Whole Numbers and Decimals - Amazon Web Services

Whole Numbers and Decimals

Data and Graphs


1. Marty pays $18.45 to get his hair cut. He gives the barber a $50.00 bill. Estimate the amount of change he will receive.

Show your work.

Answer: ______________

2. Kaitie, Kelly, John, Meghan, Alexis and Jordan go out for dinner. Their bill came to $112. They have to add on a 20% tip and then divide the bill as evenly as possible.

Part A

What is the total amount with tip?

Show your work.

Answer _______________________

Part B

How much will each girl pay?

Answer _______________________

3. Sam loves to run. During the week, he ran 12 miles, 28 miles, 36 miles, 16 miles, 5 miles 12 miles and 14 miles.

Part A: What is the mean of all the miles he ran?

Answer _________________

Part B: On the lines below, explain how you got your answer.




4. Martha received an allowance of $20.00 from her parents for doing all her chores. She owes her sister $8.25 and owes her brother $3.75. How much money is Martha left with in the end?

Show your work.

Answer _______________________

5. Jason wants to plot the numbers below on a number line.

-2.4 0.4 -0.8 -1.6

π π π π


-3 -2 -1 0 1

In the boxes above the points on the number line, write the correct number for each point.

6. Mrs. Flynn asked her student, Ryan, to find the value of the expression below.

6 X 32

Part A

What value should Ryan write for the expression?

Answer __________________________

Part B

What is the value of the expression if the exponent is changes from the digit 2 to the digit 4?

Answer __________________________

7. Simplify the expression below.

5 X (33 + 2)

Answer ______________________

Part B: On the lines below, explain how you got your answer.




__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

8. Maria is preparing for a garage sale.

She has a total of 150 items to sell in all. She has put out 26 items to sell so far. The equation below can ne used to determine the number of items, s, Maria still needs to put out to sell.

26 + s = 150

Part A: What is the number of items Maria still needs to put out for her garage sale?

Show your work.

Answer ________________________ items to put out for the garage sale

Part B: At the end of the day, Maria has sold 121 items. How many items is she left with?

Show your work.

Answer ______________________ items left

9. Samantha’s grades in Mrs. Smith’s class are 90, 84, 82, 92, 100, 78, 92. Mrs. Smith is allowing the students to choose their final grade either by mean, median or mode. Find the mean, median and mode for Samantha.

Show your work.

Mean ____________

Median ____________

Mode ____________

Which final grade should Samantha choose? Explain why on the lines below.



10. Laurie went shopping to buy her sister a birthday present. She brought a $20.00 bill with her. The gift cost $18.50, but she needs to add the 8.25% of sales tax to get the final amount.

Part A: If the sales tax came to $1.53, does Laurie have enough money to pay for the gift?

Show your work in the space below.

Answer: ______________________

Part B: On the lines below, explain how you got your answer.





11. What property is shown by

8 + 5 = 5 + 8

Part A

Answer: ____________________

Part B: Using pictures, show why this is true.

12. Show how the distributive property works with:

5 (6 + 8)

Show your work below:

13. Explain the Zero Property of Multiplication using 0 x 71 = 0

Show your work.

14. Emma claimed that 3 + (4 + 2) is the same as 2 + (3 + 4). Explain why she is right or wrong.

Show your work.

15. Carly needs help plotting the integers below.

-4.6 -5.4 -3.8 -2.6

π π π π


-6 -5 -4 -3 -2

In the boxes above the points on the number line, write the correct number for each point.

Ratios, Proportions and Percents

1. A Soccer Club sold 300 tickets for a fundraising event.

Part A

On the first day, 60% of the 300 tickets were sold. How many tickets were sold the first day?

Answer _______________ tickets

Part B

Of the 300 tickets sold, 210 were sold to seventh-grade students. What percent of the total number of tickets were sold to seventh-grade students.

Show your work.

Answer _____________%

2. Meghan made 35 friendship bracelets and gave away 14. What percent of the roses did Meghan give away?

Show your work.

Answer _____________%

3. Mrs. Sullivan is going food shopping. She has a budget of $175.00.

If she spends 80% of her money, how much money will she have left?

Show your work.

Answer $_____________

On the lines below, explain how you found your answer.


4. The ratio of the number of chocolate chip cookies to oatmeal cookies at the bakery is 4:7. John says that the ratio is equivalent to 16:21. In the space below, use words, numbers, or symbols to show why John’s statement is incorrect.

Part B: On the line below, write a ratio that is equivalent to 4:7

Answer: ______________

5. Kellyann had a coupon for 25% off of any purchase at a clothing store. If she purchased a shirt with an original price of $32.20, what was the sale price of the shirt?

Show your work.

Answer ____________

6. In Mr. Smith’s class, 6 of the 20 students are in safety patrol. What percent of the students are in the safety patrol.

Show your work.

Answer _____________%

Part B

Use what you know about finding percents to explain how you know your answer is correct.


7. At Olivia’s school, 25% of the 80 sixth-grade students carry a sling bag or messenger bag to hold their books.

Part A

How many sixth-grade students carry either a sling or messenger bag?

Show your work.

Answer ______________students

Part B

There are 7 students who carry a sling bag. Of the students

who carry a sling or messenger bag, what percent carry a sling bag?

Show your work.


8. Sarah is selling chocolate bars for a school fundraiser. She has already sold 15 bars. If she has a total of 75 chocolate bars to sell, what percent of the total number of chocolate bars did she sell already?

Show your work.


Part B

On the lines below, explain how you got your answer.


9. On Friday and Saturday, there were a total of 200 movie tickets sold at a movie theater. On Friday, 120 tickets were sold.

Part A

What percent of the total number of tickets were sold on Friday?

Show your work.


Part B

What percent of the total number of movie ticket sales were sold on Saturday?

Show your work.


10. There are 400 kinds of fish at the NY Aquarium. If 80 of the fish are tropical fish, what is the percent of fish that are not tropical?

Show your work.


11. At Kaitie’s school, 65% of the 180 sixth graders are in orchestra. How many students are in orchestra?

Show all work.

Answer_____________ students

12. There were 196 kindergarteners who started Reinhard School in September. If 30% were 4 years old in September, about how many kindergarteners were 4 years old in September?

Show all work.


13. Nine quarts of paint are needed to paint 2 rooms that are the same size. How many quarts of paint will be needed to paint 3

rooms of the same size?

Show your work.


14. It costs $18 to rent a bicycle for 2 hours. At this rate, how much will it cost to rent a bicycle for 5 hours?

Show your work.


15. Mary is on an 8-hour flight. She has flown 600 miles during the first 2 hours.

Part A

At this rate, how long is Mary’s flight in miles?


Part B

Explain how you found your answer for Part A



New York State Math Test Grade 6

Part I Type Problems

1. James brought 6 sandwiches to share for lunch. Of those sandwiches, he and his friends ate a certain number of sandwiches, s. What expression can be used to determine the number of uneaten sandwiches left over after lunch?

A. 6 + s

B. s + 6

C. 6 – s

D. s – 6

2. Simplify the expression below.

5 + 3 x 32 + 23

A. 80

B. 40

C. 54

D. 29

3. Samantha purchased 4 tickets to a concert. She spent a total of $48.00. She used the equation below to determine the cost of each ticket, t.

4t = 48.00

How much money did Samantha spend on each ticket?

A. $192.00

B. $ 24.00

C. $12.00

D. $148.00

4. What is the value of the expression below when r = 3?

7 – 2r

A. 2

B. 9

C. 1

D. 15

5. Bloomingdales had 100 dresses. If d represents the number of dresses the store sold, what expression can be used to determine the total number of dresses that were not sold?

A. 100d

B. 100/d

C. 100 – d

D. 100 + d

6. Mrs. Reiner has 3 boxes of crayons in her classroom. Over the summer, she buys 5 more boxes. The expression below shows the total number of boxes of crayons in Mrs. Reiner’s room when c represents the number of crayons in each box.

(3 + 5) * c

If each box contains 8 crayons, how many crayons are in Mrs. Reiner’s room?

A. 29

B. 33

C. 64

D. 23

7. John invited 7 girls and 8 boys to his pool party. Each of his guests received a certain number of Skittles, s. Which expression represents the total number of Skittles given to John’s guests?

A. 56s

B. 15s

C. 7s + 8

D. 7s x 8s

8. The sun shines an average of 157.5 days each year. If the sun shines for a certain number of years, y, which expression can be used to determine the total amount of sunshine?

A. 157.5 divided by y

B. 157.5 + y

C. 157.5 – y

D. 157.7 x y

9. Simplify the expression below.

4 x (34 + 6)

A. 72

B. 308

C. 54

D. 348



New York State Math Test Grade 6

Part I Type Problems

1. At the grocery store, 3/11 of the items are frozen foods and 1/3 of all the items are canned goods. What fraction of the total number of items in the store are frozen foods or canned goods?

A. 22/33

B. 4/14

C. 4/33

D. 2/7

2. The table below shows the points earned by five teams in a track meet.


|Team |Number of Points |

|Team A |4 ½ |

|Team B |3 ¾ |

|Team C |4 ¼ |

|Team D |3 ¼ |

|Team E |3 ½ |

What is the lost of the points in order from least to greatest?

A. 3 ¼ 3 ½ 3 ¾ 4 ¼ 4 ½

B. 4 ½ 4 ¼ 3 ¾ 3 ½ 3 ¼

C. 3 ¾ 4 ¼ 3 ¼ 4 ½ 3 ½

D. 4 ½ 4 ¼ 3 ¾ 3 ¼ 3 ½

3. Franki bought 1 1/3 yards of fabric. She has an additional 2 ½ yards of fabric at home. How many total yards of fabric does she have?

A. 3 1/5

B. 3 2/5

C. 3 1/6

D. 3 5/6

4. A 10 quart container is filled with 5 quarts of iced tea. What fraction of the container is filled with iced tea?

A. 10/5

B. 5/10

C. ½

D. 2/3

5. Matthew lives 14 ¾ miles from school. Jesse lives 5 ½ miles from school. How many more miles does Matthew live from school than Jesse?

A. 9 2/4

B. 9 ¼

C. 9 ½

D. 9 4/6

6. Mrs. Taub asked her students to simplify the expression below

1/3 + ¾

What is the simplified version of Mrs. Taub’s expression?

A. 4/7

B. 13/12

C. 1 1/12

D. 4/12

7. A sixth grade class completed a survey about their favorite sport. Of the students in the class, 1/6 chose lacrosse, and 6/8 chose football. What fraction of the class chose either lacrosse or football as their favorite sport?

A. 22/24

B. 7/14

C. 11/12

D. 14/24

8. In the sixth grade orchestra, 2/5 of the students want to play the violin. Which decimal is equivalent to 2/5?

A. 0.04

B. 0.25

C. 0.4

D. 2.5

9. Megan is sorting her dolls by how tall they are. The heights of the dolls are 6 ½ inches, 6 ¾ inches, 2 ¾ inches, 4 ½ inches, and 4 ¼ inches. Which list of heights is in order from shortest to tallest?

A. 6 ½ 4 ¼ 2 ¾ 4 ½ 6 ¾

B. 2 ¾ 4 ¼ 6 ½ 4 ½ 6 ¾

C. 2 ¾ 4 ¼ 4 ½ 6 ½ 6 ¾

D. 2 ¾ 4 ½ 4 ¼ 6 ½ 6 ¾

10. An average dog weighs 49 pounds. An average wolf weighs 4 5/7 times as much. How much does a wolf weigh?

A. 126 pounds

B. 231 pounds

C. 231 5/7 pounds

D. 45 2/7 pounds


New York State Math Test Grade 6

Part II Type Problems

1. After the game, Derek Jeter signed baseballs for all the children at the game. He has a total of 460 baseballs to sign. He has signed 24 baseballs so far. The equation below can be used to determine the number of baseballs, b, Derek Jeter still needs to sign.

24 + b = 460

Part A: What is the number of baseballs Derek Jeter still needs to sign?

Show your work.


Part B: He also signs 400 pictures, which he puts in 20 boxes. Derek Jeter uses the equation below to determine the number of pictures, p, in each box.

20p = 400

How many pictures are in each box?


2. A sixth-grade class is having a bake sale. The students earn $2 for each cupcake they sell. To determine how many cupcakes they need to sell to reach their goal of $74, they use the equation below where c represents a certain number of cupcakes.

2c = 74

Part A

What is the value of c in the equation?

Show your work.


Part B

Mr. O’Brien wrote the equation below for his students to solve to find the number of video tapes, v, they could buy with the $74, if each video tape cost $3.

72 = 3


What is the value of v in the equation?


3. Ms. Neu asked her students to evaluate the expression

52 + 3f when f = 6

Two of Ms. Neu’s students wrote their answers on the board:

| Jessie 43 |

|Dan 19 |

Part A: Which student evaluated the expression correctly?

Show your work.


Part B: On the lines below, explain why the answer you found in Part A is correct.


4. On Saturday, Miley Cyrus sold 146 tickets to her concert. At the end of the day, there were 429 tickets left that were not sold. Miley used the equation below to find the total number of tickets, t, that were on sale at the beginning of the day.

t – 146 = 429

Part A

What was the total number of tickets to be sold at the beginning of the day?

Show your work


Part B

On the lines below, explain how you determined the value of t.


5. Ms. McCarville asked Bianca to find the value of the expression below.

8 x 52

Part A

What value should Bianca write for the expression?


Part B

What is the value of the expression if the exponent is changed from the digit 2 to the digit 3?


6 .Solve the equation below for y.

y – 9 = 17

Show your work.

Answer y = _______________________

7. On Monday, Josh hit a certain number of home runs. On Tuesday, he hit 4 more than twice the number of home runs he hit on Monday.

Write an expression for the number of home runs Josh hit on Tuesday.


8. Alexis is comparing two expressions. The first expression is 94. The second expression is 26. Which expression is greater?

Show your work.


9. Katie scored a certain number of baskets, b, during basketball season. Kelly scored twice as many baskets during the same season.

Write an expression for the number of goals Katie scored.


On the lines below, explain how you determined your expression.


10. Jessica earns three times less than the amount of money Sara earns.

Part A

Write an expression for the amount of money Jessica earns compared to

the amount of money Sara earns, s.


Part B

If Sara earns $1,750, how much does Jessica earn?

Show your work.

Answer $________________________

Part C

Use what you know about expressions to explain your answer.



New York State Math Test Grade 6

Part II Type Problems

1. Jordan is learning about genes and traits of dogs for the unit he is studying on DNA. He counts the number of dogs he sees while walking down the street. He records their fur color and ear type. His results are shown in the tally chart below.


| |White Fur |Brown Fur |

|Floppy Ears | | |

|Straight Ears | | |

Part A

What fraction of the dogs have white fur? Write your fraction in lowest terms.

Show your work.


Part B

What fraction of the dogs have brown fur and straight ears? Write your fraction in lowest terms.

Show your work.


2. Amy was in a marathon this weekend. First, she ran 7 ¼ miles. Then she swam 4 1/3 miles. Lastly, she biked 12 1/6 miles.

Part A

How much farther did Amy bike than swim?

Show your work.


Part B

Use what you know about fractions to explain the process you used to determine your answer.


Part C

How many miles was the marathon in all?

Show your work.


3. A recipe to make chocolate frosting requires 4 ¾ cups of sugar.

Part A

How much sugar was used when the recipe was quadrupled to feed Max’s entire class?

Show your work.


Part B

Use what you know about fractions to explain the process you used to determine your answer.

4. The sixth grade at Shore Road has 100 students. When Mrs. Acevedo, Mrs. Garry, and Mrs. Reiner submitted the number of students in their classes who had perfect attendance, each submitted the number in a different form. Their submissions are shown in the table below.

|Class |Students with Perfect Attendance |

|Mrs. Acevedo |9/20 |

|Mrs. Garry |30% |

|Mrs. Reiner |0.345 |

Part A

Which class at Shore Road had the most students with perfect attendance?


Part B

Explain why your answer is correct. Include in your explanation the method you used to compare the numbers.


5. At a party, a group of 29 children play Pin the Tail on the Donkey. Every child won a prize. Fourteen children won a balloon, six students won a ball, and the rest of the children won a goldfish.

Part A

What fraction of the children won a goldfish?

Show your work.


Part B

Use what you know about fractions to explain the process you used to determine your answer.


Part C

What fraction of the children won either a balloon or a ball?

Show your work.


6. Nicole wants to plant 3 ½ rows of sunflowers in her garden. She needs 4 ¼ ounces of seed for each row.

How many total ounces of seed should Nicole buy?

Show your work.


Part B

Use what you know about fractions to explain the process you used to determine your answer.

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________7. Michael planned to run for ½ of a mile. He forgot that he needed to be on time for soccer practice, so he decided to run only ¼ of that distance.

Part A

What fraction of a mile did Michael run?

Show your work.


Part B

Use what you know about fractions to explain the process you used to determine your answer.


8. Lucas has 4 pounds of chocolate kisses. He decides to divide the kisses into 1/5 pound bags for his friends.

Part A

How many bags can he make?

Show your work.


Part B

Use what you know about fractions to explain the process you used to determine your answer.

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________9. Beth cuts a piece of cardboard for an art project. The cardboard is 7 2/3 feet long and Beth cuts it into 5 pieces of equal length.

How long is each piece?

Show your work.


10. At the gymnastics center, 3/5 of the students are Level 7. Of those students, 7/8 have been taking gymnastics for at least 4 years. There are 120 students in the center.

Part A

How many of the Level 7 students have been taking gymnastics for at least 4 years?

Show your work.


Part B

Use what you know about fractions to explain the process you used to determine your answer.



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