About the Unit:

The unit will be divided into work booklets, which cover the following topics:

▪ The stages of human growth and development

▪ The different factors affecting human growth and development

▪ The development of self-concept and different types of relationships

▪ Major life changes

▪ Sources of support

This is Booklet 1: Human Growth and Development.

▪ You will need to complete all this booklet and keep it safe

▪ You will need to learn the contents

▪ You will need plenty of practice completing examination questions

▪ You will need to complete past papers (6 questions in 1 hour 30 minutes)


What are the meanings of the following terms:

▪ Human growth-

▪ Human development-

▪ Norms of development-

▪ Characteristics of development-

How we develop:

Development changes include changes, which are physical, intellectual, emotional and social.

|Development changes |Description |Characteristics |

|Physical | | |

|Development | | |

| | | |

|Intellectual | | |

|Development | | |

| | | |

|Emotional | | |

|Development | | |

| | | |

|Social | | |

|Development | | |

| | | |


What are the 5 life stages?

You should be able to describe expected patterns of physical growth and change (‘norms’) and the physical, intellectual, emotional and social changes that typically take place during each of the five main life stages.

▪ Complete the table below with the correct age span:

|Life Stage |Age Span |

|Infancy | |

|Childhood | |

|Adolescence | |

|Early Adulthood | |

|Middle Adulthood | |

|Later Adulthood | |


( Question 1,

Read the text below:

1(a) Complete the table below. Give the life stage for each person and identify the age span for each.

|People at the nursery |Life stage |Age span covered |

|Sarah | | |

|Claire | | |

|Grant | | |

|Sunil | | |

|Maggie | | |


(b) Complete the table below. Identify the life stage in which each characteristic is most likely to occur:

|Characteristic |Life stage |

|Reduction in height | |

|Learns to crawl | |

|Voice breaks | |

|Learns to read and write | |

|Achieves maximum physical size | |


Total marks achieved_______



← Student Information sheet 2

Complete the table below to show one physical and one intellectual milestone at the ages given:

| | | |

|Age |Physical Milestone |Intellectual Milestone |

|3 months | | |

|9 months | | |

|12 months | | |

|15 months | | |

|18 months | | |

|Two years | | |

Complete the table below to show one emotional and one social milestone at the ages given:

| | | |

|Age |Emotional Milestone |Social Milestone |

|1 month | | |

|3 months | | |

|9 months | | |

|12 months | | |


|18 months | | |

| | | |

|2 years | | |

| | | |

Extension Activities:

Mark out of 10_________


Question 2

Read the text below:

2(a) Use the information above to complete the table below: Are the changes physical, intellectual, emotional or social?

|Changes |Types of Development (PIES) |

|A woman is happy when she receives an unexpected gift | |

|A boy develops body hair | |

|A group of students arrange to join a club together | |

|An infant starts to make sounds which resemble words | |

|A child learns to skip | |

|A child cries because it is afraid of a stranger | |



Read the text below:

Use the information given in the text above to answer question 2(b).

(b) Identify four physical milestones that a 9 month old is likely to achieve at this age.

1. ____________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________________________

4. ____________________________________________________________(4)

(c) Caroline is 71 years old and has joined a computer class for older people.

Describe five ways joining the computer class will help her social and intellectual development:

1. ___________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________________

5. ___________________________________________________________(5)

Total marks achieved_______


Childhood gaining mass, growing hair, learning to walk, learning concepts, playing with friends, cries when Mum leaves the room, is happy at crèche, is frightened by loud noises, can use fine and gross motor skills well, gaining independence, learns to share things, understands right and wrong.

Use the responses above to place important information about a child’s development in the table below:


Extension Activities:



Word responses - abstract - independent - sexual organ - maturity - eggs and sperm - hormones.

Adolescence is the life stage in which people achieve sexual_____________.

They also develop the intellectual skills to think in an _____________ way.

Adolescents start to become ___________ and develop a sense of their personal

___________. Both boys and girls have a growth spurt caused be the production of

____________. The most important physical development in adolescence is the __________

The hormones that produce the growth spurt also cause the sex organs to produce

______ _____________. 11

Changes which take place in adolescence.

Using the 2 references listed above complete the table below to identify 5 female and 5 male characteristics of physical development during the adolescent life stage:

|Female characteristics of development |Male characteristics of development |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

Complete the mind map below to show 5 characteristics of intellectual development in adolescence:


Identify 4 words / statements which describes the emotional development in adolescence:

|Emotional development in Adolescence |

| | |

| | |

Identify 5 social changes that occur during adolescence:

|Social changes during Adolescence |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |


2(a) In which life stage are Ben and his friends? _____________________________(1)

(b) List 5 different physical changes that will occur to Ben and his friends during this life stage:

1. _____________________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________________________

5. ____________________________________________________________(5)

(c) List 3 social factors that are likely to influence Ben and his friends in this life stage:

1. _____________________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________________________ (3)


Read the text below:

(d) Identify five physical changes that Sasha will experience during this stage of her life:

Change 1 __________________________________________________________

Change 2__________________________________________________________

Change 3 __________________________________________________________

Change 4 __________________________________________________________

Change 5 _________________________________________________________ (5)

(e) Identify three ways that Sasha can cope with the physical changes affecting her body:

Way 1 _____________________________________________________________

Way 2 ______________________________________________________________

Way 3 ___________________________________________________________ (3)

Total marks achieved __________


Adulthood word responses – job - family - relationship - education - parents home - physical maturity

Adulthood is the period when the individual:

• has achieved ___________________________

• has finished compulsory _________________

• tries to find ____________ or goes on to higher ______________

• settles into a ____________

• finds a _____________

• leaves _____________

• starts their own ____________ .

What are the meanings of the following?

Sedentary –

Menopause –

Formal relationships –

Informal relationships –

Explain 3 ways in which adults must mature emotionally if they are to cope with the arrival of a baby.


1 (a) Give one physical, one intellectual, one emotional and one social characteristic for an infant who is 6 months old.

1 (b) Complete the table below to give the correct life stage in which each event could occur and the age span for each life stage:

|Event |Life stage |Age span for the life stage |

| | | |

|Starting compulsory school | | |

|Skin becomes wrinkled and loses its elasticity | | |

|Experiences mood swings and wants to become independent | | |

|Living with a person and bringing up children | | |


1 (c) Complete the sentences below to explain the terms:

Growth is___________________________________________________________

_________________________________________________________________ (2)

Expected patterns of growth means ________________________________________

_________________________________________________________________ (1)


Later Adulthood

Complete the table below to identify ten physical characteristics of late adulthood.

The first has been done for you.

|Physical characteristics of late adulthood (65+ years) |

| |

|The skin wrinkles |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

Explain the meaning of:

Hypothermia _________________________________________________________

Dementia ____________________________________________________________




Extension Activities:

Read the case study below about Alfred. Then answer the questions, which follow.

a) Why would Alfred have welcomed his retirement?


b) How has Alfred made sure that his physical development continues during retirement?


c) How has Alfred made sure that his intellectual development continues during retirement?


d) Complete the table below to show the implications for Alfred’s personal development when he can no longer drive

| | |

|Development |Implications |

| | |

|Physical | |

| | |

|Intellectual | |

| | |

|Emotional | |

| | |

|Social | |



Read the text below.

(a) Place the milestones of development in the order they would normally occur.

1 ________________________________________________________________


3 ________________________________________________________________

4 ________________________________________________________________

5 _______________________________________________________________ (5)

(b) Identify whether the life changes given below are physical, intellectual, emotional or social:

|Life changes |P, I, E or S |

|A girl is tearful when her dog dies | |

|A boys starts to grow hair on his chin | |

|A teenager makes a new friend at a youth club | |

|A man enjoys reading murder mysteries | |



(c) Complete the table below:

Howard is 82 years old. Identify three physical and three social changes that are likely to occur in Howard’s life.

|Physical changes in Howard’s life |Social changes in Howard’s life |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |


Total marks achieved _________



Booklet 1

Human Growth and Development

Examination Unit:

Understanding Personal Development and Relationships

Examination Dates:

Health and Social Care

(Double/Single Award)

Predicted Grade: Target Grade:


Name: Form:

Name: Route:

Examination Unit

Understanding Personal Development and Relationships

Examination Dates: Jan 2010

June 2010

What has influenced my development so far in my life?

Human Growth and Development

10-18 years

65+ years

0-2 years

19-44 years

3-9 years

45-64 years

Word check:

Size – how big a person or an object is

Mass – how much someone weighs

Skills – having the ability to perform tasks

Intellectual ability – brain power

Emotional responses – answers that show feelings

Emotional – how individuals feel

Mature –to be well developed / wiser

Self-image – the picture we have of ourselves

Self-esteem – how a person feels about themselves

Social – mixing with others

Socialization – getting use to interaction with others

Cognitive – to do with thinking

Egocentric – only able to see things from your own point of view

Bonding – growing close to someone

Attachment- forming a close relationship with someone

Meet some of the care workers and service users at Elms Nursery school:

Sarah, 55 years old, is the manager of the school.

Claire is a trainee nursery nurse and is 17 years old.

Grant has just joined the nursery and is 2 years old.

Sunil also goes to the nursery and is 4 years old.

Maggie, 68 years old, helps to prepare the staff and children’s lunches.

Danny is one year old. He is achieving the norms for his age. His mother goes out to work one morning each week. While she is at work Danny stays with a childminder. He cried at first but now he has settled down and is happy.

1. Name 2 emotions shown by Danny_________________________________ 2

2. If Danny is growing and developing to the norm, list 5 physical milestones he will have passed from birth to his present age?

• 5

3. Why do you think Danny cried when he was first left with the childminder?


4. How could the childminder help encourage Danny’s intellectual development?


Number the boxes in the table below from 1-6 to show the order in which these development milestones normally happen:

|If held securely can pull themselves up | |

|Can sit unsupported | |

|Can ride a tricycle | |

|Shuts eyes in bright light | |

|Walk by holding onto furniture | |

|Can walk | |

We all experience physical, intellectual, emotional and social (PIES) changes during development

Here are some milestones in development:

Can crawl can dress themselves understands ‘no’ and ‘bye-bye’

Can sit up unaided picks up objects between finger and thumb starts babbling

Can walk upstairs communicates by smiling can ride a bicycle





Word check:

Growth spurt – to grow quickly/develop at a fast rate

Features – an aspect or characteristic

Concept – the way we organise information in our minds

Potential – showing the possibility of achieving to the best of our ability

Stability – things not changing, remaining the same

Siblings- brothers and sisters

Role models- someone to copy/set an example

Self-concept- how we see or think about ourselves

Jessica is 8 years old and has grown quite a bit over the last 2 years. She likes looking at herself in the mirror. She thinks she looks like her mum.

She enjoys school, as she likes learning new things. She has started to learn French and is quite good at it. She also likes playing with her friends in the playground.

She goes with her friends to a youth club on Friday evenings. They enjoy the activities of cooking and orienteering, although they can do lots of different things.

1. How will attending the youth club help Jessica’s intellectual and social development?

• Intellectual ________________________________________________

• Social _____________________________________________________


2. How will learning French help Jessica’s development?____________________

_____________________________________________________________ 2

3. Describe Jessica’s emotional development during this lifestage_____________


_____________________________________________________________ 2

Marks out of 6 _______

Examine the table below and over the page. It identifies activities in the childhood life stage. State whether each activity is physical, intellectual, or social.

|Taking turns | |

|Playing with a bat and ball | |

|Learning maths at school | |

|Co-operating in games | |

|Understanding the concept of colour | |

|Understanding rules and fair play | |

|Skipping | |

|Playing with friends | |

|Learning new vocabulary | |

|Understanding right and wrong | |


Development in


Word check:

Hormone – chemical messenger that affects the way our bodies function

Puberty – the physical features of becoming sexually mature

Sex hormones – chemical messenger in the body that affects our sexual development and activities

Abstract thinking – to have ideas not concrete facts

Peer group – people who are the same age as ourselves

Personality – the part of us that makes us an individual, who we are

Experimental – to conduct tests/to try out

Ben and his friends are between the ages of 14 and 17.


Sasha is fourteen years old and has just started to experience the physical changes of puberty. She is relieved that her body has now started to change. Some of her classmates had teased her saying she ’looked like a boy’. This upset her and she had started to think that she wasn’t as feminine as other girls her age. No-one at home has spoken to Sasha about puberty. She feels unable to talk to her mother who is always busy with her two younger brothers and is too embarrassed to talk to her father about this.

She is thinking about talking to the school nurse whom she likes and trusts.

Physical ________________________


Emotional _______________________



Alfred is 73 years old. He used to have a stressful job in the casualty department of the local hospital. He was glad to retire as he found the job exhausting in his last few years.

Since he has retired he has enjoyed doing the garden and doing improvements on his home. In the winter, he and his wife have taken French lessons as they enjoy taking their mobile home to Europe each summer. He never had time for these activities before.

However, Alfred has just had bad news. He has an incurable eye condition, which means he will eventually have to stop driving. His wife doesn’t drive.

Some milestones of development are:

• can roll over from back to front

• can smile

• can ride a two wheeled bike

• can skip

• can walk


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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