Melrose High School - Mr. Brever's Science Site

Melrose High School

9th Grade Physical Science

Classroom Expectations and Procedures

Mr. Brever

Hours Available: 7:30 - 8:15am Before School

10:01 – 10:49am Prep

2:50 - 3:30pm After School

By Appointment

Contact Information: School - (320) 256 - 4224

E-Mail -

Please feel free to e-mail me at anytime to inquire about your progress or any other questions that you might have. Parents or students can view missing assignments and their current grade on Genesis, which can be accessed through the Parent Portal on the school’s website at

Grading: A 94 – 100% B 84 – 86% C 74 – 76% D 64 – 66%

A - 90 – 93% B- 80 – 83% C- 70 – 73% D - 60 – 63%

B+ 87 – 89% C+ 77 – 79% D+ 67 – 69% F 59%

Extra Credit: Extra credit opportunities are located on the back. A total of 20 points may be completed per quarter.

Late Assignments: All assignments turned in past the due date are considered late and will receive only half credit.

Cheating: Any students involved in cheating will receive a zero on the assignment and can be subjected to further disciplinary action.

Tardiness: Students will be allowed two tardies to class each quarter without penalty. The third tardy will result in having the student be assigned one hour of detention. Each additional tardy will result in another hour of detention.

Absence: If a student is absent, they will receive the number of days absent plus one to complete the assignment for full credit.

Consequences: The following consequences will result for a student being off task or disruptive to the class.

1st Offense - The student will be asked to discontinue the unacceptable behavior and receive a verbal warning.

2nd Offense - The student will be written a disciplinary report, and their parents will be contacted about the student's behavior in class.

3rd Offense - The student will be removed from the classroom and sent to the office for measures to be taken by the school administration.

I have read and understood the syllabus outlining the classroom procedures and expectations for

Mr. Brever’s 9th Grade Physical Science Class for the 2014 -15 school year.

Student Printed Name_________________________________

Student Signature _________________________________ Date ________

Parent Printed Name __________________________________

Parent Signature __________________________________ Date ________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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