9th Grade English Syllabus

College Prep English 9Course Syllabus ~ SY2014-2015 Mrs. SimeonEmail: chevellsimeon@Websites: –simeon.spp.vi Conferences Available: (by appointment ONLY)Afterschool Tutorials: (at teacher’s request)Course Description: This course is designed to create a forum for students to develop and demonstrate skills in literature, grammar, writing, and vocabulary. Students will be encouraged to become critical readers and thinkers with an appreciation for written and oral expression.Required Texts: Kinsella, K., Vaughn, S., & Feldman, K. (2007). Prentice Hall Literature: Grade Nine (8th ed.). Boston: Pearson Prentice Hall. Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson/ Sept. 15-Oct. 10 (1st Quarter Project Due Oct. 14)* Beloved by Toni Morison/ Nov. 7- Dec.5 (2nd Quarter Project Due Dec. 12)*Gifted Hands by Ben Carson/ Feb.3- Feb.27(3rd Quarter Project Due Mar. 4)*To Kill a Mocking Bird by Harper Lee/ Apr. 3- May 1 (4th Quarter Project Due May 7)** Dates subject to changeRequired Materials: Due Monday, August 25, 20142” three-ring binder with 5 dividers Black or blue ink pensRed pensCollege ruled loose-leaf paper1 folder with pocketsEnglish 9 Contract signed Submitting Assignments: ALL assignments MUST be submitted on or before the due date. Online submissions are due by 11:00pm on the assigned due date. Assignments submitted after 11:00pm will be considered late and subject to penalty (see grading policies for further details). When submitting assignments online, the subject of the email MUST include the course title, your first and last name, and the assignment title. For example the subject for an online journal entry submission would read, ENG 9 Lauren Timberlake Journal Assignment 1. In class submissions are due at the beginning of class on the due date. Any assignment submitted after the late bell has rung will be considered late and subject to penalty (see grading policies for further details). Assignments submitted in class must be placed in the “Turn In” tray designated for your class. Classroom Rules & Procedures:Be on time and prepared for class. Talk only with teacher’s permission. ~Raise your hand!Stay seated unless teacher gives permission to be up, or to leave the roomActively work on all assignments given. ~ You ALWAYS have something to do. Be respectful ~Conduct yourself maturely at all times. NO WHINING or complaining about having to do work. Failure to follow classroom rules and procedures may result in removal from the learning environment and possible school disciplinary action. Grading Polices:Late Assignments WILL NOT be gradedAssignments with NO NAME WILL NOT be gradedAll work must be submitted by the announced due date/time, otherwise your work is late. Cheating or plagiarism of any form will result in failure of that particular assignment and possible school disciplinary action. Grading System:Homework10%Class Participation10%Quizzes10% In-class Assignments15% Projects25% Exams30% Exams: These make up the largest forms of assessment. Expect one test per unit. Each unit test will have an essay component. Projects: Creative writing assignments, research projects/papers, and group projects all fall under this category. Expect a minimum of one project per quarter. In-class Assignments, Quizzes, & Homework: These assignments are assigned to motivate students to practice tasks or to prepare for upcoming material. Class Participation: Being that this is a college prep course, class participation is imperative to its effectiveness. Students are expected to engage in class discussions (NO SIDEBAR CONVERSATIONS) and participate in group assignments. It is the student’s responsibility to be prepared and involved in his/her own learning experience. Assignment Policies:An electronic copy of each assignment must be emailed to the teacher as an attachment. When specified, hard-copy (paper copy) will be submitted to the teacher on the assigned due date at the start of class. All documents must use one-inch margins on all sides.All documents must have a cover page. The cover page should include the course title, teacher, student name, title of assignment, date of submission, and any other relevant information. All pages in the document should be numbered. Do not number the cover page. All assignments MUST be typed, double spaced, well written, and proofread. All writing must adhere to MLA formatting. Assignments not written according to MLA formatting are considered incomplete, and will be returned. All graded assignments will be stored in the “Portfolio” section of the student’s binder. If reading was assigned for homework, be prepared for a quiz on that material during the following class period. Late Policy: Late assignments will NOT be accepted. However, should you have a legitimate problem please notify the teacher immediately. Information provided after the fact is not accepted. Information that cannot be authenticated will also not be accepted. Attendance Policy: Students are expected to attend ALL class sessions regularly and punctually. This is an activity-oriented, learner centered course that requires each student to be present in order to actively engage in the learning process. Consequently, frequent unexcused absences will adversely impact the student’s class participation grade. Excused Absence (medical, death in the family, etc.): you are still responsible to complete any missed work, assignments, or assessments with an allowance of time equal to the days of absence. Unexcused Absence (vacations, social events, etc.): Homework is due at the student’s return to school. The student should also be prepared to take any tests or quizzes that were missed. A three day notice is required if the student wishes the teacher to prepare work for them to take with them. 20/20 Novel Challenge:Read 20 novels this year, and earn 20 points for each novel. Novels read in class count, but summer reading does not. 5 Novels are required to be read each quarter. 1 of the 5 novels is a REQUIRED novel selected by the teacher.This novel will be used for an assigned project that will be due at the end of the quarter. The student may choose the other 4 novels they wish to read during that quarter. Assessments: Alternative Book Reports: Assigned for the required novel of the quarter After reading and discussing the required novel, the student will select an option from the “Alternative Book Reports” list, provided by the teacher, and complete the project you selected.On assigned days, oral/visual presentations of the Alternative Book Reports will be required. Reading Emails: A reading email is simply an email sent to the teacher that contains information about the progress the student is making in his/her independent novel selections.?2 reading emails will be required each week. The email must include the book title, the pages read, and a minimum of two paragraphs explaining what is happening in the plot.The Emails are due by 11:00pm on Wednesdays and Fridays. Late reading emails will not be accepted and may not be made up.*Course Schedule/ Content Topics:Week 1:Course Orientation / Fiction and Nonfiction/ Autobiographical Narrative - Writers’ Workshop (WW) Work in Progress (WIP)Week 2:Unit 1 Part1- Make Predictions/ Narrative Essay/ Word Roots/ Plot & Foreshadowing/ Point of View/ Autobiographical Narrative WW WIPWeek 3:Unit1 Part 1- Anecdote/ Critique/ Autobiographical Narrative WW WIPWeek 4:Unit1 Part 2- Author’s Purpose/ Author’s Voice/ Word Origins/ Features of Text/ Problem and Solution Essay WW WIPWeek 5:Unit1 Part 2- Word Origins/ Character/ Theme/ Problem and Solution Essay WW WIPWeek 6:Unit 1 Review & ExamWeek 7:Unit 2 Part1- Short Stories/ Making inferences/ Word Roots/ Conflict/ Short Story WW WIPWeek 8: Unit 2 Part1- Evaluating Visual Aids/ Irony/ Word Roots/Setting/ Short Story WW WIPWeek 9:Novel 1 Project Presentations / Unit 2 Part 2 Analyzing Cause and Effect/ Word Roots/ Short Story WW WIPWeek 10: Unit 2 Part 2- Character and Characterization/ Dialogue/ Word Roots/ Cause-and-Effect Essay WW WIP Week 11:Unit 2 Part 2- Evaluating Text Format/ Symbolism/ Allegory/ Cause-and-Effect Essay WW WIP Week 12:Unit 2 Review & ExamWeek 13:Unit 3 Part 1- Main Idea & Supporting Details/ Author’s Style/ Prefixes/ Business Letter WW WIPWeek 14:Unit 3 Part 1- Expository Essays/ Biographical Writing/ Prefixes/ Business Letter WW WIPWeek 15:Unit 3 Part 2- Persuasive Appeals/ Persuasive Essay/ Prefixes/ Editorial WW WIPWeek 16:Unit 3 Part 2- Fact and Opinion/ Humorous Essay/ Prefixes/ Editorial WW WIPWeek 17:Unit 3 Review & ExamWeek 18:Novel 2 Project Presentations/ Unit 4 Part 1- Poetry/Reading Fluently/ Figurative Language/ Suffixes/ Descriptive Essay WW WIP Week 19:Unit 4 Part 1- Making Generalizations/ Using Your Senses/ Sound Devices/ Imagery/Suffixes/ Descriptive Essay WW WIPWeek 20:Unit 4 Part 2- Paraphrasing/Picturing Action/ Narrative Poetry/ Suffixes/ Response to Literature WW WIPWeek 21:Unit 4 Part 2- Evaluating Web Sources/ Rhyme/ Suffixes/ Response to Literature WW WIPWeek 22:Unit 4 Part 2- Breaking Down Long Sentences/ Lyric Poetry/ Suffixes/ Response to Literature WW WIPWeek 23:Unit 4 Review & ExamWeek 24:Unit 5 Part 1- Drama/ Summarizing/ Word Roots/ Using Text Aids/ Dialogue/ How-to Essay WW WIPWeek 25:Unit 5 Part 1- Blank Verse/ Paraphrasing/ Dramatic Speeches/ Dramatic Irony/ Tragedy/ How-to Essay WW WIPWeek 26:Unit 5 Part 1- Skimming and Scanning/ Archetypal Theme/ How-to Essay WW WIPWeek 27:Novel 3 Project Presentations/ Unit 5 Part 2- Drawing Conclusions/ Word Roots/ Comedy and Dramatic Irony/ Research Report WW WIPWeek 28:Unit 5 Part 2- Evaluate Credibility of an Author/ Word Roots/ Satire/ Research Report WW WIPWeek 29:Unit 5 Review & ExamWeek 30:Unit 6 Part 1- Themes in Literature/ Heroism/ Word Roots/ Using Prior Knowledge/ Writing for Assessment WW WIPWeek 31:Unit 6 Part 1- Epic Hero/ Epic Simile/ Word Roots/ Following Directions/ Interpretations/ Writing for Assessment WW WIPWeek 32:Unit 6 Part 2- Compare and Contrast/ Context Clues and & Word Roots/ Protagonist and Antagonist/ Comparison and Contrast Essay WW WIPWeek 33:Unit 6 Part 2- Setting a Purpose for Reading/ Context Clues and & Word Roots/ Using Self Monitoring/ Author’s Purpose and Philosophical Assumptions/ Comparison and Contrast Essay WW WIPWeek 34:Unit 6 ReviewWeek 35:Novel 4 Project Presentations/ Review for Final ExamWeek 36:Cumulative Review & Final Exam* The course schedule is subject to change.Welcome to College Prep-English 9Have a successful 2014-2015 School Year!Mrs. Simeon--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ContractI, ________________________________________, have thoroughly read the policies and procedures outlined in the course syllabus. I fully understand the course requirements, my responsibilities, and how my performance will be graded. I will take responsibility for my actions; realizing that all actions have consequences, both good and bad. I will do all that I can to be successful in this course and contribute positively to the learning environment. Student Signature_____________________________________ Date________________ Parent Signature_______________________________________Date_________________Received by Teacher __________________________________Date__________________ ................

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