The Industrial Revolution

Judicial Branch and California Government

American Government—Unit 5

Pages: from Magruder’s American Government—chapter 18-21, 24-25 pgs. 502-620, 680-750.

1. See it-Say it. Use notebook paper and divide each paper into eight squares. Give each square a title. On each square, write 1-2 bullet point summaries and include an internet picture or colored pencil picture describing the item—explaining the term’s relevance to American Government and History.

1. jurisdiction 5. civil case 9. opinion 13. Lemon Test 17. Equal Protection

2. plaintiff 6. District court 10. 14th Amendment 14. Free Exercise Clause 18. Jim Crow

3. defendant 7. Court of Appeals 11. 9th Amendment 15. Probable Cause

4. criminal case 8. judicial review 12. Establishment Clause 16. Habeus Corpus

2. Major Concepts. Do a 1/2 page essay for each of the ideas below. Construct a 50 word historical sketch (sentenced paragraph) telling information & facts about the ideas, events, people, and times. Title each square and include pictures of the issue.

1. U.S. Supreme Court 5. Special Federal Courts 9. Due Process 13. De Jur/De Facto

2. Federal Inferior Courts 6. Civil Liberties 10. Free Expression 14. Civil Rights Acts

3. Federal Appeals system 7. Bill of Rights 11. Freedom of Assembly and Petition

4. Marbury v. Madison 8. Civil Rights 12 Bill of Attainder and Ex Post Facto

3. Debates, Notes, Journals, Currents Events. Keep all relevant lecture notes from class, journal

reflections and current event descriptions in the portfolio to be turned in for a grade at the end of the unit.

4. Project— California Government (from chapters 24-25): Using an outline with bullets in 2-pages, describe the basic framework of California Government. Include the following points—The constitution, the state legislature, the Governor, Executive Officers, California State Courts, State Services, and tax structure.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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