
Subject: 8th Grade Navajo LanguageUnit: Emergence StoryLearning Objective:Students will understand the importance of oral traditions as it relates to the story of the Emergence.Standards:1FL-R1 Respond to simple commands, greet people, make small talk and close conversations (Use appropriate gestures and oral expressions for greetings, leave-taking and courtesy phrases)5FL-R2 Read or listen to and talk about age appropriate folk tales, short stories, poems and songs that are written for native speakers.S4C-F1 PO1 Explore the earl Navajo history associated with traditional “Haigo Hane” (winter stories) of the Emergence to Din4tah.S1C-F3 PO3 Analyze and interpret the Navajo oral history story of Haji7n47 Baa Hane’.Language ActivitiesThe students will: Students will dialogue with each other and teacher daily using high frequency phrases and simple commands daily.Express ideas orally in complete sentences in Din4 and EnglishStudents will use their own background knowledge and visual cues to make predictions and connections about a story on Haji7n47 (Emergence story)Students will retell the stories they heard/read on the different tribal creation stories.Orally describe characters in the stories.Student Friendly Objective:I will make predictions using prior knowledge, textual story clues, and picture clues. I will scan the text and identify vocabulary words that are essential to the topic. I will use story details, prior knowledge, and logical thinking to draw conclusions about characters and story events. I will compare and contrast creation stories from different cultures to Din4 Creation story. I will read and analyze three creation stories I will work cooperatively in a group to match key concepts and vocabulary terms to comprehend the story elements.Essential Questions:How do Native American myths explain the creation of the world?How is the Din4 creation story similar to or different from other Native American creation stories?Do people from different cultures tell stories in different ways?Do Native American creation stories match up with scientific data? Were Native Americans somehow created separately from other humans? Do we have any evidence to back up these creation stories? Do tribal creation stories actually have some observational methods?What is your opinion of the story? Ask your parents and grandparents if they think the story is fact or fiction? What do you think is the significance of the number four in Din4 culture? (The four worlds, mountains, directions, seasons, etc.)What conclusions can you draw from the story of Haj77n47?Define the word creation.Process:Introduction of new unit: Haj77n47 Baa Hane’Write the word Creation on the board and have students define the word citing 2-3 definitions. Students will also write two sentences using the word creation in the sentence. Class discussion on the definition and sentences.Discussion on different points of view about Creation stories (Most Native American tribes have creation story, and discuss the book of Genesis creation story etc.) Students will create a Vocabulary awareness chartDistribute the text and students will scan the text: students will identify key words or concepts that are essential to the story and record words on their vocabulary awareness chart.Round robin reading: Read aloud the story of First World, Second World, Third World and Fourth WorldProvide time for reflection and questions while reading. Students will also continue to make predictions on what will happen next as they are reading.Introduce two different Native American Creation stories and divide the class into groups of four or five. Give each student a creation chart and each group several copies of different creation stories. Ask each group to read the three creation stories and to fill in the chart. The groups are expected to work together and share their ideas. Have a short discussion about the similarities and differences between the stories.Pose the following questions as a discussion starter or as a short written assignment. The written assignment can be a short homework essay or a bell ringer activity. -What natural items appear in the stories have a symbolic meaning?-Identifying similarities and differences between different creation stories.Students will retell the story by mapping a sequence of events in the story through illustrationTeacher will review and question students on the all the creation stories. Explain the jigsaw activity: student engagement and collaboration. Assign groups for activity. Students will participate in jigsaw activity-matching key concepts and terms from the story of the Haj77n47 Baa Hane’. Collaboration and engagement with other students.Unit assessmentVocabularyCreation, Origin, Emergence, Haj77n47, ts4gh1’din7d7nii, Ni’hodi[hi[, ni’hodoot[‘izh, Ni’haltso, Ni’halgai, ![ts4 hastiin, ![ts4 asdz33n, Doohonoot’iinii, W0l1zhin7 Din4’4, Na’az0zii, T4s’n1, W0l1zhin7, N7[ts3go’, T1niil’1nii, Jaa’aban7, Na’ashj4’ii Hastiin, Na’ashj4’ii Asdz33, Dzi[ [eezh, N1ashdoi, Nahasch’id, M2’ii[tsoi, Nashdoitsoh, D0lii, Giniitsoh Doot[izh, Joo’gii, t![t[‘11i Ha’al44h, Keet’11n, N11ts’iilid, ii’ni’, Dloz7lgaii, Haz47ts’0s7, Na.ats’oos7, t2zhii, B88h, Mos7, dahna’aghizii, Ma’ii, T44hoo[ts0dii, T44hoo[ts0dii biy1zh7, W77neeshch’99dii, T1cheeh, Honeeshgish, Haasch’44[ti’7, Dook’o’oos’[77d, Dib4 Nitsaa, Dzi[ N1’oodi[ii, Ch’0ol’9’9, Asdz33 N1dleeh7, Yoo[gaii Asdz33, j0honaa’47, t[‘4honaa’47Assessments Participation in Think pair share partners to make predictions and all group pletion of vocabulary awareness chartPop Quiz on comprehension after each chapterGraphic organizer completion on creation chart – comparing different tribal storiesJigsaw activity in groups to learn new vocabulary termsTeacher created unit assessment. ................

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