SolidWorks Lesson Template for Teachers to Contribute

Faculty Member Name: Mr. Don Drozynski

Date: 8/15/2006

School District: Shenango High School, New Castle, Pennsylvania

Teacher’s School Email Address: d_drozynski@shenango.k12.pa.us

Title of Lesson/Unit: Energy Systems – Light Bulb

(Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) STEM Concepts Addressed:

• Energy conversion.

• Three requirements for fire; fuel, oxygen, and heat.

• The atomic model and release of a photon.

• Using ohms law to calculate watts.

• Parts of an incandescent light bulb.

• Thomas Edison’s contribution to development of the incandescent bulb.

• Types of light producing technologies.

• Computer modeling, rendering, and assembling of a light bulb.

• Construction of a light bulb including cutting, bending, and assembling a working light bulb.

Length of Instruction: 6 Periods of 42 Minutes

Grade Level: 9 – 10


• The student will be able to describe the interrelationships among inputs, processes, outputs, feedback and control in specific systems.

• The student will be able to explain the conversion of one form of energy to another by applying knowledge of each form of energy.

• The student will be able to describe safe procedures for using tools and materials.

• The student will be able to describe and use appropriate instruments to gather and analyze data.

• The student will be able to apply accurate measurement knowledge to solve everyday problems.

• The student will be able to apply software designed to meet specific needs.

• The student will be able to analyze the human need that prompted its invention and the social impacts of the specific invention.

• The student will be able to apply ohms law to calculate the wattage of their light bulb.

• The student will be able to use a multi-meter to measure the current and voltage of their light bulb

• The student will be able to demonstrate the ability to produce measures with specified levels of precision.


The Design of the Light Bulb:

SolidWorks Workstation

The Construction of the Light Bulb: (cost less than $1)

Clear Glass Vial with Cork ( Part No. VC5C)

6” of 18 Gage (.0403) Copper Wire (or equivalent)

3” of Braided Picture Hanging Wire (or equivalent)

Plastic Drinking Straw (or coffee stirring stick)

Masking Tape

The Testing of the Light Bulb:

2 Alligator Clips

6 Volt DC Power Source

Single Pole Single Throw Pushbutton Switch


The Poster:

Word Processor or Page Layout Software

Internet and Printing Capability

Procedures: Period 1 – Model the Light Bulb Body and Cork in SolidWorks

Step 1. Open SolidWorks. Start a New 3D Part for the glass vial.

Step 2. Choose English Units.

Step 3. Sketch the glass vial profile and centerline axis on the front plane. To be revolved.

Step 4. Revolve Base complete at 360 degrees.

Step 5. Fillet the top inside and outside, bottom inside and outside at .02R.

Step 6. Assign the Glass material.

Step 7. Save the file.

Step 1. Start a New 3D Part for the cork.

Step 2. Choose English Units.

Step 3. Sketch a .75 diameter circle on the top plane. To be extruded.

Step 4. Extrude from Sketch Plane. Blind in Direction 1, 0.50 inch with a taper of 5deg, check in Draft outward. Blind in Direction 2, .5 inch with a taper of 5deg, no check in Draft outward.

Step 5. Assign the Wood Beech material.

Step 6. Save the file.

Step 1. Start a New Assembly for the light bulb.

Step 2. Insert the vial component.

Step 3. Insert the cork component.

Step 4. Use Mate to add a concentric constraint using the cork outside face and the vial inside face.

Step 5. Use Move Component to move the cork up the Y axis to the component collision position.

Step 6. Use PhotoWorks and render.

Step 7. Save the file.

Procedures: Period 2 – Model the Filament, Leads and Straw in SolidWorks

Step 1. Open SolidWorks. Start a New 3D Part for the filament.

Step 2. Choose English Units.

Step 3. Sketch the profile on the front plane, any spline about .5 long.

Step 4. Sketch the path on the top plane, a .01 diameter circle.

Step 5. Sweep Base using the circle as the profile and the spline as the path.

Step 6. Assign the Alloy Steel material.

Step 7. Save the file.

Step 1. Start a New 3D Part for the leads.

Step 2. Choose English Units.

Step 3. Sketch the path on the front plane, a 180 degree .06 radius arc, and a tangent vertical line about 2.25 inches long.

Step 4. Sketch the profile on the top plane, a .05 diameter circle.

Step 5. Sweep using the circle as the profile and the line-arc sketch as the path.

Step 6. Assign the Copper material.

Step 7. Save the file.

Step 1. Start a New 3D Part for the straw.

Step 2. Choose English Units.

Step 3. Sketch a circle on the top plane. To be extruded.

Step 4. Extrude from Sketch Plane. Blind in Direction 1, 8 inches. Check Thin Feature on with a thickness of .005 inches.

Step 6. Assign the Plastic - PBT General Purpose material.

Step 7. Save the file.

Step 1. Open the cork part for drilling holes.

Step 2. View the top.

Step 3. Use the Hole Wizard to drill a .25 diameter hole for the straw. Locate it anywhere off center.

Step 4. Use the Hole Wizard to drill two .0469 diameter holes for the leads. Locate them left and right of center about a .5 inch apart.

Step 5. Save the file.

Procedures: Period 3 – Assemble the Light Bulb in SolidWorks

Step 1. Open the light bulb assembly to add the straw, leads, and filament.

Step 2. Insert Component the straw part.

Step 3. Add a concentric Mate.

Step 4. Move Component as necessary.

Step 5. Insert Component the lead.

Step 6. Add a concentric Mate.

Step 7. Move Component as necessary.

Step 8. Select a Feature Driven component pattern. The component to Pattern is the lead, the Driving Feature is the second 3/64 hole.

Step 9. Insert Component the filament.

Step 10. Move Component as necessary.

Step 11. Exit and Save the light bulb assembly.

Step 1. Open the leads.

Step 2. Edit the sketch of the profile and add a bend at the top. Add any three tangent arcs.

Step 3. Exit and Save the filament.

Step 4. Open the light bulb assembly. Update it.

Step 5. Render the image.

Step 6. Print.

Step 7. Exit and Save.

Procedures: Period 4 – Create a Light Bulb Poster

Step 1. Include the graphic design elements of unity, variety and balance. (See SAMPLE POSTER)

Step 2. Choose a topic:

▪ How is a photon produced?

▪ List the advantages of a light bulb over a candle.

▪ What was Thomas Edison’s contribution to the light bulb?

▪ Label the parts of an incandescent light bulb.

▪ Describe an incandescent light.

▪ Describe a halogen light.

▪ Describe a florescent light.

▪ Describe a Laser.

▪ Describe a LED.

▪ Describe a neon light.

▪ Why doesn’t a light bulb filament burn?

▪ Where are incandescent light bulbs used?

▪ How are incandescent light bulbs rated?

▪ What kind of light technologies might be developed in the future?

▪ What is a black light?

▪ What are the three requirements for fire?

▪ Describe Volts, Amps, and Watts.

▪ What materials are used for the filament and other parts of a light bulb?

Step 3. Save the file.

Step 4. Be sure to add your name and print.

Procedures: Period 5 – Construct the Light Bulb

Step 1. Construction Safety precautions should be implemented here and should include but are not limited to:

▪ Wear eye protection.

▪ Use tools and materials the way they were designed.

▪ Do not crowd or distract the operator of a tool.

▪ Keep hands from in front of sharp cutting edges.

Step 2. Drill two .0469 diameter holes top of the cork for wire leads.

Step 3. Drill one .25 diameter hole through top of the cork for straw.

Step 4. Cut two pieces of 3 inch 18 gage copper wire leads.

Step 5. Insert wire leads through cork.

Step 6. Bend wire lead tops into U-shape for connection to alligator clips.

Step 7. Cut one 3 inch piece of 1 strand of hanging wire.

Step 8. Fashion the wire into a coil shape for filament.

Step 9. Attach filament to wire leads by twisted connection.

Step 10. Place cork on bottle with a force fit.

Step 11. Insert straw through cork with a force fit.

Step 12. Create a vacuum in the bottle: suck the air out of the bottle through the straw, quickly crimp the straw, and seal in closed with masking tape.

Step 13. Apply a piece of masking tape on the bottom of the light bulb and label it with your name.

Step 14. Store the light bulb in a secure dry place until it is tested.

Procedures: Period 6 - Test the Light Bulb and Calculate the Wattage

Step 1. Electrical Safety precautions should be implemented here. They include but are limited to:

• Always disconnect the power when changing the circuit.

• Make electrical connections with one hand.

• Have the instructor check the circuit before connecting the power.

Step 2. Set up a testing station which includes a DC power source and a single pole single throw pushbutton switch. Connect alligator clips from the circuit to the light bulb leads.

Step 3. Have a multi-meter ready to measure voltage.

• Switch on DC

• Dial on 20V

• Leads in COM and V

• Leads are placed across the circuit, do not break the circuit.

Close the switch, read and record the voltage, open the switch. Volts = ____________

Step 4. Have a multi-meter ready to measure amperage.

• Switch on DC

• Dial on 10A

• Leads in COM and A

• Leads are placed in the circuit, break the circuit.

Close the switch, read and record the amperage, open the switch. Amps = __________

Step 5. Use Ohms law to calculate the watts. W = EI

Watts = _________________

Assessment: SolidWorks Light Bulb Model

______5 pts. Revolved Clear Glass Vial

Part is Complete and Sized Properly

Has appropriate Material

______5 pts. Extrude of the Cork

Part is Complete and Sized Properly

Has Three Hole Operations

Has appropriate Material

______5 pts. Sweep of a Lead Wire

Part is Complete and Sized Properly

Has appropriate Material

______5 pts. Sweep of a Filament

Part is Complete and Sized Properly

Has appropriate Material

______5 pts. Extrude of the Straw

Part is Complete and Sized Properly

Has appropriate Material

______5 pts. Assembly

All Parts are Present in Assembly, Glass Vial, Cork, 2 Wire Leads, Filament, and Straw

Parts are Mated Properly

Assembled File is Saved

Exploded Rendered File is Saved

______5 pts. Rendered Image

Makes Proper use of Materials

Makes Proper use of Viewpoint

Makes Proper use of Scenery

Assessment: Light Bulb Poster

______5 pts. Page Layout

Title is Main Focus

Includes Text

Includes Graphics

Includes Borders, Ruling Lines, or Bullets

Uses a Color Scheme

Uses Font Treatment Appropriately

______5 pts. Informative

Answers the Prompt

All Content is Relative

______5 pts. Technical

Spelling is Correct

Grammar is Correct

Gives Credit to Source of Information

Printed Properly

Includes Your Name

Assessment: Light Bulb Project

______5 pts. Condition of Jar

Name on Bottom

Is Clean and Transparent

______5 pts. Lighting Element

Cut and Twisted Properly

______5 pts. 2 Lead Wires

Cleaned Completely

Shaped for Connecting Wires

Attached to Element Properly

______5 pts. Cork

Placed Securely to Seal

Holes Drilled Properly for Leads

Holes Drilled Properly for Straw

______5 pts. Straw

Placed Properly for Vacuum

Taped to Hold the Vacuum

______10 pts. Performance

Lights for Several Seconds or More Without Burning

Provides Good Light

______10 pts. Calculation of Watts

Show the Formula for Calculating the Watts of Your Light Bulb

Assessment: Light Bulb Lesson Test

______29 pts. Completion and Correctness of Test

Name: _______________________________ Score: _____ of 29

Title: Light Bulb Lesson Test

Instructions: Fill in the blank.

List three tools used for the construction of the light bulb.

1. _________________________________________

2. _________________________________________

3. _________________________________________

List three materials used for the light bulb project.

4. _________________________________________

5. _________________________________________

6. _________________________________________

List three manufacturing operations for building light bulb project.

7. _________________________________________

8. _________________________________________

9. _________________________________________

List three safety rules for the construction and testing of the light bulb.

10. _________________________________________

11. _________________________________________

12. _________________________________________

A light bulb converts what type of energy to what type of energy.

13. _________________________________________

14. _________________________________________

List three uses of a light bulb.

15. _________________________________________

16. _________________________________________

17. _________________________________________

In the light bulb project, what is the function of the glass vial?

18. ____________________________________________________

In the light bulb project, what is the function of the filament?

19. ____________________________________________________

In the light bulb project, what is the function of the two wire leads?

20. ____________________________________________________

In the light bulb project, what is the function of the straw?

21. ____________________________________________________

Write Ohms Law for calculating watts.

22. ____________________________________________________

Calculate watts when volts = 12 and amps = .2.

23. ____________________________________________________

What does incandescent mean?

24. ____________________________________________________

Name the United States inventor that created the long lasting carbon filament in an incandescent light bulb.

25. ____________________________________________________

Name the wave or particle that is emitted from an atom when an electron moves from higher energy shell to a lower energy shell.

26. ____________________________________________________

Name one advantage of an incandescent light bulb over using a candle for light?

27. ____________________________________________________

Name one disadvantage of an incandescent light bulb.

28. ____________________________________________________

Name: _______________________________ Score: 29 of 29

Title: Light Bulb Lesson Test - Answers

Instructions: Fill in the blank.

List three tools used for the construction of the light bulb.

1. Drill

2. Scale

3. Wire Cutters

List three materials used for the light bulb project.

4. Glass

5. Cork

6. Plastic

List three manufacturing operations for building light bulb project.

7. Laying Out

8. Bending

9. Drilling

List three safety rules for the construction and testing of the light bulb.

10. Wear eye protection

11. Don’t crowd around other students

12. Be sure glass vial is clean before sucking the air out

A light bulb converts what type of energy to what type of energy.

13. Electricity

14. Light

List three uses of a light bulb.

15. Lamp

16. Flashlight

17. Decoration

In the light bulb project, what is the function of the glass vial?

18. To contain the filament and the vacuum, allows light to pass

In the light bulb project, what is the function of the filament?

19. To glow and produce light

In the light bulb project, what is the function of the two wire leads?

20. To create a path for electricity to flow through he light bulb

In the light bulb project, what is the function of the straw?

21. To help create a vacuum in the vial

Write Ohms Law for calculating watts.

22. Watts Equals Volts Times Amps or W = V*A

Calculate watts when volts = 12 and amps = .2.

23. 12 Volts * .2 Amps = 2.4 Watts

What does incandescent mean?

24. to give off light and heat

Name the United States inventor that created the long lasting carbon filament in an incandescent light bulb.

25. In 1879 Thomas Alva Edison invents the first incandescent light bulb that can burn for a significant length of time.

Name the wave or particle that is emitted from an atom when an electron moves from higher energy shell to a lower energy shell.

26. photon

Name one advantage of an incandescent light bulb over using a candle for light?

27. widely available, many sizes and shapes, relatively low cost, easy incorporation into electrical systems, low voltage operation

Name one disadvantage of an incandescent light bulb.

28. inefficient, gives off heat

Resources Used:

• pde.state.pa.us

• [pic]


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