Social Studies: 8th Grade - Broward County Public Schools

3rd Quarter TIP Social Studies:

8th Grade


A 5 Day Dream Vacation to historical sites of the Ancient World

The 5 Themes of Geography

Topics will be selected by the students and require Social Studies teacher approval.

Language Arts:

Research and

Travel Brochure

Students need to locate at least 5 research sources about their topic. They MUST utilize at least 3 of these resources to complete the research for their brochure.

They should include a variety of resources, including 1 website and 1 reference book. (NO WIKIPEDIA!!!)

They need to write their research notes onto 30 Informational index cards.

The students then create an original travel brochure related to the

dream vacation sites based on the research note cards. The

brochure must describe the significance of the historical sites and

include visuals.

20 points

Reading/Speech/ Journalism/Debate:

Speech & Oral Presentation

Stheeleirctd3remamajovrasciatteisonth. at a tourist should visit when going on Write a 5 minute speech and orally present the speech TsthuedewnrtitItDennsupmebecehr, mteuamst,ignrcoluudpe, aanTdigtlreaPdaege with the Tdohuebbloe-dsypaocfetdhewwitrhitotneen isnpcehecmhamrguinstsbe typed, 12 font, Tfrheee sopfegercahmamndaro, srpalepllrinesgenantadtipounnmctuusattiboenweerlrloorsrganized and Historically accurate and relevant to topic Bibliography MLA Format

20 points

Science: Diseases of the Modern World

Research 3 diseases that impact the country being researched. Define disease-related vocabulary. Science teachers will provide students with a graphic organizer

to assist with the research.

Students will complete as an attachment to the research report.

10 points


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