Hurricanes Line Up __________________________________ Game

Gateway High School

Social Studies

Freshman Geography

Teacher: Mr. Corrado

Room 201

Periods to see him 1st,, 7th, and 8th.

Everyday, please bring:

• Textbook Geography Alive

• Workbook

• Single Subject Notebook

• Pen or Pencil

How to succeed:

• Keep track of schedules. Write down when things are due.

• Always take the time to make sure you have everything and that you are on time.

• Come to class and when you are here, pay attention.

• Handle yourself like a professional.

Course Description Honors Geography / Geography

Credit: 1.0 Social Science

Grade: 9

Term: 2 Semesters

This course is designed to be an advanced 9th grade course and requires students to use advanced reading and writing skills. This course will provide students with a basis for understanding the world we live in, its physical environment, its peoples, and the way people interact with the environment. Understanding and valuing other cultures is important to increasingly diverse societies, and students will need to understand global patterns of landforms, climate, population, transportation, communication, economic linkages, and cultural patterns. Students will do extensive reading, research, writing, and critical thinking.

• Homework

o You will have to come to class prepared every day with textbook, Workbook, and any other assignments.

o You will have to complete pages in the workbook for homework.

o You will study words for homework.

o You will write and draw maps for homework.

• Absences

o If you want to pass, you have to be here.

o Regardless of reason for absences, all make-up work must be completed before the end of the quarter to have a chance to pass and earn credit

o The longer you wait to get you make-up work the farther you fall behind. Get it the first day you come back to school.

• Behavior

o What you say

▪ No swearing, racial, sexual, or rude comments are allowed.

▪ Say it when it is your turn to speak.

▪ Say it n the right tone.

o How you act

▪ If you are late, you stand until I find the time to seat you.

▪ If you miss class, you will not pass.

▪ If you insult and disrespect, expect it in return.

• In class activities

o Some activities will be done by yourself and at your desk.

o Some will be done with a partner

o Some will be done by all of us together

o Some will get us up and move us around

o Some will get us to go to places outside of class

• How to get in contact with the teacher.

o Email: or link via the school webpage on Contacts.

o Room 201 or Social Studies Department Office. I have periods 1st , 7th and 8th period free.

This year we will be traveling through these places:

1st Quarter :

Unit 1: Geography Tools and Thinking like a Geographer

9 weeks

Chapters 1 and 2 Identifying and Using Map Skills

Current Event: Maps in your Life

2nd Quarter

Unit 2 U.S. and Canada:

4 Weeks

Chapters 5 and 8

Regional Current Event

Unit 3 Latin America

4 Weeks

Chapters 9 and 12

Regional Current Event

ARC GIS: Is NAFTA beneficial and If so, for whom? Module

3rd Quarter

Unit 4 Europe

3 Weeks

Chapters 14 and 16

Regional Current Event

Unit 5 Africa

4 Weeks

Chapter 20 and 23

Regional Current Event

4th Quarter

Unit 7 SW and Central Asia

4 Weeks

Chapters 24 and 26

Regional Current Event over Time

Unit 8 Monsoon Asia

4 Weeks

Chapters 28, 31, and 32

Regional Current Event over Time

At the end of each quarter you will be tested on those chapters and their vocabulary words.

Parent’s Notes: Parent and student should review this page together.

• What’s my child’s grade?

o Look on Parent Portal of Infinite Campus

o Review his/ her grade folder

o Ask for weekly grade sheet to be completed by child

• How much homework do they get?

o Expect something for every class. If nothing else, are they prepared for class?

o They will always have a current event due. It is done on a regional basis and it is an important assignment. They can always turn it in for editing prior to due date. It is to be typed and is due the last class period of the week.

o Is their reading completed? Have they completed their vocabulary notebooks? Refer to course outline.

o Are there any upcoming worksheets, tests, or quizzes?

• How can I get in contact with school / teacher?

o Email

o Call 303-755-7160

o Come to the four parent conferences on from 4-7:30pm

o Stop by and visit class

o Volunteer and be visible at school events

• What can I do to help?

o Ask about school every chance you get.

o Talk to them about the world around them local, state, national. Global, etc.

o Encourage them.

o Remember there are at least two sides to every story.

o Be active in their lives.

o Take them to new places and explore your world.

Geography Pacing Guide / Essential Questions

At the end of each chapter the student will be asked to answer the Essential Question completely with examples and details.

Unit 1

• How do geographers show information on maps?

• Why do geographers use a variety of maps to represent the world?

Unit 2

• How does urban sprawl/American consumption pattern affect people and the planet?

• How does migration affected the lives of people and the character of the United States?

Unit 3

• How should the resources of rainforests be used and preserved?

• Why does spatial inequality exist in urban areas?

Unit 4

• What forces work for and against supranational cooperation among nations?

• How can one country’s pollution become another country’s problem?

Unit 5

• How might ethnic group differences affect who controls resources and power in a society?

Unit 6

• How might global warming affect the environment in the world’s coldest places?

Unit 7

• How might having a valuable natural resource affect a region?

• How are humans affected by changes they make to their physical environment?

Unit 8

• What factors give some countries a comparative advantage in the global IT revolution?

• How does a country meet the challenges created by a large and growing population?

• What is globalization, and how does it affect people and places?

Classroom Contract

By signing this document, the student and teacher have communicated and agreed to these statements and the documents referenced. Please read and sign at the bottom.

1. All guidelines / procedures outlined in the Gateway High School Student Handbook will be followed.

2. All applicable guidelines and procedures as stated by Aurora Public Schools will be followed.

3. All guidelines governing Mr. Corrado’s Geography class will be followed.


1. Be prepared for class every day: single subject notebook, Geography Alive Workbook and Textbook, and something you use to write. If something else is due on that day bring it. The student will not be allowed to go to locker to get their equipment / “stuff”. Get it before class.

2. Do not bring to class you cell phone, ipod, or any other electronic device. You will not need it. It will be taken away from you if you do.

3. Be on time. Class start, instructions start, our time starts at the bell. Come in after that and be prepared for various activities and privileges to start without you. Go to the “waiting room” and wait.

4. Find time to find the teacher for make-up work. It is up to you to do it as soon as possible the day you come back to class/ school. Mr. Corrado is free during 1st, 7th, and 8th hour. Please let him know if you need to meet with him.

5. Come with an open mind about your education and our time together. Respect will be a two way street: Student to Student, Student to Teacher, and Student to Adult. We will act and behave like professionals.

Student: please print name ___________________________________________

Student Signature ___________________________________ Date ____________

Teacher: Mr. Michael Corrado ________________________________________


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