
?Week 3 home learning 4/5/20Hello everyone. We really hope you are well. It has been lovely to talk to some of you this week and we really do love to see your videos and photos as we miss you all. Remember you can upload them to J2E or email them across to either Mr Ross or myself. We hope you are continuing to discover new skills and be helpful and kind. We are also hoping that you can follow the guidance of learning well through this general timetable and then see it through TEAMs. Since we have been learning from home there are some good websites that have come out so we will be adding links that you may like to look into.Please note that now we have managed to put the word documents onto assignments as well as files. You will need to :look on the timetable below, for each dayGo to files and find the subject and day for your taskGo to assignment to find the document that you can write on (this should help us be able to feedback to you) Let’s hope this works!This week the country will be celebrating VE day on Friday. This will probably mean a lot more to you this year because we studied World War 2 and also because we are experiencing a very challenging time for the whole country. Your family may have planned some things to do but if not there are some ideas belowRemember you can start your day with the mindful minutes, with Mrs Higgins, on J2e. You can choose when to do this or do it more than once during the day. Enjoy this time9:009:05 -9:309:30 - 10:3010:30 10:4510:45 – 11:0511:05 – 12:0512:05 – 1:001:00 – 3:15MondayReading logs;- continue to record your reading Wake up and look out of the window. Take a few minutes to breathe in for 5 and out for 7. What can you see or hear that makes you smile?Registration SpellingSee below MathsWhite Rose home learningSummer week 3Lesson 1 in maths file fractions in today’s folderBreakReflection timeThought for all those who fought in WW2. Families waiting for their loved ones to come home EnglishCan I recognise the key features of a discursive text? (balanced argument)Lunchtime Guided reading See daily planScienceTopic Can I explore friction, air resistance and forces that occur within our worldPlease read the earthquake document first. Now you’ll know all about earthquakes and forces.This afternoon we’d like you to complete a series of experiments. E.G- make a parachute with different materials. Does that affect the speed?Now change the height (but keep the same material, Does that affect the speedNow change the size of material- What happens?You could test friction by using a toy car on different floor surfaces. Which ever experiment you choose, remember to keep it a fair test and to record your results.TuesdayHave the trees got any blossom on them? Is there a bird flying above your home?R.E Can I explore how Christians express their beliefs, identity and experience through symbols?See belowMaths White Rose home learningSummer week 3Lesson 2 in maths file fractions in today’s folder EnglishCan I innovate an opening paragraph?Can I plan for and against arguments?SPaGSee belowCollective worship- Please could you write your own prayer and share it with us. You could write one in line with current situation, VE day, for your family or something that is personal to you. TopicCan I explain tectonic plates and understand why volcanoes and earthquakes occur?Can I research different volcanoes and make comparisons and find similarities?WednesdayIs the sun shining or are you waiting for a rainbow to appear through the rain?Guided Reading See belowMaths White Rose home learningSummer week 3Lesson 3 in maths file fractions in today’s folderEnglish- Can I innovate paragraphs with a focus on ‘for and against’ arguments?SPaGSee belowTopic:Can I explain tectonic plates and understand why volcanoes and earthquakes occur?Can I research different volcanoes and make comparisons and find similarities?Thursday Sit for five minutes in silence. Practice our breathing 5 in 7 out. Feel your breathing change. Enjoy your day.Have you tried doing a Joe Wicks workout?Can you think of what you can do to be a helping hand today?GuidedReading See belowMaths White Rose home learningSummer week 3Lesson 4 in maths file fractions in today’s folderWorship through songWhy not have a bit of a sing with your family – choose your favourite hymns and teach them the words EnglishCan I innovate a concluding paragraph with a focus on a balanced argument?SPaGSee belowPSHE- Can I learn about the consequences of anti-social and aggressive behaviours. See below as there are some key questions. Mrs Holt has asked if we can focus on our handwriting. To do this she would like every class to:Write an invitation or formal letter to ask someone to join the VE celebrations. Look at the blog where Mrs Holt will post all the details.FridayJust have a little stop and think about all the families that have a key worker battling the virus to keep us safe. Now let us remember all those that fought the war and came homeMaths White Rose home learningSummer week 3Lesson 5 in maths file fractions in today’s folderVE dayVE dayLook at all the ideas below. You may have other ideas or your family may be doing things but these are there to add, if you wish to do some of them. We would love to see photos or videos of them.Additional activitiesTopic – VE day ideasLetter and invitation to someone to join in the celebrations – Mrs Holt has details on blogBake a cake and decorate it so that the decoration represents something to do with the victory Write a poem or lyrics for a song – compose your own music to accompany the songPlan a special, celebratory tea that might even include a recipe from wartime or rations. BBC food has some recipes but your parents may be able to help you find othersMake flags – you may even be able to be creative by using collage or fabricWrite a final scene of a play called ‘Coming home’ - you may want to write a whole play . You may have written it and acted it out so we can see it on video.You will also find a powerpoint in topic – go through it as it give some points to reflect on. You may learn more to add to all that you learnt in our recent topicGo onto this website and you can hear Churchill’s speech and the celebrations , punctuation and grammarEach week use the year 5/6 words list and work on 10 spellings. You need to know how to spell them and put them into a sentence or funny paragraph. See what you can sensibly make up to keep us all smiling. Keep going – you should be well on your way with this list nowMake a crossword using your 10 chosen year 5/6 words from the weekSPaGWe have put two sheets called SPaG 5 and SPaG 6 into a folder, each one has three sheets. The answer sheets are there too. Guided Reading?Please read every day. We would love to hear your recommendations to others. This is such a good opportunity to spend some really valuable, special time reading and extending your book list. Sharing that list will help us all walk into other creative worlds.?With your reading this week you will see in the guided reading file that there is an uploaded text and then associated questions either WT/ARE or GD. Please write your detailed answered, in full sentences , in your home learning book.Remember PEE)You may find that you have to use the zoom button to be able to read it carefully. Remember that when you answer the questions we need to see that you have used the evidence from the text and really explained why you have answered the question the way you have. We are looking for evidence that you really understand what the author is trying to convey.GUIDED READING YEAR 6Week commencing 4.5.20 See guided reading file in Summer week 3This week looks at language and meaning. MondayARE 1 and 2GD 1 and 2Tuesday ARE 3 and 4GD 3 and 4WednesdayARE 5 and 6GD 5 and 6Thursday ARE 7 and 8GD 7 and 8FridayI have included a few extra resources if you require them Amazon audible have allowed children to freely access stories online. They say that?“For as long as schools are closed, we're open. Starting today, kids everywhere can instantly stream an incredible collection of stories, including titles across six different languages, that will help them continue dreaming, learning, and just being kids.??All stories are free to stream on your desktop, laptop, phone or tablet.?“??? Please show your parents the link and choose age appropriate PSHEYear SixObjectives:To learn:About the consequences of anti-social and aggressive behavioursLearning Outcomes:The learner will be able to:Discuss the social and emotional impact of anti-social behaviours within school community/local community Explain or demonstrate steps they can take to be an active citizen in their school/local communityIdentify the impact on emotional health of aggressive behaviours in class/groups/wider communityIdentify people who can offer help and support to individuals and familiesDescribe or demonstrate steps that can help to defuse other people’s aggressive behaviour /manage their own anger and other strong emotionsIdentify when managing other people’s behaviour is beyond their ability and where and who to go to for help.Essential skills:Resolving conflictsAffirming self and othersPlanning and decidingKey Questions:What anti-social behaviours negatively impact on our school and local communities?How could we encourage someone who is using bullying, anti-social or discriminatory behaviour to make other choices?If a situation is beyond our control, to whom or where can we go for help?How do we feel about being active citizens?Additional Guidance:Use film/TV clips.Whole school ethos – assemblies, displays, parental support.Anti-Bullying week resources – available online.Contact support groups such as Child Line, NSPCC etc. for resources/guidance.R.EHow do people express their beliefs, identity and experiences using signs, symbols and the wider arts, e.g. art, buildings, dance, drama, music, painting, poetry, ritual, and story?Obviously due to the current situation we can’t complete visit the church, however we can study the church symbols. Task: Visit St Catherine’s church to discover Christian art work. Take photos of stained glass windows, crosses, gargoyles, angel shields etc. KQ: What do we think these were made for? Why? eg. gargoyles were used to ward off evil spirits, windows told a story, angel shields told of the character of the angel (eg. Michael as the protector with his sword), cross as a symbol of JesusTask- Can you design and create a stained-glass window that depicts our lockdown situation? ................

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