
Name:__________________________________________ Hour:____________

“Breaking News” Book Report

Title of Book:__________________________________________________


Publisher:_________________________________ Pub. Date:___________

DATE OF TV BROADCAST:____________________________________

You are a television nightly news PRODUCER and ANCHOR!

You will create a TV news-anchor “breaking news” script for a local television station. In your script you will:

• describe the LITERARY ELEMENTS of your book: rising action, climax, resolution, characters and setting.

• add directions to your camera and video production crew for what video, photo and graphics will accompany the live coverage.

• write a script for the TV anchor-person.

• make your reporting entertaining and informative!

• your news segment should last around 4 minutes.


10 points possible for the “Video/Graphic/Production Instructions”

25 points possible for the ”Anchor-person Script”

5 points possible for the “Commercial Break” visual

5 points possible for the “Commercial Break” prop

10 points possible for the “Commercial Break” script

15 points possible for overall “Breaking News” reporting


I understand the “Breaking News Book Report” expectations and will have my news report ready for broadcast on _____________________________.

Signed:_________________________________________ (student)

Signed:_________________________________________ (parent/guardian)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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