Course Title: 9th Grade English I (1 full English Credit)

Course Title: 9th Grade English I (3 full English Credits)

Teacher: Mr. Scott Manson


Web Site:

Extra Help: M-Th 2:30-3:30


Course Description:

Students in ABLE English 9 will continue to develop their abilities in the major focus areas of English: writing (composition, reading (literature), grammar, and vocabulary. The general objectives of ABLE English 9 are similar to those in mainstream English 9; however, the material chosen to achieve those objectives is modified. For example, the reading level of

the literature may be lower and/or length is shorter. Literature follows a genre approach. Students read short stories, nonfiction, poetry, drama, mythology, and novels. The primary emphasis is on reading for comprehension.

Students complete the essential standards in Basic Composition by responding to prompts similar to those on the Minnesota Basic Skills Test in Written Composition. Students have additional practice in sentence mechanics and grammar. Students complete a longer project (i.e., autobiography or biographical research) during the course.



Elements of Composition

Engage in a writing process with attention to audience, organization,

focus, quality of ideas, and a purpose.

• Generate, gather, and organize ideas for writing.

• Develop a thesis and clear purpose for writing.

• Make generalizations and use supporting details.

• Arrange paragraphs into a logical progression.

• Revise writing for clarity, coherence, smooth transitions and unity.

• Apply available technology to develop, revise and edit writing.

• Revise, edit and prepare final drafts for intended audiences and


Spelling, Grammar, and Usage

Apply Standard English conventions when writing.

• Understand the differences between formal and informal language styles and use each appropriately.

• Use an extensive variety of correctly punctuated sentences for meaning and stylistic effect. 


Vocabulary Expansion

Acquire, understand and use vocabulary by learning words through explicit vocabulary instruction and independent reading, and appropriately use these words in writing.

• Determine the meaning of unfamiliar words and metaphors by using dictionaries, context clues, and reference books.

• Identify and analyze analogies.


Analyze a variety of nonfiction materials selected from journals, essays, speeches, biographies and autobiographies.

• Summarize and paraphrase main idea and supporting details.

• Trace the logical development of an author’s argument, point of view or perspective and evaluate the adequacy, accuracy and appropriateness of the author’s evidence in a persuasive text.

• Make inferences & draw conclusions based on explicit and implied information from texts.

• Evaluate clarity and accuracy of information, as well as the credibility of sources.

• Synthesize information from multiple selections in order to draw conclusions, make predictions, and form interpretations.


Read, analyze and evaluate traditional, classical and contemporary works of literary merit from American literature.

• Analyze, interpret and evaluate the use of figurative language and imagery in fiction and nonfiction selections, including symbolism, tone, irony and satire.

• Analyze the characteristics of literary forms.

• Synthesize ideas and make thematic connections among literary texts, public discourse, media and other disciplines.

• Respond to literature using ideas and details from the text to support reactions and make literary connections. 


Class work/Essays/Daily Work - 35%

Quizzes/Tests - 35%

Participation - 30%

Participation (Daily Points):

Every day, students have the opportunity to earn up to 25 daily points in class. These points are based on 5 areas:

On-Time & Prepared – 5 pts Respect/Following Directions – 5 pts

Participation – 5 pts Verbally & Physically Appropriate – 5 pts

Assignment – 5 pts

Description of Grading and Quality Work in English:

|  |A                 |B                   |C                |D                |F    |

| | 90-100% |80-89% |70-79% |60-69% |0-69% |

| Class work and |Consistently on time      |Consistently on time    |Usually on time         |Rarely on time or |Rarely on time or |

|homework   |Exceeded stated |Occasionally exceeded |Met stated expectations  |completed          |completed          |

| |expectations   |stated expectations  |Average quality work     |Met minimum stated expectations   |Did not meet stated |

| |High quality work       |Good quality work     |Mastered  most appropriate skills|Poor quality work      |expectations   |

| |Mastered appropriate |Mastered appropriate skills|Occasionally missed assignments |Mastered  some appropriate skills |Poor quality work            |

| |skills            |Rarely missed assignments  |Works independently with some |Missed multiple assignments  |Did not master appropriate skills|

| |Rarely missed |Usually worked |guidance |Did not work independently  |Consistently missed assignments |

| |assignments   |independently        | | |Did not work independently |

| |Worked  independently | | | | |

|Essays and Projects|High quality product    |Good quality product     |Average quality product        |Poor quality product        

  |Poor quality product        |

| |Exceeded stated |Exceeded stated |Met stated expectations    |Met minimum stated expectations    |Did not meet minimum stated |

| |expectations    |expectations    |Usually on time         |Rarely on time or completed        |expectations    |

| |Consistently on |Consistently on |Worked independently with some |Did not work independently |Not on time or completed        |

| |time          |time          |guidance | |Did not work independently |

| |Worked independently |Usually worked | | | |

| | |independently | | | |

|Tests |Consistently scored high |Occasionally scored high |Rarely scored high |Scored below average |Failed or scored below average |


Make-Up Work Guidelines:

     If you are absent, it is YOUR responsibility to find out what you missed. Please look at your student handbook for more information on excused and unexcused absences.

*YOU are expected to make arrangements to make up missed work.


Textbooks and/or Workbooks:

Holt Course 3 Literature Textbook

Holt Course 3 Literature Workbook

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian by Sherman Alexie

Romeo & Juliet

Student Supplies:            


❖ Blue or Black Pens

❖ Highlighters

❖ Note Book or Loose leaf paper (college ruled) in a 1-inch three ring binder

❖ Strongly Recommended: 512MB USB Flashdrive (or larger)


*You need to bring something to write with every day!


Discipline Plan:


Consequences for Breaking Rules

1st Offense: Warning

2nd Offense: Teacher/Student Conference in Hallway or ABLE office

3rd Offense: Parent phone call and Office Referral




Tardy Policy:

❖ Students need to come into class and immediately begin working on the warm-up or class activity.

❖ Students need to be in their seats when the bell rings (or when teacher closes door).

Consequences for Tardies will be dealt with & handled by the Administrative Office.


❖ Electronics of any kind are not permitted during class time. This Includes:

o I-Pods, MP3 players, Cell Phones, Video Games, Laser Pointers, etc

❖ If an electronic device is seen or used in class, it will be confiscated and turned in to the office. A parent must come in to pick up confiscated electronic devices.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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