Welcome to 9th Grade Biology

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Welcome to MYP 8th Grade

Earth Science!

• Teacher: Mrs. Woodworth •

What is MYP?

The International Baccalaureate (IB) Middle Years Programme (MYP) is a magnet program at Lansing Eastern High School. All students in 7th-10th grade are part of the MYP program, while some in 11th and 12th grade choose to participate in the Diploma Programme (DP). The program’s purpose is to increase student understanding, develop cultural awareness, and expand skills required to be successful in today’s world.

MYP learners strive to be:

• Inquires

• Knowledgeable

• Thinkers

• Communicators

• Principled

• Open-minded

• Caring

• Risk-takers

• Balanced

• Reflective

Unit Topics:

|First Semester |Second Semester |

|1st Marking Period |2nd Marking Period |3rd Marking Period |4th Marking Period |

|≥Weather |≥ Finish Oceans and Climates |≥ Finish Plate Tectonics | |

| | | |≥Advanced Rock Cycle |

|≥Severe Weather |≥ Earthquakes |≥Volcanoes | |

| | | |≥Hydrogeology |

|≥ Oceans and Climates |≥ Plate Tectonics |≥Interior of the Earth | |

| | | |≥Astronomy |


Please bring the following materials to class every day:

✓ A pencil

✓ Your notebook

✓ Your homework

Interactive Science Notebook

You are required to keep and maintain a science notebook. You will be required to keep an organized record of all coursework in your notebook. It is important that you keep all class notes, assignments, group work and bookwork. ALL graded work, tests and other unit materials should be kept in your notebook. This will be helpful when preparing for a unit test or the semester exam—as everything will be in one place!

Course Grading:

|Grading Scale |

|A |90% ↑ |

|B+ |87% ↑ |

|B |80% ↑ |

|C+ |77% ↑ |

|C |70% ↑ |

|D+ |67% ↑ |

|D |60% ↑ |

|E |0% ↑ |

Grading Details:

Marking Period Grades

The marking period grade is calculated according to the following grading scale:

20%: Instructional coursework (daily assignments, group work, homework and bookwork.)

40%: Tests and quizzes

30%: Projects, lab assignments and other formal assessments

10%: Informal assessments (i.e. working on your daily journal and actively engaging in classroom learning opportunities.)

Current grades will be posted online (you must have and activate Student or Parent Vue account) and can be discussed in further detail before or after school.

Warm up

Warm up are to be completed everyday at the beginning of class. If you are absent, you are required to complete the warm up for that day. Enter all responses in your science notebook. Each entry must include the objective and the date. The daily journal topics will be on the screen at the beginning of class period and should be answered within the first 10 minutes of the class period. Warmup entries will count towards your informal assessment grade.

Informal Assessments

All assignments are to be turned in on the day that they are due. If an assignment is not turned in on time, you will lose an opportunity for immediate feedback. A late assignment can be turned in until the end of a unit, which is the day of the UNIT TEST. It is possible to earn more credit on a late assignment if you come in before or after school to discuss the assignment. Make it a priority to turn in all assignments completed and on time!

Projects and Assessments

Projects and assessments will be graded according to a provided rubric. It is extremely important to work on projects ahead of time because they will require a substantial amount of time to complete.

Tests & Quizzes

All tests and quizzes will be used as a means to determine a students’ understanding against the state standard. There will be a test or quiz at the end of each unit. Tests will cover material found in the textbook, class work, homework, labs and activities.

Extra Help & Extra Credit

Teachers are always willing to give extra help to students who request it. You are urged to set up an appointment to accommodate everyone’s schedules. I am available for additional help between 3:10-3:40 on Thursday’s

There will not be many opportunities to earn ‘extra credit’. Students should not depend upon extra credit to achieve their desired grade. Instead, focus on work offered for required credit—be sure that you ask for help when you need it, and that your work is correct, complete and turned in on time!

Classroom Policies & Procedures

Tardy and Absence Policy

Attending class is essential to your academic success. A note from a parent or guardian should be sent to school explaining the absence, and should be signed by each teacher.

You are responsible for any work that you missed because of a tardy or an absence. If you are more than 13 minutes late, you will be marked absent. When you are absent it is your responsibility to find the work that you missed (use the missing assignment folder on the counter) and make arrangements to make up labs or tests. If you fail to make up a test before the end of the unit, the grade for that test will be a zero.

Operation Transport & Hall Passes

4 HALL PASSES will be earned per semester, (completed and verified syllabus). No passes = no pass! Use breaks between classes appropriately. Students identified on the NO PASS LIST will wait for an adult to transport them to their destination.

Permitted transport will include emergency restroom, main office, clinic, public safety office, counseling center, RJ office, and to and from class if brought to the office by a parent. No transport will happen to lockers, vending machines, or the library. No hall passes or transport are allowed during the first or last 15 minutes of the class period.

Class time and instruction are important so please plan your passing time accordingly!

Classroom Rules

1. Respect: Treat everyone and everything in class with respect. Respect needs to be reflected through your language and your actions at all times. This is a “G Rated” classroom.

2. Be on Time: You are expected to be on time for class. Please find your assigned seat and have with you all needed materials (textbook, portfolio, pen/pencil, paper, assignments, etc.)

3. Follow all Policies and Procedures: It is the teacher’s job to provide you with a safe and productive learning environment. Policies and procedures create a positive classroom culture.

If you choose not to follow the classroom rules or meet the behavioral expectations, there will be consequences. The following list describes how disruptive actions will be handled in our classroom:


1. The teacher will give you a public or private warning.

2. The next disruption will result in a conference (ex: hallway talk) with the teacher.

3. If the disruption continues you will be referred to your assistant principal. This will result in a parent/guardian contact and other consequences assigned by the assistant principal (according to Eastern’s discipline rubric.)

4. If the problem persists, you will be referred to the assistant principal and have a behavior plan developed.

5. Severe disruption will result in the immediate removal from class.

We are willing to solve any situation within the classroom. You are responsible for the decisions you make. Be sure you are making the right one.


Choosing to follow the classroom rules may result in the following rewards:

1. Verbal praise

2. Good News cards sent home

3. Good grades in class

4. A positive learning experience

5. Earning High School credit towards graduation

**High School Credit**

Students who earn an average of 75% on the first and second semester final exams will earn High School Credit for this course.

**Students: The above information should remain in your Science folder!

Please complete all information and sign on the appropriate line to indicate you have read and understand the classroom syllabus and return this page to Mrs. Woodworth by Friday, September _____.

I understand the classroom policies, expectations and consequences as described above:

Print Student Name Email Address

Student Signature Date

A Parent/Guardian Signature Date


|Parent/Guardian Name #1: | |Parent/Guardian Name #2: |

| | | |

|Phone Numbers | |Phone Numbers |

|#1 | |#1 |

|#2 | |#2 |

|#3 | |#3 |

|Email | |Email |

Message to teacher: (questions you have or anything that I should know that will help your student have a successful year!)







Due Date: 9/18/15

8th Grade Earth Science

Parents or Guardians: Please keep this page for your records at home.

Teacher Contact Information

Please feel free to contact me if you have questions or concerns. Communication between parents, the student and the teacher is essential to ensure academic success.

❖ MYP 8th Grade Earth Science Teacher: Mrs. Woodworth-

Room 237 Phone : 517-755-4276

E-Mail: kelly.woodworth@

Additional Course and Grade Information:

Student Vue and Parent Vue: (Replaces edline)

There is an instructional video located at at the very top of the page there is a link to the tutorial.

Wednesday, September 16  6:30-8:00 p.m.

Back to School Meet the Teacher night




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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