8th Grade History: The US until 1877

Mr. McDermid – 6th Grade World History

Room 123, Arlington Middle School

Email: McdermidC@


Materials Needed

1. 3 ring 1” binder

2. Notebook paper

3. PENS (NO pencils are allowed on graded work for this class)

Optional 20 POINTS EXTRA CREDIT: Not required, but I would greatly appreciate it if you could bring one of the following:

• Hand Sanitizer

• Kleenex

• Dry-Erase Markers

• Colored Pencils

• Tape

• Safety Scissors for the classroom

Classroom Rules

In addition to the school rules, I have classroom rules that are to be followed while in my class. They are as follows:

1. Treat myself, the classroom, your classmates and other teachers with respect.

a. Keep your hands and feet to yourself

b. Do not take what does not belong to you

c. Respect the property of your classmates, school and teachers

2. Do not get out of your seat without permission. Exception: If you are sick, leave immediately to the restroom.

3. Do not speak unless:

a. You raise your hand and I call on you

b. I ask you a question

c. I instruct you otherwise (example: group classroom work)

4. Cursing, bullying or disrespect towards myself or other students will not be tolerated.

5. Bathroom breaks are not allowed during the first


Basically Be…. Prompt, Prepared, Polite, and Productive…

• Prompt: Transition from one class to another quickly and on time.

• Prepared: I expect you to have homework completed EVERY DAY and ready to contribute to my class.

• Polite: Come into the classroom with a positive attitude and ready to contribute to class.

• Productive: I ask that each student is ready to contribute a comment, thought or piece of work every single day!

If these rules are not followed. There will be consequences, which are as follows:

1. Verbal Warning

2. Scholarship Warning - Will have to be signed by the parent

3. Parent Phone Call

4. Office Referral*

*If the student continues with the behavior in the same class period it could result in an automatic referral (3 strikes and you’re out).

Grading Policy

The students will receive grades in the following areas for my class:

1. Classroom Activities (20%)

2. Homework (10%)

3. Quizzes (20%)

4. Tests (40%)


Cheating and Academic Dishonesty

• Cheating or Dishonesty on any academic assignment will result in an automatic ZERO on any assignment. NO EXCEPTIONS

Late Work/Grade Recovery

• Late Homework is NOT ACCEPTED in my classroom. NO EXCEPTIONS. The purpose of homework is to reinforce information we have covered in the classroom and it is extremely important that students do their homework to achieve high grades in this class.

Make-up Policy

I hope that no one misses class, but I realize that sometimes it is unavoidable.

• Make-up work will be accepted within 5 days of the absence for full credit.

• I will not remind students of make-up work that is due. Extra worksheets and required documents will be in the designated “missed work” section on the wall.

• Homework assignments are posted on my website () and students will also be given a homework agenda for each nine weeks.

• Make-up tests and quizzes must be scheduled with me within 5 DAYS

• All make-up work (tests, quizzes and homework) must be turned in within 1 WEEK or 5 DAYS or it will be marked as a ZERO.

Website Information

• The best way to obtain information from class (Homework Assignments, Upcoming Tests, Extra Credit Opportunities, and other announcements) and I hope every student takes advantage of it.

• A link to it can be found on the .

Student/Parent Conferences

It is my goal to be available to my students and their parents/guardians. I am accessible during my planning period and would be happy to meet or talk with anyone during this time. If you are not available during this time, feel free to contact me to set up another time to meet. You can reach me by email, which I check on a daily basis, or by calling the school. My email address and the school’s number are listed on the top of the front page.

*Both students and parents:

Please read over this syllabus and sign below for Homework grade. If you have any questions, please contact me.

Please Sign and Return bottom to next class for Homework Credit

I have read the syllabus and understand the rules and policies stated by Mr. McDermid


Student Signature


Parent/Guardian signature

*Flexibility Clause: The aforementioned requirements, policies, rules, etc. are subject to change. Students’ experiences and needs, as well as emerging knowledge, will be considered in the modification.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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