Richmond County School System

Teacher: Dr. LaShante White Room Number: 402Email: Semester: Fall 2019Website: Tutorial Days: By appointment M-FPhone Number: (706) 823-6933 Ext. 1803 Tutorial Hours: 3:30PM- 4:00PM High School 9th Grade Course DescriptionThis course provides students with an introduction to several healthcare careers and the safety procedures and interpersonal communication skills required for them. The course will enable students to receive initial exposure to healthcare science skills; attitudes applicable to healthcare including the concepts of health, wellness, and preventative care; and responsibilities of today’s healthcare provider.Georgia StandardsStudents will demonstrate the proper implementation of safe work practices to prevent injury or illness.Students will effectively communicate orally and in writing, applying knowledge of healthcare science communications.The student will describe the attributes of effective teamwork and leadership.Students will differentiate careers available in the field of respiratory care.Students will describe the field of pre-hospital emergency care while attaining skills for dealing with emergency situations.Students will assess careers opportunities in the field of medical laboratory technology.Students will evaluate career choices in the biotechnology field.HOSAAll students are encouraged to join HOSA. HOSA is a co-curricular organization. The mission of HOSA is to enhance the delivery of compassionate, quality health care by providing opportunities for knowledge, skill and leadership development of all Health Occupations education students, thereby helping students to meet the needs of the health care community. Students will have the opportunity to participate in competitive events and numerous community activities. HOSA dress code and additional information available at and .HOSA dues TBA TextbooksThe following textbooks may be used in the classroom but will not be taken home with the students.Exploring Health Careers: Third EditionHealth Care Science Technology: Career FoundationsDiversified Health Occupations: Seventh EditionSuppliesStudents will need a 3-ring folder or binder 5 dividers Crayons/MarkersPaperBlue/Black Ink PenConstruction Paper Glue Sticks Composition NotebookGrading40% Assessments – written tests25% Skills assessments, projects25% Classwork/ Daily work – worksheets, class professionalism (employability)10% Homework – entering class prepared; You will begin with 50 points, and each day you enter the class without your pencil and paper, 1 point will be deductedExamples of some actions that would jeopardize your success on professionalism grade: Putting head down during class Disruptive behavior Tardiness Not cleaning up after individual / team work Grooming in classDisrespectful behaviorTalking during lectureUnauthorized use of cell phone during classFailure to participateAbusing equipmentInternet Use PolicyRefer to Richmond County School Student Handbook Internet Use Policy.Technology UsageIn the classroom, we use technology as directed by the instructor. You are required to follow the acceptable use agreement you signed in your student handbook and submitted to your homeroom teacher. Classroom ProceduresRespect yourself, classmates, teacher, and school property.Arrive to class on time and prepared to learn. Students are to be in their assigned seat working on their bell ringer activity when teacher enters the room. If students are not working, they are considered tardy.Bring all required materials to class each day.“Ask three, then me.”Honesty is expected. Cheating will not be tolerated in the classroom. If you cheat or allow/assist someone to cheat, all parties involved will receive a zero and your parents will be notified immediately.Use the restroom or water fountain during class change. Students will only be allowed to use the restroom in events of emergency and during the class break. Dispose of gum, candy, food, or drinks before entering the classroom/lab.Professional language required at all times. (Absolutely no use of vulgar, profane, demeaning, or inappropriate language in the classroom.)Keep the room/lab clean and respect the equipment and furnishingsElectronic devices are only to be used for class purposes and when permission granted by teacher.When in the computer lab, work only on the assignments related to this class. Therefore, you should not be checking e-mail, chatting, playing games, downloading, uploading, doing research for another class, listening to music, personal browsing, etc. When allowed to use the Internet, visiting websites that are not appropriate for school or not educationally related is PROHIBITED. Violators will face consequences as outlined in the student handbook.GA Best certificateYour student has the opportunity to earn a certification from the Georgia Department of Labor during this course. Assignments for Ga Best are intermingled in the regular curriculum and at times your student will have some assignments specifically for this program. You may learn more about this at Safety RulesBe respectful of yourself, others and equipmentEquipment will only be used once proper instruction has been given by the teacher.Use professional behavior at all times.Notify teacher of all accidents immediately no matter how minor.Dispose of food, drink or gum prior to entering the lab.Wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) during lab activities.Leave your work area neat, clean and sanitized.Be attentive to verbal commands of the instructor.Return your unused material to the supply manager.If in doubt, ask your instructor.Accept responsibility for your own actions both good and bad.Maintain confidentiality per healthcare industry standards. Policy for Late AssignmentsEach student is expected to complete all assignments in the allotted time. Late assignments are penalized resulting in ten (10) point reduction each day assignment is late. Each late assignment is to be submitted with the “orange slip” explaining why the assignment is late and with the student’s signature. If work is missing after five (5) days, student will complete “red slip” explaining why the work is missing and signing to state that student understands that they are accepting a grade of zero (0) for failure to submit.Policy for Make-up WorkIn the case of an absence, it is the student’s sole responsibility to check the class calendar/website regarding missed assignments. If there are any questions it is the student’s responsibility to contact the teacher. The contact must be made within two school days upon returning. A reasonable time frame for the work to be made up will be established. Failure to turn in the work at the assigned time will be treated as a missing assignment. The actual grade earned on make-up work will be awarded if the absence was excused and the work is submitted within the time period set. In the case of an unexcused absence, a ten-point reduction per day will be taken. Policy for Retaking Tests (Formative Assessments)/Grade RecoveryIf a student receives a grade on a written or skills test (excluding the final exam) that they deem to be less than their desired grade and less than 75, then the student may retake each test one time for possibility of full credit during teacher’s conference hours (Monday – Friday 3:15 PM – 4:00 PM). Appointment must be made with teacher to retake test no more than two days after the grade is posted in Infinite Campus.Discipline PolicyAll students are expected to follow the student code of conduct at all times. Failure to do so may result in the following: First offense: Verbal counseling Second offense: Telephone call to parents Third offense: Detention/Referral to the administration.Fourth offense: Referral to the administration.SafetyThis course will involve frequent hands-on activities. You will work closely with materials, equipment, and each other. Appropriate safety procedures and techniques will be discussed prior to each activity. Deviation from these procedures and misuse of equipment at any time will result in automatic exclusion from that laboratory session, and a ZERO (0) will be given for that activity. Repeated violations will be managed on an individual basis. Laboratory Safety AffidavitTo ensure that a safe and healthy environment is maintained in the laboratory, all students must read and follow the safety regulations listed below. To indicate that you have read and understood the safety regulations, you are asked to sign and date this affidavit. Safety is the responsibility of each and every student.Laboratory Safety RulesBe respectful of yourself, others and equipmentEquipment will only be used once proper instruction has been given by the teacher.Use professional behavior at all times.Notify teacher of all accidents immediately no matter how minor.Dispose of food, drink or gum prior to entering the lab.Wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) during lab activities.Leave your work area neat, clean and sanitized.Be attentive to verbal commands of the instructor.Return your unused material to the supply manager.If in doubt, ask your instructor.Accept responsibility for your own actions both good and bad.Maintain confidentiality per healthcare industry standards. I have read and agree to abide by the safety regulations set forth above, and also by written and verbal instructions given me by my teacher.Student Signature ____________________________________________________ Date___________________-809626245110Parent/Guardian Signature _____________________________________________ Date ___________________Acknowledgment of Receipt By signing below, the student and parent/guardian acknowledge that they have read and understood the contents in the 2017-2018 Middle School Healthcare Science, 8th Grade syllabus. The Syllabus is located at *PLEASE SIGN & RETURN TO Dr. LaShante White by August 11, 2017Student Name (Print)_________________________ Student Signature____________________________Date___________________________Parent Name (Print )___________________________ Parent Signature____________________________ Date___________________________Parent Email_______________________________________________Parent Contact #____________________________________________ ................

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