Ninth Grade English Syllabus - Jenks Public Schools

Pre-AP English 9

2011-2012 Syllabus

Mrs. Winner

Voicemail: (918) 299-4415 ext. 2541

Email: emily.winner@


Welcome to the Freshman Academy and the Pre-AP English Program. I want to clarify my expectations and priorities for this course, as well as provide you with an idea of what the next year will hold. I expect all students to contribute to their own learning and the learning of others.


The objectives for Pre-AP English are to introduce in-depth reading and analysis of a variety of genres, while honing the writing skills and vocabulary of the student in preparation for his/her continuing high school career.

Genre studies & Modes of Writing

Areas of reading will include short stories, novels, poetry, non-fiction, and drama. Most of these works are located in our textbook, Elements of Literature, although some novels will need to be purchased by the student. In addition, students will be writing short essays and responses over various works that we are reading. In accordance with the Common Core Standards, we will focus on the following modes of writing: Narration, Expository, Persuasive/Argumentative, Creative and Literary Analysis. A specific listing of the works and tentative semester schedules can be accessed on my website through the link titled Curriculum Outline. The novels read during the freshman year will be chosen from the following:

A Christmas Carol Fahrenheit 451 The Phantom of the Opera

Animal Farm Les Misérables The Picture of Dorian Gray

The Chosen (Fawcett Premier Version) Until We Meet Again

The Count of Monte Cristo Of Mice and Men and additional Literary

(Bantam Classic Version) Oliver Twist (Puffin Classics) novel selections

Novels read outside of class and used for silent sustained reading on Fridays should be from the college-bound reading list. Opportunities to check these books out of the library will be provided periodically. Copies of the college-bound reading list may be accessed on the class website.

Assessment and Evaluation:

Semester Exam Unit Exams Notes Quizzes Research Projects/Papers

Novel Projects Daily work Comprehension quizzes Individual/Group Projects

Homework SSR Projects book comprehension/log Short papers/Responses

Literary Circles Grammar Vocabulary test-weekly


3-ring binder (1 to 1½ in.) Double Pocket folder with prong fasteners(to remain in the classroom)

notebook paper #2 pencils Blue/black pens Dividers highlighter post-it notes

Notebook section dividers are encouraged. Sections should include grammar, vocabulary, literature notes, writing, and returned papers. The planner to be used should provide ample space for notes, due dates, and submission requirements. Some type of organizational device is imperative.

**Class supplies such as colored paper, glue, scissors, tissues, paper towels, antibacterial hand sanitizer, and markers are not required, but are greatly appreciated. **

Highly Recommended:500 Key Words for the SAT and How to Remember Them Forever! by Charles Gulotta. Publisher: Mostly Bright Ideas. ISBN# 0-9653263–0-6. This will be the resource of weekly vocabulary tests for the entire year.


Late Work

Late work is highly discouraged during the first nine weeks and will not be accepted starting with the second nine weeks. Per school policy, late work is only accepted for half credit the day after the minor assignment is due, and will not be accepted after this point. Long term assignments and papers WILL NOT be accepted late. Ample time is given for these and a lack of planning and/or organization will not be rewarded with a time extension. These assignments will include but are not limited to: research papers, short typewritten papers, dialectical journals, novel study questions, and character lists.

Makeup Work/Absences

Any work missed due to absence is entirely the responsibility of the student. Check the makeup folders for handouts and assignments. Students should contact a classmate or the class website to obtain missed assignments. (If the student returns on a day when a multiple-day assignment or a test has been scheduled, they are required to turn in the assignment or to take the test.)

Students have as many days to make up any missing assignments as they were absent. All missed quizzes and tests will be made up before or after school. It is the responsibility of the student to make an appointment for such make-up sessions.


All papers completed outside of class, with the exception of overnight homework, must be typed in 12 point Times New Roman font, doubled spaced, with the following heading in the left-hand corner and your last name and page number in the right-hand corner. All submissions, when typing is not required, must be made in black or blue ink. No “text speak” will be allowed in written assignments; if there is text speak the assignment will not be accepted. The student needs to be prepared for numerous submissions to be made in typewritten form. Computers are available before/after school and during lunch in the Media Center. The majority of written assignments must be submitted on the website. The following heading needs to be in the left-hand corner of all assignments.

Last name 1


Mrs. Winner

English 9

17 August 2011

Get into the habit of placing this heading on ALL your assignments to make this practice easier to remember.

Parent Portal/ Website

Grades are routinely posted to Discovery, the online grade database for the Freshman Academy and the high school. You can plan on seeing at least two significant grades weekly. It is your responsibility to check the postings for your grades and any outstanding assignments.

You and your parents can access the syllabus, monthly calendars, assignments, handouts, notes, and any other available assignments on my website at . At this website, click on Schools, Freshman Academy, Staff Webpages, and lastly Emily Winner. At the top left hand corner you will be able to choose Pre-AP or On-Level English

** Should students lose, misplace, or wish to print of additional copies of assignments,

notes, or calendars, they must do so at their own expense. They can access all class

documents on the class website at . **

Plagiarism will not be tolerated in any form.

The student is expected to submit required homework assignments, tests, papers and projects which reflect the student’s own best effort. With the increased use of computers and of Internet research, the opportunities for plagiarism also rise. Please do not be tempted to duplicate another student’s work or pull directly from the Internet. This is theft/cheating. Be aware that Jenks has recently adopted a program that allows teachers to easily check for plagiarism. Consequences can be severe, ranging from a zero on the assignment(s) to failing the course.

Bell to Bell Work Ethic

Our work ethic in this class is to work bell to bell. Time toward the end of class that may be allowed to begin homework is to be used for that purpose. It is not a social time. Always bring a book to read, should you finish early. Never stand by the door waiting for the bell to ring.

Sustained silent reading

SSR is scheduled routinely for Fridays, a time provided for the student to read their choice from the college bound reading list. A student project will be required upon completion of the book. Ample notice and time are given for completion of these books, as long as the student remains diligent in reading outside of class. Students must have a book to read with them at all times.


Bonus points are rare and announced in advance. Primarily, such opportunities will come in the form of attendance at announced drama department productions. Extra credit opportunities will never be given on an individual student basis, so please do not ask. I consider this discriminatory to other students. Rather, students are encouraged to remain consistent in the submission of assignments on the due date.

Teacher Availability

I am typically available before and after school for additional help. If you are struggling with a particular assignment or concept, ask me and I will almost always make myself available for extra assistance and/or tutoring. You can also always check student’s grades and the class website which will be updated regularly.


Please detach and turn into Mrs. Winner by August 23, 2011 for 10 points.

I have read and understand the 2011-2012 syllabus for Pre-AP English.

____________________________________ _________________________________ _______

Student Name Printed Student Signature Date

____________________________________ _________________________________ _______

Parent Name Printed Parent Signature Date

Comments/ Concerns:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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