2017 AHMP Chapter Annual Report

AHMP Chapters are our eyes and ears on the ground and are extremely important to the success of the organization. It goes without saying that the information contained in this Chapter Annual Report is vital for the Chapters and for AHMP to assist with the growth and sustainability of each organization. Please remember that as a chapter you must submit this Annual Report to satisfy your requirements as an active AHMP chapter.General Chapter InformationChapter Name: FORMTEXT ?????Geographic Location Served by Chapter: FORMTEXT ?????Chapter Website Address (if applicable): FORMTEXT ?????Please provide your Chapter’s U.S. Postal Service mailing address. FORMTEXT ?????AHMP is working to help better connect Chapters with AHMP members and IHMM certificants in their geographic area. Please provide one zip code that is central to where your meetings are typically held and an approximate radius within which members usually travel for meetings.Zip CodeRadius (miles) FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????MembershipWhat is the total number of members in your chapter? FORMTEXT ?????If available, please indicate how many members are in the categories below.Regular (e.g. Certified & Professional) Member FORMTEXT ?????Student Member FORMTEXT ?????Other Category Member FORMTEXT ?????If you use another member designation, please record it here. AHMP is working to better understand the member base of our Chapters and provide benefits to individuals that are members of both a Chapter and the national organization. To allow us to determine which Chapter members are also members of AHMP, please supply a Chapter roster using the attached template. Chapter rosters are required for your Chapter to receive lists of IHMM certificants in your area.What is your Chapter dues rate for 2018? (Enter N/A if your Chapter does not charge dues.) FORMTEXT ?????OfficersPlease provide the contact information, name, telephone, and email address(es) of the Incoming President as of January 1, 2018.Name: FORMTEXT ?????Telephone: FORMTEXT ?????Email: FORMTEXT ?????Please provide the contact information, name, telephone, and email address(es) of the past President as of January 1, 2018 (e.g. the President who served in 2017).Name: FORMTEXT ?????Telephone: FORMTEXT ?????Email: FORMTEXT ?????Please provide the contact information, name, telephone, and email address(es) of the Vice President (or president-elect) as of January 1, 2018.Name: FORMTEXT ?????Telephone: FORMTEXT ?????Email: FORMTEXT ?????Please provide the contact information, name, telephone, and email address(es) of the Secretary as of January 1, 2018.Name: FORMTEXT ?????Telephone: FORMTEXT ?????Email: FORMTEXT ?????Please provide the contact information, name, telephone, and email address(es) of the Treasurer as of January 1, 2018.Name: FORMTEXT ?????Telephone: FORMTEXT ?????Email: FORMTEXT ?????Are all of the current officers (President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer) members of AHMP? Please note that this is a requirement of the chapter affiliation agreement. FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX No (If No, please indicate which officer(s) currently is/are not an AHMP Member: FORMTEXT ?????When are or were your elections conducted for 2018?MonthYear FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????Incorporation and taxesWhat is your chapter’s Employer Identification Number (“EIN”), which also is known as the Federal Tax Identification Number? (Tip: A valid EIN is always 9 digits. 2 digits followed by a dash and then 7 more digits. For example 12-3456789.) FORMCHECKBOX FORMTEXT __-_______ FORMCHECKBOX We don’t know what our EIN is. (Your chapter’s bank or the IRS can help you locate your EIN.)Does your chapter have a copy of its IRS Exemption Determination Letter? FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX No (the IRS can provide a replacement copy) FORMCHECKBOX We don’t knowIs the filing with your state regarding Chapter incorporation, non-profit, or another official status current as of January 1, 2018? FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX No FORMCHECKBOX I do not know FORMCHECKBOX Chapter is not incorporated, non-profit, or another official status FORMCHECKBOX Not required by our state FORMCHECKBOX Other, please specify FORMTEXT ?????For the year 2016, did your chapter file one of the following Internal Revenue Service Not-for-Profit Tax Reports (report for tax year 2016 would be filed in 2017)? FORMCHECKBOX Form 990-N (“e-postcard”) FORMCHECKBOX Form 990-EZ FORMCHECKBOX We filed using a different IRS form (specify which) FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX We did not file (explain) FORMTEXT ?????Does your chapter’s Board of Directors (BODs) review the 990-N or -EZ filing before it is submitted? FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX No FORMCHECKBOX We did not fileAHMP recommends a formal written procedure to ensure that the Chapter’s Board reviews the filing.How does your chapter ensure that vital records are maintained for future BODs? What records do you consider vital? FORMTEXT ?????It is not required to have a records retention policy. However, AHMP strongly recommends that all chapters create a policy; it can be short.ActivitiesPlease indicate which activities your Chapter conducted during 2017: FORMCHECKBOX AHMP EHMM Course FORMCHECKBOX CHMM Review or Preparatory Course FORMCHECKBOX Local or Regional Conference FORMCHECKBOX Field Trip FORMCHECKBOX Membership meeting with technical session FORMCHECKBOX Co-sponsored and event with another organization such as ASSE FORMCHECKBOX Held an event in cooperation with a local university or college FORMCHECKBOX Charity fundraising event FORMCHECKBOX Community service activity FORMCHECKBOX Newsletter FORMCHECKBOX Had a private company provide a sponsorship FORMCHECKBOX Maintained an active website FORMCHECKBOX Posted Chapter information on LinkedIn FORMCHECKBOX Posted Chapter information on Facebook FORMCHECKBOX Posted Chapter information on Twitter FORMCHECKBOX Other, please specify FORMTEXT ?????Are you familiar with the National Awards Program: FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX NoIs your Chapter aware that the Chapter Development Committee holds a day-long chapter leader training session at the annual AHMP National Conference? (It is recommended that Chapters send a delegate. The delegate receives a reduced conference rate.) FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX NoCompleted ByName of Authorized Person(s) Completing Form on Behalf of Chapter FORMTEXT ?????Name FORMTEXT ?????TitleClick here to enter a date.Date ................

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