Ixcela 90-Day Vitality Program

 Ixcela 90-Day Vitality Program4448175114300Who is this for?Clients who are looking to increase energy, reduce inflammation, or supercharge their lifestyle to support longevity. Clients with mild health concerns like bloating, irregular digestion, poor sleep, low energy, sugar cravings, slow recovery from exercise or are at risk for chronic illness due to lifestyle or heredity. What to Expect by Following this Program: A better understanding of the nutrition and lifestyle habits that will support energy, wellness, and longevityImproved digestionReduced brain fog and increased mental clarity Increased energy to enjoy to support personal goals, professional goals and activities of daily livingAbility to increase physical fitness to reach body composition goalsEmotional stability and increased ability to manage stressConfidence in your dietary, lifestyle and supplement practicesOther benefits:Improved skin complexion, restful sleep, faster recovery from exerciseWhat’s included:Nine Sessions - Onboarding and accountability sessions to support your gut health journeyThree 1-hour sessionsFive 30-minute sessionsInitial session and program planningReview of Ixcela Internal Fitness resultsPersonalized supplement recommendationsPersonalized dietary recommendations to eliminate Gi distressWeekly recipe ideasWeekly mindfulness recommendationsRealistic fitness recommendationsGoal setting and tracking Accountability and supportExample Pricing: 90-Day Private 1:1 Program - $2,000 - $n,000If you charge $2,000 for the signature program, which includes Ixcela testing, here’s what it could look like: $1401 for the practitioner’s services per person for the 90-day experience$599 for before and after Ixcela testing + 90-days of supplements based on test #1Phase 1: Improve Vitality and Energy (90-Day Program Outline)Test current gut health status, boost energy, reduce inflammation, support regular digestion, and feel better through personalized guidance and support from your Ixcela Pro.TimingSession TopicClient Action ItemsBefore program startInterview potential client and determine good fit for programRegister for Vitality ProgramOrder Ixcela Internal Fitness ProgramComplete Ixcela Health ProfileWeek 130 Minute Onboarding: Introduction to your 90-Day ProgramWhat’s at stake conversationIf you don’t do this program, what might happen? Why now?Assess readiness to changeComplete Ixcela test and mail it inComplete initial questionnaireOptional: Chose that you do not have a gym membership to receive that At-Home Ixcela WorkoutGoal for Week 1: Complete 7-day food journalWeek 21 Hour Initial Session: The Importance of Gut Health & WellnessExplain the connection between gut health and each category of healthWhat will they learn from their Ixcela Results?Getting started with goal settingSupport client in creating 1-3 measurable goals to complete during week 2.Agree on 1-3 SMART goals to complete during week 2. Optional: continue food journal Week 31 Hour Results Review: Understanding your Personalized PlanChoose the Personalized Path for your client using there Ixcela Internal Fitness Results:Use the clients report to determine the topics covered in the next 6 sessions. Based on your clients results, choose which one of the three categories below that your client’s results and symptoms reflect. Use the topics covered in that category to support your client. Support the population and the diversity of the microbiome. Indole metabolites (IPA, ILA, IAA) were above or below optimal level and/or client experiences bloating or irregular digestion. Improve the nutrients in the diet to provide building blocks for important processes. Tryptophan and/or tyrosine are above or below optimal level.Client needs to improve the nutrient-density in the diet. Client has trouble sleeping, possibly due to low serotonin.Reduce physical and/or mental stress that is causing stress-marker metabolites to be above optimal levels. One or more of the following metabolites are above optimal level: xanthine, total indoxyl sulfate, kynurenine and/or uric acid.Trouble sleeping due to excessive caffeine intake and stress.Regular to excessive exercise that is causing stress markers to be above optimal ics to cover to support the population and diversity of the gut microbiome:Topics to cover to improve important nutrients in the diet: Topics to cover to reduce external stressors and avoid inflammation:Week 31 Hour Results Review: Understanding Your Personalized Plan: The importance of supporting the population and diversity of the microbiomeYour personalized Ixcela supplementsReview food journal and identify foods that support gut health and foods that damage the gut. Determine if:The client’s fiber intake is adequate and from diverse sources. Fermented foods can be added to support the gut microbiome. If there are foods in the diet that are damaging the gut. Client Action Items:Agree on 1-3 SMART goals to complete during week 3. Start taking recommended Ixcela SupplementsIdentify 1 meal to focus on improving this week. Continue food journal Example: Replace current lunch with 2 cups vegetables, ? cup starch and 5-6 ounces of protein. 1 Hour Results Review: Understanding Your Personalized Plan:The importance of adding specific nutrients to the diet to support gut-related processesYour personalized Ixcela supplementsReview food journal and identify a variety of protein dense foods included with meals and snacks. Determine if:The client’s protein intake adequate?Protein is being included from a variety of sources?Protein shakes are the main source of protein for the client. The client is following a restrictive diet or fasting for long periods. Client Action Items:Agree on 1-3 SMART goals to complete during week 3. Start taking recommended Ixcela Supplements Identify 1 meal to focus on improving this week. Continue food journal Example: Aim to include _____ grams of protein with breakfast, lunch and/or dinner1 Hour Results Review: Understanding Your Personalized Plan:The importance of reducing physical and/or mental stress and how stress marker metabolites affect the body. Your personalized Ixcela supplementsReview lifestyle habits that are contributing to the elevated stress marker metabolites. Determine if:The client is getting adequate sleep. The client needs to take an additional rest day or break from exercise. The client needs to include more stress reducing mindfulness activities.Client Action Items:Agree on 1-3 SMART goals to complete during week 3. Start taking recommended Ixcela Supplements Set a reminder on your phone to turn off all electronics 30 -60 minutes before bed.Include mindfulness and/or restorative activitiesOptional: continue food journal Example: Include 15 minutes of restorative activities 4 days this week. Week 430 Minute Accountability Session: Assess meal changes to support gut health & continued guidance for nutrition practices that support gut health. Review food journal for gut healthy foods, foods that damage the gut and how well the client met their goal(s) from last week. Offer guidance on additional habits to support gut healthWhat foods are they willing to exclude or exchange for healthier options?The addition of fermented foods. A diverse diet supports a diverse gut microbiome. Create goals to diversify client’s nutrition practices. Client Action Items:Agree on 1-3 SMART goals to complete during week 3. Replace __(food that can damage the gut)_ with a healthier alternative. Include one fermented food daily. Optional continue food journalExample: Replace flavored creamer with oat milk and local honey. Include homemade greek yogurt dressing with lunch. 30 Minute Accountability Session: Assess protein intake & recommendations to support fiber intake. Review food journal for protein-dense foods and review how well the client met their goal(s) from last week. Did they notice a difference in cravings or hunger after including more protein dense foods? Did they try any new foods or meals?Introduce the importance of gut health for the digestion and utilization of protein-dense foods. Discuss how a fiber-rich diet supports gut bacteria and therefore amino acid digestion and absorption. Fiber supports our gut bacteria. When our gut bacteria is balanced it helps to improve nutrient utilization. Client Action Items:Agree on 1-3 SMART goals to complete during week 3. Include 1 cup of vegetables with the first meal of the day. Continue to follow meal recommendations from last week Optional continue food journal Example: Replace cereal and fruit breakfast with 2-3 egg omelet with 1 cup vegetables of choice and piece of fruit. 30 Minute Accountability Session: Review bedtime routine changes & recommendations to support adequate water intake. Review food journal if one was completed.Assess sleep habits and compliance with bedtime recommendations. Did they notice any change in their sleep?What worked and what didn’t?How can they continue to improve their sleep hygiene?Discuss the impact of high intensity exercise and emotional stress on their body. What can they do to reduce stress and include more restorative activities?The importance of hydrationClient Action Items:Agree on 1-3 SMART goals to complete during week 3. Continue to follow bedtime alarm at ____ pm to turn off all electronics. Aim to include at least half your body weight in ounces. (example: 150 lbs = ~ 75 ounces water) Optional continue food journal Example: Include 75 ounces water daily by refilling your water bottle at least 4 times. Week5Independent Maintenance Week: (Optional Virtual or In-Person Session)Pro: Offer supportive messages to motivate client through their independent week.Client: Maintain new habits created in the last 5 weeks. Week 630 Minute Accountability Session: Continue to Follow Gut Healthy Diet & Recommendations to Support Regular ExerciseReview food journal for gut healthy foods, foods that damage the gut and how well the client met their goal(s) from last week. Assess current exercise habits and explain the importance of regular-varied exercise. Support client in creating goals and an exercise schedule to support gut health. Client Action Items:Agree on 1-3 SMART goals to complete during week 3. Continue to follow gut health diet recommendations from previous weeks. Aim for _____ minutes of cardio and ____ minutes of strength training this week. Optional: Continue food journalExample: Include four 30-minute walks this week and 2 at-home workouts.30 Minute Accountability Session: Assess fiber intake & Recommendations to support mindfulness activitiesReview food journal for protein-dense foods, gut healthy foods, and how well the client met their goal(s) from last week. Discuss the importance of mindfulness to support neurotransmitters, specially serotonin. Explain that there are a variety of ways to include mindfulness besides meditation. Support client in including mindfulness activities that work from them. Client Action Items:Agree on 1-3 SMART goals to complete during week 3. Continue to follow gut-healthy nutrition recommendations and protein goals.Include three 10-minute mindfulness practices this week. Make note of them in your food journal. Optional: Continue food journalExample: Include the following mindfulness activities. Monday evening: 10 minutes of calming music and stretchingWednesday evening: JournalingFriday morning: Mindful walk30 Minute Accountability Session: Assess water intake & Recommendations to increase restorative activities. Review food journal and assess compliance with hydration and sleep goals to help reduce stress and inflammation. Discuss how mental and physical stress can be detrimental to gut health. What do the purine metabolites tell us?How to support the “rest and digest” system of the body. Activities to reduce stress and support recovery. Client Action Items:Agree on 1-3 SMART goals to complete during week 3. Continue to follow hydration and sleep goals. Add __(# of sessions and duration of activity)___ restorative activities to your weekly exercise schedule. Optional: Continue food journalExample: Include four, 15-minute sessions of restorative activities to your weekly exercise schedule. Week 7Independent Maintenance Week: (Optional Virtual or In-Person Session)Pro: Offer supportive messages to motivate client through their independent week.Client: Maintain new habits created in the last 5 weeks. Week 830 Minute Accountability Session: Continue to follow gut healthy diet & Recommendations to support mindfulness activitiesReview food journal for fiber, fermented foods and how well the client met their goal(s) from last week. Discuss the importance of mindfulness to support neurotransmitters, specially serotonin. Explain that there are a variety of ways to include mindfulness besides meditation. Support client in including mindfulness activities that work from them. Client Action Items:Agree on 1-3 SMART goals to complete during week 3. Continue to follow gut-healthy nutrition recommendations and fiber goals.Include three 10-minute mindfulness practices this week. Make note of them in your food journal. Optional: Continue food journalExample: Include the following mindfulness activities. Monday evening: 10 minutes of calming music and stretchingWednesday evening: JournalingFriday morning: Mindful walk30 Minute Accountability Session: Continue to focus on Protein Intake & Recommendations to Support Regular Exercise Review food journal for gut healthy foods, foods that damage the gut and how well the client met their goal(s) from last week. Assess current exercise habits and explain the importance of regular-varied exercise. Support client in creating goals and an exercise schedule to support gut health. Client Action Items:Agree on 1-3 SMART goals to complete during week 3. Continue to follow gut health diet recommendations from previous weeks. Aim for _____ minutes of cardio and ____ minutes of strength training this week. Optional: Continue food journalExample: Include four, 30-minute walks this week and 2 at-home workouts.30 Minute Accountability Session: Continue to focus on restorative activities & Recommendations to support antioxidant and polyphenol intakeReview highlights for last week as well as places for improvement. How did they feel?What came easy and what was challenging?Introduce the importance of antioxidants and polyphenols to gut health. Introduce how nutrients, polyphenols and antioxidants can reduce inflammation and support purine metabolites. Client Action Items:Agree on 1-3 SMART goals to complete during week 3. Continue to include restorative activities. Include 2 antioxidant rich foods daily to support purine metabolitesOptional: Continue food journalExample: Continue gut healthy challenge for 3 days this week. Include 1 cup berries and 2 cups bitter greens of choice daily. Week9Independent Maintenance Week: (Optional Virtual or In-Person Session)Pro: Offer supportive messages to motivate client through their independent week.Client: Maintain new habits created in the last 5 weeks. Week 1030 Minute Accountability Session: Assess mindfulness, nutrition and lifestyle habits & Introduce 5-7 day gut health challengeReview food journal if still completing. What went well last week?What could have improved? Introduce a 5-7 day gut healthy challenge. Review guide below or create a person challenge for client;Avoid all added sugarLimit to 1 cup of caffeinated beverage per dayCreate hydration goals Allow for at least 8 hours of sleep. Support client in creating a realistic, yet challenging week long gut health plan for themselves. Consider creating a check list or having them keep track in a daily journal. Client Action Items:Agree on 1-3 SMART goals to complete during week 3. Start a journal to log your daily success during the challenge. Create one additional guideline for you to follow. (Ex: avoid alcohol, walk _#__ steps, mindfulness, stretching, etc.)Optional: Continue food journalExample: Complete 5 day gut health challenge with my significant other or friend and avoid for at least 7 days. 30 Minute Accountability Session: Assess exercise, nutrition and lifestyle habits & Introduce 5-7 day gut health challengeReview food journal if still completing. What went well last week?What could have improved? Introduce a 5-7 day gut healthy challenge. Review guide below or create a person challenge for client;Avoid all added sugarLimit to 1 cup of caffeinated beverage per dayCreate hydration goals Allow for at least 8 hours of sleep. Support client in creating a realistic, yet challenging week long gut health plan for themselves. Consider creating a check list or having them keep track in a daily journal. Client Action Items:Agree on 1-3 SMART goals to complete during week 3. Start a journal to log your daily success during the challenge. Crate one additional guideline for you to follow. (Ex: avoid alcohol, walk _#__ steps, mindfulness, stretching, etc.)Optional: Continue food journalExample: Complete 5 day gut health challenge with my significant other or friend and avoid for at least 7 days. 30 Minute Accountability Session: Assess compliance with intake of anti-inflammatory foods & Introduce 5-7 day gut health challengeReview food journal and assess compliance with nutrition, hydration, and sleep goals to help reduce stress and inflammation. Introduce a 5-7 day gut healthy challenge. Review guide below or create a person challenge for client;Avoid all added sugarLimit to 1 cup of caffeinated beverage per dayCreate hydration goals Allow for at least 8 hours of sleep. Support client in creating a realistic, yet challenging week long gut health plan for themselves. Consider creating a check list or having them keep track in a daily journal. Client Action Items:Agree on 1-3 SMART goals to complete during week 3. Start a journal to log your daily success during the challenge. Create one additional guideline for you to follow. (Ex: avoid alcohol, walk _#__ steps, mindfulness, stretching, etc.)Optional: Continue food journalExample: Complete 5 day gut health challenge with my significant other or friend and avoid alcohol for at least 7 days. Week 11 Independent Maintenance Week: (Optional Virtual or In-Person Session)Pro: Offer supportive messages to motivate client through their independent week.Client: Maintain new habits created in the last 5 weeks. Week 12Second Test Results are Posted! 1-Hour Client Accountability Session and Continued Plan for Success: How have the lifestyle and dietary changes supported their goals & Next StepsReview second test results with the client. Use the report to guide conversation around what areas of health have improved and which one still need attention. Introduce ideas to continue to maintain gut health diet and lifestyleSupport Client Deciding on Next Steps. What worked well and what could have went better How did the Ixcela suggestions and supplements support their health?Agree on 1-3 SMART goals to complete during week 12. Optional: continue food journalDecide on which Ixcela program is a best fit for the next 3 - 6 months. ................

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