NASSCOM Emerge 50 Awards 2021

[Pages:15]NASSCOM Emerge 50 Awards 2021

Welcome to Emerge 50 Awards 2021!

T his is the 13th edition of NASSCO M Emerg e 50 Awards, a marathon search for India's Most Innovative T op 50 Emerg ing Software Product Companies. And, we are g oing to make it big . Emerg e 50 has become a synonym for the hig h caliber innovative product companies that are creating larg e enterprises and run for the long haul.

We invite you to be a part of this successful journey. Nominations for Emerg e 50 2021 Awards will be evaluated on these parameters:

? Product Excellence: Emphasis on Innovation, T echnolog y, Value Differentiation, Desig n. ? Market Excellence: Understanding of Markets & T arg et Audience with Focus on Customer O pportunities ? Business Excellence: Co-founders' Credibility, Growth Parameters & Attractiveness to Investors. ? Vertical Excellence: Focus on Industry-Specific Products, like FinT ech, HealthT ech, Ag riT ech, EduT ech, AdT ech, etc ? T echnolog y Excellence: Hig h caliber usag e of the latest technolog y, AI, Big data, AR-VR, IoT ...

PLEASE READ AND FO LLO W T HESE GUIDELINES FO R EASY AND SUCCESSFUL CO MPLET IO N O F T HIS APPLICAT IO N FO RM: 1. T he following application is applicable to O NLY INDIAN IT T ech CO MPANIES. 2. All information is critical for adequate assessment. No separate exercise for g athering information will be carried o ut. 3. Incomplete forms will not be accepted for further evaluation. It is the responsibility of the companies to ensure that the form has been completely filled in for further processing . 4. If you have any queries on the nomination form, please contact

Important Notes: ? Click or copy and paste the following link in your browser's address bar to view the form: (PDF needs to be added). You may wish to g o throug h this before taking up the application. T his is for reference/preview only and applications have to be submitted online on this pag e only. Please do not e-mail your applications to us. ? You will be required to attach / submit your corporate deck along with this form (Question No: ), kindly keep that handy before submitting the form. Make sure your deck all the points mentioned in this document ? Please use the `Next' button below for online submission. ? You may interrupt the application in between and chose to come back later to start from where leave. T o interrupt in between and resume later, PLEASE NO T E YO UR ACCESS CO DE (T O BE GENERAT ED O NLY AFT ER CO MPLET ING T HE FIRST SEGMENT ) GIVEN O N T O P RIGHT CO RNER O F YO UR SCREEN BEFO RE CLO SING T HE WINDO W. YO U WILL BE REQUIRED T O INPUT T HIS CO DE WHEN YO U RESUME LAT ER. However, it is always preferred to fill the form in one g o. ? Please click on Submit button at the end to record your application. O nce the form is submitted, you cannot make any chang es in the same. ? If you wish to make any chang e, you will be required to fill the application form ag ain. We will consider the form submitted later in any such case. ? Please review the form before submitting using `Prev' and `Next' buttons.

Basic Company Information

1.Intro duc tio ns : *

- City o f Head Quarter refers to where is yo ur co rpo rate/head quarter res ides ; - Pleas e mentio n co rrect Email ID as all co mmunicatio ns will be s ent to Co ntact pers o n' s email-id. Pleas e add pro duct@ nas s co to yo ur mailing white lis t. Yo u will receive Emerg e 50 related co mmunicatio n fro m pro duct@ nas s co

Name of the Company Website Address Year of Incorporation (in YYYY format) Name of Contact Person Cellular Number of the Contact Person Name of the CEO Email ID of the CEO Cellular Number of the CEO LinkedIn / Web Profile of the CEO (URL): City of Head Quarter Country of Head Quarter Complete Mailing Address Company/Product's Social profiles (twitter/Facebook/Linkedin etc) Is your company a NASSCO M Member? (Answer Yes or No)

2. Email id o f Co ntact Perso n: *

3. Pleas e s elec t the c ateg o ry that bes t fits the pro duc t yo u want to no minate * Fintech - Dig ital lending , Wealthtech, Insurance, T echfin, etc. Healthtech ? Diag nostics, Wellness, Hospital administration, R&D, etc. RetailT ech ? Advanced Analytics, Customer Experience, etc. Log istics / Supply Chain ? Freig ht, Mobility, Warehousing , O n demand, etc. SaaS ? Vertical & horiz ontal SaaS solutions, etc. Enterprise ? Automation, CRM, SCM, Cloud, etc. Bharat ? Lang uag e, Citiz en Services, Ag riculture, Pollution, etc. Hardware and Devices, IoT , etc. Strateg ic sectors ? Defense, Energ y, Environment, Smart Cities, etc. Cyber Security O ther (An emerg ing Company to Watch O ut For)

Awards Sub Categories

Categ o ry - Fintech Dig ital lending Wealth Manag ement Insurance Banking P ay me nt If other, please specify

Categ o ry - Healthtech Diag nostics We llne s s Hospital administration R&D If other, please specify

Categ o ry - Retailtech Advanced Analytics Customer Experience E-commerce enablers E-commerce log istics If other, please specify

Categ o ry - Lo g istics / Supply Chain Freig ht Ware ho us ing O n demand Mo b ility If other, please specify

Category - SaaS Vertical SaaS solutions Horiz ontal SaaS solutions If other, please specify

Categ o ry - Enterprise Auto matio n CRM SCM Clo ud If other, please specify

Catego ry - Bharat Lang uag e Citiz en Services Ag riculture P o llutio n If other, please specify

Categ o ry - Hardware & Devic es Io T Ro b o tic s Connected Devices Smart Home If other, please specify

Categ o ry - Strateg ic Secto rs De f e ns e Energ y Enviro nme nt S e c urity Smart Cities If other, please specify

Categ o ry - Cyber Security Critical infrastructure security Application security Network security Cloud security Internet of thing s (IoT ) security If other, please specify

Product Profile

4. Basic Info rmatio n reg arding No minated Pro duct *

Fo r No minatio n - Only Brand Name WITHOUT TM/? /? marks

Name of the nominated product Product Launch Year (YYYY) Social Profile of Product (T witter/LinkedIn/Facebook/Youtube e tc ) What is the Product team siz e c urre ntly ?

5. Business Mo del o f the no minated pro duct: *

(Select any o ne)

B2B B2C B2G B2B2C Ag g reg ator O ther

6. What pro blem is yo ur pro duc t s o lving ? Why is this a g o o d s pac e? *

(Explain this ques tio n in no t mo re than 10 0 wo rds )

7. What is yo ur targ et audienc e? * Co ns ume rs SMB Mid -mark e t Larg e enterprises Government & its ag encies

8. What is yo ur c urrent s tag e o f Pro duc t Develo pment? *

(Select any o ne)

Prototype / PoC Private Beta / Paid PoC Early Revenue stag e Steady Revenue O ther

Excellence, Innovation and Differentiation

9. What is yo ur pro duc t's Co mpetitive Differentiatio n? *

(Kindly s elect o ne o ptio n)

Please choose...

11. Are yo u us ing Deep T ec hno lo g y in T ec h S tac k o f the no minated pro duc t? * Ye s No

Excellence, Innovation & Differentiation Continued...

10 . Pleas e explain in brief the c o mpetitive differentiatio n o f yo ur o rg anis atio n. *

This is impo rtant fo r Jury to evaluate yo ur inno vatio n. Pleas e be precis e in yo ur explanatio n (No t mo re than 10 0 wo rds ) Pleas e explain the inno vatio n, key differentiating facto r and value it s hall create fo r he cus to mer in co mparis o n with the exis ting players /pro ducts .

Select the Deep T ech used * Artificial Intellig ence Automation / RPA B lo c kc hain Computer Vision O thers

Deep Learning Dro ne Immersive (AR/VR/MR) Io T

Machine Learning NLP Quantum Computing Ro b o tic s

Do yo u have any Intellectual Pro perty reg is tered fo r the no minatio n? * Ye s No

Speech Recog nition

Patent Information

If yo u s elected yes in previo us q ues tio n, then pleas e elabo rate o n the g iven o ptio ns *

How many patents have been g ranted to nominated product?

How many patents have been filed? (pending approval)

What percentag e of patents filed and g ranted are g lobal?

How many patent applications are you looking to file in next 12 months?

Business Insights

12. What is yo ur T o tal Addres s able Market? *

To tal addres s able market o r TAM refers to the to tal market demand fo r a pro duct o r s ervice. It's the maximum amo unt o f revenue a bus ines s can po s s ibly g enerate by s elling their pro duct o r s ervice in a s pecific market. To tal addres s able market is mo s t us eful fo r bus ines s es to o bjectively es timate a s pecific market's po tential fo r g ro wth. NOTE: Th e amo u n t is in USD

Please choose...

13. What is yo ur S ervic eable Available Market? *

Serviceable available market: Unles s yo u' re a mo no po ly, yo u mo s t likely can't capture the to tal addres s able market fo r yo ur pro duct o r s ervice. Even if yo u o nly have o ne co mpetito r, it wo uld s till be extremely difficult to co nvince an entire market to o nly buy yo ur pro duct o r s ervice. That's why it's crucial to meas ure yo ur s erviceable available market to determine ho w many co mpanies wo uld realis tically benefit fro m buying yo ur pro duct o r s ervice. NOTE: Th e amo u n t is in USD

Please choose...

14 . What is yo ur S ervic eable Obtainable Market? *

Serviceable Obtainable Market: Share o f market is the s iz e o f yo ur actual cus to mer bas e o r the realis tic percentag e o f yo ur s erviceable addres s able market that yo u can capture. This fig ure can help yo u predict the amo unt o f revenue yo u can actually g enerate within yo ur marke t. NOTE: Th e amo u n t is in USD

Please choose...


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