Gayton Road Christian Church (GRCC) Newsletter

|Gayton Road Christian Church (GRCC) Newsletter |

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| |February 2010 Newsletter |

Greetings to you, my brothers and sisters in Christ!

In a few weeks we begin the Lenten season. We mark its beginning with an Ash Wednesday worship service. During the Lenten season, we are reminded again that we are followers. We follow Christ through the season and when he sets his face towards Jerusalem…we must too. The season provides each of us a new opportunity to examine our lives, to practice a more disciplined prayer life, and to read our scriptures. During this season, I am asking that you take the time to read the gospels of Luke and John. Stay focused on the particular events of Jesus’ life and those moments that draw you close to him. During worship we will focus on his temptation experience, the experience of being a new creation in Christ, and Jesus’ faithfulness even to the point of death. I hope you will make Ash Wednesday worship and Sunday morning worship a priority in your observation of Lent. We are going to have our traditional Lenten meals during lent. Folks will donate bread, salad and soup for the Wednesday night suppers and all proceeds for the meals will go directly to our week of compassion offering. It is a time to come together, give of ourselves and to support one another during the Lenten journey. I am so very proud of our student Intern, Jonathan Krushwitz. He has done an amazing job with us and happily, he will be continuing with us next year. He steps into the pulpit this Sunday and I know you join me in praying for him and in making plans to be in worship this Sunday to hear him. Our committees are making plans as this year is now a month old. It is a beautiful thing to watch and to serve among you! I am so proud of our congregation and the kingdom work that we do each week. In big ways…Haitian relief…In small ways…the prayers and cards for those who are sick…we are the church together! I pray that our Lenten journey brings us a rich experience of the amazing grace of God and a renewed devotion to follow Christ. I am so very grateful to you for the generous Christmas gift. Your love and support inspires me beyond measure. Thank You! I will see you this Sunday!


Revy Debbie

February Calendar

1/31 Jubilee @ 9am

Adult Sunday school @ 945am

11am Worship/Children & Youth Church School

Worship committee meeting immediately following worship

2/2 Jubilee practice @ 7pm

2/3 Wednesday night suppers resume @ 6pm

2/5 Youth Group resumes 7-9pm

2/7 Adult Sunday school @ 945am

Pastor’s class begins @ 10am

Combined Worship @ 11am/Children & Youth Church School

2/9 Jubilee practice @ 7pm

2/10 Family night supper @6pm

2/12 Youth group meets @ 7-9p

2/14 Jubilee @ 9am

Adult Sunday school @ 945am

11am Worship/Children & Youth Church School

Elders meeting immediately following worship

2/15 Youth Group Wintergreen—tubing 9am-5pm

2/16 Jubilee practice @ 7pm

2/17 Lenten Soup dinner @ 6pm

Ash Wednesday Service @7pm

2/21 Jubilee @ 9am

Adult Sunday school @ 945am

11am Worship/Children & Youth Church School

2/23 Cabinet meeting @ 7pm

2/24 Lenten Soup dinner @ 6pm

2/28 “Baby Diehl” shower immediately following worship

3/6-3/7 Youth Group Eastover retreat

Membership Committee:

It's a new year and we are looking for members who would like to become a Membership Committee member.   This committee sponsors covered dish dinners/wedding or baby showers, helps with the Brunswick stew, provides meals for those who have had a hospital stay or medical treatments, and assists the Outreach and Evangelism committees.   If these activities are up your alley, please come join us! Also, we are looking for volunteers to help provide meals.  If you like to cook (or shop) we would love to have your help.   Please contact Cinda Caiella or Nancy Patterson if you are interested in helping or becoming a member of this committee. 

A Note from Jonathan

Greetings Gayton Road, It’s good to be back. I enjoyed a meaningful and restful Christmas season with my family.  And while it was sad for me to see the season end – and to say goodbye to family who live elsewhere – I am, on the other hand, happy to enter a new year with my GRCC family. I am looking forward particularly to some exciting plans for the youth that lie on the horizon. In Church School recently, the youth came to express a desire to give of themselves to those in need; and so the youth are now beginning a clothes drive (in a competitive format) to gather some items that they will give to those in need.  The youth also have exciting events lined up for the next couple months.  In February, we will go snow-tubing at Wintergreen.  And in March, we will be going with the youth group from Colonial Place Christian Church to Eastover (in Surry County) for an overnight retreat.  It will be a great time for us to enjoy some fellowship together and also to reflect on our faith. I would lastly like to say a word of thanks for the generous Christmas gift that you all have given me.  It came as quite a surprise, and I am very appreciative.  Even more, I am appreciative for the love and faith that binds this GRCC family together.  Thank you. Shalom, Jonathan


Pastor’s Class—There will be a preparation for Baptism and Church Membership Class beginning on February 7 @ 10am for Easter Baptisms. Please contact Revy Debbie for more information.

Linger Longer—A sign-up sheet for 2010 is posted in the Narthex.  Who can host a Linger Longer?  Family, friends, committees, flocks, Sunday school classes What is involved?  Bringing and serving a light refreshment after our 11:00 service on the first Sunday of the month that you host   Please consider hosting a Linger Longer and being a part of this rewarding fellowship ministry.  Questions: contact Carol Malla or Jennifer Barnum.

Christian Education Opportunities—Please let us know your interest in Prayer Group and/or Lenten Bible Study. See Diann Borden.

Family night suppers resume on February 3 with pizza. We will meet together for dinner and fellowship. We eat at 6 pm, please join us. Suggested meal price: Adults $5.00; children $3.00.

Blood Drive Save the Date!  GRCC Blood Drive scheduled for Sunday, March 7 from 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.  Sign-up sheets and more information will coming soon!!

Our church web site is being updated and revised. We are looking for some pictures to continually update our website. If you have pictures of church gatherings/activities and want to share them, send them to grccdoc@.

Baby Shower for Steve and Allie Diehl – February 28th, immediately following worship. All are welcome; Steve would like to have some other men there!!! Call Cinda Caiella or Nancy Patterson with questions.


I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to everyone at GRCC for your generosity towards me this Christmas. It has been my pleasure to work here this past year. Regards, Andi Platea

Happy Birthday this February to:

Brianna Clements 4

Hannah McGinnis 10

Chris Caiella 11

Jim Harris 14

Susan Daly 17

Dick Taylor 19

Stuart Wilkinson 27

Service Schedules:

February 7 Psalm 138 “Above Everything”

February 14 Psalm 99 “Holy is Our God!”

February 21 Lent 1 Luke 4:1-13 “What Kind of Messiah?”

February 28 Lent 2 Luke 13:31-35 “A Prophet’s Life”

Elders February 7 Diann Borden EJ Wingo

February 14 Jeremy Borden Gracie Tingle

February 21 Seth Spivey Judy Richardson

February 28 Teresa Campbell Cliff Campbell

Deacons February 7 Chrissy Walters Grayson Walters Mark Clements Susan Campbell

February 14 Barbara Chapman Paul Carlton Forrest Carlton Becky Matz

February 21 Susan Young Tom Young Jennie O’Neil Holly McGinnis

February 28 George Harlow Susan Harlow Terry Pettit Steve Diehl

Worship & Wonder February 7 Carol Malla

February 14 TBA

February 21 TBA

February 28 TBA

Gayton Road Christian Church (D of C)

12050 Ridgefield Parkway

Richmond, VA 23233


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