OCR Document


Student’s Name Date of Birth School Grade

Parent/Guardian Phone (H) Phone (W) Phone (Cell)

Parent/Guardian Phone (H) Phone (W) Phone (Cell)

Emergency Contact Relationship Phone

Name of Physician Office Phone Number

What triggers your student's asthma attack? (Check all that apply)

|Illness |Cigarette or other smoke |Food _________________________ |Other |

|Emotions |Exercise |Weather changes |

|allergies |Cat |Dog |Dust |Mold |pollen |

Describe the symptoms your student experiences before or during an asthma episode: (Check all that apply)

( Cough ( “Tightness" in the chest ( Rubbing chin/neck

( Shortness of breath ( Breathing hard/fast ( Feeling tired/weak

( Wheezing ( Runny nose ( Other


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|The student’s asthma is: ( mild persistent ( moderate persistent ( severe persistent ( exercised induced |

|Peak Flow |

|Symptoms OR Monitoring |

|Treatment |

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|No cough or wheeze |

|Able to sleep through the night |

|Able to run and play |

|Usual medications control asthma |


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|> ____________ |

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|Relievers |

|How Much |

|When |

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|( Xopenex MDI |

|( With spacer |

|2 puffs 1 minute apart |

|every 4 hours pm |

|( 20 min before exercise |

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|( Albuterol, Proventil, or Ventolin MDI |

|( With spacer |

|2 puffs 1 minute apart |

|every 4 hours pm |

|( 20 min before exercise |

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|( Nebulizer treatment: |

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|Controller meds taken at home: |

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|Increased asthma symptoms (shortness of breath, cough. chest pain) |

|Wakes at night due to asthma |

|Unable to do usual activities |

|Needs reliever medications more often |

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|______ to ______ |

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|Give Albuterol/Xopenex as ordered. |

|( If symptoms worsens move to red zone. |

|( If no improvement after 20 minutes, repeat 2 puffs or nebulizer. |

|Call parent after second dose. Student to go home from school if no relief. |

|Move to red zone if student is in acute distress. |

|If student returns to Green Zone: |

|( Notify parent of incident. Student OK to return to class. |

|( No physical exercise ( Physical exercise, as tolerated |

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|Very short of breath., difficulty breathing |

|Constant cough |

|Reliever medications do not help |

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