Social Studies 11- Cold War

Social Studies 11- Cold War

Planning for Peace: The United Nations


United Nations- similar to the former League of Nations; an organization of member countries which promotes collective security

Economic sanctions- trade penalties imposed on countries which break U.N. rules, or show aggression

Condemn: to publicly say an action is wrong, or illegal

International Monetary Fund (IMF)- U.N. organization which promotes economic stability and helps countries in debt

Peacekeeping- to keep peace after a conflict or war has ended

Peacemaking- to end a conflict, to stop aggression

Read Planning for Peace: The United Nations on pp. 137-8

1. What are the three powers the United Nations can use against aggressive nations?




2. What is the purpose of the Security Council?

3. List the five permanent members of the Security Council: 1)__________________, 2)_______________ 3)________________, 4)________________, 5)_________________

4. Describe the powers of the Security Council:

5. Besides promoting world peace, what other functions does the United Nations perform?

Discuss with a partner how the U.N. differs from the former League of Nations and why the U.N. has been more successful?

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Now read about Korea and the Suez Crisis on pages 138-139. Were they UN peacekeeping or peacemaking missions? Explain why.

How did the Korean War and Suez Crisis increase Cold War tensions?

Read about Canada’s peacekeeping missions in Somalia and Rwanda on pp. 153, 156

Discuss with a partner: To what extent did Canada’s involvement in Somalia damage its reputation as peacekeepers?

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To what extent has Canada helped fulfill the mission of the United Nations to uphold and maintain peace?



Watch the DVD clip “Seeing Red”.

In what way was the UN involved in the Korean


How many Canadians participated in the Korean


What was the “red scare”?

Now watch “On Guard For Thee”

What did Pearson suggest the UN do about the Suez Crisis?

Why does Pearson win the Nobel Peace Prize?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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