Oregon Trail Skits

8th Grade US History

English Colonies Skits

Chapter 3 describes the similarities and differences between the New England, Middle, and Southern colonies. Your task is to create a skit that portrays a family or group of people that would have lived in one of those colonies. You will be put in a group and assigned one of the following:

1. Southern Colonies

2. New England Colonies

3. Middle Colonies

Use information from your text to guide your skits. You can choose the scene of your skit. A few options may include being on farm, at the dinner table, fishing, or doing any activity that would have been common at that time. Below are some guidelines to follow.

• Provide a short introduction to the scene (provided by the narrator). This introduction should include a brief introduction of the characters in the skit and any other necessary background information.

• You must have a dialogue of at least 5 lines per person (1 person can be the narrator – but must still have 5 lines if you choose to do this).

• Please provide facts and information that shows your knowledge of life in the colonies at that time. The skits should be mostly facts and information, with little “fluff” commentary.

• It should be very clear to people viewing the skit if you are from New England, Middle, or Southern colonies.

• Be prepared to present the skit to the class. You do not need to memorize lines but have your own sheet to read off of. Rehearse the skit before you present.

• A copy of the skit will be turned in with this rubric stapled to the top.

Below are some topics that may help you get started. Read through these questions and jot down ideas of things to discuss in your skit. You certainly will not be able to cover all of this in your skit but it should give you a starting point.

• What is a typical day like for someone in this colony?

• How would other people (outsiders) treat people from this colony?

• What impact would religion have on this group (if any)?

• What problems might be encountered?

• What successes might be achieved?

The following grading scale will be used.

|Below 6 |6 to 7 |8 to 9 |10 |

|Work fails to meet most |Some or most requirements above|All or most requirements above are |All requirements above are met |

|requirements and/ or has many |are met. Skit contains little |met. May contain some “fluff” but |or exceeded. Skit is well |

|flaws, such as levels of quality |information and much “fluff.” |still has good amount of information.|thought out and provides a |

|and professionalism. |Some members did not |All members participated. |great amount of information. |

| |participate equally or know | |All members participated and |

| |lines. | |knew lines. |


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