Chinle Unified School District

Curriculum DocumentOriginal Development: Spring 2015, Revised Summer 2019Unit:Dine Values Subject/Course:Dine Language and CultureGrade Level:Eighth GradeSchool Year:2019-2020This section completed once per whole unit. (Its purpose is to clarify the unit’s big idea and connecting standards.)Big Ideas: Why is this learning important? What generalization or principle do you want to know/do? The big idea resides at the heart of the discipline, and has value beyond classroom. These may come from the cluster deconstructing process.Seventh-Analyze traditional roles for mother, father, maternal and paternal grandparents-Interpret the change of Dine traditional gender roles over time-Exemplify an understanding of your own perspective of a Traditional Story.Eighth-Exemplify an understanding of the balance between Protection Way Teaching and Blessing Way Teaching-Interview an elder to understand their viewpoints about traditional gender roles and responsibilities-Interpret the concept of K’4Common Core Standards / State StandardsContent Standard:including CODE + (Rigor)S3CF3PO2 analyze and validate traditional roles and responsibilities for young Navajo men and women entering adulthood (e.g., marriage, parenthood, domestic responsibilities, and leadership capabilities)S3CF3PO5 solicit traditional viewpoints from elders on positive physical and mental development (e.g., related to Din4j7 hane’: Yoolgaii Asdz11, Asdz11 N1dleeh7, Naay44’ Neizgh1n7 d00 T0 B1jishch7n7 Baahane’); make inferences to avoid laziness, jealousy, deceitful, dishonesty and disrespectful of self and others Reading StandardWriting StandardMath Practiceincluding CODECollege and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Reading 3. Analyze how and why individuals, events, and ideas develop and interact over the course of a text.4. Interpret words and phrases as they are used in a text, including determining technical, connotative and figurative meanings, and analyze how specific work choices shape meaning or tone.8. Delineate and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text. Including the validity of the reasoning as well as the relevance and sufficiency of the evidence Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity.10. Read and comprehend complex literary and informational textsIndependently and proficiently.Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, well-chosen details and well-structured event sequences. Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects based on focused questions, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation. Determined a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, provide and objective summary of the text.College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Math Mathematical Practices1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.4. Model with mathematics.5. Use appropriate tools strategically.6. Attend to precision.7. Look for and make use of structure.8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoningStatistics and Probability (SP)Draw informal comparative inferences about two populations.l. Model with mathematics Look for and make use of structure.College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for WritingWriting: Text Types and Purposes: 1, 2, 3.Range of Writing: 10 Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a rage of tasks, purposes, and audiences.TechnologyStandard:including CODEET07/08S1C1PO1 Analyze and evaluate information to generate new ideas, processes or products.ELP Standard:including CODECompleted by SEI/ELP teachers (later)Clarifications of Content StandardAcademic Vocabulary: What academic vocabulary does the student need to know?Bik’ehgo da’iin1anii, na’7d7kid, hane’, jid7sin, K’4, H0zh=-j7 k’ehgo, Naay44’ k’ehgo, Din4 k’ehgo anoot77[, 1di[ j7dl9, k’4zhn7dzin, ah44h dzin7zin, h1h0zh=, ha’ahwiin7t’98’, ho[ hojooba’, aj7ists’11’, 1deehodzilzin, t’11 h0 1j7t’4ego, ho[ 7l9, hazaad baa 1hojily3, doo ho[ h0y4e’ da, doo 1k’e’jidl7i da, doo nijichx-’ da, doo 1dahozhdeel1a da, ha’j0ln7, doo 1daah y1j7[ti’ da, doo hwiyooch’7id da, doo t’aa 1dzaagoo joodloh da, doo ad44hodzooldziid da, doo h1h1chx8’ da, Declarative Knowledge: What concepts (facts, ideas, cause/effect) does the student need to KNOW?Students will know:-Capturing Kids Hearts-Shaking hands is a sign of respect-6 pillars of character traits-The moral teachings from the stories they read (i.e., haigo hane’, Asdz11 N1dleeh7, Naay44’ Neizgh1n7 d00 T0 B1j7shch7n7 bahane’)Prerequisites: Use Hess’s Cognitive Rigor Matrix to “map” pre-requisite conceptual & procedure knowledgeConceptual Knowledge: What concepts does the student need prior to engaging in this standard?Students should know:-The definition of gender roles-The vocabulary words for Dine value terms-The difference between good and bad moral teaching-The traditional roles for a mother and father, maternal and paternal grandparentsProcedural Knowledge: What procedures does the student need prior to engaging in this standard?Students will: -Explain how to preserve and perpetuate their culture and carry on traditional roles-Interview an elder about viewpoint of the past traditional role -Compare and contrast how the traditional roles has drastically changed the last two generations-Analyze the changes in traditional roles how it has affected the current generationAssessmentsProvide one assessment item for each content standard (one standard per box). For each assessment include: 1) standard + descriptive title + (Rigor) 2) an actual assessment item or quality description of the assessment 3) connection to Rdg, Wrtg, or Math Practice (if appropriate)Reading: Students will read and comprehend on traditional roles and summarize it-Read for fluency and comprehensionMath: Students will create a design origami to practice patience and perseverance Writing: students will interview a grandparent about traditional roles -Cornell note-taking from the reading and lectures-Identify letter to sound relationship of Dine sound system 7th grade-Students will accurately spell academic vocabulary by 8th grade(Oral Language Development) effectively engage in the discussion using the Dine vocabulary -- Students will use the academic vocabulary to increase their receptive and expressive speaking ability-Identify letter to sound relationship of Dine sound system 7th gradeThis section completed per whole unit. (Its purpose is to focus on integrating the standards through resources & instructional strategies that focus on unit big ideas.)UNIT Resources & InstructionSupplemental Text Connections: List other school-purchased curriculum resources.Other materials available: List other useful resources, teacher-created, online, etc.Internet“Women in Navajo Society”, by Ruth Roessel, Rough Rock, AZ“Navajo Rugs”, by Don DederaTraditional Consultants6 Pillar of Character TraitsNavajo TimesLeading the WayDin4 Bizaad B7n1hoo’aah textbook and workbookResources on origamiResources on string gamesTeacher Instructional Strategies: Research-based strategies that “fit.”-Using Vocabulary: Building Academic Vocabulary, Robert Marzano, pgs. 14-30, (six steps process of introducing terms.)-KWL Chart is used at the beginning of “The String Game / Coyote Stories-A chart is made out to write down information on the habitant of animals in all the coyote stories.-Dioramas are constructed by students to show their understanding of the Coyote Stories.-Poems are written about one particular animals in Coyote Story. (Poem of Choice)-Student contribute to an ABC Booklet for the Art Show, an illustration is made of the story.Integration of Reading & Writing Anchor Standards and/or Mathematics PracticesIntegration of Technology: Specific examples that apply the technology standards in the content.Integration of ELP Strategies: (Language, Grammar, etc)Completed by SEI/ELP teachers (later)Exemplary Learning Activities (Optional): List one exemplary strategy per box.Exemplary Scaffolding Strategy (Optional): List one exemplary strategy per box. ................

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