Fiche grammaire

For, since, ago, while, during

Fiche grammaire

L'essentiel ? savoir pour le TOEIC

Lorsqu'ils ont le sens de `DEPUIS' : On utilise FOR + une dur?e, une p?riode de temps plus ou moins pr?cise (ten minutes, five hours, thirty-two years, a long time, ...)

I haven't taken an exam for so long. They've been on strike for 3 weeks. It's been snowing for a couple of hours.

On utilise SINCE + le point de d?part de l'action, le d?but de la p?riode consid?r?e (10:45, yesterday, last week, 2003, I was a child, ...).

I've been learning English since 2005. I've been feeling tired since I woke up. I haven't heard about them since we met in Barcelona.

AGO, quant ? lui, signifie simplement `il y a'. On l'utilise donc assez logiquement avec un past simple dans la mesure o? il fait r?f?rence ? une p?riode r?volue.

I took the TOEIC for the first time a couple of months ago. Your boss called fifteen minutes ago. I quit smoking four years ago.

WHILE signifie simplement `pendant que'. Il est donc suivi d'un groupe verbal.

I got the news while I was negociating the deal. You should receive the results of the test while you are on your way to Ireland. You shouldn't answer the phone while you're driving.

DURING signifie `pendant, durant'. Il est suivi d'un groupe nominal.

She promised she would train harder during her stay in London. They didn't stop staring at me during the lecture. I wonder why... He didn't stop boasting during the whole afternoon. I hope we never meet again!

For, since, ago, while, during

Copyright Eric Guntz ? Toute reproduction interdite sans le consentement de l'auteur


Exercices d'application

Exercice 1 ? Compl?tez les phrases suivantes ? l'aide soit de for, soit de since :

1. I've studied in this university .......... 2012. 2. We've been to the same place ......... I was a child. 3. Obviously, she hasn`t practiced .......... at least two weeks. 4. I've been trying to understand the difference between for and since .......... six years! 5. I haven't stopped sending you text messages .......... you left, actually. 6. Dinner's been served .......... almost an hour. Everything must be cold now! 7. I haven't taken the bus ......... my car broke down last November. 8. .......... he left the company, nothing has been the same anymore. 9. I'm lucky. I've had two pay hikes .......... I joined the firm. 10. The line's been busy ......... ten minutes. When will she hang up?

Exercice 2 ? Compl?tez les phrases suivantes ? l'aide soit de while, soit de during :

1. I met him .......... my stay in New-York. 2. He watched TV .......... the whole night. No wonder he's exhausted this morning! 3. They called again .......... I was commuting back from work. 4. .......... we're at it, what did you do with the file? 5. .......... the Second World War, a lot of horrible crimes were committed 6. Some say that the stars are easier to see .......... the night and at full moon. 7. The crisis only deepened .......... the last few years. 8. The accountant got his phone call .......... she was checking the figures. 9. The report will be issued ......... the second semester of this year. 10. I hate being disturbed .......... I'm doing this kind of exercise.

Exercice 4 ? Traduisez les phrases suivantes en anglais :

1. Je n'ai pas eu de ses nouvelles depuis deux ou trois ans. 2. Il s'est fait arr?ter pendant qu'il conduisait la voiture de son coll?gue. 3. Elle n'aime pas conduire pendant qu'il dort. 4. Il n'a pas cess? de m'appeler pendant toute la r?union. 5. Je le connais depuis mon enfance. Je sais que c'est un gars bien. 6. Je me sens tr?s fatigu?e depuis la fin de mon pr?avis. 7. Il est ?vident qu'il n'a pas travaill? depuis au moins quinze jours. 8. J'ai regard? le m?me film deux fois pendant le vol. Il n'y avait pas assez de choix. 9. Au fait, pendant qu'on en parle, est-ce que tu l'as revu r?cemment ou pas ? 10. J'ai vraiment eu du mal ? me concentrer pendant son discours hier.

For, since, ago, while, during

Copyright Eric Guntz ? Toute reproduction interdite sans le consentement de l'auteur



Exercice 1

1. since 2. since 3. for 4. for 5. since 6. for 7. since 8. Since 9. since 10. for

Exercice 2

1. during 2. during 3. while 4. While 5. Since 6. during 7. during 8. while 9. during 10. while

For, since, ago, while, during

Exercice 3

1. I haven't had his/her news for two or three years. 2. He got arrested while he was driving his colleague's car. 3. She doesn't like driving while he sleeps/he's sleeping. 4. He didn't stop calling me during the whole meeting. 5. I've known him since my childhood. I know he's a good guy. 6. I've been feeling very tired since the end of my notice. 7. Obviously, he hasn't worked for at least a fortnight/fifteen days. 8. I watched the same movie twice during the flight. There wasn't enough choice. 9. By the way, while we're at it, have you seen him again recently or not? 10. I really found it hard to concentrate/remain focused during his speech yesterday.

Copyright Eric Guntz ? Toute reproduction interdite sans le consentement de l'auteur



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