Graham Cooke — Brilliant Perspectives

 51625500EPISODE 5: All Encompassing Peace We encourage you to listen to this word in your spirit several times. No notes… just listen… and listen again.Practice allowing the peace of God to rise up on the inside of you as God continues to recreate your understanding and expectation for times of devotion.Your God-given, creative imagination is a beautiful way to practice.“For me (Graham), calling up my peace is like pushing the button for the elevator. I wait in confident expectation for the doors to open, if not initially then eventually… because the elevator always comes.Peace is like that too. It’s always available because I know that my inner man is complete. Jesus as the Prince of Peace lives in me in fullness. I want to be connected to the fullness of Christ in me, not the pressure in my head. The spirit is meant to RENEW the mind, so I call it up to do that (Ephesians 4:23 & Colossians 3:2). God teaches us fullness incrementally. He comes to us and says, “All of My peace is yours and I’m going show you a new level of fullness in it.” The difference between doubt and faith is our experience of fullness.What makes it fullness is that peace comes fully into the circumstance and fills it completely, so we have a greater encounter of fullness and our capacity expands.If peace doesn’t rise up initially from my spirit to renew my heart and mind, I am fully confident that it will eventually. So, it’s a process that is full of expectation, delight and rest.” “For me (Allison), it’s like coming to a table to sit with Jesus and having a meal. It might be just for coffee if my peace needs to be only a little bit more — or a gourmet dinner may be in order.Sometimes, Jesus is waiting at the table for me. Sometimes, I wait in expectation for Him.Initially, when I arrived before He did, I would discover that I had brought leftovers with me: old bits of worry or uncertainty that cluttered up the table. I practiced pushing those aside to make room for the peace that I knew Jesus would bring. But who goes out for a fine dining experience and finds leftovers at the table? When Jesus got there first, there was never any debris to clear away. So, eventually my expectation became the same no matter who arrived first: This would be a gorgeous experience that would begin at a pristine, beautifully clean and set table - and it’s been that way for many years.For me, it’s always about seeing His face… those kind, smiling, loving eyes. That’s what brings me to peace every time. He holds my hand across the table until my heart is settled. Then, the food comes and we talk about what’s going on.”Those two scenarios are just our creative ways. You can borrow them if you like, change them or create your own with the Holy Spirit. There are no right or wrongs here......just an invitation to creatively be with God in any way that seems good to you and the Holy Spirit.Graham & Allison ................

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