the topic of school climate.

SEAC – no report

Odyssey of the Mind –

Kristy Balwinski

• There are 5 fabulous teams representing SW this year! March 4th – first competition date.

Watch D.O.G. Dads

Nancy Fuller

• The program is going very well. Slots currently being filled to round out the year.

Caring and Sharing

Chase Banks & Carolyn Gierer

• The next Teacher Appreciation Lucky Lunch is 2/9/2017! Please sign up to bring a dish via the sign-up genius!


• On February 13, 2017 Principal Burton has arranged a Technology Safety presentation to be held at Belmont MS at 7pm by the Loudoun Co. Sheriff’s Dept. This is a parent only event to be attended by SW parents and other cluster schools in our area.

• In March 2017 (date tbd) a PTO sponsored basketball game fundraiser will occur between SWES & Newton Lee at Riverside HS. Stay tuned for more details.

• A vote was taken and all in agreement to move the next PTO meeting date to Friday, February 10th, 2017 at 8am in the teacher’s lounge. Hoping this date change will better accommodate everyone’s schedule and ability to attend. Suggestion of speakers, coffee & donuts etc. to promote participation.


Meeting adjourned at 3.45pm. Motion to adjourn by Erin Timothy & 2nd by Brenda Stromberg.

Next PTO meeting scheduled for Tuesday, 2/10/2017 at 8am in the SWES teacher library. Please note the new date and time!


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