Sample questions for A&P Final Exam - Gavilan College

Sample questions for A&P Final Exam.

This list will cover all potential essay questions for the comprehensive portion of the final exam.


A full understanding of these questions and answers will also be an excellent though not complete preparation for the multiple choice section of the comprehensive portion of the final. There will likely be some multiple choice questions present on the final that are not directly covered by this list of questions.


1. Define the terms Anatomy and Physiology.

2. List the levels of organization of the Human Body from least complex to most complex (minimum of 7 levels).

3. What characteristics are shared by all living organisms?

4. What are the two types of cell division and what is the primary difference between them?

5. Define Homeostasis.

6. Name the 11 organ systems and list the functions of each.

7. Describe the 4 types of organic substances found the body.

8. What is an enzyme? Why are they important? How do they work?

9. What is ATP and how does it function in cellular metabolism?

10. Describe the process of protein synthesis beginning in the nucleus and ending with a fully formed protein.

11. Describe the three layers of the skin including the structures contained in each layer.

12. Compare and contrast endocrine and exocrine glands.

13. How is human body temperature regulated?

14. How do rates of healing in bone and cartilage differ? Why?

15. What is a membrane? Give two detailed examples of membranes and include what they are made of.

16. Describe the process of endochondral ossification (long bone formation). Be sure to fully describe each stage.

17. What are the distinguishing characteristics of compact bone and spongy bone? Where are each found? How does their form relate to their function?

18. Describe the process of skeletal muscle contraction beginning with an impulse to the motor neuron and ending with a fully contracted muscle.

19. Compare and contrast cardiac muscle to both smooth and skeletal muscle.

20. How does a nerve impulse travel the length of a nerve? (be sure to describe action potential)

How is this process different in myelenated fibers vs unmyelinated fibers?

21. Compare and contrast the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.

22. What is referred pain and why does it occur?

23. Compare and contrast acute and chronic pain.

24. Compare and contrast steroid and non-steroid hormones.

25. Give a detailed example of a negative feedback mechanism involving hormones.

26. Describe the three basic types of blood cells.

27. Why is AB blood the universal acceptor? Why is O blood the universal donor? What would happen if AB type blood were transfused into a patient with type O blood? (be specific)

28. Describe the process of hemostasis.

29. Compare and contrast the pulmonary circuit and systemic circuit.

30. Compare and contrast arteries, capillaries, and veins.

31. Compare and contrast lymph nodes, thymus, and spleen.

32. Compare and contrast specific and nonspecific defenses. Give at least two specific examples of each (2 specific, 2 non-specific).

33. Describe how T-cells function in immune response.

34. Describe how antibodies function in immune response.

35. How and why does an allergic reaction occur?

36. Describe the path of food from mouth to anus detailing the digestive processes occurring at each stage.

37. How are carbohydrates digested? Proteins? Fats? Where are each (carbs, proteins, and fats) absorbed?

38. Define respiration and list each major step.

39. Detail the path of a typical oxygen atom from the moment it is breathed in to the moment it is breathed out.

What form is that oxygen in when it is breathed in?

What form is it in when it is breathed out?

40. How is the process of breathing physically accomplished?


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