Syllabus - Tuscaloosa County School District

Coach Barrentine

9th Grade World History Syllabus

Brookwood High School

2008-2009 School Year

Room: 128

Contact Information: email: dbarrentine@

phone: 342-2777 (school office)

Overview: This course will continue the study of World History from 1500 to the present. Critical thinking and analysis are important in this course. Through historical inquiry, students gain an understanding and appreciation of history and will become increasingly able to understand global interdependence and connections among world societies. The course directs students to think critically about the forces that continue to shape the world today. It allows them to analyze development and changes in the European, Asian, African, and American civilizations and ways in which the interactions of these cultures have influenced the formation of today’s world. Knowledge of other cultures enables students to develop a better appreciation of the unique American heritage of liberty. Geographic concepts will also be included in this course. These concepts will increase learners’ comprehension of global connections as they expand their knowledge and understanding of a wide variety of cultures, both historical and contemporary.

Objectives: To increase the knowledge, critical thinking, and real world “connect-ability” of students in matters dealing with the foundations of world history and geographic concepts while teaching the material in accordance with the Alabama Course of Study Objectives.

I. Introduction: The Rise of Democratic Ideas

• Events, Ideas, and people that contributed to the rise of Democracy around the world

II. Unit 1: Connecting Hemispheres

• Covers developments in the Eastern and Western hemispheres that result in connections through exploration and trade beginning in the late 1400s

III. Unit 2: Absolutism to Revolution

• Covers the struggles of people in Europe and the Americas who seek to build their own nations and create new forms of government.

IV. Unit 3: Industrialism and the Race for Empire

• Covers the effects of the Industrial Revolution on Western nations and the nations’ race to divide Asia and Africa among themselves.

V. Unit 4: The World at War

• Covers World War I, World War II, and revolution and nationalism in Southwest Asia.

VI. Unit 5

• Covers the political, social, and economic changes occurring around the world post World War II.

Text: Modern World History: Patterns of Interaction

Supplies needed: -One 1 ½ inch three ring binder with pockets

-Divider tabs (at least five: starters, notes, CW/HW, NTBCK items &

old test/study guides.

-Loose-leaf notebook paper

-Pencil and/or pen (only blue or black ink)

-Colored pencils

Grading: Grades will be derived from major tests, quizzes, class work, homework, notebook checks, and projects. Quizzes, class work, homework, and notebook checks will be considered as daily grades. Major tests and projects will be considered major grades and will be graded according to content, length, depth, and research. All grades will be based on a points system.

Assignments: Class and homework assignments will consist of book questions and worksheets, study guides, maps, charts, time lines, readings, and writing in which the student will be instructed to display critical thinking and imagination. Some class and homework assignments will be given a specific date as to when it is due; other class and homework assignments will graded through random and scheduled notebook checks. There will be some reading assignments that I will specifically give; however, it the students’ responsibility to keep up with chapter readings and discussion notes. The number and complexity of the projects will be determined by class time and the material covered.

Tests and Quizzes: The number of test that will be given will be based on class time and material that has been covered. A 6 weeks cumulative test will be given every grading period. It is important to keep all old test and study guides in order to study for this test. This test will also have a higher point value than regular chapter test. A study guide will be given at some point in time before the test dates. This study guide will consist of similar questions that will be seen on the test. All study guides are due the day of the test. There will be at least three days advanced notice of the test date. Daily quizzes may be announced or unannounced and will be given at various times throughout the grading period.

Make-up Policy: Students will be allowed to make up all work missed during an excused absence from class. The student will be encouraged to get all make-up work completed within the two to three day period following the students’ return to school.

Late Work Policy: Work will be considered late if it is not submitted at the announced turn-in time (excused absences are excluded). All work submitted after the announced turn-in time will be deducted one grade level each day late.

Progress Reports: A progress report will be sent home at the midpoint of the six week grading period. If there is need for earlier contact based on testing, classroom performance, and/or behavior a written notification will be issued or a phone call will occur.

Classroom Rules: 1. Respect the teacher.

2. Respect your fellow classmates.

3. The student handbook is law.

Attendance and Conduct Policy: Policies set forth in the Tuscaloosa County School Student-Parent Handbook and Brookwood High School regarding attendance (tardies and absences) and misconduct are followed.

Leaving the Class Policy: If a student needs to leave class for any reason they must first ask the teacher for permission. Then if given permission must sign the “Hall Record” form with the date, name, destination, depart time, and get the hall pass. Upon return the student must sign the “Hall Record” form with the return time and his/her signature. The teacher holds the right to refuse and/or allow students to leave the classroom.

Teacher Conferences: Any student concerned about his/her academic performance or receiving failing grades during any grading period is urged to discuss their concerns or grading with the teacher by asking for a conference time. Parents wishing to discuss any matters concerning their child’s grade performance and/or classroom behavior may schedule a conference for before school or after school any Monday through Thursday or during my daily scheduled conference period (times may vary depending on my coaching responsibilities). These conferences may be scheduled by calling the school office at the number listed at the top of the syllabus or by email.

Please sign and return the following Syllabus Acknowledgement Form.

Syllabus Acknowledgement Form

We have received and read the Syllabus issued by Coach Barrentine for the 2008-2009 academic school year of 9th Grade World History: 1500 to Present at Brookwood High School.

Student Name: _______________________________________

Student Signature: ____________________________________ Date: ____________

Parent Name: _______________________________________

Parent Signature: ____________________________________ Date: ____________

E-mail address: ______________________________________

Phone number: ______________________________________


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