The Fairland Local Board of Education held its regular ...

The Fairland Local Board of Education held its regular meeting on October 13, 2014 with the following members present at roll call: Mr. Sowards, Mr. Gorby, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Ward and Mr. Appleton.


Mr. Sowards moved second by Mr. Appleton to allow the baseball program to have a set of drawings made for the construction of a 30 X 80 indoor practice building and then advertise for bids.

The vote was: Mr. Sowards, yea; Mr. Gorby, yea; Mr. Lewis, abstain; Mr. Ward, yea; Mr. Appleton, yea. Motion carried.


Mr. Sowards moved second by Mr. Gorby to approve the following consent agenda #1 items:

A) Approve the following substitutes:

• Sherrie Genovese – cook

• Brandi Ross – aide

• Kris Ferguson – bus driver

• Linda Long – teacher 1-8

B) Approve the following workshops:

• Margaret Keeney, PESI, November 10, 2014 – Columbus, Ohio

• Jonathan Buchanan, Ohio High School Coaches Clinic, October 5-6, 2014 – Columbus, Ohio

• Keith Carper, Ohio Music Education Association, February 5-7, 2015 – Cleveland, Ohio

• Jeffrey Gorby, OIAAA Athletic Director Workshop, November 16-18, 2014 – Columbus, Ohio

C) Approve the following Third Grade Reading Guarantee* Retention Policy:

It shall be the policy of the Fairland Local School Board of Education that any student who remains “Not on Track” after testing following the third grade year will be retained in the third grade. Students retained will receive at least 90 minutes of reading instruction daily. “Not on Track” is a score below 394 on the Fall 2014 or Spring 2015 Third Grade Ohio Reading Assessment.

If a student remains “Not on Track” after the repeat year in the third grade, the student will be considered for Intervention Based Assessment. The Intervention Based Assessment is the process that is in place leading to actual testing for learning disabilities.

This policy was adopted according to state law at the regular school board meeting on October 14, 2013.

When the test results arrive, we will send a report home to each family. If your child fails the test, you will be invited to a meeting at school. With your help, we will develop an Intervention Plan for your child.

*For a more detailed description of the law, parents may request a copy from the Principal

D) Adopt a Resolution to appoint the Superintendent to serve on the Lawrence County Academy Board of Directors to represent the interest of the school district’s Board of Education

E) Accept the resignation of William Chambers as OGT intervention teacher for the remainder of the 2014-2015 school year

F) Award the bid for the purchase of an 84-passenger school bus to Cardinal Bus Sales & Service, Inc. in the amount of $101,962. This was the only bid received.

G) Approve the five-year forecast presented by the Treasurer

H) Approve the following student activity budgets for 2014-2015:

➢ FHS Cheerleaders submitted by Tanya Adkins

➢ FMS 8th Grade Washington DC trip submitted by Patrick Frasher, Renee Lemley, Kim Frasher and Missy Gorby

I) Approve a 12-month agreement with IGS Energy as our electric supplier beginning in January 2015

J) Approve the minutes of the September 8, 2014 regular board meeting

K) Approve the bank reconciliation, SM2 report, FUNDSUMM, and FINSUM reports for September 2014 as presented by the Treasurer

L) Approve the CHEKPY report for September 2014 presented by the Treasurer

The vote was: Mr. Sowards, yea; Mr. Gorby, yea; Mr. Lewis, yea; Mr. Ward, yea; Mr. Appleton, yea.

Motion carried.


Mr. Sowards moved second by Mr. Gorby to go into executive session to consider the employment of a public employee or official.

The vote was: Mr. Sowards, yea; Mr. Gorby, yea; Mr. Lewis, yea; Mr. Ward, yea; Mr. Appleton, yea. Motion carried.

Out 7:15 p.m. Back 9:20 p.m.

Upon roll call, Mr. Sowards, Mr. Gorby, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Ward and Mr. Appleton were present when the regular session reconvened.


Mr. Ward moved second by Mr. Lewis to approve the following consent agenda #2 items:

A) Hire Ashley Malone as an aide assigned to a Fairland Middle School student at the Open Door School

B) Approve the transfer of Mindy Levisay to 5th Grade Intervention Resource Teacher at Fairland West per her request effective the first day of the next school year

C) Hire Lorie Bane as Kindergarten Teacher at Fairland East

The vote was: Mr. Sowards, yea; Mr. Gorby, yea; Mr. Lewis, yea; Mr. Ward, yea; Mr. Appleton, yea. Motion carried


Mr. Sowards moved second by Mr. Ward to adjourn the meeting.

The vote was: Mr. Sowards, yea; Mr. Gorby, yea; Mr. Lewis, yea; Mr. Ward, yea; Mr. Appleton, yea. Motion carried.

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