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Foundations of American Democracy Pretest #2 [1573492]StudentClassDate1.Which passage from the Declaration of Independence conflicts with the practice of slavery??A.“. . .? a decent respect to the opinions of mankind.?.?.”?B.“We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity.?.?.”?C.“. . . all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer.?.?.”?D.“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.?.?.”??2.Use the excerpt to answer the question.No freeman is to be taken or imprisoned . . . save by lawful judgement of his peers. . . .?—Magna Carta,?1215?This excerpt forms the basis for which practice in modern criminal law??A.posting bail?B.trial by jury?C.reading rights to the accused?D.guaranteeing legal representation??3.Based on the excerpt, which right is the best protection against this type of tyranny?That men ought to speak well of their governors is true, while their governors deserve to be well spoken of; but to do public mischief, without hearing of it, is only the prerogative and felicity of tyranny.?—Benjamin Franklin, 1759 ?A.freedom of expression?B.freedom of assembly?C.the right to due process?D.the right to petition ??4.Read the passage and answer the question that follows.Voted, as the opinion of this town, that the levying money within this province for the use and service of the Crown is in violation of the . . . royal charter; and the same is also in violation of the undoubted natural rights of subjects . . . freely to give and grant their own money for the service of the Crown, with their own consent, in person, or by representatives of their own free election.—Resolutions of the Boston Town Meeting, September 13, 1768Which principle of constitutional democracy does this document express??A.federalism?B.equal opportunity?C.freedom of religion?D.popular sovereignty??5.How have Thomas Jefferson’s political beliefs influenced the development of the U.S. government?Selected Political Beliefs of Thomas Jefferson ?? supported strong state governments ?? opposed formation of a national bank??? favored policies that promoted farming and agriculture?A.He supported policies that limited federal power.?B.He favored a government that would encourage commerce.?C.He proposed the system of checks and balances.?D.He devised the system of collecting taxes on income.??6.Use the text to answer the question that follows.?We, whose names are underwritten, . . . Do by these Presents, solemnly and?mutually, in the Presence of God and one another, . . . covenant and combine?ourselves together into a civil Body Politick, for our better Ordering and??Preservation, and Furtherance of the Ends aforesaid: And by Virtue hereof do?enact, constitute, and frame, such just and equal Laws, Ordinances, Acts,?Constitutions, and Officers, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet?and convenient for the general Good of the Colony; unto which we promise?all due Submission and Obedience.—Mayflower Compact, 1620 What best explains the purpose of this document? ? convince people to settle in Massachusetts? organize a government for the Plymouth colony? establish religious toleration in the Virginia colony? promote good relations with Native Americans in Pennsylvania??7.Read the following.“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” What is the source of this quotation??A.United States Constitution?B.Declaration of Independence?C.Articles of Confederation?D.Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense”??8.Read the passage and answer the question that follows.The Declaration of Independence cites a long list of injustices committed by King George III against the American colonies, such as:? “He has forbidden his Governors to pass laws of immediate and pressing importance,??? unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when??? so suspended he has utterly neglected to attend to them.”? “He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and?? ?the amount and payment of their salaries.” ? “For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering?? ?fundamentally the Forms of our Governments . . . .” These examples listed above were meant to illustrate the British government’s disregard for what principle of constitutional democracy??A.equal opportunity?B.freedom of religion?C.separation of powers?D.private property rights??9.How did the Articles of Confederation create a weak national government??A.The national government controlled the admission of states.?B.The Articles of Confederation gave the national government powers it no longer needed.?C.The national government could regulate the western land claims of the original 13 colonies.?D.The Articles of Confederation created a national government with few powers to manage the economy.??10.Use the list below to answer the question. Achievements of John Hancock??? Presided over the 2nd Continental Congress? Served as the governor of Massachusetts???????????? ????????????????? ?????????????????? ????????? ????????? Which achievement could be added to this list??A.Helped found the Democratic-Republican political party?B.Authored several of The Federalist papers?C.Signed the Declaration of Independence?D.Documented the debate at the Constitutional Convention??11.Use the information below to answer the question that follows.?Some Features of the Articles of Confederation?? Each state had one vote ?? Laws required approval from 9 of the 13 states to pass?? Congress lacked power to tax citizens?? No national court system or national executive ?? Amendments required approval by all 13 states What was one argument that critics could make about the Articles of Confederation??A.The power of the national government threatened states’ rights.?B.The president had more power than the other branches of government.?C.The national government had little power to get states to cooperate.?D.The large states could easily change the rules of government to their advantage.??12.Use the information below to answer the question that follows.?Some Features of the Articles of Confederation?? No national court system or national executive ?? Amendments required approval by all 13 states ?? Laws required approval from 9 of the 13 states to pass ?? Congress could raise money only by requesting it from the states?? No national army: States voluntarily sent troops when requested?? ?by CongressWhat was most important to supporters of the Articles of Confederation? ?A.respect for states’ rights?B.a strong national government?C.the influence of large states? effective national military??13.Which power did the Articles of Confederation deny the national government??A.levy taxes?B.print money?C.declare war?D.establish a postal system??14.In this excerpt, what was President Kennedy trying to explain about the role of the press?We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.—John F. Kennedy, 1962 ?A.The free flow of information must be regulated to maintain public order.?B.Propaganda is necessary for protecting national security during a crisis.?C.Censorship undermines the functioning of democratic government.?D.The power of the press is beyond the control of the federal government.??15.Use the?list below to answer the question.Responsibilities of the Press??Observing ethical codes of conduct ??Communicating news to the public ??Reporting on the actions of the governmentWhich would be a responsibility of a free press covering political elections??A.printing claims made by candidates without questioning them?B.serving as a source of factual information during elections?C.refusing to print negative criticism about candidates?D.limiting broadcast time for unpopular candidates??16.What is a disadvantage of a confederate form of government??A.States are unable to print paper currency.?B.There is no system to try citizens accused of crimes.?C.There is no system to manage governmental affairs.?D.The central government is unable to resolve conflicts between regions.??17.Use the excerpt below to answer the question.The enumeration [list] in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed [interpreted] to deny or disparage others retained by the people.—9th Amendment, U.S. Constitution?How does this amendment affect the power of the federal government??A.The federal government has the power to control state legislatures.?B.The federal government is prevented from limiting other individuals’ rights.?C.The federal government has the ability to expand judicial powers.?D.The federal government is prevented from limiting legislative powers.??18.Use the table below to complete the sentence. ?Guiding Principle?Purpose?Government?Rule of lawRepresents the peoplePolitical PartyVoluntary associationDefines and makes public positions on political and social issuesThe information in this table shows a system that is established primarily to?A.promote business interests in the government.?B.encourage citizens to participate in the political process.?C.prepare future political candidates for office.?D.allow states to lobby for economic advantages.??19.What was one major effect of this decision?[I]t is a denial of the equal protection of the laws to try a defendant of a particular race or color under an indictment issued by a grand jury or before a petit jury, from which all persons of his race or color have . . . been excluded by the State. . . .?—Hernandez v. Texas, 1954 ?A.It reinforced the 5th Amendment protection against self-incrimination.?B.It created a procedural manual for members of a jury in a criminal case. ?C.It extended the protections of the 14th Amendment to other racial minorities.?D.It prohibited discrimination against minorities in public facilities.??20.Which of the following is not a purpose of the Congressional Committee system in the legislative process??mittees allow for members to examine bills on a topical basis.?mittees provide a forum for public comment and research on bills.?mittees eliminate the need for discussion of bills on the floor of Congress.?mittees are designed to schedule the consideration of bills prior to floor action.??21.Which government action violates the right to due process??A.providing fair compensation to a rancher for taking a portion of his land to build a highway?B.ordering protesters to move their demonstration from a traffic intersection to a public park?C.requiring a criminal defendant to answer a question posed by a prosecuting attorney?D.allowing a person arrested for a felony to plead guilty to a lesser charge ??22.Which statement best explains the purpose of these excerpts from the Bill of Rights?? The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated . . .—4th Amendment ? Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.?—8th Amendment?A.They establish the basis for judicial review.?B.They outline the duties of citizens in a democracy. ?C.They provide the basis for antitrust legislation.?D.They protect citizens who are suspected of crimes.??23.Use the information in the table to answer the question that follows.?Constitutional Provisions?Issues Addressed?Article I, Section 9?habeas corpus?Fourth Amendment?searches and seizures?Fifth Amendment?double jeopardy; self-incrimination ?Sixth Amendment?trial by jury; legal counsel?Eighth Amendment?bail and punishmentThe sections of the Constitution listed above protect people in what circumstances??A.when registering to vote?B.when seeking employment?C.when charged with a crime?D.when applying for citizenship??24.If a city official has not fulfilled campaign promises, the MOST effective way to influence the next election is by?A.signing a petition.?B.filing a court case.?C.registering to vote.?D.hiring a lobbyist.??25.In contrast to the power of a dictator in an authoritarian government, democracies derive power from?A.political action committees.?B.registered voters.?C.religious hierarchies.?D.public interest groups.??26.Use the diagrams below to answer the question.Which types of governments?best complete these diagrams??A.(1) Monarchy?????? (2) Republic?B.(1) Autocracy?????? (2) Theocracy?C.(1) Democracy???? (2) Authoritarian dictatorship?D.(1) Aristocracy???? (2) Constitutional monarchy??27.Which statement?best demonstrates the difference between presidential and parliamentary systems??A.A president is elected by the legislature, and the prime minister is elected by the voters.?B.Checks and balances limit presidential authority, while the parliament has supreme power.?C.A prime minster has executive authority, while the president shares power with the legislature.?D.Popular sovereignty decreases presidential authority, and the monarchy controls the parliament.??28.Which American document is the basis of all U.S. national law??A.Declaration of Independence?B.Articles of Confederation?C.Constitution?D.Magna Carta??29.The framers of the U.S. Constitution believed that good governments were based on an agreement between the government and its citizens. Individuals would accept some limits on their freedom. In exchange, the government would act to preserve their rights and safety through the rule of law. Which passage from the Constitution describes this agreement between citizens and the government??A.“Each house shall be the judge of the elections, returns and qualifications of its own members.”?B.“We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union?.?.?.?do ordain and establish this Constitution.”?C.“The House of Representatives shall be composed of members chosen every second year by the people of the several states.”?D.“The times, places and manner of holding elections for senators and representatives, shall be prescribed in each state by the legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by law make or alter such regulations.”??30.Use the excerpt below to answer the question.As soon as several of the inhabitants of the United States have taken up an opinion or a feeling which they wish to promote in the world, they look out for mutual assistance; and as soon as they have found one another out, they combine. From that moment they are no longer isolated men, but a power seen from afar, whose actions serve for an example. . . . Nothing, in my opinion, is more deserving of our attention than the intellectual and moral associations of America.—Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America,?1835 Which statement explains why the type of association described in the excerpt is important to U.S. society??A.A free-market economy requires business owners to provide for society’s needs.?B.Individual freedom means citizens must choose to join together to change society.?ernment is expected to provide most social services in a democratic government.?D.A country with rigid social classes requires the wealthy to provide for the less fortunate.??31.What is the supreme law of the United States??A.state law?B.executive orders?C.U.S. Constitution?D.Declaration of Independence??32.Which statement best supports this excerpt?In America, the lowest classes have conceived a very high notion of political rights, because they exercise those rights; and they refrain from attacking the rights of others in order that their own may not be violated.?—Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America?A.American constitutional rights are guaranteed to the wealthy.?B.American citizens decide constitutional rights by secret ballot.?C.American government emphasizes the preservation of individual rights.?D.American law requires a strong judiciary to regulate individual rights.??33.How does the press serve as a check on the government?? classified government information to the public? printing false statements about government officials? refusing to publish the government’s point of view? reporting on the government’s actions??34.Which act of the U.S. government?best reflects the principles?explained in the Declaration of Independence??A.the ratification of the 18th Amendment?B.the ruling in Brown v. Board of Education?C.the ratification of the 20th Amendment?D.the ruling in United States v. Nixon??35.Use the excerpt below to complete the sentence.Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion. . . .—1st Amendment, U.S. Constitution?In order to uphold this right, citizens must?A.contribute financially to religious institutions.?B.learn the doctrine of a religion.?C.respect religious beliefs of others.?D.practice the teachings of a religion.??36.A citizen seeking to serve a political party at the local level could help by?A.attending the party’s state nominating convention.?B.talking to neighbors about the party’s candidates.?C.donating to the party’s national election fund.?D.taking a job in the party’s state office.??37.Read the?information and answer the question.Eric works at a local grocery store.?He takes his two children to school in the morning and picks them up later in the day. This Monday, instead of going to work, he went to the county courthouse to serve as a juror. His employer allowed him to take time off work to do this because the law requires it. A neighbor helped him by?picking up his children?after school.Eric observes his civic responsibility by serving as a juror. What other civic responsibility is described in this information??A.Eric being a friendly neighbor?B.Eric having a job at a grocery store?C.Eric’s employer allowing him time off work to serve?D.Eric’s neighbor assisting him by watching his children??38.Read the?information and answer the question.In October 2001, Congress passed the USA PATRIOT Act in response to the September 11 attacks on the?United States that year. This act gave law enforcement authorities a wide range of powers to gather information related to acts hostile to the country. Some people protested that the act gave the government too much authority to monitor some Americans’ phone calls and take other actions. Others argued that those actions were necessary to protect the United States.Which statement best describes the principles in conflict in this information??A.federalism and states’ rights? and majority rule?C.national security and civil liberties?D.private property rights and the common good??39.Use the list to answer the question that follows.Civic Responsibilities? Being informed about community issues ? Taking part in the democratic process? Respecting the rights?of others ? Paying?taxes Which of the following also belongs on this list??A.Learning first aid?B.Staying physically fit?C.Serving in the military?D.Exercising freedom of religion??40.Use the excerpts below to answer the question. 13th?Amendment Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude?.?.?. shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.14th?Amendment All persons born or naturalized in the United States?.?.?. are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.15th?Amendment The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged?.?.?. on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude—.—U.S. Constitution Which goal were these amendments meant to reinforce??A.equality of social classes?B.expansion of states’ rights?C.promotion of public education?D.expansion of democracy?? ................

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