EDCI 301: Creative Activity

EDCI 301: Creative Activity Name: Zara TariqActivity Title: ConcentrationGrade(s): K-5Approximate Time of Activity:Activity Summary (Provide an overview of each major segment of the activity)This is a hand game that does not require a set amount of people. However, the more people that join the game, the more challenging and fun it becomes. Students sit in a circle with one hand facing down and one hand facing up. Students will clap the hands of the people sitting next to them and then clap their own hands three times..this is the only movement that will be going on during the activity. One person will lead the game by saying “Concentration (clap clap clap) 64 (clap clap clap) no repeats (clap clap clap) or hesitations (clap clap clap) I’ll go first (clap clap clap) and you’ll go next (clap clap clap) category is (clap clap clap) (the student will pick any category, ex: colors) Now whoever the student picked to go next (This is usually the person sitting next to them. The person knows this because the student should face them when saying “you’ll go next”) will name something from the selected category. Each student takes a turn (in order) but cannot hesitate to come up with an answer and cannot repeat something that someone already said. If a student repeats or hesitates, they are out. The game can start over with a new category at this time (or, if only 2-3 students have had a chance to name something, they can continue the game with the same category).Activity Objective(s)(Include the objective for creativity along with other objectives such as collaboration. Aim for 2-3 objectives) Students will work as a group to create and keep a consistent beat using their hands to clap the beatStudents will use quick and creative thinking by coming up with words to fit in different categoriesMaterials/Resources (Organize with headings ex: Instructional, Supplies, Technology)*Attach additional resources such as weblinks, images, handouts, music etc.This activity does not require any materials.Optional Activity VariationsThis could be made into a review activity for different subjects. For example, the game could be modified and one student could make up a problem (ex: 2+2) and the next student would have to give an answer, and so on. Then the roles would switch in the next round (those who made up a problem will give answers and those who gave answers will make up problems.Other modifications: social studies (name monuments, presidents, cities, states, countries) English (name adverbs, adjectives, etc.) Instructional SequenceApproximate TimeProcedureSet-upIntroductionCore ActivityClosure/ReflectionClean up1 minute1 minute5 minutes2 minutes1 minuteThe students will push their desks and chairs to the sides of the classroom so that they have enough space to sit in a circle on the floorThe teacher will explain (and demonstrate) the activity to the class:“Today we are going to play a hand game. Each of you should sit with one hand facing towards the floor and one hand facing towards the ceiling. One person will begin the game and as we get into it, the person beginning it will change. You will begin by clapping your hands with the people next to you…one time while your hands are positioned the way they are now. Then the hand that was facing up will face down, and vice versa. You will clap the hands of your neighbors again. Then, you will clap your own hands together three times. After that, clap your neighbors’ hands again. This will be the rhythm that you will repeat throughout the entire game. The lyrics for this game are ‘Concentration (clap clap clap) 64 (clap clap clap) no repeats (clap clap clap) or hesitations (clap clap clap) I’ll go first (clap clap clap) and you’ll go next (clap clap clap) (at this point, look at one of your neighbors so that they know they’re going to go next.) category is (clap clap clap) ______’ You will pick any category, such as animals, colors, numbers, really anything that comes to mind.” Now, the class will go in a circle and each student will name something that is related to the selected category. If you hesitate to come up with a word or if you repeat something that someone already said, you are out. At this point, the group can start over and come up with a new topic, or they can continue with the topic that they had started with.The teacher will monitor (or even join) the activity. He or she will make sure that students are not repeating or hesitating to come up with answers (the game is more fun when it’s continuously flowing). The teacher should also make sure that students are picking relevant and fair topics (ex: if there is a classroom of both boys and girls, it may not be fair if a girl picks the topic of make-up because the boys will probably be at a disadvantage, and the topic is not relevant to the class.)The teacher should ask the students the following questions: “Did you feel pressured to come up with words to match the category that was named?”“If you started the game, how did you pick the topic? Did you choose something you knew a lot about, something that interested you, etc.?”“Did you feel that this was a good way to review your knowledge, or was the game too fast-paced and difficult to keep up with?”Students will arrange the classroom to it’s original configuration. ................

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